Chapter 1215
In the wild sea.

Gui Wugui breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly:
"Ten yuan and thousands of calamities in the ring, the seven schools have been divided for a hundred years."

"With one mind and three karmas, one breaks down barriers, and the five directions and two appearances are completely indistinguishable."

"The four demons and the nine paths are indistinguishable, and the heaven and earth are connected with each other."

"The eight swords are divided into different affections, and the ten thousand dharmas can reach Zizaitian."

Looking at the atmosphere of Gui Wugui at this time, it is extremely precise, extremely round, extremely deep, extremely outline, and extremely powerful.No matter from which angle you look at it, it is much stronger than any shortcut existence I have seen before - including Jiuzong Zhenjun.

But the strange thing is that at this time, there is no blame at this time, but there is no such wonderful image of "reversing the subject and the object" and "a body lingering between heaven and earth".To use a unique description:

Probably a "Narmal Soul cultivator who is stronger than the Near Dao Realm."

It may sound absurd; but anyone who sees it will indeed feel this way.

However, after midnight last night, Gui Wugui had indeed broken through to the near-dao realm.

The reason for this wonderful feeling is that for others, "short-cut success" is a big hurdle.After completing this step, the mana is condensed and the energy changes, and after the scale is stabilized, there will naturally be a phenomenon of "reversing the subject and the object".

But this is not the case for Gui Wugui. At this time, his sophisticated and vast Qi mechanism still seems to be like water going east, rushing and never returning-only when he rushes to the Dao realm, he will be considered successful.

When the stable form is replaced by the rapid flow, the phenomenon of turning away from customers will naturally be hidden.

For this, it is a bit regrettable to attribute no blame.

According to his wish, it seems to be a better choice for him to run non-stop after achieving the short-cut path, to rush forward in the middle of the road, and to gallop for a hundred years until he achieves the perfection of the Dao realm.Now that I choose to leave the customs when I take a shortcut, it feels a bit like "died halfway".

Daoist cultivators all over the world, if they know that Gui Wugui will feel at this time, they don't know how to feel.

However, as soon as the thought moves, everything rises and falls, rises and falls, which is also the theorem of Taoism.Since there has been a hundred years of silence, there seems to be nothing wrong with the next hundred years of movement.

Gui Wugui raised his hand.

Eight light spots then appeared, and after Gui Wujiu's fingertips protruded three inches, they turned into eight small swords; each of the eight small swords escaped about a foot, and turned into eight butterflies; the eight butterflies flapped their wings And fly, flew out Zhang Xu, turned into eight flying birds; eight flying birds circled within a distance of more than ten feet, and at some point, turned into eight water droplets, and landed on Gui Wugui's fingertips again.

The turn of the four images is clear and clear everywhere; but at what moment the change of form is completed, I am afraid that no one can give a clear answer.

This shows that Kongyun Nianjian's attainment has improved by another level.

The land in front of me - the barren sea.

The moral karma of imputation without blame can be said to have started and ended here.

With a thought in his mind, Gui Wujiu said to himself: "It's time to name it again. The name of the next sword, let's call it 'Huanghai'."

The two or eight divisions of Kongyun Nianjian, from the past, present, and future, seem to be mysterious and empty ways, but the naming of each sword is based on the real reality, not a general imaginary reference.And behind the name of each reality, there is a rich core.

But at this moment, there are two theories about the scene of "Desolate Sea".

The vicinity of Gui Wugui's place of cultivation is naturally sunny and sunny, and everything is wonderful.

However, the scene at the "Three Lives of Yin and Yang Cave Heaven" transmitted through the entrusted Kongyun Nianjian's entrusted shape is not so wonderful.The sky is broken, the dimension of the earth is cut off—and at first glance, it is the kind of damage and vitality consumption that is easy and difficult to repair—it is shocking to look at.

But in that bleak realm, there are twenty-four jade-colored halls and thirty-six floating islands, which surround the exit of the cave.There are people coming and going among them, and it is quite bustling and lively.

The prosperity of the characters and the bleakness of the celestial phenomena form a sharp contrast.

What I have seen in the past three years has been wonderful.

In terms of magnificence and scale alone, it is far behind even in the last five hundred years of the epoch.

The confrontation between the top geniuses in the last five hundred years is certainly exciting, but whether it is the battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, or the battle of the Nine Sects of Glazed Heaven, the participants are all descendants of their meritorious deeds in the Nascent Soul Realm.The only thing that really belonged to the fight between great supernatural powers was the battle of the four great monster clan's holy ancestors attacking the southeast.

However, this scene has been dizzying in the past three years, and it probably saved Gui Wujiu the loneliness of retreating alone.

Zuo Yi sat here and defeated Zhu Yongchen in the first battle seemingly in a thrilling manner.

Dozens of days later, he defeated the very mysterious leader of the shamanism, the Baji Dawu.The Eight Sacrificial Witches seemed to have come prepared, and they didn't care about winning or losing.But it was this battle that greatly improved Zuo Yi's cultivation.

In fact, after this battle, Zuo Yi's promotion can be seen by people above the shortcut.But Gui Wugui can see that he has gained more benefits than he imagined; the bright part is easy to detect, but the dark part is not easy to discern.

After another three months, former Lu Zong Jiang Chenglu and Chenyang Jianshan Ji Cangsheng came to challenge one after another.

The challenges of these two people have only been a few days apart, but Jiang Chenglu's intention to pave the way for Ji Cangsheng is very obvious.The cooperation between the two is also considered good-Jiang Chenglu knows that if he and Zhu Yongchen change places, he may still be able to win, but facing the more advanced Zuo Yi, it is really difficult to win.So he tried his best to use the means of attack.

