Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1210 8 Hydration 1 Secret Transaction

Chapter 1210: Eight Waters In One Secret Transaction
The barren sea, the exit of the Three Lives Yin and Yang Cave.

When the light and shadow moved, a person appeared immediately.

Looking at his face, half of this person's face is extremely old and wrinkled; the other half of his face is smooth and firm, and he looks like he is in his twenties.The clothes on his body are a mixture of linen, silk, and many gold buttons.A head of half black and half white long hair is scattered, but there are six or seven small braids in the hair.

The person who came didn't have any energy to disperse, nor was he in the shape of a "hanging painting in the void" that is stained with ink; but as long as someone with a little vision sees it, it is not difficult to guess that this is a person of the same level.

"Zuo Yi" didn't make people wait for a long time, only to see the light and shadow floating in the Yin-Yang Cave, he had already escaped with his body.

Taking a careful look at the person coming, Zuo Yinahan said, "Interesting."

"The first person to visit was Chenyang Jianshan Daoist Zhu Yongchen, which was already far beyond my expectations; the second person who came was Your Excellency, and it was not too late. Before the rightful lord came out, many pairs of leftists came one after another. someone of great interest."

The old man didn't answer, but just smiled.

Zuo Yi pondered for a while, and said: "Fellow Daoist is also an important figure in the world of Ziwei, but it seems that no one knows your name. Can you tell me?"

The old man smiled slightly and said: "Although I am not as good as that person, I often change my real name because of the time and situation. But in extraordinary times, things have an end and a beginning, so there should be a 'rectification of name'."

As soon as the words fell, he counted with his fingers and said, "Just name it 'Huaixu'."

Zuo Yi nodded, and said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist Huaixu. If you want to compete, please do so."

It is not difficult to guess the identity of the old man who was temporarily named "Huaixu" in front of him. He is naturally the eight great witches of witchcraft.

Huai Xu was unmoved, and didn't have the slightest intention of making a move. He just said indifferently: "What benefits can I gain from fighting you?"

Zuo Yi's body moved slightly, Nahan said: "Fellow Taoist Huaixu came to challenge me, but instead asked me for benefits?"

Huaixu's face straightened, and he said solemnly: "Don't underestimate the foundation of witchcraft. It is a matter of divination. If it is to judge Yin and Yang, to see the secrets of heaven, and to observe the rise and fall, my witchcraft is not as good as Yin and Yang; Rise and fall, change of life and death, who can surpass my shamanism? In the last battle with Zhu Yongchen, do you think I can't be clear about the tricks you used?"

After a pause, Huai Xu continued: "If my predictions are right, if no one comes to the door for another hundred days, I am afraid that you will reverse the host and guest, and challenge them instead, Fellow Daoist Zuo. But in this way, all fellow Taoists in the world will also It's not difficult to guess the mystery. They may not be willing to fight you seriously. Especially the rich background of the Nine Schools, if they use every defensive method one by one, you may not be able to please you, fellow Taoist."

The eyes on the left flickered slightly, and he bowed his head in silence.

Huai Xu's voice slowed down, and he said with a smile: "Actually, this is also human nature. The situation was overwhelming that day, fellow Daoist, you are in full swing, and they will naturally accept the challenge first. But when you overcome After Zhu Yongchen, if they measure one-on-one and have no hope of winning, they will naturally judge the situation."

"Furthermore, if I remember correctly, Daoist Ri Yingyuan left without saying a word. I'm afraid he thought he wanted to gather all the truths to attack."

Zuo Yi thought for a while, and finally said: "What do you want?"

Huai Xu said leisurely, "You know."

Zuo Yi frowned.

Huai Xu smiled and said: "In my shamanism, there has always been 'there is no second sun'. Fellow Taoists should be able to understand the purpose of asking for this thing."

Zuo Yi pondered: "You want to..."

Huai Xu nodded slightly, but did not speak anymore.

After thinking for a while, Zuo Yi finally made up his mind, and said solemnly: "If you make a contract, you will not interfere with my actions, or be an enemy of me, whether overtly or secretly. This transaction will be considered successful."

Huai Xu smiled and said, "Deal."

As soon as the words fell, his body was no longer in shape, and his inexplicable power rose, filling the continent.

Behind Huai Xu, eight skulls gradually emerged.These eight skulls seem to be hundreds of feet away from Huai Xuzhi, but they give people an intuition for no reason-it seems that if they fly to search for them, they will not be able to touch them even if they fly hundreds of thousands of miles away; Real entities, not phantom refractions.

Huai Xu clapped his palms together.

From the mouths of the eight skeletons, water spit out suddenly, like a huge waterfall, crashing down.Even listening to the sky from a distance, there is still a faint "squeak" sound, as if it is really a waterfall.

Although the eight water columns have slightly different colors, they are all dark in color.

But after the eight waters are combined into one, it shows a bright yellow color like honey, and its nature is viscous, flowing and squeezing slowly, which seems to be three points similar to the nature of honey.

The face on the left froze.

If you think that the attacking speed of this water elephant is really slow, you are totally wrong.

In fact, the "eight waters in one" that you see in front of you is just an illusion, a "concept" created by Huai Xu.In the real world, the eight waterfalls, the immeasurable real water, actually come from eight different directions, without a single gap.

