Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1223 Xing Shalun Turns Different Ways

Chapter 1223 Xing Shalun Turns Different Ways
After leaving Jing Ke for a while, Gui Wu Jiu did not leave. He escaped and came to a wilderness more than two hundred miles away, pacing slowly.

After Jing Ke's discussion, many thoughts in Gui Wujiu's mind gradually became clear.

Slaughtering all the hostile forces, perhaps in a short period of time, the so-called "image of chaos" can be realized.If the timing is good so that the weather is not bad when you achieve the Dao Realm, then it can barely be regarded as reaching the predetermined goal.

But such a perfunctory past is not what Gui Wugui wanted.

As Jing Ke said, the most precious person in the world is a human being, and the prosperity, evolution and diversity of Taoism is also one of the background colors to measure this world.It is not the best policy to destroy it in one go.

So there was another way of thinking, to destroy people and save the law, leaving only a few Taoist inheritance and necessary blood races, leaving their names empty.

But such a method of raising puppets only makes Gui Wujiu feel that it is not the real vitality of Ziwei Great World.

Gui Wugui continues to reason, and there is another method that seems to be more brilliant and stalwart - that is to establish with one method and reflect all methods.All the races in the Ziwei Great World will benefit from my method, so they will bow down and return to their hearts.

But not to mention that such a career is too difficult, nor can it be achieved in a short period of time; such a grand plan is too wishful thinking.

This is a natural contradiction.

If there is little inheritance in the world of Ziwei, and the depression is eliminated, then the background color may not be enough; but if it is prosperous and strong, and a hundred flowers bloom, it will inevitably compete with each other, this is an unsolvable problem.

The catastrophe of the Yaozu's fixed product can best explain the problem.

There are only a few positions that can securely occupy a high position and be absolutely sure to counteract the infestation of robbery force.The races in the Ziwei Great World must have this competition.Even if it removes many races that are currently in the top ranks, a few positions will be vacated.The next day, today's allies, such as the Lifu and other races, will grow to a certain extent, and there will inevitably be another struggle.

In terms of the simulated images of the Ziwei Great World and Mana Island, those are the locations with the highest terrain and the ability to resist the invasion of robbery forces.

Unless most of the races with great potential in the Ziwei Great World are wiped out, and only a few races are left to occupy this position forever, otherwise this is an unsolvable problem.

But it's back to square one—

This is at the cost of compromising the richness and splendor of the Ziwei Great World.

The same is true for the several battles between the pure and the dark, and the formation of the phenomenon of the separation of the stars and the Han. In fact, most of the direct descendants in the big world are strangers, and there is no deep hatred.But once they are out of the game, those who gain power will be arrogant, and those who lose power will disappear, which almost determines the fate of a person's path and potential for promotion.

Therefore, no one can afford to lose, and no one can retreat.

"Learning to learn how to fight" is doomed to not exist; once the winner is determined, it is a zero-sum game.

Thinking of this, Gui Wujiu suddenly caught a clue.

The disputes in the world of Ziwei are uncertain, and the crux of the problem seems to be here...


If one thing can be done, the biggest obstacle to the "mixed unity" of the Ziwei Great World seems to be solved.

Unfortunately, another thought became clear in Gui Wujiu's mind——

The method he thought of, although transcending the knowledge of all people in the past and present, can successfully "dispel" the struggles based on the rise and fall of the clan.But the threats and contradictions arising from the position of those who aspire to be the first in the world, that is, to realize the "karma of confusion", are still irreconcilable.

Now the idea is solid.

For the most important competitors, unless they voluntarily give up, there will be a battle.

Looking back, Gui Wugui found that it was also because his Dao Nian Dao Yuan was too amazing in the dark, and his choice was very likely to be correct.

Dragon world.

But the reason is not the original reason, such as the strong dragon clan, easy to achieve surprise surprise attack and so on.The real reason is: the position of the dragon family is very strange, so it is convenient to do that "try."


The three lives of yin and yang cave to the sky.

At this moment, the entire barren sea realm suddenly went dark.

This darkness lasted for a full fifteen breaths, as if the sky and the earth were overturned, and the crape myrtle land was sinking, blocking all knowledge, perception and exploration; The monitoring circle formed with the help of the power of the world and the "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram" also has six breaths of time, and it is pitch black.

Within the Yin and Yang Cave, "Zuo Yi" is alone in a small and medium world, Qingyue Daochang.

Originally, there were three people here——

Above the left and right guest seats are Mo Tianqing and Lin Yi respectively.

As for the main seat on the seven-star Yuhua platform, there is no "Left One"; his appearance has clearly returned to his original appearance, Xi Lerong.

But after this wonderful fifteen breaths, there are two more people in front of him.

Long Yun and Li Yunlong.

But they were obviously not uninvited guests, the three of Xi Lerong greeted Long Yun and Xi Lerong together.Especially Mo Tianqing, with a slight smile on his face, and a trace of unusual agility in his eyes.

Xi Lerong said unhurriedly: "Fellow Daoist Longyun has any tricks, please use them."

Long Yun nodded slightly.

