Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1100 Luck into 5 statues

Chapter 1100
Because Xuanyuan Huai was sitting in meditation, Gui Wujiu took a glimpse and suddenly saw the "weather" behind each other.

Xuanyuan Huai seems to be in a shadow, the invisible phantom is like a mountain, standing tall and straight, full of unbridled aura of dominance.Gui Wu blame himself is also in a wonderful atmosphere, as if he is independent of the infinite sea, with four dimensions and boundless, unfathomable, as if the sun and the moon rise and fall, all out of it.

Comparing the two, he is still better.

Gui Wugui suddenly realized this because of the advantage of "luck".

The fate of Gui and Xuan, through the ingenious management of Muna Island, can be said to be beyond the group, far better than those who have no such luck; There is not a small gap with it.Between the two, Gui Wujiu beat Xuanyuanhuai again.

But after being at an extremely high level, because one's own strength is already very strong, it is actually very difficult to use this to defeat the enemy.Not to mention the relationship between Gui and Xuan, even if Xuanyuanhuai faced Du Niansha, although Du Niansha's blessing of luck could be easily counteracted and suppressed, it was still very difficult to forge a victory based on this alone.

But the "Zixu Zhigua" is such a wonderful method, which breaks the situation where the two sides are competing with each other but guarding their own boundaries.Under the operation of this method, Gui Wugui's superior luck is realized in the probability of hexagrams, thus breaking the game in unexpected places.

At this time, Xuanyuan Huai temporarily avoided the sharp edge, and Gui Wujiu waited for a long time without any intention, and came to the place where the "four-leaf clover" hangs in vain.

Gui Wugui stretched out his hand to take it.

Just when he was about to touch the body of the treasure, bursts of strange light rippled, and the figure wavered for a while, and finally stabilized his appearance, still showing the appearance of "Xuanyuan Huai".

Blameless smiled.

He could already feel that the "Xuanyuan Huai" in front of him had weakened a little compared to the first time it appeared.

Without hesitation, pointing the fingertips to the void, a Kongyun Nianjian emerged and took shape, just like a long and narrow fish suddenly floating in a still lake, slowly chasing away, deep and quiet.

On the opposite side, "Xuanyuan Huai" greeted him with sword light.

The intersection of two supreme sword intents in the world is like broken images with chaotic lines on the surface of the water, which is difficult to determine.

After returning to silence, it is clear that Gui Wujiu's atmosphere is full, as if he is in a huge and abundant halo; while the atmosphere of "Xuanyuan Huai" has become more and more exhausted by three points.

The calculation of the thoughts in my heart is not bad, and the calendar is clear. After three moves, the winner will be determined.

The first sword...

The second sword...

The third sword...

The third sword is a natural sword. At this time, "Xuanyuan Huai" has already reached the scope of Gui Wujiu's beheading. Gui Wujiu did not hesitate to use the most primitive usage of Kongyun Nianjian - the curse of swinging objects Killing methods.

Sure enough, with this sword strike, the aura of "Xuanyuan Huai" was completely annihilated, leaving nothing at all.The surrounding area is empty, only the pure energy of Yu Kongyun's Nianjian sword is flowing around, like the sound of the tide on the seashore.

Gui Wugui reached for it.

The so-called "idea stays forever" naturally refers to the "unintentional reflection" in Mana Island that will last forever.This is the ultimate goal of countless superpowers, and its effectiveness is so amazing that it is almost terrifying.Even Gui Wujiu still has a few conjectures in his mind, which need to be confirmed.

Unexpectedly, the "four-leaf clover" suddenly disappeared almost as soon as the skin touched it, and the "Xuanyuan Huai" reappeared, still with a slightly weaker appearance than when it was at its peak.

Gui Wugui unleashed three swords again to kill him.

But Xuanyuan Huai reappeared again.

Repeat this seven times.

Gui Wugui frowned.

When Wan Qingming set up this opportunity, the composition was actually quite ingenious.

He set two conditions, not that if both conditions are met, the secret of this treasure will be revealed to the world; but as long as the first condition is met, you are qualified to "see" this opportunity, and understand Causality is primitive.

But at this time, it is "visible and intangible". When you really want to seize the opportunity, it will determine whether you meet the second condition.If you are not satisfied, not only will you not be able to get the opportunity, but he will also reflect the "reason".

So when Xuanyuan Huai took the treasure, it was Gui Wujiu that emerged; and when Gui Wujiu took the treasure, it was Xuanyuan Huai that emerged.To remind the two that they have not yet reached the condition of "invincible in one world".

The meaning of stirring cause and effect is clearly revealed.

But he obviously won.

That only means one thing - in the judgment of this portal and this treasure, the battle is not over.

Although Xuanyuan Huai lost a move, but it was not as expected by Gui Wujiu, and the defeat was unshakable.

Gui Wugui's gaze suddenly froze.

Slowly came ten feet away from Xuanyuan Huai's meditation and breathing adjustment, and waited quietly.

Luck, which is better than probability, can also be described as "victory without force".In this case, then win again, and it is to "win!"

In less than an hour, it passed in a blink of an eye.

Xuanyuan's bosom covers the body like a wonderful magic that stretches across the boundary and space, just like an illusion, melting in the invisible.

His appearance has also changed——

It became the image that emerged from the four-leaf clover, a combination of abstract lines and rural youth.