When Ji Cangsheng made a move, he really showed the background of the person with the most profound Taoism in the Nine Schools, and his combat power was obviously stronger than that of Zhu Yongchen.If the opponent is the "Left One" in the imagination of the two, it is actually not difficult to win; but when the One Left reveals his true heritage, it is enough to shake the whole world.

After three days and nights of fierce fighting, Zuo Yi once again resorted to the method of Nirvana and Return to Yuan, which had been accomplished twice, and narrowly won the victory.

The next step is the joint challenge of Yin Yang Dao Master and Dongfang Wanqing.

These two also concealed their intention to cooperate, but they didn't make it as obvious as Jiang Chenglu and Ji Cangsheng did.

The master of Yin-Yang Taoism is definitely not inferior to the Great Witch of the Eight Priests, and he is obviously ready to use a tyrannical method like the Great Witch of the Eight Priests, which can only be used once in a lifetime.But just when the yin and yang Taoist was about to use this method, there was a strange sign from the heaven and the earth—it seemed that there was a Daoist who was able to break through the realm and ascend.

This matter seems to have an obvious stake in the choice of the Lord of Yin and Yang.Under balance, he didn't use the method he had prepared, and retreated halfway.

Then there is Dongfang Wanqing.

At the beginning of Dongfang Wanqing's journey, she and Zhu Yongchen were siblings.But the Misty Sect's completion was completed under Dongfang Wanqing's layout, and she got great benefits in the dark.At this time, in terms of foundation, she is actually above Zhu Yongchen.

According to the cooperation in advance, after the Taoist Yin Yang used the secret method to weaken Zuo Yi's strength, Dongfang Wanqing was able to win in one fell swoop.

With the strength of the Yin-Yang Dao master, he still chooses to go out first to pave the way for Dongfang Wanqing, not the other way around.This is naturally because Dongfang Wanqing has a decisive means to win - that rare treasure that hides the means of multiplied power.

But because the master of Yin and Yang changed his course, Zuo Yi's mana is still at its peak.With his accumulated merits, he has the upper hand from the very beginning.Moreover, the strength of Zuo Yi's body has reached an unimaginable level, even with "multiplied strength", it may not be able to cause fatal damage in one fell swoop.

Dongfang Wanqing used the strange treasure seven times, just to regain the disadvantage and pose a threat to Zuoyi, not to attack as imagined.Dongfang Wanqing considered it unwise to use this method as a war of attrition, so she retreated decisively.

And Zuo Yi was also very embarrassed by the "multiplied power" attack, and he didn't dare to pursue him.

Although the scene did not lose the wind, but in terms of the rules of victory and defeat, they still lost in the end.

Having fought against the two giants of Wu Dao and Yin Yang Dao, and the four Tianzun of the Nine Schools, Zuo Yi's reputation has reached its peak.At this time, there are quite a few people and forces in the big world who have come to vote one after another.

After another year, an unexpected guest came unexpectedly——Long Yun, the leader of the four demon ancestors who attacked the Nine Sects back then.

This person could not hide for a long time, and the world's great supernatural powers thought that he was hiding in the Dragon Realm, or he flew away.Unexpectedly, he was still stranded in the Ziwei Great World.

Different from Dongfang Wanqing, although Long Yun's realm is a bit weaker, he can almost unscrupulously use means of multiplication of power.

A fierce attack with eight times more power immediately put Zuo Yi at a disadvantage.

But when he saw that he was about to win, Long Yun stopped, turned around and left.

It seems that he is afraid that Zuo Yi's method of death and rebirth will become stronger every time he uses it; it seems that he has an ulterior purpose in this challenge.

The most vicious fight was seven days ago.

At first, Zhu Yongchen, Baji Dawu and others challenged one after another, but Shengjiao held back for a long time, and guessed that they had no intention of fulfilling the so-called "three-year agreement".Because Daoist Yingyuan did not personally agree that day.

Sure enough, as soon as the three-year period was over, Daoist Ying Yuan immediately mobilized—of course he wasn't alone.

The holy religion came out in full force, led by Xiandao and Yingyuan, three people robbed Taoist priests, one Shinto god, plus Yinzong Mi Daozun, Yi Taoist, Xuxian Taoist, and Yuan Taoist priests. Ten members of the crocodile clan used the treasures of the clan to temporarily increase their fighting power to the Dao Realm, and ten people joined forces to form the "Ten Great Formation" to fight against Zuo Yi.

It is simply an anecdote that the Holy Church Yinzong joined hands to fight against the enemy.

While talking, Gui Wujiu heard a few words, probably saying that this joint operation was deliberately facilitated by his first disciple Huang Xiyin.Huang Xiyin said that it would be of great benefit to wipe out Zuo Yi.All the Taoist priests of Yinzong obeyed Huang Xiyin's words.

As far as the Holy Cult is concerned, it would be great if there is an existence in the Dao Realm who is willing to help.

This battle is extremely dangerous, the strength of the two sides is very different, Zuo Yiyi has already lost the game from the beginning.

But he finally saw the flaw and used an unprecedented cunning method to suddenly injure the monster king of the Yuan crocodile clan, delaying the offensive launched by the "Ten Absolute Formation".In the end, at the moment when the alliance had reached its ultimate limit, it turned defeat into victory in one fell swoop with the help of the fourth rebirth of Nirvana.

Yinzong side.Mi Daozun was slightly injured, and the other two were safe and sound.

As for the saints, Daoist Yingyuan suffered heavy injuries in order to forcibly recapture the Yin and Yang Caves at the critical moment; The second realm exists.

After this big comeback, Zuo Yigong has made progress again.

The bleak scene of collapse beyond Sansheng Yinyang Cave was also caused by this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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