Chapter 1202
A shadow, after spinning three times in the air, slowly descended.

Its shape and color are extremely delicate; when it is illusory, it seems to be a distortion caused by refraction through a mirror; when it reveals its real color, it seems to be ink floating in the air, distorted and condensed, like a strange portrait.When it was finally condensed to a still state, it was actually a human form.

This figure exists gracefully between the sky and the earth, as if it does not interfere with everything around it.

Only people with very good eyesight can know that the scene in front of them is clearly the image of the great power of the Dao realm when he is walking outside.It's just that it's not known whether it's the real body or the phantom body.

The real face of that slender figure is impressively that of an old man in his fifties or sixties, and there is not a trace of indifference in his calmness.

This person is none other than Wuhu Daoist, one of the four great masters of Yinzong.

At this moment, he was standing on the top of a lone mountain, as if he was waiting for something.

After about a hundred breaths, the surrounding weather changed again.

It is also a portrait of floating ink in the void, but the image of the visitor is much more eye-catching than that of Wuhu Daozun. In addition to the ink, sometimes there is a golden fire and a blazing sun, which is sharp and compelling.After his aura cooled slightly, he revealed the appearance of a woman, who was Daozun Hanzhen, the ancestor of the holy religion.

Daoist Hanzhen bowed indifferently, and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, I have been waiting for a long time."

Daoist Wuhu nodded, and said quietly: "If you want to be practical, you don't need to talk too much. It's important to settle the business quickly."

Daoist Hanzhen moved his eyes slightly and said, "Exactly."

It's just that the voice is a little heavy and quiet.

Taoist Wuhu thought for a while, and said: "It is very important for you and my two families to find out the truth about this matter earlier."

Daoist Hanzhen shook his head slightly, and said: "My sect Xiandao, Yingyuan and fellow Daoists all know that this matter has nothing to do with Yinzong. It's just that rumors are spreading all over the disciples, so we must be at ease to avoid delusions. float."

Daoist Wuhu nodded repeatedly and said, "That's exactly the reason."

The two reached out their hands and took out an object at the same time, about the length of a foot, with dense inscriptions.It is said to be a talisman, but it is much wider than an ordinary talisman.

The palms of the two were concentrated, and a shimmering scene appeared in front of them, like a mirror, or a lake pool that had shrunk a thousand times.The two "talismans" were slowly sinking into them.

Then it was clearly seen that there seemed to be a subtle connection between the two pools.Lines and pieces, like afterimages, gather and interweave, fill the gaps, and seem to be weaving into a pattern.

This is a very clever calculation method.

It is not uncommon for the Shengjiao and the Yinzong to have their own brilliant calculation methods; but the two perform it at the same time, which obviously has different meanings.

After the Liulitian War, it was just over a hundred years.

The entire world of Ziwei seems to be peaceful, and the two camps have never collided violently; but in fact, there are constant accidents and subtle events.Especially in the realm of local humane civilization, many sects known as "independent" and "impartial" have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and the speed is unimaginable.

It should be noted that for a sect to grow to a considerable scale, it is often accompanied by the journey of a Tianxuan master becoming enlightened, thousands of years before and after is considered extremely fast.

Today is an extraordinary world, and the situation in the Ziwei Great World is changing rapidly, which is certainly true; but the so-called drastic is in terms of the comparison of the strengths of the major forces.Whether it is the Yinzong, Shengjiao or Yaozu, none of them were born within these hundreds of years.

However, under the respective investigations of Shengjiao and Yinzong, it is really impossible to find out what force is behind this.

Until three months ago, a major event that shook the two major forces occurred.

The six Tianxuan Shangzhen of the Quanjin Taoist Sect of the Shengjiao, and the Sanli Shangzhen of the "Dingyuanmen" of the Yinzong, were killed by an unknown person.Those who died together also included thousands of monks from Quanjin Taoist Sect and eight followers of Sanli Shangzhen.

Quanjin Daozong is not far from Dingyuanmen, second only to Banshizong, and now it is one of the three places where Yinzong and Shengjiao are connected.

That day, it was Sanli Shangzhen who visited Quanjin Daozong for something, and suddenly encountered such a disaster.

Afterwards, I learned from many surviving disciples that before the accident, I seemed to see a very thin shadow slowly descending on the main hall of Quanjin Daozong.

With one's own strength, killing the seven Tianxuan Shangzhen, in fact, it may not be impossible for people of the same cultivation level - for example, the so-called "True Monarch" of the Nine Schools is much stronger than the Tianxuan Shangzhen of the local Taoism .

But the strange thing is that the superior monitoring circle in the holy religion failed to capture the slightest image of the person who came.

This is beyond the reach of any ability in the near-dao realm.

Therefore, it is very likely that the one who made the move was a Daoist.

Such an appalling event is naturally difficult to keep secret.

Only more than a month later, rumors gradually spread in the holy religion, saying that the one who did the attack was actually one of the four Daoist priests who robbed the Yinzong.The reason why Sanli Shangzhen of the Dingyuan Gate also died at the same time was because he already had no lifespan, so he was sacrificed to cover up people's eyes and ears.

Everyone who robs the Taoist priest knows the meaning of this statement.Because people rob Dao Zun and slaughter so severely, it is really a great taboo.If it is to kill an extremely valuable target, that's all. Those low-level monks who don't have much potential, their eyesight is not very useful in the Dao realm, and the killers will be karma.

It's just that it hurts people to say these truths, so it's not easy to say it publicly.

And at the level of Dao Realm, it is already the apex of a realm.

Even with the size of the Ziwei Great World, Dao Realm Powers are an extremely limited number. After careful inventory, no one has the motivation to do such a thing.

In fact, both the Yinzong and the Shengjiao suspected that a certain figure in the magic way did this.