Gui Wugui suddenly realized in his heart.

This is the true form of Xuanyuan Huai.

Logically speaking, the Xuanyuan Huai in the form of abstract lines is ethereal and unfathomable; the Xuanyuan Huai in the image of a rural boy is closer to a real person.The combination of the two, if "neutralized" for a while, its atmosphere should be between the mysterious and the solid.

But at this moment, it is not the case.

This mixed form of Xuanyuan Huai is actually more "real", especially compared to the original image of the rural boy.

It turns out that Xuanyuan Huai, the image of the rural boy, is simple and honest, always smiling, and his level of down-to-earth is almost the same as that of a real person; but for outsiders, it is always difficult to empathize with him.But at this moment, Gui Wujiu seemed to have a feeling of "communication of mind and emotion" with Xuanyuan Huai, rushing towards him.

Xuanyuan Huai's mood at this time was not negative; it was extremely intense.

Under the Taoist realm, the difference between Xuanyuan Huai and "human beings" is completely indistinguishable; Wei Guiwugui now faces him with the transcendent state of mind, and still feels that there seems to be a subtle difference.

After a long time.

Gui Wugui said slowly: "Since Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan has spare strength, please show the means."

It is clear to see no blame.

Xuanyuan Huai really used mana to make up for the double blow from the "Zixu Zhigua", rather than recovering to the most perfect state for no reason.Then if he wants to compete with himself, what he must rely on is an extremely brilliant divine channel technique.

He even vaguely thought that this might be the real hole card bestowed by Mr. Mood.

Originally, Gui Wujiu thought that Xuanyuan Huai reshaped the Eight Swords and reproduced the appearance of the first ancestor of Chenyang, so he had the opinion of Mr. Mood for guidance.But at this moment, I recall Mr. Xinxin as a person. Although this person is a great power outside the territory, his actions are more pragmatic and specific.If you want to make Xuanyuan Huai better than yourself, the improvement of realm alone is not enough.

Based on this person's way of thinking, it is very likely that a specific "trick" will be left behind.

Xuanyuan Huai sighed suddenly, and said: "Using this technique, what is the difference between victory and invincibility?"

Before the words fell, he had already raised his sleeves.

There seemed to be an inexplicable mysterious vibration slightly, and another "Xuanyuan Huai" appeared on the left hand side of Xuanyuan Huai. It was still a mixture of an abstract shape and a rural boy, but it was slightly different from the current body.

I saw the two "Xuanyuan Huai" clasp their left and right palms together, and two faint shadows seemed to emerge.Gui Wujiu has sharp eyesight, and has already judged that it is Xuanyuan Huai's two original forms - the phantom of the country boy and the ethereal lines.

The two shadows intertwined for a while, and two more "Xuanyuan Huai" emerged.

Two in one life, four in two.

At the same time, an afterimage of each of the four "Xuanyuan Huai" separated out, took a step forward, and merged into one entity.Anyone who sees it will have confidence in his heart - this is Xuanyuan Huai's real "true body."

One real body, four incarnations, a total of five "Xuanyuan Huai", standing in a row.Although the appearances are slightly different, as far as "truth" is concerned, there is no difference at all.

Gui Wugui closed his eyes.

He had a premonition in his heart, this decision was definitely not the way of changing clones and winning with more as imagined.Among them, the most vivid and abundant are the laws that belong to the two laws of "time" and "spirit".

A "Xuanyuan Huai" fingertip sword flow spread, and stepped forward to challenge.

Gui Wugui takes the move.

Another "Xuanyuan Huai" shot.

It is blameless to resist.

The third "Xuanyuan Huai" drew out his sword.

Gui Wugui eliminated it with the "Kongyun Nianjian".


But the strange thing is that after "Return to Wugui" shot to meet the enemy, there seemed to be another "Return to Wugui" staying in place.After continuous splitting, even "Gui Wu Jiu" became five, one Gui Wu Jiu resisted one Xuanyuan Huai, and ten people fought as a group.

At this time, the brilliance in the small world suddenly brightened.

Restoring cleanliness.

Where are there ten blameless, Xuanyuan Huai?

It is clear that there is only one Gui Wugui and one Xuanyuan Huai, each with their eyes closed tightly, as if in a dream.

If there are bystanders who have experienced everything just now, they will be extremely horrified. I don't know which one of Gui and Xuan is playing the illusion?

It is indeed an illusion; it is not an illusion.

In an endless ocean, there are scattered rocks, islands like scattered stars, and purple air.A tall and straight young man with two swords on his back, and a luggage on his back, fought against a young man in white with long hair and shawl.

It's just that the magic power used is not magic power, but light-colored halos - but both of them are only in the realm of spirit form.

Outside a strange mountain gate, on the grassland, Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai were fighting fiercely.Dan evil is vertical and horizontal, and smoke and dust are billowing.

In a sealed small world, the breath rises and falls, sometimes thick and sometimes fine.Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai each actively used the most subtle means of Kongyun Nianjian and Chenyang Eight Swords to fight together.

In a bright ring shaped like a glazed sky, two extremely intense meanings that reverse subject and object interfere with each other, affecting hundreds of thousands of miles.

Above the blue sky, there is a faint galaxy, two stars flickering erratically, rippling with mighty power to shatter the stars from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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