Chapter 1211

Longtan Island.

But at this time, this place is just the name of the island. In fact, the island has already been destroyed, leaving a deep water image.It's just that the image of the water is slightly different from the rest of the sea, and the outline of the former island can be vaguely seen.

With special charm, Gui Wugui clapped his palms together.

About the thickness of an arm, the "black stick" shape of the real earth change suddenly appeared, and pierced at an extremely fast speed.

Perhaps because of the changes in the use of Taoism in Shu Shen Yun and Gui Wu Jiu, this speed is clearly three points faster than in the previous fight.

The seven people, including Mr. Mood, all carried their hands on their backs and held the formula on their chests with the other.Seven people connected in a straight line, like spirit snakes, flying and wandering in the air.

According to Su Hui's gossip, this is the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation", but the appearance it presents is clearly a long snake formation.

Mr. Mood looked calm, and only shouted in his mouth: "Shield!"

As soon as he said this, his body seemed to suddenly grow bigger.

In fact, this is just an illusion. Mr. Mood's stature remains the same as before, without any change.To be precise, his "sense of presence" was significantly higher than the other six.Even people who don't know much about the formation can see at this time that the current formation is mainly based on mood, and the other six are assistants.

In front of Mood, a giant shield like a mirror surfaced as expected.

The "black stick" struck fiercely and landed on the giant shield, and there was a very ear-piercing sound.Immediately, the seven people waited in mood, each body swayed, and slowly fled backwards.The meaning of the formation seems to have loosened up a lot.

In a one-shot fight, it was obvious that Shu Shen Yun and Gui Wugui had the upper hand.

But one fact cannot be ignored——

Previously, only Mr. Mood and Ying Xiuhu joined forces to resist the supernatural powers with the combined "Yanghuoyinjin" shield. At this time, when the Taoism was obviously less subtle, it was suppressed by the power of the formation. Resisted.

Seeing that there seemed to be a slight flaw in the formation, he immediately rushed to the flank at an extremely fast speed, and the image of "real soil condensing beads" had already emerged in the palm of his hand.

"Return Yuan!"


The two spoke out one after another.

When one person speaks out, he immediately replaces Mr. Mood's "main position" with the most sense of presence, and at the same time presents a subtle effect.

The formation of seven was re-condensed and complete.

Gui Wugui's hastily fleeing speed has clearly used the "circle, radius, twists and turns" method of mutual traction between the Ziwei Great World and the Mana Continent.But this attack was obviously not as sharp as breaking through the "absolute defense" method of Yuan Qin Chuan, Lu Yuangang, Shen Shaoqing and others; although they walked away at leisure, there was obviously a hesitation when they appeared, and finally failed to break through the center of the formation.

Gui Wugui and Shu Shenyun also used superior methods to complete several attacks, but none of them succeeded.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, the mystery of the Seven Stars and Lone Moon Formation has been completely revealed to them.

Under normal circumstances, this formation is indeed arranged in the formation of "one-word long snake formation".

At the head of the lineup is Mr. Mood, who has the deepest Taoism among the seven.

Ranked second is Ying Xiuhu who is the second deepest among the seven.

The third place is naturally Su Huixian who is ranked third in merit.

The next four to seven are also ranked according to their merits from strong to weak, namely Sheng Yihan, Jitong, Hengdu, and Weisheng Jinyao.Two of these four people are Tianwai's real name, and the other two are the names of the Shezheng at that time.

These seven people are on a line, with one person as the main one, each holding a method.

Mr. Mood, who is the strongest among the seven people, is the main one. That is the principle that the core is in the center and the wings follow each other.The method used is the most defensive change, "Shield."

And Weisheng Jinyao, who has the weakest skill among the seven, is the main one.The change displayed is the strongest attack method, called "Heavenly Sword."

Ying Xiuhu, who has the second strongest skill, is the main one, and the method he uses is called "Huiyuan". If the seven people who are scattered like this gather quickly, they can get a speed bonus; Bearing a kind of resistance in the dark.

It was the method of "Huiyuan" that hindered Gui Wujiu's close-up raid just now.

The method corresponding to "Huiyuan" is performed by Hengdu, who is the second weakest in merit, and it is called "Xingsan".The rationale is exactly the opposite of "Hui Yuan" - when the seven members of our party disperse, the speed increases; while the opponent wants to evade, the speed slows down.

The method centered on Su Huixian is called "Double Silence", and within a certain range, no matter the enemy or the enemy, mana will inexplicably disappear at an extremely fast speed.It's just that the passing speed of the enemy is three points faster than ours.

The person who corresponds to Su Huixian is Jitong. The dharma he holds is called "Shuangsheng". As the name suggests, within a certain boundary, whether it is the enemy or us, the mana can increase.But at the same time, our growth rate is more than faster than that of our opponents.

Among the seven, Sheng Yihan is the middle one. The method he holds is called "uniformity", which is an isolated method and has no corresponding method.

If the performance of the seven people on our side wears out differently, some consume a lot, and some are exhausted, but with this "uniform" method, the damage is not enough to make up for the rest.

