Chapter 1213
Shu Shenyun and Gui Wujiu discussed for a while using the method of sound transmission into secrets, when suddenly their figures fluttered and attacked from left to right.

Moreover, the image of "beads condensed from real earth" appeared in the palms of the two of them, which was obviously for real.

Mood and other people's hearts condensed, and each guarded cautiously.

However, the tactics of Shu Shenyun and Gui Wugui have changed. It is no longer stabbing the "real soil bead" or "black stick" from afar, but hanging the bead one foot away from the palm of the hand. And body close impact!

This tactic seems unreasonable.

Because if the method of striking each other from a distance is used, it is just a competition between the "extreme materialization" realm of the real soil and the "earth shield" method of the Seven Star Lone Moon Formation.But if the melee attack is not the case, before the "earth shield" confronts them head-on, the two of Shu Shenyun will inevitably suffer higher consumption due to the blockage of the "return to Yuan" method.

But they chose to fight in close quarters.

The two rushed forward, with a "real earth condensed bead" in their palms colliding with the "earth shield", facing each other face to face, within three or even ten feet.This situation, for the seven people including Mr. Mood, does have a certain deterrent effect.

However, Xinxin and the others soon discovered that after being hindered by the methods of "Returning to Yuan" and "Uniform", they did have ample time to complete the sphere defense of the "Earth Shield" before Shu Shenyun approached.So settle down quickly.

Su Huixian and the others speculated whether the "detour" method was still to be carried out, and the action at this time was just a deception, in order to try again before leaving, to see if it could arouse the flaws in their own formation.

So the seven of them walked in formation, sticking to their minds, but became more careful.

But after fighting for a while, Mr. Mood and the others finally realized that something was wrong—Shen Yun's fighting strategy had really changed significantly.

First, she pays great attention to the close interaction with the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation", and often fights close to each other.Even at the moment when the collision was completed, she actually removed the "True Soil Condensation Bead", relying solely on the physical sense of touch and the "earth shield" method to make zero-distance contact.

Second, it is obvious that repeated shuttles consume the most mana and are most conducive to the effectiveness of the method of "returning to Yuan".Logically speaking, either keep hitting each other from a distance, or always fight short after completing the breakthrough.But Shu Shen Yun and Gui Wu Jiu kept going in and out, pulling back and forth, as if they were provoking the effect of the method of "Returning to Yuan".

Rather than saying "fighting", it is better to say "exploring."

This strange fight lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

Shu Shen Yun and Gui Wu Jiu stopped suddenly, and at the same time they fled backwards, jumping far out of the standing circle.

At the same time, with a flick of Shu Shen Yun's fingertips, the mirror bead was taken out again to protect the two of them.

Judging from his posture, it seems that he is preparing before performing some kind of magic formula, and he is afraid that his mood will be disturbed by others.

Shu Shenyun said slowly: "After fighting with them for a long time, I have roughly figured out the roots of these seven people. But there is one thing that has been bothering me for a long time - with the methods of these seven people, there seems to be no method that is in line with it. In the 'Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation'."

Gui Wujiu's gaze flickered, and he said, "Is it similar to my method of using the Kongyun Nianjian?"

Shu Shenyun showed admiration, and said happily, "Exactly."

"People from beyond the sky are now awakening consciousness in Mana Island, and they fit the 'ruthless heart'. I didn't think there were two kinds of methods used. One of them - accounting for the vast majority of categories - is Let’s not use the original methods of the Daoist system of this continent. For example, the opponent’s strongest offensive and defensive methods of 'Yang Huo Yin Jin' and 'Yin Fire Yang Jin' are not like this."

Gui Wugui thoughtfully, and slowly said: "The so-called second method is the righteous method outside the sky, which can pass through the continent of Mana, such as Ying Xiuhu's 'True Accomplishment Method', Master, your 'Confidence Cause and Effect Method' ’. But there are only a few of these methods. Because it is extremely difficult to penetrate beyond the universe and within Mana Continent.”

Shu Shenyun said: "After you make a move, we will realize that there is a third method."

Gui Wujiu nodded and said: "This is just like my 'Kongyun Nianjian', translating the Taoism from the outside world according to the customs and according to his own nature."

Special Shen Yun nodded.

This third method seems to be very similar to the second method, but there are essential differences.If the Taoism system in different environments is likened to language, then the "true achievement method" and "faith karma method" are the sound transmission of the spiritual consciousness that transcends language; while the "Kongyun Nianjian" must be word for word to be translated.

This is not because the Kongyun Recitation Sword is not as brilliant as the "True Accomplishment Method" and other methods, but the nature of the two is different, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.As a matter of fact, the method used for actual attack and killing will definitely not work through the "second way", only the "third way".

Those that can naturally penetrate and break through restrictions are all invisible and formless magic methods.

Shu Shenyun said: "Because after 'transfer', it has already lost its second meaning. In common sense, meritorious deeds are not as good as cultivating local Taoism to the extreme. And this 'Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation' is something that has never been seen in the mainland of Mana. Of course, I think it is a unique 'penetrating method'."

