Chapter 1217

The Yin-Yang Daoist said slowly: "That's because witchcraft has its own nine sacrifices and twelve methods, which are performed sequentially and are extremely difficult to surpass. Therefore, a certain person thinks that the "Fundamental Mahayana Sutra" is useless to him."

"But thinking about it carefully today, it doesn't seem to be the case. Because there are many mystical methods in witchcraft. One of them is called 'Incorporating the Body into One' method, which can integrate a different Taoism into one's own Tao through the form of sacrifice. In the art. After fine-tuning this method, the nature is naturally compatible, and there is no disadvantage of suffocation. It's just that the success rate of this method is extremely low, so I didn't think about it."

Gui Wujiu thought to himself, this is similar to his fusion of Kongyun Nianjian.

If the reasoning is as expected, this so-called partial method of "incorporating the body into one" has a similarity with the Fundamental Mahayana Sutra, that is, the higher the threshold, the more effective it will be.Even its threshold is better than that of the "Fundamental Mahayana Sutra" - the probability of success is vastly different if you have seen the true flow and have not seen the true flow.

Therefore, Gui Wujiu does not think that this method is borrowed from the unknown, and belongs to a certain corner of the shamanism, so he underestimates this method.

If his expectations are correct, Yugucheng will surely succeed if he uses this method.

The Yin-Yang Daoist looked gloomy, showing a rare three-point solemnity, and said slowly: "Don't look at the high-profile left one now, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo; Yugu rides calmly and calmly, quietly. But if I understand well, he Once enlightened, even if you don't need to do anything, you can easily cause more trouble than 'Left One'."

"Yes or no?"

Gui Wugui said slowly: "Not bad."

The Yin-Yang Daoist shook his head lightly, and said: "Witch Dao is the same as my Yin-Yang Dao. Once the forbidden formation locks the world and becomes a unified system, it will be difficult to break no matter how many Dao realms siege it."

With the development of the situation today, it is not difficult to understand the words of the Taoist Yin Yang.

With the foundation of Yugucheng ranking among the true streams and still above Li Yunlong, Xi Lerong and others, once he reaches the Dao realm, even if he does not become an enemy of Gui Wujiu, he will simply announce that the Wudao will close its doors and withdraw from the competition in the Ziwei Great World , It is also a natural damage to the "image of Liangyi".

Such deeds can actually be understood as the "reaction" of Gui Wujiu's first return from Mona Island to wipe out the deeply hidden hermit sect.

Xue Jianchi said: "The foundation of Yugucheng is second only to Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai in the Nine Schools, and even higher than Wei Qingqi, Mu Yunli and others. With his ambition, I'm afraid he may not be willing to dormant .”

The Yin-Yang Daoist shook his head again and again, and said, "Don't ignore it, let alone take chances."

As soon as his eyes moved, the Yin-Yang Daoist Master continued in a deep voice: "I have been enlightened for a very long time with the Eight Great Witches of the Witch Dao, and because of our respective identities, we can actually be said to be 'friends' who have been friends for a long time. For tens of thousands of years , In fact, he has a vague sense of how far he has reached in his practice, mind, and realm."

"On the contrary, it's the same with him."

"From a certain point of view, if I follow this person's own practice method, it seems that there is still some time before the breakthrough-if this matter is completed within a hundred years, it is impossible for me to not have a hint of omen in my heart. But the fact is that exactly."

"So, his ascension and departure was not a predetermined step, but a change of course because of some guidance in the dark."

When Zhu Zhen heard the words, they all nodded slowly.

Master Yin Yang saw the expressions on everyone's faces, but shook his head and said, "You guys don't know what I mean."

"The first-class monster races such as the eight positive and five strange, the demon way, and even the human way sect. It is extremely rare and difficult to get the guidance of the seniors who have ascended to the upper realm, but it is not unexpected. And my yin and yang way It’s not the case with shamanism—in my two ways, there is one person in one life, and one statue in one way, who abides by the law and is the master.”

"Even if the inheritance of Yin-Yang Dao is destroyed in a certain realm, those 'predecessors' who flew away will not give any guidance. The degree of abnormality of this matter, in a certain mind, is no less than that of no blame in the battle of Liulitian Create a new contract. I don’t know if everyone understands this?”

Xue Jianchi, Ning Zhongliu and the others were startled when they heard the words, then their expressions turned solemn.

Liang Zhenjun suddenly said: "Maybe it's not the senior witches, but the ancestors of the monster clan, the demon masters of the demonic way, or other powerful people who changed the mind of the eight priests."

The master of Yin-Yang Dao shook his head and said: "Taoism is all-inclusive, and all methods flow together. My Yin-Yang Dao and Wu Dao are not orthodoxies built behind closed doors. But the timing of flying away involves my final 'naming', which are two Taoisms. It's definitely not someone else's point of view."

Gui Wugui suddenly said: "The Lord of Yin and Yang is right."

"There is no need to be lucky. Yugu rides here, in fact, he and Zuoyi are arranged in a chain, and they are each other's horns. To ensure that no matter the outcome, the situation will never become a 'dual image'. No matter how hard the turtle shell of the shamanism is, This alone is useless."

Hearing the words, the head of Dongfang thought carefully, and then nodded slowly.

