Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1212 Unexpected Turnaround

Chapter 1212
Shu Shenyun and Gui Wujiu walked repeatedly at a distance of three hundred feet to a thousand feet, and tried to break the attack with several attack methods.

But the more important intention is to verify whether what Mr. Mood said is a bluff or whether it is true.

Facts have proved that the seven people including Mr. Mood really implemented the concept of complete defense.

As long as the special charm and Gui Wujiu are close to the position of six hundred feet, the opponent's formation will first enter the mode of "returning to the original" method, so that they can gather together at any time, and the raised special charm and Gui Wujiu's attack cost.Under the effect of this method, the distance of six hundred feet actually has the effect of thousands of feet.

And if Shu Shenyun and Gui Wujiu are determined to make progress, then the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation" will defend itself with "uniformity" to prevent the two phases from interacting with each other, and the two sides will form a stalemate.

As long as Shu Shenyun and Gui Wugui Lei Ting make a strike, it will immediately turn into a "shield".

Another point is particularly crucial, that is, Mr. Xinxin and Ying Xiuhu who have mastered the two methods of "earth shield" and "return to Yuan" are precisely the strongest among the seven.Therefore, it is not easy to use some deceptive means to confuse their eyes and ears, make them make wrong decisions, or miss the opportunity to cast spells in time.

The battle ended in a stalemate.

Both sides are cautious, peeling off cocoons, most of the time the nine of them are floating in the air as far as they are close, and the splendid scene of magical fighting is no longer seen.

After fighting for a while, Gui Wujiu's eyes suddenly moved, as if he came back to his senses, and then shook his head lightly——

time flies.

It turns out that in Gui Wujiu's mind, there is always a ruler for the passage of time.At this time, he measured in his heart and had a clear feeling: the time since Mr. Mood decided to stick to the method of sticking to it has actually exceeded Longtan Island, Dou Sizhen, [-] confrontation, discovering and motivating "Ten The sum of five elements of the world".

It seems that in a moment of inattention, time has passed through the fingers.

It's not a good situation.

Gui Wujiu suddenly turned around and said, "Actually, I have a roundabout way here."

Like Mr. Mood's "openness and honesty" before, the sentence of blame is also said openly, not through sound transmission.

As soon as this remark came out, Mr. Mood and the others pricked up their ears to listen, and at the same time felt a little trembling in their hearts——

Sure enough, there is no way to use it?

Shu Shenyun turned around and looked, and said, "What kind of method do you have?"

The same is true for audible communication.

Gui Wugui said slowly: "The defensive power of this 'earth shield' method is similar to that of the two people's 'Yanghuoyinjin' magic circle. Now in Mana Island, in terms of [-], the battle between the two The strength is far inferior to mine; the reason why I can resist the enemy is because of the meaning of gold and fire, and the breakthrough of the upper limit exceeds the cooperation of soil and soil."

Shu Shenyun nodded slightly.

The combination of soil and soil, same-sex traction, wins in scale.It is more powerful when using large-scale and low-level supernatural powers. In terms of breaking through the upper limit, it is not as good as the change of the five elements.This is indeed the crux that has so far limited the power of the combination of Shen Yun and Gui Wugui.

A sharp light flashed in Gui Wujiu's eyes, and he said: "I may not be unable to obtain his strengths."

As soon as these words came out, Shu Shenyun, Mr. Mood, Ying Xiuhu and the following five people were all shocked.

Everyone immediately thought like lightning, catching something.

In Mana Continent, from the special charm to the mood, as well as the ancient and modern social owners and leaders, are all "unintentionally reflected" by the great powers outside the sky; those who appear inside are all the local living people of Mana Continent.Once the orthodoxy is established, it belongs to one of the five elements and cannot be changed naturally.

Not to blame.Back then, he escaped into Mana Island with his real body, but he was actually a sexless spirit body.In the end, he united his body and mind with the young monk "Mo You" from the Beisha Shrine, and pinned it on it, and then he became a cultivator of the "Tu Xing" lineage.

Later, when Gui Wujiu returned with his soul thoughts, although he had already separated from "Mo You", he already possessed all kinds of subtle methods and formations of the earth lineage, which he naturally possessed.In other words, he has not lost his status as a cultivator of "Earthlines".

Here lies the crux of the problem——

As for Gui Wugui who "entered the real soul", the Taoism he practiced can actually be "modified".As long as he finds another monk from the "Grass Leaf Shrine" to possess him, gradually evolve and grow, and finally practice the Taoism of the "Wood Walking" line to the present state.

In this category, the cooperation between Heshu Shenyun is not the combination of two earths, but the mutual growth of earth and wood. The ultimate power is bound to be even better, completely matching the advantages of the two of them.

If it is successful, no matter whether it is the shield of "Yanghuoyinjin" or the method of "Earth Shield" of the Lonely Moon Formation, it will not matter!

After Mr. Mood waited for the seven of them to communicate with each other, they all looked a little weird.

When Gui Wujiu mentioned the "roundabout method", the seven of them only thought about the method of wrestling, or the method of relying on foreign objects; unexpectedly, it was such a "roundabout" method.If it is true, this "detour" is really a long enough detour.

