Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1203 The Change of the Elbow and Armpit 1 Son and 6 Families

Chapter 1203 The Change of the Elbow and Armpit One Son and Six Families

You Huanzong.

The head of Dongfang Wanqing took the seat and acted as the host.The rest were Xue Jianchi, Ning Zhongliu, Yuan Ying, Si Xiye, Hai Pinghe and other seven or eight real monarchs who attended the meeting.

There is also a rare guest, Taoist Yinzong Xuxian.

Since Qin Menglin tried to do the divination more than a hundred years ago, the four sects have been paying close attention to the results of the evolution of the situation, meeting once every time there is a change.In the beginning, the four true masters took turns; after the Dongfang sect head left the customs, Dongfang Wanqing has been in charge.

Those who meet each other are not empty talk, more importantly, the events that happened are refined into a "cause of calculation" through the secret method of the Youhuan sect.It can also be used after Gui Wugui leaves the customs in the future, or after Qin Menglin enters the Dao Realm.

The general situation was not as expected.

Although the weird trend of thought in the four sects was not explicitly prohibited, under the secret control and guidance of the true kings, it could not cause a big storm.As for Chen Yang and other sects, the control is naturally stricter.

Relatively relaxed, it is the side of the local Taoism that may breed uncertain factors.

Whenever there is news from the other end of Yinzong that there is a sect under the banner of so-called "independence" and "only me", there will be a gathering here to condense the cause.

But today's meeting is different from usual.

The eight true monarchs surrounded a formation and practiced for a long time.

In the array, a figure that looked like a living person gradually disintegrated and dispersed, and finally turned into an irregular shape of thousands of ink dots, condensed on one scroll.

Xue Jianchi raised his hand.

A drop of water suddenly appeared in the shape of a seal, and lightly landed on the center of the picture scroll, leaving a red and a yellow staggered mark.Immediately, the scroll was closed and fell into the sleeve of the head of the East.

Hai Zhenjun let out a sigh of relief.

Yuan Ying said: "If the head of Dongfang can deduce the origin of this person, that would be great."

Dongfang Wanqing said calmly, "I'm afraid it won't be easy."

The figure on the picture scroll, although peaceful in appearance, wore a one-inch-wide blue turban on his head, looking indescribably strange.

A few days ago, a major event that caused a sensation in the world of Ziwei happened.

In Quanjin Daozong, the ancestral court of the holy religion, a mysterious Daoist existence suddenly appeared, and easily defeated the Yinzong Wuhu Taoist and the holy religion Hanzhen Taoist together.

And that's not the most shocking.

What is really incredible is that he cleverly borrowed the power of the two Taoist priests of Shengjiao and Yinzong to take away the "yin and yang cave" between the ancestors of Shengjiao and Quanjin Daozong in one go!

As soon as this incident happened, all the existences in the Dao realm and near Dao realm in Ziwei Great World were shocked by it.

It should be noted that Daoist Yingyuan's method of picking and laying out the "yin and yang hole in the sky" is one of the two pillars of the holy religion, and it is also the basis for the rapid expansion of the holy religion for more than [-] years.

Once this object falls, it will become one with the sky and the earth, and it can almost be said to be part of the "space"; I have never heard of the fact that this object can be easily destroyed.This is the consensus of the local civilization and the Nine Schools.If the Yin and Yang cave can be easily destroyed, then the stable rule of the Holy Family will be out of the question.

It is an anecdote that an uninvited guest actually pulled out the teeth of this thing.

Xue Jianchi hesitated for a moment, and said, "With Dongfang's way of doing things, can this be done?"

This question is a bit direct.

But with the friendship of these few families, there is no need to shy away from it.

The head of Dongfang pondered for a while, and said: "If you put a perfectly intact Yin and Yang cave, no one in the Ziwei world can do it. However, I have seen the teleportation arrays of the two major sequences of Yinzong and Shengjiao. The Daozong one seems to be slightly flawed."

Hai Zhenjun seemed a little impatient, and immediately said: "Then the meaning of Dongfang sect is..."

Dongfang Wanqing said: "As far as that one is concerned, apart from Daoist Ying Yuan himself, the four celestial beings of the Nine Sects plus the Eight Sacrificial Witches of the Witch Dao and the Yin-Yang Dao Master of the Yin-Yang Dao can roughly do it. Other than that , even if it is the Taoist priest of the holy religion, I am afraid it will be a little short."

When Zhuzhen heard the words, he was greatly shocked.

Could it be that in the Ziwei Great World, there is really a top Taoist power hidden?
In fact, what Dongfang Wanqing didn't say was that even if she herself or Ji Cangsheng, Zhu Yongchen and others made the move, even if it could be done, it must be carefully arranged, not as calm as that mysterious person's actions.

At this moment, a burst of light and shadow floated in front of him, revealing three people.

Huang Zhenjun of Youhuan Sect.

The head of Yueheng Sect Nangong and Liang Zhenjun arrived together.

Zhu Zhen and the head of Dongfang all looked concentrating.

Obviously, Zhenjun Huang is just an accompanying person; the host and guest are the two Zhenjuns of the Yueheng Sect, visiting together.

Looking at the expressions of the three people, one knows that something big has happened.

The head of Nangong didn't say hello to all of you, and said straight to the point: "There are no surprises in the world. The big event that happened in Yinzong and Shengjiao the day before yesterday was found on my Yuehengzong."

Xue Jianchi, Yuan Ying and others looked at each other when they heard the words.

The "big event" at Nangong Zhang's gate is obviously what everyone here is talking about - the mysterious Taoist master defeated two comrades and took away the yin and yang cave.