But to show solemnity, the two families still sent out a Dao Realm Being to deduce the whole story together and give an explanation to their respective sects.

The infinitely fine ink essence gathered and filled, and after a while, the image was full of spirituality, and a human figure emerged.

Daoist Wuhu and Daoist Hanzheng looked at each other, with surprise in their eyes——

The characters on the picture scroll seem to be very vivid, but they feel very thin when you blink your eyes; it seems that this picture is not a "plane", but a three-dimensional space.This figure is either floating on the surface, or immersed in the depths, up and down indefinitely.

This is clearly the image in the picture, and it is a sign of Dao realm cultivation.

Is the person who made the move really a fellow Taoist?
But looking at this person's face, it is very strange, and he is not anyone with a name and surname in the world of Ziwei.

It's hard to describe his image and face as "handsome", but his facial features are extremely harmonious, and there is a one-inch-wide blue tie tied on his head.It's a bit strange to dress up like this when you have reached the level of Taoism.

What he was wearing was a very ordinary blue robe, and in the center of the green robe, a tadpole-like pattern was drawn with extremely concise brushstrokes.

To this day, in the world of Ziwei, is there any hidden Dao realm power?
"Are only two people here?"

Although the voice was not loud, it fell into the ears of Daoist Wuhu and Daoist Hanzhen like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

Turning around quickly, the person deduced from the image was standing behind him.

Daoist Wuhu calmed down instantly, and asked calmly, "Who is the sacred friend?"

The visitor smiled and said calmly, "You can call me Zuo Yi."

Left one...

Daoist Hanzhen frowned, this name is really weird, and it doesn't sound like his real name.

But she naturally wouldn't care about these details, and immediately asked: "Why do fellow Taoists want to attack my disciples? It's a loss of dignity."

A strange smile appeared on the left side, and said faintly: "Of course it is to lure the two of you here."

Daoist Hanzhen frowned when he heard the words.

Zuo Yi's words did not make sense.

If you want to find the same way of Taoism of Yinzong or Shengjiao, just come to the door directly.If you say that you are afraid of being outnumbered, there is no such reason, because the six priests of the holy religion and the four priests of the hidden sect do not always gather together to practice.

What's more, this person boasted as soon as they met, saying that "only two people came", obviously he was not afraid of one-to-many.

Unless it is here, there is something mysterious.

But this is the territory near Quanjin Daozong, and the Holy Cult is very familiar with this place, and there is really nothing strange about it.

Daoist Hanzhen said indifferently: "If Fellow Daoist doesn't give an explanation today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be kind..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that his left palms had already joined together.

A ball of brilliance, three points softer than fifteen moon lights, suddenly swelled and rose!

Zuo Yi was not afraid of one-on-two, and now he was the first to attack.

Daozun Hanzhen's body shone brightly.

This ray of light seems to be the appearance of gold and iron, which belongs to the very real "reality" category; but as this brilliance grows, one can vaguely see the rhythm of the seven emotions of Taoist Hanzhen, and the ups and downs of mind.

This can be regarded as the unique method she practiced.

Daoist Wuhu thought to himself, at this time, he had to temporarily help Hanzhen to take down the "Zuo Yi" whose origin is unknown.Unexpectedly, he and the Taoist priest of the Holy Church would join forces to meet the enemy one day.

When thinking about it, his hands are not slow at all.

A disc as tall as a person suddenly emerged from his palm.

The outer part of the disc has a clear outline of color and luster, but the middle part is unusually ethereal; it seems that there is an inexplicable force emanating from the disc, which is quite difficult to guard against.

The two mighty forces merged into one place.

Zuo Yi remained as calm as ever, with his sleeves rolled up, a series of extremely dense ripples emerged from his palm like tree rings, right in front of him.

The mighty power exerted by Daoist Wuhu and Taoist Hanzhen condensed into a solid body, like a water polo, hitting the "ripple" head-on.

The disc-shaped "ripple" immediately sank in the direction of the left one.

Daoist Hanzhen raised his eyebrows.

This "first from the left" speaks loudly, but his performance is no more than that.Although it is one enemy and two, if she were to change places, she would not appear to be exhausted so quickly. Presumably, a certain Tianxuan Shangzhen hidden in the depths of Ziwei's world had an unexpected opportunity to break through , I don't know how big the world is.

But what happened next made Daoist Hanzhen immediately take back this thought——

Although the "ripples" are sunken, they have not been broken; instead, they are like a piece of dough, wrapping the supernatural powers performed by Taoist Hanzhen and Taoist Wuhu as fillings, forming a brightly colored sphere, and then Give it a hard shake!
It was actually combining the power of the three of them.

And the magic power of the three of them reached an extremely ingenious cooperation.

Zuo Yi laughed loudly and said: "Although the mana power of the two is insignificant, but there is nothing to be done about it."

Daoist Hanzhen's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because she felt that after the three people's mana combined, they fell into the void, into a thing...

At this time, "Left One" made another move and pushed forward, another "ripple" was produced.

This style is his real counterattack.

Daoist Hanzhen and Daoist Wuhu changed their expressions.

You can only feel it when facing the enemy head-on. The mighty power contained in this seemingly inconspicuous ripple image can almost destroy a world of heaven.Even if the two join forces, it is far from enough!

The two retreated quickly!

A phantom appeared behind them, and a crack appeared in each of them.

Obviously, the usual method of escaping is doomed to be useless, and the two of them did not hesitate to use the method of demarcating boundaries and breaking through the sky.

Fortunately, that "first from the left" seemed to be only trying to force the two of them back, and did not try to pursue them.

At the moment when Daoist Hanzhen and Daoist Wuhu fled away, I vaguely saw something was uprooted by that person and put into his pocket...

(End of this chapter)

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