Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1224 The Theory of Chess Game

Chapter 1224 The Theory of Chess Game
When Long Yun and Li Yunlong turned their eyes, their hearts were pounding.

Could it be that this is really Long Zu's method hidden in the present, and the reasoning is just a verification, but it is actually a big opportunity that appears at the right time?

The two of them, Xi Lerong, Mo Tianqing and others all looked at the scroll of floating words.

But at a glance, what is recorded here is still the method of borrowing the right time to achieve enlightenment ahead of time—those who reach the perfection state can quickly achieve the shortcut, and those who are above perfection can quickly achieve the Tao realm, which is exactly the same as the correct method obtained by Xi Lerong.

The two carefully checked whether there were many independent methods that were very compatible with the dragon clan, but after watching, it turned out that there were not.

Mo Tianqing's eyes moved, and he said: "The secret of this "Great Mahayana Sutra" has the greatest effect on people who are above perfection. To us, it is only within Yu Ze's reach. Perhaps this sutra has its own spirituality, and every time If one more Consummated person touches it, it will naturally undergo another change."

Xi Lerong's eyes moved, then slowly shook his head, and said frankly: "The Dharma door I gave to Yugu Cheng is also in the form of condensed rosary beads. But when I left my hand, I accidentally took a look at it. It is the old Dharma I practiced. undoubtedly."

Long Yun frowned.

There seemed to be a gleam of sharpness in Li Yunlong's eyes, and he said very firmly: "Don't worry, this is the method."

At this moment, Xi Lerong suddenly felt a thought floating in his mind.

He thought for a while, then stretched out his fingers, a little harder.

The light and shadow floated and unfolded slowly, outlining the appearance of a picture scroll with words written all over it.It is the "Only Mahayana Sutra" that he, Yu Gucheng, Mo Tianqing and others have self-taught.

The crowd looked intently.

Although the text is quite different, the number of words is exactly the same.There is even an indescribable symmetry and harmony between strokes and brushwork.

Looking at its spirit, Xi Lerong's classic is vigorous and vigorous; while the one in front of Li Yunlong is as dense as willow catkins, with indescribable subtlety and subtlety.

The two classics are like mirrors contrasting each other, becoming more and more vivid and clear; when they finally reach a certain critical point, they suddenly shoot out a dazzling brilliance, as if there is an extra sun in the cave for no reason!
After more than ten breaths, the brilliance dissipated.

When they looked again, everyone was surprised to find that under the two "classics", there were about a third of the length of the text.

Xi Lerong and the others immediately put their minds into it.

It turns out that this "Only My Mahayana Sutra" is not a method for one person alone, but a method for two people to cooperate.If both of them have the talent above perfection, and practice this method together, it is possible to touch the ultimate change of this method.

Previously, this scripture made a deal with the Eight Sacrificial Witches, and it was first obtained by Yugucheng.The foundation of Yugucheng is still above Xi Lerong and Li Yunlong, but this change has not been touched - this is because the sexes are not completely compatible.

For the two top figures "above consummation" who practice this way, one must be a human cultivator, and the other must be a demon cultivator; if it is not a demon cultivator, at least it must be the other spirits and ghosts who are not human bodies to form the Tao.

In addition, there are also clear requirements for the way they hold.

Compared with demon cultivators, human cultivators are usually good at understanding the truth and consummate Taoism.However, the "human cultivation" that cooperates with the ultimate change of the double cultivation "Only My Mahayana Method" must be extremely strong in muscles and bones, or even reach a level no less than that of demon cultivation in the same realm.

As far as demon cultivators and human cultivators are concerned, their ability is naturally based on strong muscles and bones.However, the "demon cultivator" who cooperates with this method of double cultivation needs to take the path of extremely leaping mind and deep calculation.

The benefit of this wonderful upside-down can only bring the "Only Mahayana Sutra" to the extreme.

After both of them reach the Dao Realm, they will be able to obtain a wonderful harvest, which will make them reach the true peak in terms of cultivation and combat power.

The formula is so wonderful, it seems to be specially designed for Xi Lerong and Li Yunlong.

Don't think there are still more than a dozen "above consummation" characters in the world of Ziwei, but because this is the only "extraordinary time" in ancient and modern times.Under normal circumstances, a character above Consummation may not be able to appear in an era.This method of two people's cooperation, the beginning of its creation, is really illusory.

Even if there are more than a dozen Ziwei Great World Consummations, there are countless candidates for the ultimate cooperation of the "Only Me Mahayana Sutra".

As long as human cultivation reaches the state of consummation, there will be no shortcomings in the body.Even for seemingly weak people, the strength of muscles, bones, and flesh and blood is extremely tyrannical.But if it is true that they are as strong as the top monster races of the same level, I'm afraid they will belong to Wu Jiu, Xuanyuan Huai, Xi Lerong, and Jiang Minyi.

Li Yunlong is the only demon cultivator who practiced the "Secret Path" above Consummation.Even stronger jade ions are not suitable.