But how did this matter get involved with Yue Hengzong?

As soon as Liang Zhenjun stretched out his hand, the energy in his palm manifested, and a picture scroll emerged.

Above the vast sea, there is faint purple air.A faint and stalwart portal looms above the sea and sky, which is very spectacular.

All of you were stunned when you first saw it——

This is clearly the cave of yin and yang that was taken away; unexpectedly, it was placed in the barren sea.I just don't know where the exit on the other end is?
The head of Nangong said slowly: "The person who practiced the method is near the gate. It's just that this person is considered to be a Daoist, and it's not convenient for us to watch it nearby. This scene is reflected by the power of the enchantment circle. And get it."

Sect Master Dongfang's gaze moved slightly, and he said: "I will go to see what happened with fellow Taoist Xu Xian, Sect Master Nangong, and Sect Master Xue."

Ning Zhenjun was thoughtful, and said: "I'm afraid that the other comrades are also going here."


Not long after, Dongfang Wanqing, Xu Xian, Headmaster Xue, and Headmaster Nangong appeared in the barren sea.

Standing a hundred miles away from the gate, watching from afar.

Inside the portal, a person was vaguely seen.

But he didn't hide in it and didn't want to see people, but he seemed to be using some means.

Dongfang Wanqing thought for a while, but she didn't disturb her, she just waited quietly.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the person in the Yin-Yang Cave didn't come out, but two phantoms suddenly appeared under the barren sea behind him.Even though the eyes have not yet seen the face of the person coming, but as long as he senses the aura vaguely, he immediately knows that the person coming is an extraordinary figure in the world of Ziwei.

If you look carefully, one of them is Daoist Yingyuan of Shengjiao; the other is the Lord of Yin and Yang.

Daoist Ying Yuan's face was as gloomy as water.

Xiandao and Yingyuan were old acquaintances with the Lord of Yin and Yang.It's just that after "Ruan Wenqin" expressed his position back then, there was still a thread of personal friendship between the two sides, but the choice of path was completely different, and it was an enemy rather than a friend.Since then, the two parties have not communicated.

But today the matter was urgent, and after sensing the whereabouts of the stolen "Yin-Yang Cave", Daoist Ying Yuan contacted the Lord of Yin-Yang again—because the exit of the Yin-Yang Cave happened to be located at the largest place in the Ziwei Great World. Tiansheng Dongtian - the southeast exit of Sansheng Yinyang Dongtian.

It is most convenient to come from the secret place of Yin and Yang.

The head of Dongfang and others nodded with Ying Yuanwei, and it was regarded as a greeting.

Although the two sides were enemies in the past, at this moment, it is obvious that they have no intention of fighting each other.

Daoist Ying Yuan was not very patient, and shouted loudly: "Where is Zuo Yi?"

As soon as this sound came out, the waves on the barren sea surged more than a hundred feet high, the rain was violent and the wind was violent, and the purple air was floating.

After a few breaths, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at his face, it is the "first from the left".

Left one looked around and said with a smile: "Four Daoists. And three of them are the top figures in the world of Ziwei today. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Before Ying Yuan could speak, the head of Nangong had already said: "As the saying goes, how can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch. Fellow Daoists kept quiet and placed this thing on the side of our Yueheng Sect's formation gate. I don't know what you want for?"

He was afraid that Daoist Ying Yuan would start a fight with this person if he disagreed with him, so we are still in the fog and know little about it.Therefore, it is simply the first to raise the topic and test the truth.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Yi was so excited when the head of Nangong said this, he raised his sleeves and said loudly: "Zuo has been observing for a long time, thinking that this place is a treasured land of geomantic omen in the world of Ziwei."

"Back then, Yinzong and Gui Wujiu were able to expand their influence in the local Taoism so quickly, so they relied heavily on this 'Three Lives Yin and Yang Cave'. Now everyone knows that this land of barren seas is the home of the Three Lives Yin and Yang Cave The southeast entrance is known as the Antarctic Sky."

"The northern entrance leads to the ancestral land of Wu Dao, which is known as the Arctic Heaven; the eastern entrance leads to the ancestral land of Yin and Yang Dao, known as the Eastern Extreme Heaven. Now there are giants stationed in both the North Pole and the Eastern Pole, but the Antarctic Sky is a vast sea. There is a career to be established. It is because of a certain moment that I decided to establish a sect here. In the future, I can keep pace with the Yin-Yang Dao and Wu Dao."

When Zhu Zhen heard this, he frowned greatly.

Daoist Xu Xian said: "It's just that the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven portal set up here by fellow Taoists leads to where?"

Zuo Yi smiled and said: "Your Excellency is Xu Xian Taoist friend who has recently broken through Yinzong. It seems that you are not familiar with the geography of the southeast."

"From then on to the west, across the Three Continents and the Suihe River, is one of the four branches of the Luoquan Sect, one of the four major demon sects. Cultivator activities. Zuo Mou meant that although the two sides are not far away, the Yin-Yang Dao and the Wu Dao are within one step, and the Devil Dao cannot be left behind."

"The other end of this yin and yang cave is the rudder of the Luoquan sect."

Zuo Yi was suddenly excited, and said with a long smile: "Take the Yin-Yang Cave and Heaven between the Yinzong and the Holy Cult, and place it on the side of Yueheng and the bank of Luoquan, and connect the two schools of Yin-Yang Dao and Wu Dao. Open the door, and the world will shake."

"When I entered the game, one son shocked six families."

"Wouldn't it be nice!"

Daoist Ying Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, his fingertips flickered, and he was already attacking.

(End of this chapter)

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