Chapter 1225

After Gui Wugui walked in the wilderness for a long time, suddenly there was a gleam in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Splitting heaven and man, probing life and death, and independent true flow of divine channel art can be regarded as "human virtues." 'The tool!"

As soon as the words fell, all the beads in his body turned, and his mana had already been raised to the level of Taoism.

As he lightly picked it up with his fingers, a deep hole was carved out of the ground like a gas-shaped swamp, and black soil gushed out immediately, instantly condensing into a human shape——it was Yu Wu Blame's own appearance .

Blame the sword!
The seriousness of this sword is comparable to the decisive battle against Xuanyuan Huai in Liulitian.Compared with this, beheading Yu Yiren half a year ago was nothing more than a small attempt.

However, the purpose of this sword is not to cut through the "statue" just made in front of him.

This sword is shaped like a water drop, and when it falls on the "statue", an infinite flow of affection bursts out immediately. It seems that there are countless dust particles that form the skeleton and soul, which makes this statue have a strength that surpasses that of a stranger. brilliance.Even if it is a person with extremely high magic power, if you look at it from a distance, it can only be attributed to Wugui himself.

Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand and flicked it, the meaning of "liveness" was gradually absorbed, and when he looked again at this moment, the thing in front of him was undoubtedly a statue.

But the character image endowed by the Kong Yunnian sword has not disappeared, but it is hidden deep and not revealed.

Gui Wujiu moved his mind slightly, tried to sense Ruyi, and nodded secretly.

When the statue was established, Gui Wujiu shot again and again, the sword energy was connected, and he set up a magic circle with excellent defense and concealment capabilities.

After doing all this, Gui Wugui stepped forward, his figure gradually dimmed.

After several crossings, he obtained a new method of hooking up, this road is already familiar to Gui Wujiu.

In the emptiness of the sky, Gui Wugui looked down at the image of the galaxy, searched carefully, and found the very distinctive "Dragon Realm" in a short while.

This is his goal in ten days; it's just not the time yet.

Gui Wugui continued to shuttle in this inexplicable space, and it didn't take long before he returned to Mana Continent.

The main hall of Beisha Shrine.

At this time, in the empty main hall, although they are all well-prepared, there are only two people - the owner of the society with special charm and responsibility.

On a plan in front of the two of them, a picture scroll was hung.The drawn graphics are intertwined and profound.Gui Wujiu can tell at a glance that it is all kinds of profound meanings after the "True Earth" method has undergone extreme changes.This is also a very deep level of responsibility and deeds, which can be comprehended.

If it were an ordinary social official, he would never be able to understand the slightest truth.

At this time, all the opponents in Mo Na Continent will be wiped out, no matter whether the Tao is high or low, it is actually useless.But Gui Wugui vaguely knew that this was due to the deliberate relationship between Shu Shenyun and Liang Dang, and it was also of great benefit to him.

Seeing Gui Wugui coming, Shu Shenyun nodded slightly, while Li Dang gave a pleasantly surprised smile.

After a few words, Shu Shenyun asked: "How to start, is it successful?"

Gui Wugui calmly said: "I have roughly realized it."

"There are three strategies in my mind. The best strategy is too far away. I can only start to do it after the establishment of the Dao Realm in the world in the future."

"The middle strategy has already made clear its true and false, and it is what we should focus on today. As for the implementation, it is divided into two parts. If everything goes well in one part, the results can be verified in a few days; in the other part, a key material resource has been eliminated. or method."

"As for the worst strategy, it is the last resort. If there is any accident in the middle strategy, the first strategy is to break the situation."

Shu Shenyun nodded and said, "Okay."

Li Dang smiled and said: "For Senior Brother Mo You, there is plenty of time - you still have more than a hundred years to solve the matter of revitalizing the Ten Yuan Profound Tree, so don't be too urgent. The master said that this matter should be If it is achieved in your hands, it will definitely be achieved.”

Gui Wujiu raised his eyebrows and said, "A hundred years?"

Lie Dang immediately told the cause and effect before and after.

It turned out that more than half a year ago, the elites of the Beisha Shrine calculated the rise and fall of the Ten Yuanxuan Tree, and they couldn't hide it if they wanted to hide it.After a long time, there will always be small pieces of news spread out.Therefore, the special charm simply took the initiative to announce it and spread it to the five continents in the form of an "encyclical".

The encyclical said that the unification of Mana Benzhou is an unprecedented event, and there is no doubt about the achievement of this great achievement.Just because of the unprecedented changes, the Ten Yuan Xuanshu will fluctuate, rise and fall, and fall together.The next round of ten yuan Xuanshu, not all forty-nine.

But this is only a sign of "oscillation", not a sign of mixed failure.As long as there are three rounds of effort, the Ten Yuan Xuanshu will definitely recover forty-nine fruits to perfection.Fifty years before Xuanshu's achievement, the Beisha Shrine had a secret calculation method.

In order to show confidence, the encyclical announced that after the third round of blood sowing, the country name and calendar will be changed.It is estimated that the date when the forty-nine "one-color fruits" appeared in the world is "the first year of Zhengyuan", and the date when the blood essence is sown is based on the actual calculation of the year when the Xuandao fruit appeared in the world, and it is established as "a certain year before Zhengyuan".

