Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1204 A three-year contract

Chapter 1204 A Three-Year Agreement
Daoist Ying Yuan moved, and immediately an invisible, ethereal, thin and thin snake with a length of about a foot suddenly appeared in front of him.

Immediately, the little snake turned into ten, ten into hundreds, and hundreds of millions. It seemed to reproduce extremely fast, and it filled the air in a short while. Under the light of the sky, it was dazzling.

This move, even Dongfang Wanqing and Yin Yang Dao masters, can't help but secretly praise it.

What Daoist Ying Yuan used was obviously the supernatural power of space.

This kind of supernatural powers such as space distortion, depression, shattering, and many other deformations, once applied to the body, are actually extremely powerful.However, these methods are often used more for defense, assistance and escape in actual combat, and are rarely used as the main attack.

Because although the power of this method is strong, the speed of operation is a bit slow.

However, Daoist Ying Yuan's hand has reached the state of being elusive, even though the absolute speed is still not as good as the Light and Shadow Qi Sword, but its subtlety and mystery can bring great pressure to the opponent.

For this move alone, one has to be taught to deal with it with [-]% energy.

Once this move is made, it is enough to verify the quality of the "Left One" in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Yi's way of coping was far beyond the expectations of Dongfang Wanqing, Yin Yang Taoist, and Xu Xian Taoist—but he stood still and only shook his arms!Looking around, it seems that there are extremely subtle stars and stars surrounding it; but when you look closely, there seems to be nothing.

This is clearly a method of swaying energy and hardening with the physical body!
Those little snakes that appeared as "Space Distortion Elephants" heard a crackling sound when they got close.After only a few breaths, Zuo Yi's body was covered with a gloomy and gloomy feeling.I don't know if it was successful or not.

After a few more breaths, the sense of seclusion was completely connected, as if Zuo Yi had been sealed into the ruins of the space, becoming an "ice crystal".

Daoist Ying Yuan did not feel the joy of success in one fell swoop, his eyes wandered, floating up and down on this "ice crystal".

Zuo Yi suddenly closed his palms together and laughed.

The ice crystals around him and the obscurity around him were swept away.

He only listened to Zuo Yi's words and said, "Fellow Daoist Ying Yuan, you should know that I'm not trying to show off your spatial supernatural powers with my physical body. Between you and me, the victory has already been decided."

Daoist Ying Yuan looked gloomy, but he did not refute.

Dongfang Wanqing and Taoist Yin Yang thought about it for a while, and they understood the meaning.

The space method just now should indeed be the method used by Daoist Ying Yuan to suppress the bottom of the box; but the method should be continuous, not just this method.

Because Ying Yuan's supernatural powers are far superior to ordinary methods in terms of power, but after all, they have not reached the pinnacle of agility when they are in operation.Therefore, after restraining the enemy with the tyrannical power of this style, there must be a steady stream of followers behind.

And Zuo Yi didn't advance or retreat, dodge, or dismantle moves, but only used his own toughness to fight hard.That is tantamount to telling Daoist Ying Yuan that your technique has been cut off from the source.

Daoist Ying Yuan turned his gaze to Dongfang Wanqing and Taoist Yin Yang.

The nine sects of Zhuzhen also communicate with each other by their expressions.

It seems that it must be done.

This is not in solidarity with Daoist Ying Yuan; on the banks of the Nine Sects, in an inch of land outside the continental formation, it is unbearable to have an extra sect established by a powerful Daoist.

Dongfang Wanqing thought secretly.

If you challenge yourself independently, I'm afraid you will have to use that method.

The Yin-Yang Daoist suddenly said: "I have been away from the world for a long time. Although I have nothing to worry about, in fact, all the characters in the Ziwei Great World are reflected in me, so there is nothing new about it. The Zuo Dao friend turned out to be born, But it made me feel happy when I saw it.”

Zuo Yi smiled slightly, and said: "It's a great honor for the master of Yin-Yang to challenge. Wu Dao occupies the North Pole, and Yin-Yang Dao occupies the East. If I want to occupy the South Pole and become a rival with the two schools, there will be people who will not accept it. In fact, no matter whether the Yin-Yang Daoist is interested or not, Zuo is going to challenge the two giants of the world."

Dongfang Wanqing felt relieved.

The master of Yin-Yang Taoism is slightly less precise than himself in his theory of meritorious deeds; but his scale is strong, his background is rich, his methods are strange, and his knowledge and knowledge are all superior to his own.It would be perfect for him to challenge first.Immediately, he sent a voice transmission from the divine will to express his gratitude.

The Yin-Yang Daoist's breath condensed, as if the picture was gradually becoming real, he said indifferently: "Please."

It was Zuo Yi who shot first.

Zuo Yi suddenly shook his head, and changed the topic: "Although Zuo is very willing to fight with the Yin-Yang Taoist master, but at this time, he has not got the right time and the right way."

The Yin-Yang Daoist's expression remained unchanged, and he said quietly: "If you refuse to accept the one-on-one challenge, we will have to work together to expel you. You can't blame others for this."

Zuo Yi smiled lightly, seemingly unafraid.

With a flash of stature, he was already hidden in the "Yin Yang Cave".

But its form is still visible, and its sound is still audible.

A mighty voice came out from the Yin-Yang Cave: "I wonder if this method can enter your Dharma eyes?"

"This method is called Whole Body Entry!"

Then you can see that the body on the left is condensed, and the stars are dancing, as if there is nothing.

It is indeed the method to deal with Daoist Ying Yuan's indestructible body-fixing essence just now.

