Chapter 1205

Although the Yin-Yang Taoist once had a chance to pass by the Yueheng Sect, and finally accepted Qin Menglin as his disciple, but he never came to Yueheng as a guest.

Today is the first time.

And the "guest" this time is not a false story, but sitting in Yueheng with Dongfang Wanqing, operating the investigation method based on the "internal and external barriers", and it has been half a month so far.

The Lord of Yin and Yang is a person with a long-term vision, so he naturally knows that this is a "scheming" situation-this "Left One" is going to use these three years to gradually build up his power and become a big trend.But since he has the courage to fight against the world, others have to accept it.

This is not just a matter of Yue Heng and other sects. If it really forms a situation where the "three lives and yin and yang caves into the sky" are "three feet together", he or the eight priests will definitely have a fight with this person.

However, since the time limit is limited, Taoist Yin Yang and Dongfang Wanqing are not in a hurry to get off the stage first - it is obvious that Shengjiao is much more anxious about this matter than Yue Hengzong, and there is no need to worry about no one to fight.That being the case, taking advantage of the convenience of the Yueheng Zong, collecting the seeds of calculation, deducing the pros and cons of supernatural powers, and knowing ourselves and the enemy as much as possible, is also due.

After the Yueheng sect's internal and external barriers are added with the power of "containing cause and effect", the objects that are collected and carried are not other things, but the body of the "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram".

At this time, the Supreme Treasure of Yueheng was transferred to the Zhenchuan Daoist. In addition to the Taoist Lord Yinyang and Dongfang Wanqing, the four sects of Zhenjun often came to observe it, and felt that it would be of great benefit to the improvement of martial arts.

For example, seven or eight true monarchs from various sects, including Xue Jianchi, head of the Youhuan Sect, are here to watch.

"True Figure of Psychic Manifestation" reflects the scenery in every detail.

It can be clearly seen that at this moment the "first from the left" is sitting peacefully in the yin and yang cave.

At the same time, under the "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Map", there seems to be a drizzle, and the figures reflected in the picture are split into countless small monochrome water droplets, and then merged into the square map.This is the means used by Taoist Yin Yang and Dongfang Wanqing in cooperation.

But after gathering like this for a long time, there is nothing more than a very faint dot on the formation map.

If there is no situation where the two are fighting each other, the efficiency of accumulating calculation seeds by simply observing the photos of people is naturally not high.

I do not know how long it has been.

Dongfang Wanqing looked up.

As if they had a feeling, all the true kings looked at each other at the same time, and then there was a difference in their hearts—he was the first person to come to challenge him?

Emerging in the "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram", it is indeed Zhu Yongchen, the Tianzun of Chenyang Sword Mountain.

But after thinking about it, it didn't seem surprising.

Due to well-known reasons, Chenyang Jianshan is more sensitive to the theory of "independence" and "selfishness" than the Yueheng sects, and the control is stricter.For Chenyang Jianshan, the uninvited guest "Zuo Yi" who suddenly appeared in front of him is very likely to be the originator of this trend.

In this way, it is naturally worth investigating.

If Zhu Yongchen can really fight Zuo Yi without reservation, then it will be a great harvest.


Zhu Yongchen froze for a moment, but didn't make a sound, as if he was really watching carefully.

But "Left One" didn't push it too hard, but after three breaths, his figure swung suddenly and escaped from the Yin-Yang Cave.

After looking at the person coming, Zuo Yi said with a sense of playfulness: "If the three tricks with Daoist Ying Yuan half a month ago don't count, Fellow Daoist Zhu Yongchen was the first person to fight with a certain one. The first one to end up was the seemingly outsider fellow Daoist Zhu Yongchen of Chenyang Sword Mountain, I'm afraid it would be unexpected by most people."

Zhu Yongchen didn't seem to have any intention of talking to Zuo Yi.

He raised the middle and middle fingers of his right hand lightly, which was already a means.

Also in the shape of a crystal ball, the clouds from far and near quickly gathered and penetrated into the crystal ball; then a figure emerged, which was the "Left One" in front of him.

Then, the crystal ball turned quickly.

The newly formed figure also became hazy, as if it had been crushed and scattered.

If this is a kind of attacking supernatural power, then the preparation work is too long; but the first one on the left cooperated unexpectedly, standing with his hands behind his back in vain, without blocking it.

After turning for an unknown amount of time, Zhu Yongchen lightly swiped with two fingers.

This "crystal ball" is cut in half.

At the same time, within tens of thousands of miles, the situation changed suddenly.It seems that above the sky, a huge "weapon" with a length of three thousand miles suddenly formed, and it slashed down!

Once the sword falls, it will die.

With such an all-out attack by such a powerful Daoist, the ordinary lighting circles have already been shattered, or appeared to be in chaos.But at this time, Yue Hengzong's "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram" has been accepted in its entirety without any distortion.

Seeing this, all the real kings can't help but wonder whether "Zuoyi" is overbearing.

This is the truth that the top Jindan and Nascent Soul Realm monks also understand-"potential" is also part of the power of supernatural powers; many supernatural powers, at the cost of "gathering up momentum", gain power beyond what you can do, even if you are confident that you can't beat your opponent. On top of that, when encountering such means, one must attack halfway.

At this time, "Left [-]" opened and closed his arms.

