Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1222 The Theory of Unification 1 Power of Movement

Chapter 1222 The Theory of Unification

After listening to Jing Yang's explanation of cause and effect, Gui Wujiu nodded slightly and said, "I know. He can indeed do it."

As soon as this remark came out, the corners of Jing Yang's mouth twitched, showing inconceivable surprise; half unbelievable, half flattered.

And that young man Jing Ke's eyes brightened, he looked like he "got to meet a confidant", which made Gui Wujiu laugh in his heart.

Gui Wugui can naturally see that the sword intent of "Kongyun Nianjian" left by him has not left traces on Jing Ke's body; moreover, he has clearly never used his "Three Unification of Space" opportunity.

The effectiveness of Jing's blood-vein rice secret method is directly related to one's aptitude.

The "Jing Ke" in front of him, Dao Ji Dao Nian Dao Fate has clearly reached the second-rank realm, no matter which force in the Ziwei Great World has discovered this person, it is bound to attach great importance to it, and cultivate it as a core descendant—even if it is high-sighted The same is true for the nine sects at the top.

Gui Wugui took a look at Jing Ke, said with a smile: "Tell me, what is the reason for not trying?"

Jing Ke straightened his expression and said, "These three opportunities will naturally be reserved for extremely difficult moments. If it is something that can be done easily, wouldn't it be wasted?"

Jing Yang was startled, and immediately wanted to reprimand Jing Ke for his wild words.

Gui Wugui waved his hand and said flatly, "What is difficult? What is easy?"

At this time, Jing Ke realized that what he said just now was not very appropriate, his face showed embarrassment, he shook his hands again and again, and said loudly: "Shangzhen don't misunderstand. The younger generation is not saying that the Taoism left by Shangzhen is superficial, no It is worth using the secret method."

"It's just that in Ke's view, all dharmas are my own way, and all ways are my way. No matter what kind of supernatural powers and methods, if you copy them in their entirety, it will be perfunctory, not correct."

"Even if it is a supernatural power, there must be two steps in its inheritance - one is to acquire it, which is the process of fully acquiring the previous supernatural powers and attribute them to one's own; The supernatural powers of me are combined with me, imprinting the spirit of 'I', and mixing with all my previous knowledge and perceptions. This way is called unity, but it is actually innovation."

"In Jing Ke's view, this second step is much more difficult than the first one. Therefore, Jing Ke has already made up his mind to comprehend any channel technique that the former sages and great powers paid attention to, and he will dismantle it with his own understanding; The three chances given are used to combine self and newness."

"Therefore, for Jing Ke, the talent of this family is not called 'Three Jiekong', but rather called 'Three Jiehe'."

Gui Wujiu glanced at Jing Ke, and smiled again in his heart.

What he said seems to have a great tone and a great momentum.But when he appeared outside, he didn't have the spirit of a genius who was full of spirits and looked around freely. Instead, he looked like an extremely shy person who mustered up the courage to say such words.Such a contrast is interesting to look at.

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "Your argument seems to be reasonable, but in fact it is unavoidably careless."

"This sword intent, do you know how clever it is?"

"If there is a supernatural power, its own nature has reached the peak and is seamless. Follow the steps and be meticulous, which is the right way to get the most out of it; if you blindly pay attention to personal characteristics and change the profit and loss, it will be the opposite. Its power and potential are greatly reduced, and even only [-]% or [-]% of its power can be exerted."

"If so, do you still think that the 'My Way' you insist on is correct?"

Jing Ke raised his neck imperceptibly, as if he was about to answer the conversation immediately.But after moving his lips, he didn't say a word.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "If you have anything to say, just say it. The speaker is innocent."

Jing Ke's eyes lit up, and he said, "Okay."

"As far as I am concerned, what Shangzhen says is right. If you insist on 'my way', maybe the potential of the way will not advance but will retreat. But for this world, it may not be the case."

"The world is more valuable than people, and the value of people lies in the gathering of ideas and inexhaustible thoughts. If everyone takes themselves as the mainstay and brings forth the new, then even if the temporary benefits are a little short, if a rich soil is laid, those who are more The supernatural channel technique that surpasses the predecessors will also appear faster; if everyone is greedy for small gains and follows it, then even if it benefits for a while, it will inevitably be a stagnant pool in the long run."

Seeing that Gui Wugui didn't deny it, Jing Ke mustered up his courage and continued: "Thousands of people are like thousands of mirrors, each of them illuminates, folds and folds repeatedly, blends and grows together, until infinity."

Gui Wugui pondered for a while, then slowly said: "Did you realize this truth yourself?"

Faced with this not very difficult question, Jing Ke was a little hesitant.

After hesitating for a long time, he said: "I didn't hear it from other people; but it seems that I didn't realize it myself."

Gui Wujiu's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "What's the explanation?"

Jing Ke hesitated and said: "Perhaps someone with the blood of his own family, with a certain level of aptitude, will naturally understand the truth."

Gui Wugui thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Okay."