I saw him wave his sleeves, and a glass body suddenly appeared in front of him.It looks like a sphere, but one-third of the top has been cut off, and the inside is hollow, with water vapor flowing in the hands.Looking at its appearance, half looks like a wine jar and half looks like a fish tank.

Then he stared straight ahead, as if waiting.

Xi Lerong raised his hand very casually, and wiped his fingertips upwards.When it was at the same height as the eyes, a bead suddenly appeared.There are fine words in it, which are rotated in eleven or twelve colors, and finally there is nothing.

As soon as the bead was flicked, it immediately fell into the "wine urn", stirring up two or three drops of water.

In an instant, a blue dragon, a white dragon, a red dragon, and a black dragon emerged from four directions inside the urn at the same time, all of which were about a foot long and short. Black four-color flame.

Xi Lerong and Li Yunlong met each other's eyes, seemingly calm, but actually felt relieved inexplicably.

Mo Tianqing and Lin Yi, two Consummation Realm figures, came to vote, so he naturally had to treat them seriously, and he should not neglect them lightly.Unexpectedly, Mo Tianqing was quite cunning in his discussion of the situation and maneuvering, and he tried to find a person above perfection to participate in this method.And Lin Yi recommended himself to lobby Li Yunlong.

Xi Lerong also deeply agrees with what he holds.

Another important reason is that when this incident happened, Xi Lerong had already won the round of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and passed the most important hurdle for his growth.If this matter punishes a Taoist figure above Consummation, he will not be at a disadvantage psychologically.

In fact, the battle between Long Yun and him was a hidden meaning.After this battle, it has actually been agreed.

However, Long Yun and Li Yunlong, faced with the ultimate method of "Only My Mahayana Sutra", they were a little overwhelmed. They had to take out one of the treasures in the family, and after trying the depth, they made a final decision.This kind of demeanor is obviously inferior to the one he saw when he was fishing.

Long Yun glanced at it.

He naturally guessed what Chan Lerong was thinking.

However, as the most important backstory of the dragon clan so far, the first person in history to achieve perfection, Li Yunlong's road to enlightenment cannot be ignored.

The seemingly inconspicuous "fish tank" in front of me is actually a rare object left by the ancestor of the dragon clan for tens of thousands of years.This thing has no use for fighting, or for the rise and fall of a family; the law is inscribed, if a descendant of the Dragon Clan has reached a very high level of aptitude and Taoism, and has doubts about the method he has practiced, he can use this material inspection.

But so far, it has not been used once.

First, no one is sure how high the "extreme aptitude" in Long Zu's mouth is;

Second, the more qualified a person is, the more confident he is about his own way, and there is absolutely no reason to rely on external objects for inspection.

Looking at it now, it seems that this object was set up for today's occasion.

In terms of the reliability of testing external objects, it is clearly a step further than the shamanism's method of "combining the body and the body", and it can be said to be foolproof.

After sixty-four breaths, the ethereal orb condensed by Xi Lerong suddenly shattered and disappeared.

The four little dragons in the urn also slowly dissipated.

Around the urn, three brown patterns of varying thickness emerged.

Long Yun glanced over, his expression seemed a little relieved, and said, "Yes."

Li Yunlong seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and smiled slightly at Xi Lerong.

Xi Lerong said: "Back then, it was you, fellow Taoist Li Yunlong, who dragged someone into the chess game of Ziwei Great World; but today it's the other way around."

Li Yunlong said with a half-smile: "You mean, is this fate?"

The voice was about to fall, and the original ethereal form in the urn suddenly changed, as if there were many golden light spots floating in the air, weaving golden characters one by one.These words clearly came from the pearl passed down by Xi Lerong.

It's just that it appears golden at this time, which seems to have obtained a kind of confirmation and conviction in the dark, and it seems to be an unquestionable classic.

Li Yunlong concentrated his mind and carefully read the words in it.

Xi Lerong glanced casually, but there was surprise on his face, and he sighed: "It turns out that the dragon clan still has a hand. It's just that the two of you have obtained the law here and made a contract. It's too much not to tell each other directly."

Long Yun frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Xi Lerong shook his head and said: "You only talked about verification, but you didn't say that you used the "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" as a method of practice and induction."

Long Yun's eyes moved, and he said slowly: "Why did I ever deceive you? This treasure passed down by my dragon clan is indeed only for testing the authenticity and clarifying whether the way is right or not."

Li Yunlong's attention was also attracted.

Long Yun's thoughts turned rapidly, and finally he whispered: "You mean..."

Xi Lerong and Long Yun looked at each other, as if they were judging the truth of what he said.

On the other hand, Mo Tianqing, who was at the side, also showed surprise on his handsome face, and said quietly: "We also got the Dharma from Brother Xi's "Only My Mahayana Sutra". Only My Mahayana Sutra seems to be similar in semantics and atmosphere, but the text is actually nineteen different."

Long Yun was silent.

If he hadn't taken out the treasure to verify the procedure, the two of them would have suspected that Xi Lerong had taken out a fake scripture.But since it passed the verification, it became a problem on its own side.

(End of this chapter)

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