"Unexpectedly, it was actually the 'translation method'—it was really unexpected that the translation method could be so brilliant. This so-called 'Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation' is clearly a combination of Su Huixian's 'Four-Part Nine-Region Mirror' Waiting for the seven formations to come together."

Gui Wugui nodded and said yes.

He already understood the purpose of the tactics just now.The special charm means "the stone from another mountain can attack jade", and captures the true meaning of this "transfer method".

This step can only be completed by Shen Yun.Although in Mana Continent, Gui Wugui Taoism is not inferior to Shu Shenyun, and it can't do it for you.

Because Shu Shenyun is very clear about the form of the "Seven Stars and Lone Moon Formation" in the real world, and then observes the current evolution of the formation, and can naturally summarize the laws and the essence of Taoism; but Gui Wugui lacks The understanding of the first half.

With a thought in his mind, Gui Wujiu said: "Those who are in their state have so many methods. Since they have such an exquisite method of 'transferring', why don't they translate a few more powerful scriptures?"

Shu Shenyun shook her head and said, "If I'm right, this method of 'transfer' is not realized by Su Huixian himself, but by some kind of chance. Even they themselves don't realize that this is a 'transfer' method." ' method."

"Of course, it's useless even if you know it. Because using other supernatural powers, you have to reach the highest state of 'materialization' in Mana Continent before you can perfectly switch the supernatural powers to the form of Mana Continent."

Shu Shenyun focused her eyes and said, "I will teach you the essence of the method of 'transferring' from beginning to end. You will do the final blow."

Looking at Gui Wujiu's questioning gaze, Shu Shenyun added: "Although my memory is gradually recovering now, many of the attacking and killing supernatural powers I hold are only known by their names and shapes, but not fully aware of their subtle changes. .If you want to use any magical power to decide the battle situation, it is nothing better than your Kongyun Nianjian."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

At this time, outside of the mirror bead, Mr. Mood and the others couldn't help showing doubts.

The shape of "mirror beads" is like a glass mask.Therefore, they can also see the special charm and innocent movements.

At this moment, one could clearly see that Shu Shen Yun was speaking, and sometimes pictures would emerge from his fingertips, and the light and shadow would swim, as if he was explaining the magic channel technique.And Gui Wugui also gives feedback from time to time, and constantly uses words and graphics to complete the interaction of harmony and charm.

Mood and others felt a little unbelievable—with the strength of the seven of them and the rigor of the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation".Could it be that the two of them, Shen Yun and Shen Yun, could temporarily invent some magical powers to defeat them?This is too unbelievable.

After all, they are all delicate people. After a little thought, it is not difficult to think that this seems to have a lot to do with the "contact war" just now.

Ying Xiuhu turned around slightly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Su, is there any weakness in your 'Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation'?"

Mr. Mood also turned around with a questioning look on his face.

"Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation" was written by Su Huixian.

Since this formation has been implemented, in fact, Mr. Mood has a vague judgment in his heart. Although Su Huixian's skills are very high, second only to him and Ying Xiuhu among the seven, the rigor and exquisiteness of this formation is not what he can achieve. means.If this array is a shortcut achievement, and there are some flaws hidden in it, it will be extremely bad.

Ying Xiuhu went straight back and forth, and of course asked: "Fellow Daoist Su, did you create this formation yourself? If not, do you dare to ask about the origin?"

Su Huixian frowned, and said slowly: "This formation was not set up by me."

"In fact, the foundation of this array is the means of becoming famous among the stars. Later, a Taoist friend gave me a magic trick, and using it as a pivot, it can be reflected in the Mana Continent as the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon" array' shape."

Feeling refreshed, he immediately asked: "Which fellow Taoist?"

Su Huixian hesitated for a while, and said, "Yes..."

But before his name was revealed, the situation of the battle suddenly changed!
The "Mirror Bead" covering Hu Youshu's charm and Gui Wugui disappeared suddenly.

There seems to be brilliance flowing in Gui Wujiu's eyes, and heroic spirit is about to burst out, which is completely different from the previous appearance.But seeing him clasping his palms together, and then closing his eyes, a "giant sword" has already taken shape!
Gui Wugui used this supernatural power once, it was exactly the stance he used before he left, materializing the true meaning and condensing it into the shape of a sword.

It's just that for some reason, the shape of the sword suddenly increased by more than a hundred times.

A sword strikes.

As for the special charm, they did not attack at the same time, but just waited and watched from the sidelines, as if they were very confident in the way of imputation.

Mr. Mood's face became serious, and he immediately shouted: "Shield!"

A large shield immediately appeared and stood in front of him.

Contradictions confront each other.

It was exactly the same as the previous fight, the "sword shape" formed by Gui Wujiu kept smashing into dust and scattered away; while the big shield kept melting and sagging.But the difference is - the melting speed of the large shield is more than three times faster!
Under Mr. Mood's unbelievable eyes, the "big shield" penetrated completely.

(End of this chapter)

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