Chapter 1218
The news that Gui Wugui challenged Zuo Yi three years later shook the world.

The rise of Zuo Yi, although everyone knows that this person is most likely Xi Lerong, he has jumped from the top of the world to the real peak combat power in the Ziwei Great World in one fell swoop.But at that time, not many people realized the profound significance of this matter - because the speed of progress of "Left One" was extraordinary, after all, it benefited from the "Solips Mahayana Sutra", rather than his own established track .

But Gui Wugui left the customs early, that was completely different.

Three years later, if Gui Wujiu can really defeat Xi Lerong, then his identity will no longer be "the pride of the world", but the real strongest person in the world of Ziwei.

No blame, Xi Lerong is so fast, what about the others?

The "extraordinary world" and "extraordinary people" of Ziwei Great World really deserve the word "extraordinary".The speed at which he waited for the superior position seemed to be just a snap of the fingers.


At this moment, Gui Wujiu has returned to the small world of Banshizong.

As soon as he knocked on Xiaojie and closed the door, Gui Wujiu sensed something unusual.

This is a kind of spirituality, a sense of existence that permeates the whole world.

It wasn't Qin Menglin, because Gui Wugui learned about it from the Yin-Yang Daoist. At this time, Qin Menglin's way of breaking through the realm was gradually deepening, and he had already returned to the secret place of Yin-Yang Dao to complete the "one turn" practice.If the work of "Three Turns" is completed, the journey of breaking through the Dao Realm in one step will be more than half completed.

Guided by this thought, Gui Wujiu flew away slowly, crossing half a small world.

Finally, at the end of a long and narrow island, a figure caught Gui Wujiu's eyes.

The person standing there was wearing a long skirt, and his hair was loose like blue silk.And this head of black hair is unusually fluffy and clean, but it doesn't have much luster, it looks clear and plain.She embraced it with her left arm and grasped the tactic with her right hand.A small animal that looked like a cat or a mouse was sleeping soundly on her shoulder. It was obvious that the chest and abdomen rose and fell, and two glistening drops of saliva fell on her shoulder.

His eldest disciple, Huang Xiyin.

Gui Wugui was slightly moved.

Huang Xiyin's character has undergone several major changes.And never once was this time more profound.

Since entering the Tao, the speed of Gui Wugui's progress can be said to be a thousand miles a day.It is not without pride to say that at that time, the first-class descendants and Yingjie, although they were also making rapid progress, every time they "encountered" with Gui Wugui, the gap between them was widening, not in the same way. zoom out.

But at this moment, Gui Wugui clearly felt——

Huang Xiyin seemed to be a little closer to her.

This is still against the background of his breaking through the realm and approaching the Dao realm.

It can be seen from this that this "distance" is not a momentary gap in performance, but a "depth" after knowing the mission.

The moment Gui Wujiu Zongdun's light fell, he happened to see Huang Xiyin throwing out two small boats made of green paper.It caught fire inexplicably when it fell on the surface of the water, and then burned up in an extreme time.There was a faint line of writing on each of the small boats, as if it was a "stone tablet" that had been shrunk down dozens of times.

Looking at it casually, just when it was burning to the end, on the top of the two stone tablets, one is clearly the word "Huang", while the other is the word "Han".

No blame.

With a sense of divine intent, look around the small world.It is even more certain that Huang Zhengping and the Han family have passed away.

Huang Xiyin turned around, with just the right amount of surprise on her face, and said, "Master, you are back."

In fact, Gui Wugui can also feel that Huang Xiyin has long been aware of her return; but the expression on her face is the natural flow of emotion, not artificial.

Gui Wugui looked at the two small boats that had become the last embers, and said, "When did this happen?"

Huang Xiyin said calmly: "Exactly three years ago, the two of them passed away on the same day. Three years ago, today is the last sacrifice."

Since Huang Xiyin took over as the head of the Banshi Sect, he has followed the path of the Great Demon Venerable of the Demonic Dao teaching the Dharma and giving alms everywhere, instead of blindly retreating and cultivating deeply.Most of the time, she has been consistent, giving lectures and discussions to her disciples.If not for today's "last sacrifice", she would not have appeared in this small world.

Gui Wujiu raised his head slightly, and said: "When I came out from the Yueheng Sect's gate, the first 'lower realm' I saw was the Huang clan. It was more or less a fate. It's a pity when we parted. , but I have never seen each other before.”

Huang Xiyin said slowly: "As far as ordinary people are concerned, Xiyin's parents have already fulfilled their lifetimes."

Gui Wugui took another look carefully, and suddenly realized something.Said: "You have seen the innocence."

No wonder Huang Xiyin has changed so much. This is obviously due to the hidden sense of connection between her "past body" and her supernatural powers.

At this moment, a golden talisman suddenly appeared from the small world inexplicably and fell into Huang Xiyin's hands.

Huang Xiyin opened his eyes, smiled, and immediately handed him over to blame.

Gui Wugui opened it to look at it, and couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that what was narrated in it was about Liu Litian's short-cut breakthrough and his challenge to Xi Lerong three years later.Unexpectedly, Ban Shizong's news here is a bit slow, and it is behind Gui Wugui's arrival.

Huang Xiyin thought for a while and said, "Why is it three years later?"