But different from the method just performed, Zuo Yi didn't seem to use his "true body" to perform this method, but his body and the Yin-Yang cave were connected together to perform this method together!

His Taoism seems to be very compatible with "Yin Yang Cave".At this time, the appearance of the law is displayed, as if wearing a strange armor, and the door of the yin and yang cave is also closed.Dongfang Wanqing and Taoist Yin-Yang had drawn up several methods against his "indestructible body" in advance, but they were immediately useless!
This is indeed a strange method that has never been seen before in the Dao realm of Ziwei Great World.

Although it is difficult for Zuo Yi to fight back in this situation, even if he is defeated by the crowd, he will not be able to do anything to him, this is certain.

Unless you show the attitude you used to deal with the lower realms of the monster ancestors, and bring the treasures of the various clans to bombard them.But the current situation seems to have not yet developed to that point.

Zhuzhen realizes it by himself.

In fact, the land boundary on the left is clearly another entrance to the Yin and Yang Cave of the Three Lives.As for the transferred Yin-Yang Cave, the use of linking magic is only second, and more importantly, it is equivalent to the left one's protective array.

Zuoyi was within the Yin-Yang Cave, and suddenly said: "Everyone, please take a look."

It can be seen that a pattern that originally appeared on the wall of the Yin-Yang Dongtian Cave suddenly enlarged and appeared outside——

A huge human form, independent of heaven and earth.

This person is naturally the one on the left.

The "Left One" Faxiang was extremely majestic at this time, but he raised his right hand high, and his voice resounded thousands of miles: "I am standing in the barren sea, and I have established a sect of "Zhongji". If you don’t join the hidden sect of the Holy Religion; don’t join the shamanism, the Yin-Yang Dao; don’t join the Nine Schools, the Demon School, or the Taoism of other monster clans, you can enter our sect.”

Daoist Ying Yuan's complexion changed abruptly.

The transmission of mirror images in the Yin-Yang Cave of the Sacred Religion is interoperable. Although this Yin-Yang Cave has been taken away, the power of mirror rotation in it has not been destroyed.It is really a great irony for this Zuo Yi to use this to teach the teachings and spread them all over the world.

Taking a step to the left, he escaped from the yin and yang cave, and said with a smile: "Everyone, relax. The scene just now is just a demonstration."

Daoist Xu Xian pondered: "The meaning of fellow Taoist is..."

Zuo Yi said calmly: "I intend to establish a Taoist biography in the wild sea, which is different from the existing sects in the Ziwei Great World. I know that you will definitely not accept it. It would not be beautiful to harass you the next day. But if I insist on If I don't go, I will sit in the cave of Yin and Yang with the method of 'entering the whole body', and you will have nothing to do with me."

"It's better to be happy and set up a charter than to be so inconvenient to communicate with each other."

"With a limit of three years, no matter which faction in the Ziwei Great World, colleagues from any force can come to challenge, and Zuo will not refuse. But after three years, if no one wins, then this barren sea will be my dojo, everyone It is not allowed to interfere by any means, nor is it allowed to interfere with the "Zhongji Gate" established by the monks in the Ziwei Great World who believe in and go to him. I don't know what you think?"

Dongfang Wanqing, Taoist Yin Yang and the others changed their expressions when they heard the words.

If it were hundreds or thousands of years ago, Zuo Yi's words may not be very convincing.Because of the mere three-year period, there may not be many people who can respond, and even the news may not be able to reach far.But now the various teleportation formations of the Holy Cult, Yinzong, Yinyang Dao, and various monster races are connected as one. As long as they are willing, within three years, it is enough for great supernatural beings at any position in the Ziwei Great World to come and challenge.

For a period of three years, there is indeed the ambition of one person against one world.

The situation is such that it seems that it has to be accepted.


In fact, at this moment, there is still one person who is watching every move that takes place here.

That is under the barren sea, within the enchantment circle, trying to use the "new method" to break through the real body of Gui Wugui.

At this time, Gui Wujiu's avatar was more than three feet high, and Qing Wei could not stop flickering. Even if he was able to see it, he didn't dare to say whether it was "fog phase" or "truth phase" .

Other people's breakthroughs are all in a state of sedation; Gui Wugui seems to be a unique "hermit" who can walk left and right at will; sometimes looks far away.As early as [-] years ago, Gui Wujiu confirmed that he had a perfect grasp of the changes in his body's aura, and he was able to move freely.

He is paying attention to every move of "Three Lives Yin Yang Cave Exit".

The barren sea is extremely vast, and the location of Gui Wu Jiu's practice is very far away, so Gui Wu Jiu cannot directly observe it with his eyes.It's just that the Yin-Yang cave exit is also extremely important in Gui Wujiu's mind, so Gui Wujiu has already arranged a means - the carefully sealed "Kongyun Nianjian" supernatural entity, attached to the grass, trees and fish.

If you have a sense of mind, you will know it naturally.

At this time, it happened to be three years since he broke through the border and left the customs.

Because after all, they are far away, although the heart sword sense is good, after all, it is better to observe directly at a close distance.Therefore, even if there is no blame, it is absolutely impossible to understand the roots of "Left One".

There is only one thing that I am very sure of—after I returned from Mona Island for the first time, the "Ziwei Great World Picture Scroll" in my consciousness must be extremely accurate.Under his guidance, he really pulled out the last remaining "hidden sects".

Nothing is missing.

Therefore, this "first from the left" must not be someone who cannot be hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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