Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1214 1 Divination of Battle Victory and Blossoms

Chapter 1214
The experience of the seven people including Mr. Mood is incomparable.Even in the face of unimaginable accidents, he was still able to remain calm.

All seven of them knew that if they ran away in all directions at this time, they would have completely lost their last chance of victory.The only way to bring the situation back is to keep the formation in order and wait for the next "earth shield" to work.

It's just a moment.

At the moment when one-third of the huge sword shot by Gui Wugui melted away, and the remaining sword shape was about to touch his body, Mr. Mood broke out again: "Shield!"

Another large shield appeared flawlessly.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, what happened next made their hearts sink.

The "melting" speed of this second large shield is more than three times faster than that of the first large shield.In the blink of an eye, the light shield melted away like paper.The remaining half of the sword was left behind, and hit Mr. Mood, who was the main force of the "shield" method, standing in front of him at an unstoppable speed.

But what is amazing is that Mr. Mood is intact. Instead, Weisheng Jinyao, who is the tail of the "one-word long snake formation", spreads up from his feet, and his body gradually turns into debris and becomes inexplicable. gradually dissipated into the void.

Because the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation" seems to be divided into front and back, left and right, but it is actually a complete whole.But in the method of "Earth Shield", all the real power is concentrated on Mr. Mood, so he seems to be directly attacking the front, but he is not worried for the time being; on the contrary, the weakest defense suffers.

This shattering power spreads extremely fast, and it's hard to tell whether it's firepower or tribulation power.

Then there is Hengdu.

Immediately it was Jitong's turn.

Sheng Yihan.

In an instant, Su Huixian was about to escape, but he was too late.The moment he withdrew and left, there was a thin line of light blooming on his left arm, like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Ying Xiuhu glanced at Gui Wujiu, his eyes were full of disbelief, without even thinking about it, he had already chosen to leave, turned into a light and left.

If it was like how Gui Wugui killed Yuan Qinchuan, Lu Yuangang and others in the first battle, maybe Ying Xiuhu was still thinking of making a last-ditch attempt to snatch the remains of the dead and try her best to break through.Wait until the next day to restore the body of seven people, and fight again.

This is the last hope.

But it can be seen before the eyes that once the sword power is washed away, it is clearly an unprecedented great extinction, and there is no bones left in an instant.In such a situation, it is impossible to win.

No blame but a calm look.

In fact, his current "Kongyun Nianjian" is still inferior to the "Seven Stars and Lonely Moon Formation" in terms of the purity and completeness of the "transfer".

This is also normal, because Shu Shenyun is only trying to learn from the mysteries of its method, and maybe it can be completely recovered after a few days of careful study; for a while, it is just "understanding the general idea".

But the version of the supernatural power that Gui Wugui "used" before, at most only exerted [-]% of its power.

Therefore, the huge improvement can still be said to be immediate.

Once the sword is released, it is no less than two Gui Wujiu's combined use of gold fire, earth and wood mutual generation, and it is even worse.

Mr. Mood and other seven people, how can they resist!

Seeing Ying Xiuhu running away, how could Shu Shenyun allow him to go, so he immediately pursued him.

Mr. Mood wanted to leave, but Gui Wugui stepped forward to stop him.Although the power of that sword had increased just now, the consumption of real power was definitely not small, and Gui Wugui's aura obviously dropped at this time.Fighting hand to hand with Mr. Mood, using martial arts to fight against Mr. Mood's true fire method, the fight was even a tie for a while.

In fact, if it weren't for Mr. Mood's eagerness to get away, he might even have a slight advantage.

Although Gui Wugui's mana has been greatly reduced, "True Earth Materialization" cannot be used.But after all, he holds the means of breaking through the void with the sense of inner and outer relationships and turning music into straightness.Mr. Mood tried several times to get rid of blame, but failed.

Such a fight and a walk away delayed for about a hundred breaths, and when Shu Shenyun solved Ying Xiuhu and rushed to the front, Mr. Mood finally knew that the situation was over.

The real earth energy in Shu Shen Yun's palm was revealed, and it condensed into a "black stick" shape, and stabbed straight away.

Without the blessing of "Yanghuoyinjin" or "Earth Shield" on the level of Taoism, the mood will definitely not be able to resist this method.

The "black stick" flashed like a phantom, already piercing through his chest.

Immediately, the palms of Shu Shenyun condensed into streaks of blue fire and rushed over.

For Mr. Mood, it is natural to completely erase the "traces" of his existence in Mana Island, and not give him a chance to make a comeback.

Mr. Mood was staring ahead, thoughtful; but at the last moment when his spirit faded and he withdrew from the stage of Mana Island, his eyes suddenly flashed, revealing a meaningful smile.

Then, it disappeared completely.

Gui Wugui slowly said: "He must have a way to communicate with the outside world."

He changed his fighting strategy in an inexplicable mood before, and adopted the most conservative defensive method, and he already had doubts about blame; coupled with his performance at this moment, it confirmed his guess in his heart.

Shu Shenyun said: "This matter seems to be difficult, but under today's situation, it is not impossible to break through. After all, even real-time changes in the battle situation can be communicated to the outside world in time through the 'root of mysterious numbers', so one or two ways can be transmitted. The news is not impossible."