In addition, this "uniformity" has another purpose, which is to strengthen the connection between the seven people so that the formation will not be broken.

The Seven Stars Lonely Moon Formation seems to be neat and rigorous——

But these seven methods are all there is.

The seven methods can be used consecutively, but not at the same time.Therefore, there is absolutely no such thing as pairwise cooperation and complicated changes.

At the level above the Near Dao Realm, there is only one formation in the world, and the change is more than ten million, which can only be said to be an introduction.There are only seven kinds of formations in this kind of changing branches, which is really extremely rare.

There is a reason why Mr. Mood and others look down on the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation" and instead arrange such methods as the real method, ten yuan five element beads, and solipsistic Mahayana.

Because this method is too simple.

In terms of attack, although the "Heavenly Sword" method is very lethal, it is no less than the "Yin Fire Yang Metal" used by Mr. Mood and Ying Xiuhu.But this method is straightforward after all, it is just a blow, and it is just a dream to use this method to hit the special charm and blame.

The only feasible method of "attack" is to take advantage of the moment when Shen Yun and Gui Wugui are about to get close, and repeatedly use the two methods of "Double Silence" and "Twin Life" at a suitable distance, long-range consumption, and the final decisive victory.

But now all the strange methods of mood and others have been broken, and after washing away all the glitz, I discovered...

This seemingly simple and shabby "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation" is unexpectedly strong.

First of all, its strongest defensive method "Earth Shield" can match the attack power of Guiseless and Special Charm.

Secondly, the most difficult thing for the opponent is to use the star force of the Ziwei Great World to achieve the effects of interrupting coordination and instant close proximity.The Qixing Guyue Formation is based on defense, and the two methods of "Huiyuan" and "Junyi" alone are extremely effective in restraining the opponent's methods.

Gui Wugui and Shu Shenyun are several feet away at this time.

Gui Wugui whispered, "Time flies by quickly."

Shu Shenyun's gaze moved, and he said, "Is it the remnant of that Taoist formula?"

Gui Wugui said: "Exactly."

During the fight, Gui Wujiu's mind was keen, and he accurately grasped a detail - the magic formula of Mengxun and Jingkui seemed to be over, but in fact there was still a sliver of it.

Although it is not as negligent as the previous "one hundred years in a flash", the Ziwei Great World is clearly passing by at a much faster rate than normal.If you fight here for several hours, it will be several years in the outside world.

Shu Shenyun seemed to understand the intention of returning no blame, and said softly: "If you can't realize the unification of Mana Benzhou before the near pass, it doesn't really matter. What really matters is the time when you achieve the Tao. After you complete the short pass, It will run towards the Dao Realm at an unstoppable speed. But no matter how short the time is, it should be around a hundred years."

"Within a hundred years, there will be no inconsistency in first completing the "hundred one" of Mana Benzhou, then completing the unification of the Ziwei Great World, and then advancing to the Dao Realm."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

He had a faint feeling in his heart that after breaking through the realm, although the road to enter the realm was smooth, it seemed that he had reached a turning point from static to dynamic.

As for the current situation of the battle, Gui Wujiu also roughly figured out the context after fighting against Baihe.

This "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation" looks like a turtle shell, which is difficult to break through, but there are still gaps in it.

The secret lies in the fact that the opponent's attack method is too weak.But when the other party intends to use the two methods of "Shuangji" and "Twin Birth" to gain some advantage, they did not expect Gui Wugui and Shu Shenyun to still retain their strength——

The method of "two-phase mutual excitation" held by the two has not been raised to the highest intensity.

This move, even if the opponent has the two methods of "Huiyuan" and "Junyi", it will be difficult to resist.It's just that to perform this method, it takes a little longer to brew in advance.

At this point, the time has come.

With special charm and Gui Wugui, the distance from the "Seven Star Formation" approached about three hundred feet, and they had already made preparations in secret.

Su Huixian lightly pressed his palm to use the method of "Double Silence".

But Mr. Mood took a step ahead and shouted: "Shield!"

The other six people were all stunned.

At this time, it is clearly not the moment of urgent defense.Attacking at this position, even if you use three space teleports, you can't get close.With the joint efforts of seven people, they are safe to defend no matter what.It is reasonable to use the methods of "double silence" and "twin life" repeatedly to consume the other party.

Mr. Mood looked around the six people, and said loudly: "Listen carefully. Fellow Daoist Su, Fellow Daoist Jitong, Fellow Daoist Hengdu, Fellow Daoist Weisheng. You four keep your hearts and provide an endless supply of true power, which is considered meritorious service. The four methods of 'Shuangji', 'Shuangsheng', 'Scattering', and even 'Heavenly Sword' do not need to be used from now on."

"Just use the three methods of 'Earth Shield', 'Huiyuan' and 'Uniform' in sequence."

What he said was not a sound transmission from his spiritual consciousness, but he said it clearly in front of Gui Wugui and his special charm.

Su Huixian, Jitong, Hengdu and the other four were all stunned and speechless.

Even Ying Xiuhu looked at Mr. Mood in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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