The body shakes!
It's the same as when facing Daoist Ying Yuan, it's hard to fight with the body!
The moment the giant sword fell, Zuo Yi seemed to be trapped in an extremely deep "black hole".

This "black hole" is undoubtedly a trace of space fragmentation.

The speed at which the images gather is so fast, which is actually a good yardstick, showing that the power of Zhu Yongchen's style is higher than yesterday's Daoist Yingyuan.

But after three or five breaths, "Zuo Yi" shook his body, smashed the black hole with a punch, and walked out calmly.

The two looked at each other.

Zhu Yongchen narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know why I'm here?"

Zuo Yi smiled and said: "Actually, there is no need to bother with the deduction of the 'Heart Sword' method. Everything you want to know is not a secret at all—to be precise, if it is possible, I might not want to keep this suspense until the end—for the mystery It's human nature to be in awe of things, but since I've chosen the most convenient path, my identity will naturally stand out."

As soon as the word "lai" was pronounced, the sky suddenly changed.

Zhu Yongchen's method of "gathering momentum" when exercising supernatural powers just now is to accumulate cloud energy in the palm of his hand; at this time, the movement of the left one is also to control the cloud energy in the sky, but the way of presentation is different.

Clouds and air floated together, quickly forming handwriting one by one, as high as more than three hundred feet——


One word at a time emerged one after another.

Zhu Yongchen's mind was also attracted accordingly.

The potential above perfection can break through to the Dao realm in a very short period of time...

The potential of the perfect state can break through to the short-cut state in one fell swoop...

Those who are infinitely close to the perfect realm, as long as they have the cultivation base of the golden core realm, can also break through to the threshold of the shortcut in one breath, just need to refine and figure out a lot before the last level of "breaking the realm".

Floating clouds in the blue sky condense into a classic, its majestic atmosphere is unusual.

Zhu Yongchen saw that at the end, there was still the last turn of the "Only My Mahayana Sutra", but the scriptures were no longer presented.

Zuo Yi smiled lightly and said: "In the whole world, anyone who agrees with the tenet of Zhongjimen can get the complete "Only Me Mahayana Sutra". If you are interested, don't hesitate."

The sound was so loud that it shook the sky.

Zhu Yongchen's eyes were fixed.

This "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" is very similar to the layout of the supernatural power.

But in this way, the identity of the "first from the left" in front of him is reduced to a very small range - it is very likely that Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng, Xi Lerong, Li Yunlong, and Shentu Longshu have achieved the Dao Realm in one breath. One of them; even if he does not admit it at this time, it is not difficult to get the final answer as long as he investigates one by one among the major forces.

The purpose of Zhu Yongchen's trip is to use the method of "Heart Sword" to obtain the reason for the deduction. In fact, his intention is to get close to Dongfang Wanqing and the Lord of Yin and Yang, but his strategy is straightforward.

As this "Left One" is not weaker than him, even though Zhu Yongchen's "Heart Sword" is brilliant, he can only deduce a few clues, far from getting a clear answer.

Unexpectedly, the other party was almost equivalent to telling the truth.

Zhu Yongchen said slowly: "Which one are you?"

"First from the left" smiled and said, "The final answer is so close, why is it so hasty?"

Zhu Yongchen's thoughts moved slightly, and he said: "In my opinion, based on your actions today, you are indeed hiding your identity, stirring up the situation, and the most powerful way to shake people's hearts. If you tell the truth, at least half of the deterrent power will be lost. And you still choose to do this If you do, there is only one answer—that is, you are sure that this "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" will be very attractive to many people."

"The gathering of forces will also greatly speed up."

Zuo Yi nodded calmly and said, "Exactly."

Zhu Yongchen's thoughts floated.

This method is more attractive to people with a stronger foundation of aptitude; it is of little use to mediocre people.

In addition, the digits are above perfection; in the realm of perfection, Yu Jiaolong, Zu Gaocen, Lin Yi...

The information received today is extremely important.Zhu Yongchen has made a plan, he should return in time and discuss with the sword master Ji Cangsheng how to deal with it.So he said calmly, "Farewell."

As soon as he turned around, he wanted to leave.

Zuo Yi suddenly said: "Zhu Yongchen's sword, although it is a heart sword test method. But in fact, the intention of killing is used as a stimulus, and its power is almost the same as your real killing move."


Zhu Yongchen's body froze, and he turned his head slowly, with a sharp look in his eyes.

Zuo Yi smiled and said: "If you leave like this, I'm afraid you will fall into the prestige of Chenyang Sword Mountain."

Zhu Yongchen said solemnly: "You took my sword forcefully with your body, so you have this intention in mind."

In fact, Zhu Yongchen was also secretly surprised at Zuo Yi's strong defense, and wanted to pretend to be ignorant.

It's just that he really didn't expect that he really had the intention of making it hard for him to ride a tiger.

Zuo Yi said calmly: "You come to test, and I also come to test, leave after the test, how can there be such a good thing? The answer that fellow Taoist Zhu Yongchen wants, I have already told you, which shows my sincerity. In this case, fellow Taoist Do you also want to show your sincerity? I is the first battle!"

There seemed to be a clear "ding" sound coming from Zhu Yongchen's body.

After a few breaths of silence, only Zhu Yongchen said: "That's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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