Gui Wugui smiled slightly and said, "What do you think?"

Huang Xiyin thought about it carefully, and said slowly: "The most common answer is, of course, Master, you possess a sharp weapon and still need to hone it; or you may simply break through. After three years, you will have the ability to challenge Zuoyi. But The real answer is definitely not that simple."

Huang Xiyin seemed to have a glimmer of brilliance in his eyes, and said very firmly: "For you, Master, in today's Ziwei world, there is nothing more important than 'reversal of the situation'. Those who have the potential to destroy the phenomenon of the separation of the two instruments, Xi Lerong is not the only one. You are going to use these three years to cut off these potential opponents one by one to eliminate future troubles. After three years of defeating Xi Lerong, you will be able to restore the image of Liangyi in one fell swoop. During this process, at the same time It's also a practice. I don't know if I'm right?"

Gui Wujiu was silent for a while, then smiled and said: "Half of it."

Huang Xiyin was slightly surprised: "Half?"

Gui Wugui said unhurriedly: "Shengdou people in the secular world also know that they need to charge interest when lending money. What's more, it's the struggle in the world of Ziwei?"

"The cause of being a teacher in an inexplicable place really only needs two points in the world of Ziwei, which is enough; but now that the situation here has been destroyed, how can it be restored? Correction must be overcorrected. Ziwei If you don’t do the work of mixing up the great world at this time, when will you wait?”

"However, as far as specific actions are concerned, what you said is not bad. In the past three years, while sweeping away the remnants of the enemy, at the same time, the practice has improved. The Zuo Yi three years ago is naturally different from the Zuo Yi today."

"He is gaining momentum, and I am also gaining momentum. Three years later, before the start of this battle, the Ziwei Great World has already taken on a new look."

The change in Huang Xiyin's expression can be fully seen.

After she heard the words, apart from being excited and surprised, there was a trace of reservation unexpectedly on her face.

Gui Wujiu laughed dumbly and said, "Don't you have confidence in being a teacher?"

Huang Xiyin said thoughtfully, "'s more difficult than imagined."

Gui Wugui didn't ask, he knew Huang Xiyin would have an explanation.

Sure enough, Huang Xiyin immediately said: "Back then, Master, your cultivation level was not enough to determine the overall situation, and you were victorious after many battles. Now if you have the strength to defeat 'Zuo Yi', it seems that it is easy to clarify the world. But The disciple thought that things might not be so simple."

"The positions are different, the strategies are different, the difficulty of winning and losing, and the degree of success or failure will naturally be different-this is the so-called 'different offensive and defensive power'. The reason why we fought so many victories back then was because the holy religion As well as several monster clans and other forces, they think that they are superior to me, and they have the ambition to win, so the two sides are fighting for balance."

"Master, you have become a major force now. If you want to subdue or eliminate them, that is another way of saying it. If these deep-rooted forces want to hide and hide and uproot them, it seems that it is not a problem. Very easy."

"Furthermore, just fighting or intimidating a few leaders, and the undercurrent of dissatisfaction among the people below, does not seem to be a 'mixed unity'. It must be known that the opposition of forces is opposition. It is also an opposite, and the opposite of light and dark is also an opposite."

Gui Wujiu's eyes moved, and he sighed: "After three days away, you should look at it with admiration. You have always been good at your sharp mind, and you may not pay attention to the grand layout. Now that the weather has changed, it is different from before."

Huang Xiyin's eyes suddenly brightened, and said: "There is something that may be helpful to you, Master."

Gui Wugui said, "What's the matter?"

Huang Xiyin said faintly: "A few months ago, the Holy Cult was actively planning a battle with Zuo Yi. At that time, I had a faint feeling in my heart that even if all the truths from the Yin sect joined, they might not be Zuo Yi's opponent. An idea told me to do it.”

"In the end, the battle was not won."

"It wasn't until this moment that I understood that the attack that day was actually a foreshadowing; it will be of great benefit to Master, your 'Multiple Merit'."

Gui Wugui pondered and said: "Hardness and softness..."

Huang Xiyin suddenly smiled mischievously, and said, "I seem to have seen that day."

Gui Wugui shook his head dumbly.

Needless to say, he naturally knew that the "that day" Huang Xiyin mentioned was the day she wanted to challenge herself.

Seeing Gui Wugui's expression, Huang Xiyin said very seriously: "The disciple said, it's not a battle of emotions. It's that I really 'saw' that day——I believe I didn't misread it; I already vaguely grasped it. The time has come."

Gui Wujiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said solemnly: "I know what you mean."

Huang Xiyin said: "When will we start? Who will be the first opponent?"

Gui Wujiu said casually: "After three days. As for the opponent... first find a family of monsters to try."

ps: It took nearly 90 hours in two days, and 12% of the problems were solved.Go to the unit again tomorrow.I ran out of manuscripts stored in the previous two days and went to work. I also insisted on three shifts. The method was to get up more than an hour earlier, write one shift first (at 6 o’clock), and then go home at three or four in the afternoon for two shifts.But I am very tired today, and I am afraid it will be difficult to operate like this tomorrow; so there will still be no work at noon tomorrow.Get a good night's sleep.After coming back tomorrow, it will start at 4 pm and return to the normal three shifts in April.

(End of this chapter)

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