Although the realm of Gui Wugui is high, it is easy to defeat the ordinary Shezheng Level [-], but it is still impossible to possess the Shezheng.The strongest carrier that can be realized is already the limit at the level of the town guard leader.

It took several years for Gui Wujiu to be possessed by "Mo You" and promoted from the leader of the town guard to the current state.Now even if he is familiar with it again, wouldn't it take three to five months?
Gui Wugui said: "Although this method has been delayed for a long time, it will definitely be accomplished."

Shu Shenyun understood, and said: "I have mirror beads to protect me, and I can protect myself with one as seven."

Ying Xiuhu and the other six people all set their eyes on Mr. Mood. Obviously, the final decision rests with him.

Do you want to block?
If it is not stopped, there must be victory without defeat in a short period of time.No matter how strong the special charm is, it is impossible to defeat seven with one.Even if the seven of them turned from defense to offense, they might be able to directly find a chance to win.But if the seven of them won't win the special charm, when Gui Wujiu really returns as a "wooden cultivator", they will be in danger of losing.

If it is stopped, then it will be announced that the fighting strategy of only using the shield, Huiyuan, and uniform three methods that Mr. Mood has just set has been completely abandoned.

At least, if the method of "separation" is not used, there is no guarantee that Gui Wugui and the other two will be firmly attached.

Perhaps, imputing no blame is just cheating, just waiting for them to change their tactics.

Mr. Mood thought about it for a while, and said calmly: "If he wants to go, he will go. I will not change to meet all changes."

Gui Wugui smiled lightly upon hearing the words.

A black glow appeared in the palm of his hand, and he rose up to strike.

Since he spoke clearly, it was impossible for him to be just a bluff.If Mr. Mood really chooses to stick to it, Gui Wugui must implement this "roundabout" method to the end.And with his current subtle state, possessing a guard leader of the Grass Leaf Shrine, and regrowing to his current level of cultivation, it will take only a few months - about a month or so, to succeed.

There is only one.Before leaving, attack with all your strength and use up nine out of ten of your true strength to relieve the pressure on Shu Shen Yun.

The previous attacks that were blameless, although there were many methods.However, the truly strongest method is still the ultimate change of the method of the real earth - manifested in two forms: "black stick" and "black bead".

Not so with this blow.

Its dark face is indeed the highest level of practice; but the external image is like a small sword transformed into countless dust particles.

The sword is shaped for a lifetime, and it goes away in a flash, which is not inferior to the ultimate speed of "Black Stick".

Mr. Mood straightened his face, and shouted: "Shield!"

As if the words followed suit, the huge ethereal shield immediately emerged.

One hit.

Sheng Yihan, Jitong, Hengdu, Weisheng Jinyao and the others suddenly changed their complexions slightly.

It was clearly visible in front of my eyes, after the little sword collided with the shield, it almost collapsed at the touch of a touch, and it really seemed to be scattered like dust, spreading to the surroundings; but the shield also sank at a speed visible to the eyes, it was not so much broken as it was corroded up.

The power of this blow is even better than the method of "real soil congealing beads".Since there is such a powerful method, why not use it as soon as possible?

But after a closer look, everyone understands clearly.

It turned out that from what he saw, Gui Wujiu's aura had shrunk significantly.He used this style of play a few more times, and on the eve of breaking the defense, his true strength was gone.Presumably, he was determined to leave, so he emptied his mana.

Shu Shenyun's eyes lit up, and she said in surprise, "This is your... Kongyun Nianjian?"

Gui Wugui nodded and said, "Exactly."

In fact, this kind of method can be achieved shortly after the first time I came to Mana Island and achieved Shezheng.Disassemble the meaning of his real body Taoism in the Ziwei Great World, and use the techniques of the Five Elements and One System of Mana Benzhou to display similar methods.

Casting spells in this way, the "Eight Techniques of True Earth" has been changed, and its power has been greatly enhanced, and even made meritorious deeds in battle more than once.

But these changes are more effective against people whose merits have not reached the extreme.After Gui Wugui's true state enters the extreme state of "subtle materialization", and then casts the method, the power increase will be very limited.At the same time, when performing the true method, one extra turn is like stacking beds and building houses, and the consumption increases suddenly.

Therefore, during this trip to Longtan Island, Gui Wujiu has not used similar methods.

Shu Shenyun closed her eyes slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

No blame for a second thought.

If he could really use the "Kongyun Nianjian", then needless to say, this battle has already been won.

But what Gui Wugui used was not the "Kongyun Nianjian".

For example, Ying Xiuhu's "True Accomplishment Method" and Ju Shenyun's "Confidence Cause and Effect Method" are all old methods that can break through the limitations of the different principles of the inner and outer universe, and display the original flavor in Mana Island.And "Kong Yun Nian Jian" is extremely powerful, but it is not a method that can ignore the differences in the Taoism system and can be copied directly.

Essentially speaking, what Gui Wugui does is a kind of "translation" and "simulation."

Shu Shenyun pondered for ten breaths, then suddenly said: "There is no need to go."

Gui Wugui was taken aback.

Mr. Mood and the others also had different expressions.

Shu Shenyun smiled slightly, and said again: "I mean, there is no need to 'detour'. Within an hour, the winner will be decided."

(End of this chapter)

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