Zuo Yi slammed a punch.

With this punch, the illusion disappeared, and I saw a waterfall in front of me, which suddenly split into two, giving way to a smooth road.

With one move, although the two forces are handed over, the air movement is sensed, and the opponent's supernatural powers also give timely feedback.But in Zuo Yi's heart, there was an inexplicable strange feeling that was nowhere near the itching.

After careful consideration, Zuo Yiming realized——

In fact, these eight skeletons are all past clones of the Eight Great Witches.

It's just that these eight clones have no spiritual intelligence at this time, so they have to manifest in the shape of skeletons and perform certain Taoism.

In terms of mana level, although the eight clones have reached an extremely large scale, they are still far behind Zhu Yongchen and other top Taoist powers.For the left one, naturally it is not a threat.

Although he has many avatars, as long as one link is broken, this Taoist technique is considered to be cracked.

But Zuo Ding took a look, but was startled suddenly.

Because, the "waterfall water phenomenon" broken by his punching power has somehow recovered.And he didn't feel any movement of Huai Xu to use mana.It seems that the previous image of breaking the enemy was just an illusion.

Huai Xu looked indifferent.

I was me in the past, and I am me now.No matter what stage the "I" is, it is the "true self", and there is no difference at all.

Therefore, if the method cast by one clone is broken, the supernatural powers cast by another clone will naturally "overlap" with it.In the whole process, there is no need for thought, no practice, and there is no process of movement and movement of qi.

Only then did Zuo Yi realize that he only saw the second floor.It turns out that the "honey" that flows very slowly is not an illusion, but a real possibility!
Once this move is made, it is omnipresent and omnipresent.

With no way out, Zuo Yi fought back with all his strength.

With one punch and one punch, black shadows suddenly appeared in the vast world.This is no longer the level of space cracks, but complete collapse and annihilation.

Not to mention the tentative move just now.At this time, Zuo Yi attacked with all his strength, and it was obvious that his combat power was three points stronger than when he fought Zhu Yongchen that day!The unrestrained punching power burst out, and actually restrained the slowly approaching glazed water elephant, and it was a tie.


Yue Hengzong.

Zhuzhen observes every move of the outside world through the "Psychic Manifestation Map".

In order to keep abreast of the latest situation, within the past three years, until Dongfang Wanqing or Yin Yang Taoist challenged Zuo Yi, Zhu Zhen would stay in the Yue Heng Sect and never leave.

At this time, Xue Jianchi and the others judged secretly.

In terms of the abundance of scale and the mystery of the means, the Eight Sacrificial Witches of Witchcraft and Daoism are really superior to Zhu Yongchen.However, the "body" in which the supernatural powers are displayed on the outside seems to be slightly more subtle and omnipresent than Zhu Yongchen's sword, and it is still slightly inferior.

This is also roughly in line with the estimated strength of the two contemporary giants of the mysterious Dao realm, the Eight Sacrificial Witch and the Yin-Yang Daoist.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

The eight skeleton heads suddenly congealed with flesh and blood for no reason, and instantly returned to the appearance of the real "Huaixu".After this change, the honey-like flowing water immediately manifested five colors, compressed and propelled at an extremely strong speed, and was about to swallow Zuo Yi immediately.

Yuan Ying, Xue Jianchi and the others all changed their complexions slightly.

The left one at this time is obviously much stronger than the day before; but there is still such a big gap with the Eight Sacrifice Great Witch. Doesn't it mean that the Eight Sacrifice Great Witch's practice is deeper than that of the Nine Sects of Heaven?

The Lord of Yin-Yang's eyes moved, as if he had seen through Yuan Ying and the others' intentions, and said indifferently: "He can only use this method once in this life."

Zhuzhen heard the words and pondered secretly.

Can only be used once...

The Yin-Yang Dao and the Witch Dao are opposites, and the Yin-Yang Dao master's merits are not inferior to the Eight Sacrificial Witches, and the method can only be used once, so it is easy to use?
In an instant, the water condensed and turned into a crystal sphere, sealing the left seal in it.

It would be strange if you don't know the person who is inside.Why is it that the Taoism used by Zhu Yongchen and the Baji great witch is such a means to seal and condense people into statues.

In fact, this statement is absurd.

Whether it is Zhu Yongchen's sword heart and deep meaning, or the glazed water image of the Eight Sacrificial Witches, they are all extremely powerful methods.It was only because the "Left One" body was so tyrannical that it was unbelievable that the divine will retreated first, as if it had been sealed.

All of you have one thought in your heart——

Let's see if Zuo Yi can use the magical "recovery" method under such a situation.

But this idea just came into being, the eyes of the left one burst into light, and the arms suddenly parted, breaking the extremely round and vast "seal".The speed is obviously much faster than when using this method in the first round!

What's more, his appearance at this time is full of energy and sharpness, which is also very different from the first time he used this technique.

Huai Xu said lightly, "You won."

But looking at his demeanor, there is no trace of frustration of losing a fight.

Zuo Yi bowed his hands and said very seriously: "Thank you."

With a wave of his big sleeve, something that seemed to be condensed into a light pearl jumped out, flying towards Huai Xu.

Huai Xu took it over and left leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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