Chapter 1101
The waves are turbulent, the purple air is floating, and there are countless large and small islands dotted all over, which is clearly the weather of the barren sea back then.

It's just that the details and colors of each island are completely different from those of the past.

Two escaping lights, running back and forth.

Xuanyuan Huai was chasing after him.

I saw him holding a golden long sword with four wavy blades, pointing in the air.

This sword covered the roof like a dome, and its power expanded in an unstoppable manner.If you want to block its momentum, the power will turn to gather from the center, attacking straight into the middle palace; if you want to be the center, the force will penetrate extremely quickly.

This is the actual combat method of the "Juejian" branch of Chenyang Eight Swords in front of the Golden Core Realm. Gui Wujiu once learned from Xuanyuan Huai's disciples during the Hongyun Xiaohui.But this sword was sent by Xuanyuan Huai personally, and the distance is more than a thousand miles away.

The biggest difference is that the moment the sword is struck, by virtue of Xuanyuan Huai's superior realm, when the opponent wants to get rid of it, he is actually already in the cage.And there is no longer an either-or relationship between points and surfaces.For those who are less meritorious, it is not only a sword to trap the enemy, but also a sword to destroy the enemy.

Gui Wujiu's eyes are sharp and his hands are quick, before the sword is really activated, his foot slipped, and his fingertips were blocked by three sword qi, and he jumped out at the very moment.

In the spirit form, it is difficult to compete with it.

At this time, Gui Wujiu knew in his heart that he was in a wonderful realm similar to the "real illusion". In addition to the current "self", there were four independent battlefields, each with a " No blame" and a "Xuanyuan Huai" fight.

From low to high, they are the five realms of Spirit Form, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Short Path, and Dao Realm.

Such a wonderful method is definitely not something that can be invented under the Dao realm.

As for the other four battlefield situations, although we can't know the specifics, we can feel the pros and cons in general.

The example is divided into five realms, waiting for Xuanyuan Huai's greatest advantage to be aroused.

Because Xuanyuan Huai Cong was in a perfect form when he came, and he upheld the realm and Taoist heart beyond perfection.But imputation is a process of gradual growth and catching up.Especially in the Spirit Formation Realm, when the gap between the two is the biggest.

Gui Wugui's hundred years of practice in the Spirit Form Realm, with the goal of consummation step by step, did not know the existence of the "above consummation" state; it was not until Hongyun Xiaohui, just before the golden elixir, that the realm was broken in one fell swoop.

In fact, in terms of combat power, the real Huanghai back then is not to blame, and compared with Xuanyuan Huai in the spirit form, he is not inferior.

Because even though Gui Wujiu's Daoist kung fu was in the spirit form back then, his demonic kung fu had already stepped into the golden elixir.In addition, relying on "Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium" to advance to the false "Jindan Realm", Gui Wujiu is beyond the reach of the second person.

But in this wonderful environment, Xu Shi's magic power was judged to be in the "Golden Core Realm", so he couldn't sense it at all.

As for Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium, Gui Wu Jiu sensed it, and it was still in his dantian.

Not only Yuan Yujinghu, but also those treasures that were closely related to him, such as Yulongdou, Xiaoran Yiyi, and the two swords of Mountains and Rivers, also completely exist.

But the problem is that although the magic weapon exists, there is no savings of foreign objects and sundries.Such as various kinds of elixir, secular gold and silver, pills and talismans, etc., are empty.Therefore, the resources needed to improve the combat power of Yuan Yu Jing Hu - the gold pills taken from the rest of the monks - are not available.

Gui Wugui only fought against Xuanyuan Huailue, and he knew that there was a certain gap in strength between the two sides, so he resolutely chose the method of wrestling.

Fortunately, the level of combat power in the Spirit Formation Realm was still low, and the gap was not as big as it was later.So it's nothing to blame for wandering around, using the familiarity of the terrain to persist for a while.

Another two flash fights, Gui Wugui's body suddenly fell and landed on an island.

At the same time, his spirit suddenly rose, and he really found a secret way.

Immediately without hesitation, he escaped into it.

Calculate the outcome of the situation.

If you take the mature form of each realm, then your Nascent Soul and Near Dao realms should be very close to Xuanyuan Huai, or you can win without losing.If I can beat him once, I can beat him a second time.

As for the spirit form realm, it has not yet fully grown up; at the Dao realm level, I am slightly inferior to Xuanyuan Huai in terms of Dao Xin comprehension in the Dao realm, and I am afraid that these two places are not as good.

As for the Golden Core Realm, there is still a gap between him and Xuanyuan Huai in terms of his real skills back then, but the key to victory or defeat does not lie in this.If it is not bad as expected, the possibility of getting what I want in that battlefield is very high.

In this way, there is no doubt that he will win.

The real problem is that Gui Wugui has a vague premonition in his heart:
In these five battlefields, it seems that it is not who wins three rounds, even if one wins in the end.


A wilderness beyond the mountain gate.

Looking at the mountain gates from a distance, the peaks are connected, surrounded by a circle, and the layout is extremely compact, vaguely resembling the style of the Yunzhong School; but all the mountain gates are gathered in one high and low, and the water flowing below forms a ring and divides into two to embrace, like a river. Zhonggudao is like the charm of Banshizong.

In the wilderness beyond the isolated island, the two rushed to fight in chaos.