Gui Wugui's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "That's enough."

The round of Xuanshu fruit is between thirty and fifty years, and the third round is between one hundred and one hundred and fifty years.There is no doubt that Gui Wugui will become a Taoist within a hundred years.

Shu Shenyun said, "What's the plan for your trip?"

Gui Wugui said: "One false and one real."

"The so-called false ones are just like before the battle of Muna Island. Although we thought we would win, we still overestimated the methods of Mr. Mood and others as much as possible. In the end, it really didn't work."

"It's the same this time. Although it is not easy for a person like Yun to go down easily, and his ability to influence and interfere is limited; but when things are so urgent and success or failure is at stake, what can such a person do with extreme efforts? Disciples can't fully understand the methods and other means. The master still needs to think more about it, prepare for it, and make the preparation to the extreme."

Because all the opponents in Mona Continent have been wiped out, there is no possibility of leaking secrets in this remark, and there is no deliberate concealment of responsibility.

Sure enough, he blinked his eyes, as if he had heard some riddle, and was very puzzled by the words of impunity.

Shu Shenyun said: "I think this is the 'virtual' side."

"One of the unknown 'truths', what is the appeal?"

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "It's easy. It's exactly what I was talking about just now—disciple needs some Xuan Dao fruits, how many are there in the shrine?"

After Shen Yun pondered for a while, she stretched out her hand and pushed.Four Profound Dao Fruits immediately appeared.

I just heard her say: "In the battle to destroy the four shrines, all the Xuandao fruits of Xingtie Shrine and Caoye Shrine have been destroyed. Only Yanyang Shrine and Chaowu Shrine have one or twelve remaining. It's just that the great cause has just been completed. , I have to keep eight here. I wonder if these four are enough?"

Gui Wugui stretched out his hand to embrace it, and said with a smile, "That's enough."

Putting away the four Profound Dao Fruits, Gui Wujiu immediately resigned, returned to his residence in the side hall, and opened all the forbidden formations.

Then Gui Wujiu sat cross-legged, and gradually displayed the method of moving profound energy that he had obtained from his special charm.

When Gui Wujiu used this method for the first time, he was still the leader of Zhenwei, so it was actually quite risky; but today he is already at the peak state of the society, so he is naturally familiar with this method.

The image of Zhou Tianxing and the stars appeared in a short while.

The fourth-class stars are magnificent and magnificent.

At a glance, there is a light cyan star among the first-class stars. Although it is not the brightest, it is deep and dense, sparse and magnificent. It is very different from the other twenty or thirty stars. The "new star" that was not seen last time.

After a little thought, Gui Wugui already knew that this was Xi Lerong, whose alias was "Left One from the Left".

On the other hand, the second-class astrology, which is similar to the size of Yue Hengzong's "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Map", has an unusually crystal clear and deep star, which is empty and has an endless aftertaste, which is far better than stars of the same class. , and none of them can compete with it.

Not only that, behind this star, there is a huge, very light, and very real phantom.

The size of this phantom has almost reached the size of a first-class star. It wraps the star body in the middle, but there is a clear distinction between primary and secondary.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

Now that it has manifested as it wished, it is more than half successful.

Without hesitation, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, took a "Xuan Dao Fruit", and threw it into the huge phantom.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, there was no residual profound energy fed back, so Gui Wujiu was sure.

At the same time, with a movement of his body, he retreated slowly from Mo Na Continent like a shadow.


Returning to the old place, peeping at the image traced by the Taoist Kongyun Nianjian in front of him, it really seems to have a different charm.

Gui Wujiu thought to himself, he should find someone and give it a try.

With a wave of divine will, he explored tens of thousands of miles away, and a look of amazement suddenly appeared on Gui Wugui's face.

Gui Wugui secretly said: "It's true that we don't meet each other anywhere in life. With his size, he is neither too big nor too small."

Immediately stretched out a roll.

The "statue" in front of him remained unchanged, but his appearance, which seemed to be blameless, gradually deviated from the adjustment, and finally became the appearance of a stranger, standing in the wilderness.

As for himself, his appearance also changed, and he became a middle-aged scribe, quite different from any well-known figure in Ziwei Great World.

Then, with a flash of light, he was already thousands of miles away.

After about ten or so breaths, the two rays of light met in the air, and Gui Wujiu stopped suddenly.

The person facing him had a rather gloomy complexion, and his appearance could not be called good; but with pure aura and mana, he could be counted among the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Ziwei Great World.

This is none other than Yu Jing from the Yuan Crocodile Clan.

Yu Jing saw a ray of escaping light coincidentally blocking him, and the scale of the escaping light's mana did not seem to exceed the Nascent Soul Realm, but he had the heart to dodge it, and it had already approached him, so he couldn't help but feel shuddered and jumped up. Be vigilant.

Looking carefully, seeing that the person who came was a completely unfamiliar face, he seemed to relax a little and said, "Who are you?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "I see fellow Daoists are having a bad time, so I am very compassionate and want to give you a little help."

(End of this chapter)

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