"It's just that the message transmission is bound to be inaccurate. It probably grasps several fixed characteristics of the internal and external shocks of the Mana Continent, and it is only used as a signal; it is the same as the 'root of mysterious numbers'."

Gui Wugui nodded in agreement.

It's just that Mr. Mood's last mysterious smile seems to be a haze in his heart.


one year later.

After the victory in the battle of Longtan Island, the progress of Beisha Shrine can be described as overwhelming.

Fifteen days later, all the gods of Yanyang Shrine were destroyed;
One month later, the Yanyang Shrine was destroyed.

Three months later, the Jintie Shrine was destroyed.

Five months later, the Grass Leaves Shrine was destroyed.

Only Asagiri Shrine, because many territories were isolated overseas in the form of islands, persisted until eleven months before declaring its collapse.

As for the dozen or so club owners and coordinators, including Bi Buzhong and Tie Ci, they were either beheaded by Gui Wugui and others, or they disappeared.After all, it is different from Juewu's original mood and others. Even if he survives, it is not a big threat.

In the battle to destroy the Four Shrines, "Mo You" was unparalleled and deserved to take the lead.

However, everyone in the Beisha Shrine knows that although the four shrines have been destroyed, the situation today cannot be said to be superior to the ancients, and there is no time to declare a unified state.In a similar situation, the three generations of owners of the Grass Leaf Shrine also did it; but before the final hurdle, he still retreated.

A giant bird in the shape of flying sand slowly landed on the flattened mountain top.

Not far away is a huge green tree, which is very eye-catching.

Opportunities are faint and clear.

From above the giant bird, one figure after another jumped down.

Special Charm; Gui Wugui; Responsibility; Liujing; Bajiao Luan; Ziyuan; Xuanlingying; Tong Jia; Liudong...

The core backbone of the Beisha Shrine is all there.

At this time, everyone's faces were extremely quiet, and there was no trace of high spirits; and because of their high performance, there was no sound of falling from the giant bird. It is very compatible with this hazy island and faint light.

Gui Wugui stared at the giant tree that looked like a towering giant tree in the cave of Yin and Yang, thoughtfully.

After defeating Xinxin and the others, he did not escape back to the Ziwei Great World in time to find out what happened; he still stayed for more than a year, helping Shen Yun to completely clear up the Mana Island.

One purpose, of course, is to accumulate meritorious service and prepare for the future rectification of name.

Another more important reason is that at this moment, in Mana Continent, there is a very convenient and neat way to ascertain the final result.If we go back to the Ziwei Great World, the current situation is uncertain, which layer has been affected, and whether the boundary has been triggered may not necessarily be clearly seen.

It is better to see through it at a glance than to be fascinated by it.

Everyone stepped into the forbidden formation one by one.

This towering giant tree is naturally the Ten Yuan Xuan Tree.

Beisha Shrine was the last to capture the island, so it was not surprising that Asagiri Shrine and Hoshitetsu Shrine would be destroyed before their retreat.Because of the four major powers that are defeated today, the only hope is that the Beisha Shrine will return here, and finally "return" to the past.

Coming in front of Xuanshu, Shu Shenyun waved her hand.

Eight Jiaoluan immediately practiced, and a ring formation was immediately established.The fine patterns on the formation disk seem to grow like weeds, surrounding twelve fist-sized "discs"-in fact, they are just pure white inexplicable auras.

Shu Shenyun took out another ink-colored array, and spread it three feet in front of the array, but the things drawn on the array were much simpler, forty-nine flowers, each of which was only a few Three strokes outline.

Shu Shen Yun took the first step, forcing a little blood from her fingertips, falling into the disc, and disappearing in a flash.

Following self-attribution without blame, it is also performed sequentially.

Twelve people, all from the lineage of Beisha Shrine, this is a scene that has never been seen in more than ten thousand years.

Then, everyone's eyes didn't look at the Ten Yuan Profound Tree, nor did they look at the array that had swallowed blood, but instead looked at the ink-color scroll with simple strokes.

If you wait to observe, the final change will be thirty or fifty years later.If so, Gui Wugui naturally has no leisure to wait here.But the formation diagram established by Shu Shenyun is also an extremely clever method, and the future outcome of the Ten Yuan Xuanshu can already be seen in the moment when it is nourished by the essence and blood.

It was clearly seen that a flower sketched with a free brush on the picture scroll suddenly condensed into a solid body, and the five colors converged, presenting a blooming image.

Then came the second flower.

The third flower, the fourth flower...

As these flowers bloom, everyone here seems to be gradually relaxing.

But when it reached the thirty-sixth flower, the gradual flowering stopped abruptly.After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, the thirty-seventh flower did not light up.

The hearts of Ba Jiaoluan, Tong Jia, Xuan Lingying and others gradually sank.

Gui Wugui's face remained unchanged.

In today's situation, there is indeed more than one omen verification.

If you are lucky enough to have all forty-nine flowers, that is of course a great joy; if you can't, it is also due.

Shu Shen Yun also looked indifferently, looked around everyone, and said: "These changes have long been expected by me. Don't worry, Mo You will solve them."

(End of this chapter)

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