With the word "good" out of the mouth, Jing Yang could be regarded as a stone in his chest.Just now, Jing Ke talked eloquently in front of Shangzhen, which really made him extremely uneasy.

Gui Wugui said again: "I'm really looking forward to when you will use the so-called 'Union' method. I don't know how long you think it will take before you can penetrate the essence of this sword with your own understanding? "

When Jing Ke was asked this question, he hesitated and said: "This not all about qualifications, it is also closely related to the level of Taoism."

Jing Yang said at the right time: "It's true. It took Jing Ke self-cultivation to build the foundation, but it took nine years. But after the foundation, he felt that the exercises I found for him might not be compatible with him, so this Two years of practice has been delayed. He said that he wants to comprehend the Taoism collected by Huitong, establish his own foundation-building skills, and form a golden core."

Gui Wugui cast his gaze away.

Jing Ke didn't deny it either, nodded heavily, and said, "Exactly."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Why don't I leave you a superior exercise, how about it?"

Jing Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words.Even though Cai Gui Wu Jiu had a kind expression on his face, no one knew what he was thinking; it was only now that it became clear that Jing Yang knew that his risky move was a right bet.

But Jing Ke frowned slightly, as if hesitating.

No surprises, no thanks.

Gui Wugui shook his head slightly.

Jing Yang has been deeply influenced by a certain special blood talent, although the benefits are obvious, but it is too much.

But seeing Gui Wujiu waved his hand, a clear light flashed, piercing through the trees hundreds of meters away.There seemed to be hundreds of sword lights cutting like a breeze, but they cut a section of tree trunk into the shape of a flying bird and quietly presented it on the ground.

Jing Ke was stunned when he saw it, and then his heart moved for no reason.

The "wooden bird" made by cutting Gui Wugui, although it can be seen at a glance that it is made of wood, not a real bird.But it has an inexplicable subtlety, which always makes people feel that it is a pity that this bird is not flying in the sky.

Gui Wugui kept his expression in his eyes, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand.

Jing Ke raised his eyebrows.

He could clearly feel that although the Shangzhen in front of him was unfathomable, the power of this stroke did not use too much magic power-although the subtleties may be far beyond his own reach, but only in terms of the scale of power , not even exceeding the upper limit of one's own strength.

With a swipe, the bird immediately soared into the sky.

Then, relying on the wind force from the sky, it flew higher and higher, farther and farther away, and soon disappeared from Jing Ke's sight.

Gui Wugui said unhurriedly: "The so-called 'harmony' and innovation are important, but inheritance is also important. For example, if this flying bird is placed on the ground, how is it different from a rotten wood? But it moves from stillness In the end, it must be pushed up by an external force. It is precisely because of an external force that there will be a future skyrocketing.”

Jing Ke said in relief, "I understand."

But I don't know if it was shyness or something else; he finally didn't say the second half of the sentence.

Blame the fingertips forward a little.

When this point fell, Jing Ke was startled.But it seemed that he felt vaguely in his heart that the world was sinking; but when he looked closely at Gui Wugui's finger, there was no change.

He seemed to feel something in his heart, and suddenly turned his head to look.

However, on the boulder, traces gradually emerged from the shallow to the deep, and were condensed into individual characters at an extremely fast speed.After about ten breaths, it was fully formed and formed a text of about [-] characters.

Gui Wugui said: "This is an exercise, it only goes to the end of alchemy."

Jing Ke's eyes lit up.Especially Gui Wujiu's words "only until the alchemy is formed", not only did not disappoint him, but he was very satisfied.

This tactic was derived from Gui Wugui's on-site deduction, and it was integrated with the Taoism obtained in the past.

Due to the proficiency and proficiency of the practice, this piece of Taoism is not inferior to the practice practiced by Huang Xiyin after he established his foundation, and it is also no less than the true biography of the Nine Schools.Now the blame is not blamed, only deduced in a very short time.

Then Gui Wugui stretched out his hand and pressed it.

On the boulder, the place where Gui Wujiu left the sword mark was just wrapped by the [-] words of this exercise.But to the right of the sword mark, there was a gap about the size of a palm.At this time, Gui Wujiu pressed his palm, which happened to be in this "blank" position.

This boulder, which was protected and blessed by the formation force, immediately sank like sand and mud; but it didn't just sink into a deep pit, but immediately the mist condensed into water droplets, and the water droplets condensed into solid ice, filling it in, filling the The hollows are completely filled and immediately smooth as a mirror.

Gui Wugui said: "After achieving the golden core, it is enough to absorb the meaning of the sword mark with your Taoism. One day, once you succeed, you can use the method of 'disintegration' to transform it into your own. My own experience. At that time, I will cut a sword on this mirror."

Jing Ke nodded repeatedly.

He moved his eyes, and suddenly touched the back of his head, as if he remembered that this Shangzhen had left such a gift of Taoism, and he hadn't formally thanked him yet.

So he took a step forward and immediately bowed deeply.

Gui Wugui had already stretched out his hand in advance to lift him up, and said with a smile: "You deserve it. I'm quite moved by your high-sounding remarks."

(End of this chapter)

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