Suddenly having this great opportunity, Li Yunlong and Xi Lerong were not as excited and joyful as imagined, but had an extremely serious demeanor.

Li Yunlong said lightly: "There are people first, and then there are laws."

Lin Yi pondered for a while, and said, "It should be so."

Naturally, they didn't think that there was any great power who suddenly had a whimsy before the infinite era, and set up such a way of cooperation between the two in advance.So there are only two real situations——

Either in a certain era, there appeared two characters in the situation of Li Yunlong and Xi Lerong.For their own road to enlightenment, they adapted measures to local conditions and established the "Only Me Mahayana Sutra".

In another case, this classic was created for the two of them.

But in this way, this classic is not passed down through the martial arts or the dragon clan's sacrificial method, and it does not even fall within the two realms at all, but is passed on outside.This is a great supernatural being outside the sky manipulating the chess game and treating himself as a pawn.

Becoming a chess piece is not terrible in itself, because although the two have high basic aptitudes, their realm is still low after all.At this moment, Ben is not qualified to become a chess player.

What really made the two of them feel vaguely discordant was the judgment of the "chess piece weight" by those who made arrangements outside the sky.

It was silent for more than a hundred breaths, until the two scriptures in the air gradually faded and dispersed.Li Yunlong's eyes brightened, and he said: "Is there really no problem with the divination half a year ago? Gui Wugui really won't break through the realm before all the opponents are wiped out?"

Long Yun was silent.

But such an attitude is actually equivalent to a default.

After Mo Tianqing and Lin Yi lobbied, and Long Yun personally tested Xi Lerong's depth, in fact, Long Yun and Li Yunlong themselves were already very interested.In addition to taking out the "wine urn" just today for the final deduction, they also did another thing——

That is to unite with the Feng Clan, combine the deduction secrets of the two giant clans, and join forces with Long Yun and other digital demon ancestors to deduce the fundamental origin of "Only My Mahayana Sutra".Among them, the key point of divination is the reason for the future of this sutra, and the good and bad luck of using it.

The result of divination is that there should be no blame.

If Gui Wugui sweeps through the Ziwei Great World and achieves the Dao Realm, there will be inexplicable connections and gains.This inexplicable relationship is something that many great supernatural beings who have transcended the Dao realm do not like to see.So it has to be stopped.But unless a very high price is paid, or an ambush is made in advance, it will not be easy for this generation to come into the world, so they can only exert means and interfere from afar.

This "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" came into the world because of this.

As for the "inexplicable relationship" between Gui Wugui and the mixed world, even the profound secret method of the two races' joint efforts cannot be calculated, and there is no hint of it.

Li Yunlong did not resist taking on this responsibility.

If their duty is to snipe at those who have just attained the Dao Realm, even he is very happy to accept it.

But what he couldn't let go of was that two people from the Dao Realm above Consummation needed to join forces to trigger the ultimate change of this method... just to snipe at a person who has not yet reached the Dao Realm?
Mo Tianqing suddenly said: "It's very good."

Xi Lerong was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean by that, Fellow Daoist Mo?"

Mo Tianqing said sternly: "Mo took playing chess as an example. Anyone with very high chess skills will inevitably pursue the best efficiency step by step, and use the value of each piece to the extreme. It is also a fast opponent for killing dragons." One breath is enough. But if the opponent's strength is higher than yours, as long as there is one step beyond the calculation, it will immediately collapse."

"If it's a tie for victory, then of course each move will be difficult to win without exhausting efficiency, but this is a last resort. But if our side already has an overwhelming advantage, why should we be obsessed with it?"

Xi Lerong looked pale, but Li Yunlong didn't seem to be completely relieved yet.

Mo Tianqing observed the words and expressions, and said with a smile: "Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Li Yunlong. If you also become Daoist, join hands with Fellow Daoist Xi, and blame those who have not reached the Daoist state, I don't know how the outcome will be?"

Li Yunlong was stunned, and said without hesitation: "If Gui Wugui really hasn't reached the Dao state, and it is true as shown in the "Only My Mahayana Sutra", after the last transformation is completed, compared with the current state of Daoist Xi, then it is natural and absolute. There is no chance of defeat."

The last few words, Li Yunlong said very solemnly, quite resolutely.

Mo Tianqing said in relief: "That's it. For example, in a chess game, the board is already superior, even if the opponent plays a few tricks in a row, they still can't win. If this is the case, there is no gain to make up for it. Isn't it a good choice to ensure that the dead man on the opposite side will not resurface or borrow something?"

Li Yunlong thought for a while, and finally his face straightened, and he said: "Your Mo Daoist is right."

He looked at Mo Tianqing again, and said, "Although you, Mo Daoist, have not reached the realm of consummation, you are still a person who can stir up the situation in the world of Ziwei."

Xi Lerong was thoughtful.

Although Mo Tianqing's words relieved the depression in his chest.But it has to be admitted that such a concept has already pushed innocence to an unattainable position.He is also in the realm above perfection, so he may not be without a trace of sadness in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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