Chapter 1221
six months later.

Due to the improvement of the realm, Gui Wujiu's mobility in the Ziwei Great World has been greatly improved.Especially when there is no need to borrow the teleportation array of Yinzong's veins, there is a huge difference from the past.In just half a year, he had already eliminated the four clans of Yuan Crocodile, Qing Ni, Six-winged Tiger, and Howling Moon Wolf.

Among the three clans other than the Yuancrocodile Clan, apart from the seemingly inconspicuous Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, which has a rather impressive treasure that can transform into Dao Realm combat power to protect it, the other two clans claim to be able to resist Dao Realm The means of attack are actually extremely rigid.Even if the locals rob Dao Zun, they can easily take him down with a little trouble.

This is because the battle between the monster clans in the Ziwei Great World has not reached the point of fighting with the power of the clan, and both sides have their own fears.

If it really reaches that level of intensity, and they all make unreserved moves, the background of these two families will be exposed immediately.

At this time, Gui Wujiu was standing alone on a small hill for a long time.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and waved it, and the subtle magic power rippled out, and the space was far and near, and after unique stretching, a unique vortex was formed.

Gui Wugui palm empty entrustment.

A golden talisman book inside jumped to Gui Wujiu's palm.

After his cultivation base improved, the uses of Wuyu Samsara Heaven also increased, revealing more and more mysteries.

If you are in an area that is very close to the Yinzong Teleportation Formation or the Monster Clan's Dharma Gate, you can send messages through the congealing of Gui Wugui's mana;Now that Gui Wugui used this method, he didn't need to borrow the real clone, but a trace of sword energy transformed into a body, which can be used as the real body.

And this avatar can not only be used for the forward journey, but can also actively use this method when turning around.

The reason why the separate body is not seen at this time is because the moment it is about to leave the country, it has been vaporized and invisible, and it has been incorporated into Gui Wujiu's body without a sound.

After reading the talisman book that Gui Wujiu had brought, he thought to himself for a while, and finally made up his mind.

Immediately, he concentrated his energy, wrote another reply letter, and put it into the "Samsara Heaven".

Letters come and go, all go to the peacock clan.

It is said to be the peacock clan, but in fact it is the pivotal place for the peacock, red charm, Tianma and other clans to plan their strategies.The content written in it is to inform all the monster clans and Yinzong that they are all carefully prepared, and they are stable - because there is going to be a big movement in Gui Wugui.

Gui Wugui's behavior in the past three years is not a blind man feeling the elephant, but a hidden method, constantly evaluating the gains and losses of his own actions.

Roughly speaking, there are three types.

One of them is the calculation of several monster clan forces.

This is not an ordinary calculation and divination, but relies on the "prosperity and decline signs" after several battles between clear and turbid mysterious images. Before the next final product is completed, a glimpse of the secret and the specific time of final product completion can be roughly glimpsed.Gui Wugui thought that if he wiped out many hostile monster races, many useful messages could be deduced from this omen.

The second of them is the "Ziwei Great World Picture Scroll" that he obtained for the first time after returning from Mona Island.Looking at the change of its shape, the gains and losses are clear at a glance.

As for the third basis for judgment, it is his incomparably keen Dao Xin.

But at this moment, under the three methods, there are some doubts.

In terms of "a sign of prosperity and decline", the time for the completion of the final product for the destruction of the four clans seems to have been advanced by only a tiny moment, and it is difficult to accurately measure the influence of Gui Wugui's move.

Previously, the alliance between the Peacock Clan and Yinzong Yi Daozun, and the swift action, had "subdued" the remaining forces of the Yuancrocodile Clan as they wished.In addition to beheading seven or eight demon kings, it can be regarded as completing the planned strategy of Gui Wugui.

As for the other three clans, they haven't had time to make a move yet.

After this was done, Gui Wujiu peeked at the picture scroll of "Ziwei Great World" in his mind, and found the part of the Yuancrocodile clan.However, the original lump of coagulation turned into countless fine dots at this moment, like thousands of fine sands, gathered together falsely and solidly.Looking at its color, it is also mixed with yellow and white, dark and unclear.

With such a weather, it may be a little bit reluctant to say that it meets the requirements of the "image of confusion"; but it seems that it is not sure whether it is stronger or weaker than the "separation of Xinghan".

As for the Dao Nian in my heart, I don't seem to have a clear response to the gains and losses in the past six months.

It's nothing to blame.

This should be because the value of the numbers currently being moved is too small.

Use thunderous means to stir up the situation in the world of Ziwei in one fell swoop!At least, it should be no less than Xi Lerong's movements.

On balance, Dragon Clan seems like a good choice.

First of all, the strength of the Dragon Clan has always been the crown of the Monster Clan, and there is no second one in terms of weight.

Second, although the Dragon Clan is powerful, they are relying on the already completed triple nine palaces breaking the boundary. They are extremely confident in their invincibility, and they think they are in a detached attitude.Unexpectedly, when Gui Wujiu was inquiring about the location of Mana Benzhou, he used the mirror bead to find the "fulcrum" of Dragon Realm in one fell swoop.

At this time, with Gui Wugui's strength, it is not difficult to escape into it.

If you want to make a difference, you must be able to achieve unexpected results.

On reflection, this is a very suitable goal.