The sword's light is vertical and horizontal, and it turns into thousands of shadows. It is Xuanyuan Huai's method in sequentially displaying the "Eight Swordsmanship".Although he has not been able to control the true flow of swordsmanship as easily as after the Nascent Soul Realm, but being able to display all the magic powers of the Chenyang Eight Swords without missing a beat is already terrifying.

Gui Wugui sometimes resisted with Yueheng Sect's supernatural powers, and sometimes resisted with self-invented Taoism. Dozens of back and forth.

Judging from the scene, Gui Wugui is still at an absolute disadvantage.

It turns out that from the spirit form realm to the golden elixir realm, although Gui Wugui experienced the achievement of the perfect golden elixir and gained merits through Doubian Yinzong's holy religion, his strength has greatly improved, and the gap between him and Xuanyuan Huai has been greatly narrowed. However, after rising to a level, the seemingly identical combat power gap between the top levels is magnified in actual combat.

So after coming and going, Gui Wugui still has obvious disadvantages.

But Gui Wujiu was completely unruffled at this time, with his eyes closed, as if he was only relying on instinct to meet the enemy.

Just when the situation was extremely dangerous and the three "killing swords" tangible sword energy was only three feet away from Gui Wujiu's forehead, Gui Wujiu's tall and straight body suddenly fixed, and he stabbed back with two fingers!
Kong Yun reads the sword.

This sword directly hit Xuanyuan Huai's body.

Xuanyuan Huai was about to attack, but suddenly realized that the killing power of the attack had reached an unimaginable level.This is not only the power of multiplication, it is no less than a hundred times and a thousand times, and there is also a profound difference in the fundamental level of Taoism.

Wanting to resist is tantamount to being a car with the arms of a mantis.

That being the case, Xuanyuan Huai blinked his eyes and simply gave up resistance.

Immediately, the terrifying killing power fell, and Xuanyuan Huai's body disappeared completely, leaving nothing behind.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

In this game in the golden core realm, the key to victory or defeat does not lie in the merits of the two.

There is a mystery to this.

In the spirit form realm, the cultivation base of the demonic path, which is blameless, has actually formed alchemy, but this part of mana does not exist at all.Because in the ruling of this law, that kind of power is not in the category of spirit form.Attributable to no blame, he immediately realized a problem——

The magic formula bestowed by the Great Demon Venerable Miaoguanzhi back then, the method of temporarily forming a fake baby, is it considered to be in the realm of Jindan, or the realm of Nascent Soul?
From a secular point of view, the heaven-defying method can teach a monk in the Golden Core Realm to have the combat power of the mid-Yuanying stage, so naturally it does not belong to the "Golden Core Realm".But after Gui Wujiu's eyesight gradually improved, he suddenly felt that although this method is extremely powerful, it is fundamentally different from real infant formation.

If Xuanyuan Huai's method of analyzing the five realms is clever enough, he should be able to use the method of "devil baby" in this realm.

During the fight just now, Gui Wujiu felt that the ray of power was indistinct, almost reaching the limit of being shielded and hidden.But Gui Wujiu pursued patiently, and still grasped the true face of this method in an instant, and successfully used it.

This victory is similar to the previous battle, which was won by relying on the "Zixu Zhigua", there is a certain element of luck.

Looking around, Gui Wugui frowned.

This realm between reality and illusion is still as cold as ever, without any fluctuations.

Gui Wugui didn't expect that after this victory, he could get away and go to support other battlefields.

The greatest possibility should be that this secret realm was broken, and the two sides returned to the main body with a ray of divine will, waiting for the results of the remaining four battles.But I didn't expect this situation to still be maintained.

Gui Wugui suddenly had something in his mind, and turned around to look.

I don't know when, more than a hundred feet behind me, there is already a gray statue, the stature of an ordinary person; if it is not Xuanyuan Huai, who is it?
After observing it for a long time, Gui Wugui realized that this statue is not completely dead, but is faintly connected with the outside world.

With a thought of Gui Wugui, another Kongyun Nianjian fell down.

Without the interference of others, Gui Wugui can easily use the power of "Magic Baby".Therefore, the strength of this sword is no less than the last sword that killed Xuanyuan Huai just now.

But when the sword fell, the sound of Qinglei rolled back and forth three times, but the statue was unscathed.

Gui Wujiu vaguely conjectured, closed his eyes, and carefully sensed and deduced.

About a quarter of an hour later, Gui Wujiu woke up from his slumber, with a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

Sure enough, there is a way.

Gui Wugui calculated clearly that if he was defeated by Xuanyuan Huai, there would not be a similar statue; if he lost, he would really lose.

But Xuanyuan Huai was defeated, but he could condense into one image, waiting for the opportunity.If "Xuanyuan Huai" wins in a certain battlefield, his aura can flow through continuously and revive the statue again.

Although the merits and deeds in the five realms are very different, ranging from the spirit form to the Tao realm.But at a higher level, there is no difference between the five realms, they are all equivalent to Xuanyuanhuai's "right body", so there will be no situation where Xuanyuanhuai in the spirit realm supports the battle of the Dao realm, which is useless and not enough .

After long deduction, as long as Xuanyuanhuai can win in one realm, he will definitely win; but Gui Wugui needs to win all five battles, and only by turning all five "Xuanyuanhuai" into statues can he win the final victory.

This is the true face of this law.

(End of this chapter)

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