Because the so-called "solipsism" and "independence" should not only listen to their names, but also observe their reality.If Zuo Yi really becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually defeats all the Dao realms in the Ziwei Great World one by one, even the power of the Holy Cult, the Yinzong, and the Yaozu will decline.So even though he claims to be "Zhongji", this world may return to the "image of Liangyi" again.

This process was dramatically reversed without even having to do it yourself once.

Because Zuo Yi is an enemy of the world, he naturally changed from "middle" to "extreme".

The existence of Yugucheng is obviously to guard against this.

Even if he declares to hide from the world, the whole world of Ziwei is still divided into three parts of chaos, two rather than binary opposition.

Gui Wugui smiled in his heart.

At the critical moment of success, those people can't care about the huge price of interfering in the world of Ziwei.The means that could be used naturally fell one by one.

After thinking about it for a while, Gui Wugui suddenly said: "It will take time for several methods to be fully integrated."

"Three years."

"Should be enough. Pass the letter..."

Facing the stunned look on everyone's faces, Gui Wugui suddenly stopped talking, shook his head, and said, "Why don't I go there myself."

As soon as the words fell, Gui Wugui's figure dimmed slightly.

Dongfang Wanqing, Yin-Yang Daoist, etc. all lost their minds, and immediately followed behind.


After several drastic changes, it has become very easy for the Yueheng Sect to work together both inside and outside.

Across the barren sea.

Gui Wugui's divine will, the places where the footprints were left in those years are clearly visible, and the phantom of the "past" can almost be seen.But his escaping speed did not slow down because of this, it was still fleeting; across the barren sea, it was only a dozen or so breaths.

Outside the palace, Gui Wujiu stood still.

Although no energy was released, there was still a figure coming out of it very quickly.

Zuo Yi took a look with his eyes, and his voice was full of incredulity: "No blame?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said nothing.

Zuo Yi said slowly: "It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable. The public is convincing that you will leave the customs after five hundred years. Unexpectedly, you are so much earlier."

Gui Wugui calmly said: "In three years, fellow Daoist Zuo, you have accomplished a great deal. It was only three years of promotion and three years of descent. This situation can only be maintained for three years. After three years, I and Fellow Daoists, a battle is a foregone conclusion."

Zuo Yi's eyes flickered quickly, and he hesitated: "You also got the secret method to quickly break through the Dao Realm? You... will achieve the Dao Realm in three years?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "That's not true."

Zuo Yi had an incredulous expression on his face, and his voice also raised a little invisible: "You want to fight me with the way close to the Dao realm? You should know the rules of the "Fundamental Mahayana Sutra."

Gui Wugui said loudly: "Of course I know."

Zuo Yi remained silent.

After Gui Wugui became the focus of attention, except for a few secrets, everything he experienced was the object of careful speculation by others, and it can be said that he had reached the point of being extremely familiar.

The limit of the challenge of crossing a big realm was also created by Gui Wujiu - before he broke through the realm of Nascent Soul, he was able to fight against the top descendant who was one step away from the "perfect realm" and possessed the resources of the Dao realm.

But...he is above perfection!

Moreover, after going through several fierce battles, especially his method of nirvana rebirth in martial arts has been revealed several times, at this time, he absolutely has no disadvantages such as not having broken through for a long time, lack of mana, and experience.

Surprisingly, Zuo Yi didn't say anything arrogant and self-reliant, but said flatly: "If after three years, you really haven't broken through the Dao Realm, and you can really beat me one-on-one, then It shows that you are the destined master of this world and this era, and no one can shake you."

Return the blame with a smile.

But Zuo Yi's tone quickly turned firm: "I will do my best not to let this happen."

Gui Wugui nodded, then casually looked up.

At this time, there was an extremely deep imprint in the sky, which was tragic and dazzling.It was exactly the scene formed after the fall of Daoist Lingqu in the "Ten Absolute Formation".These scenes will last for a long time, even if the Dao Realm exists, it is difficult to interfere easily.

As Gui Wujiu's favorite dojo, he didn't want this place to show such a scene for a long time.

By the way, I will also open an introduction for the fight three years later, and leave a harbinger.

So, with a flick of Gui Wujiu's fingertips, the wonderful ideas scattered.

One bead turned into a sword, one sword turned into a butterfly, and then the butterfly turned into a flying bird soaring up, suddenly landed on the black mark, and washed away!

The black shadow was originally the ultimate form of shattering the vacuum. Although the power of the Kongyun Nianjian is strong, it cannot restore its creation.But the strange thing is that after the sword light was washed away, the disgusting, deep and terrifying part of the "black" disappeared for no reason, as if it was just a harmless black cloud floating in the sky.

It's nothing to blame.

The left side is cloudy and cloudy.

Sweeping away the extremely stubborn brand of Nirvana Qi after the death of the Dao Realm, even with his profound magic power, it is difficult to do it.However, Gui Wugui's cultivation near the Taoist realm can be completed.

At this moment, inside and outside the lower cave.Dozens of Jindan and Nascent Soul realm monks, seeing the big change in the sky and seeing Zuo Yi standing in the air, all thought it was Zuo Yi's handwriting, and couldn't help praising him devoutly.

(End of this chapter)

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