However, after all, the background of the dragon clan is unfathomable, and it is very likely that Long Yun is sitting in it.And with the Dragon Clan's outstanding attainments in space, it's still unrealistic to uproot them in a single battle.Therefore, what goal to achieve in this battle must always be carefully considered.

Gui Wujiu made up his mind, and when he was about to get up, he was suddenly slightly taken aback.

Hidden on his body, a mark that had been engraved for a long time suddenly awakened, stirring up his own sword intent, and there were faint waves of waves.

Wei Yi pondered, Gui Wugui didn't hesitate, and immediately drove away in the light.


Seven days later.

He glanced at the secular bustling below, the huge capital, Gui Wugui slowed down and landed on a hill outside the city.

Due to the blocking of a very brilliant formation, from the bottom of the mountain to the middle of the mountain more than [-] zhang were covered by extremely thick fog.If mortals step in accidentally, they will either be trapped in it for a long time, or they will go around for six or seven days and return from the original road.

The top of the mountain is empty, and there are only two people surrounding this stone platform.

The older man is probably a Jindan cultivator, and it is not difficult to see that the outline of the bones is actually very good; it is just that the wrinkles on the skin are looming, and the vitality and blood are obviously declining, which is obviously the phenomenon of sunset.

The person who accompanied him was about seventeen or eighteen years old.Although the facial features are clear and bright, gentle as jade, but he is not as free and easy as a young man, on the contrary, he can be seen at a glance as a person with a delicate mind.

The old and the young have one thing in common, that is, they all have a strange maple leaf shape on their foreheads, like a family emblem.

It's nothing to blame, and the light falls.

The older man blinked his eyes, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed deeply, saying: "Jing Yang has met Shang Zhen."

The boy beside him widened his eyes a little, as if he looked at Gui Wugui carefully, and then followed him with a bow.

It's just that this prostration is quite routine.

Gui Wujiu looked intently, and said slowly: "I didn't have much meritorious deeds back then, I'm sorry you have been waiting for a long time."

Immediately, he reached out and took out a pill from his sleeve, threw it over, and said calmly: "Take this pill, it can replenish your vitality."

Gui Wugui rushed here, although it took seven days.But back then, his meritorious deeds had not reached the top level, and the method of communication he left behind relied entirely on subtle possessions, and slowly oscillated in a world.So when Gui Wugui received the news, at least half a year had passed.

The cold air on the top of the mountain is extremely severe, if Jing Yang was at its peak, he would not be afraid, but with his extremely weakened energy now, it is also quite difficult to protect the young man.

Gui Wujiu sighed, and said: "With your superb martial arts foundation, at least you still have three hundred years of life. You have tried to break through."

Jing Yang showed a sad look on his face, and said: "Yes."

At this time, Jing Yang didn't have too many surprises on his face, but a little bit of uneasy.He only heard him take a deep breath, and summoned up his courage to say: "Actually... So far, the conditions put forward by Shangzhen have not been met; but Jingyang thought twice, and still activated the token left by Shangzhen. What if No way...Jing Yang can only apologize with death."

Gui Wujiu originally wanted to say "I know it"; but seeing Jing Yang's way of preparing his speech for a long time, he finally took these four words back, and just smiled lightly: "Talk about it."

Jing Yang was not angry when he saw that there was no blame, and he let go of most of the worries in his heart.

So I will explain the whole story in detail.

Over the past five hundred years, among the descendants of the Jing clan, there have been about a dozen people who seem to have the qualifications to enter the Tao and have excellent talents.Jing Yang also had a glimmer of hope, whenever his "three solutions to emptiness" accumulated and took shape, he would bring him to the stone platform on the top of the mountain to observe the sword mark.

In fact, among the dozen or so disciples, three or four of them are far superior in talent and aptitude than Jing Yang himself.But after trying it out, the result is only a very superficial level. It is a thousand miles away from what Gui Wujiu said in the past, using a chance to unravel the emptiness and getting close to the requirements of the profound meaning.

At this moment, Jing Yang knew that the predestined relationship left by Gui Wujiu was not so good.

For more than a hundred years, his mind has gradually been put on his broken Nascent Soul.Although he knew that it would be extremely difficult to break through with his way of entry, but he would not be reconciled if he didn't try his best.

But ten years ago, among his twenty-three generations of descendants, there was one person named Jing Ke, whose talent was beyond imagination.

After practicing Qi for nine years, he became a foundation builder, and when Jing Yang used the method of "three solutions to emptiness", he rubbed and translated [-] swordsmanship in each of the three ways. See, after watching it three times, you will master it all.

Jing Yang was naturally shocked, and immediately brought Jing Ke to this mountain, and asked him to try to observe with the talent of "Three Jiekong" to see if he could succeed in one fell swoop.

Jing Ke stayed in front of the stone gate for three days and three nights.

Then said - he could do it.

For three days and three nights, he just waited and watched, and did not use the method of "three solutions to emptiness".

Jing Yang was both surprised and delighted, and believed in what Jing Ke said.

But he still urged Jing Ke to use actual combat methods to make it work, so he felt relieved.

But unexpectedly, Jing Ke chose to refuse, saying that his method of "three solutions to emptiness" had other uses.

In the end, Jing Yang couldn't persuade him either.

Feeling that his time was running out, Jing Yang went through a long period of psychological struggle, and finally chose to take a risk——under the premise that the agreed conditions were not fulfilled, he activated the letter left by Gui Wugui.

Then "Jing Ke" is naturally the one in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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