Chapter 1231
Gui Wujiu followed with his sword intent, and listened to the conversation between Kang Xin and Bei Liang, thus roughly clarifying the context.

For the rest of the monster clans, even the first-class big monster clans, whether there are demon ancestors living in the world is also a matter of uncertainty; maybe there is, maybe there is no.

Even if there is a demon ancestor living in the world, it is impossible for him to devote all his mind to the cause of his clan, dormant training, and prepare to ascend to the great cause. It is afraid that he will occupy [-]% to [-]% of his energy.The suppression of a family's luck depends more on the family's fundamental treasure.

This is not the case for the dragon clan. Since ancient times and the present, it has always maintained the pattern of two demon ancestors living in the world at the same time.

These two demon ancestors, one first and the other—the one with the longer years of meritorious deeds, devoted himself wholeheartedly to his career of ascension, and would not have appeared in this world if the family had not encountered a critical situation.However, the other younger demon ancestor was very active and shouldered the important task of suppressing the situation for his clan.

When the older one ascends and breaks through the realm, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, the other person will unload the burden and start to run the Ascension business, and the vacated position will be replaced by a newcomer.

Obviously, the "Nanchu Demon Ancestor" who fell in the middle of Kangxin and Beiliang's mouth was the one who wore the mask during the Yaozu's attack on the southeast.

The one who was preparing to ascend is still alive, while the one who suppressed the clan died first, which is extremely rare in the history of the Dragon Clan.

A layer of mist dissipated, and the true face of the "Tianshu" treasure house was revealed in front of him.

In the secret realm like a small world, a [-]-story huge pagoda is extremely eye-catching.This pagoda is dazzling at first glance, but its brilliance is profound and penetrating, but at the same time it is surprisingly restrained; instead of being glaring, it seems to have a unique temperature and a solemn appearance.

On each floor of the tower, there are cylindrical crystal circles arranged from the outside to the inside, circle after circle. Obviously, each crystal circle corresponds to a treasure.

The size of this huge tower exceeds most of the temple buildings, occupying one-third of the space in the world under the lake.

But Kang Xin and Bei Liang did not approach the pagoda, but turned around and came to a position slightly near the edge of the secret realm.

It was only at this time that I saw that this place is "there is water in the water, and there is a pool in the pool."

At the bottom of this pond, which is as wide as a hundred miles, there are eight small round pools with a diameter of about ten miles on the edge, arranged in a curved line, quietly guarding behind the giant tower.

Kang Xin came to the edge of the second small pool on the left, clasped his hands together, and muttered something.

Beiliang also acted in accordance with the law.

The two extremely superb mana merged into one, slowly reflecting in the pool.

The small pool was originally completely frozen, and its extinction was like ice crystals; at this time, it seemed to feel the guidance of the secret method, the ripples vibrated, and it immediately "lived", even showing a trace of heat.

With a thought in his mind, Gui Wugui immediately realized——

These eight water pools are eight independent treasure places, which are used to store the eight most valuable treasures of the Dragon Clan.

While thinking about it, something emerged as if in boiling water.

Gui Wugui's heart skipped a beat!
What the two of them took is not a secret - because Kang Xin had said earlier that he was here to take the "holy blood"; but he never expected that the so-called "holy blood" would be such a huge monster.

The diameter of this small pool is about ten miles, and the thing emerging from the water at this time is almost ten miles in diameter, almost as if a mother's womb is giving birth, clinging to the edge of the pool, slowly floating into the air.Hovering in the air, it looks like a small planet, which is extremely eye-catching.

The sphere was originally red; but the escaping energy formed a film that looked like mist and flames more than a hundred feet away; this film was pure black.

Because of the known roots and feet, it is easy to tell if there is no blame. The giant in front of him is actually just a drop of blood.

The feeling of oppression brought by its astonishing and majestic power is unparalleled, far better than any existence in the Dao Realm.

Of course, such a comparison may not be appropriate.Because if the power of the Dao realm survives, the energy in the whole body will often converge into the form of "spotting ink in the void", which is not good at oppressing others.But this "miniature planet" in front of him is a body of majestic power that surges out unscrupulously, without a trace of reservation.

The thought of imputation turned.

If the power of the Dao Realm releases all the mana, and the blood beads in front of him, which one is stronger and weaker?

Comparing carefully, it is about the same size.

But you must know that the thing in front of you is not a complete slough of Dao realm power, but just a drop of blood!So the superiority speaks for itself.Moreover, Gui Wugui vaguely felt that it might not be appropriate to say it was "a drop"—this "one drop of blood" was not complete, strictly speaking, it was clearly only half a drop.

It was clearly seen that Kang Xin and Bei Liang each took out half of a wooden ladle and combined it into a gourd.Following the actions in his mouth, there seemed to be a steady stream of energy from the huge "blood sphere" pouring into the gourd.

About a quarter of an hour later, Kang Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly, "It's done."

Bei Liang immediately said wearily: "Hurry up and seal it back."

The voice was erratic and short, and there was an imperceptible trace of resistance in the tone.

Looking at the images of the two of them from a distance, there is already slight sweat on their foreheads.

With the superb skills of the two, it seems that they have done an extremely difficult thing.

Gui Wugui watched carefully, the color of the huge "blood drop" seemed to be a little thinner; the richness of Qi also had a very slight drop.

With this comparison, it is not difficult for Gui Wugui to deduce and simulate what the "blood drop" will look like when it is thick and plump to the extreme.

When such a picture appeared in his mind, even his concentration could not help but be moved.

Gui Wugui can't guess, in fact, although the "Demon King Ruixi" claimed to be the peerless pair of prides with the "Demon Ancestor of the Southern Chu" back then, I'm afraid that his real cultivation and foundation are slightly inferior to that of the Demon King of the Southern Chu. One chip——

The blood essence drawn in front of him is clearly used to make up for that slight gap.

At the same time, this also shows the reason why there have been two demon ancestors sitting in the dragon clan for generations, and there has never been an accident.

Kang Xin and the other two re-sealed the dripping blood into the small pool, and hurriedly left the secret realm of "Tianshu" without taking another look.

Half an hour later, a bit of sword light left in the secret realm rippled gently.

There seems to be a crack in the space.

There seemed to be a breakthrough in the space that was originally sealed and solidified; but the strange thing is that this crack did not disturb the defensive circle here.

Then the crack expanded rapidly, forming a small space depression in an instant, and then stabilized when it grew to a height of more than one person, and a person slowly drilled out of it.

Gui Wugui is here.

After looking around, Gui Wugui's eyes flickered.

In fact, it’s nothing to blame for this trip. It was originally just to get the "Dragon Realm Ascension Map" by chance. I didn't have much interest in the secret treasures of the Dragon Clan.

After all, with today's vision of Gui Wugui, it is just around the corner to master the entire Ziwei Great World. There are very few so-called treasures in the world who can catch his eyes.

But now Gui Wugui has discovered that the key to many so-called treasures is not how useful they are to themselves, but how useful they are to the dragon clan—for example, the drop of blood that he saw just now is actually the same as the one he has hidden his merits so far and has not done so. The intention of knocking on the door without violence is the same.

There may be more than one "blood drop" for such treasures, so they should be taken conveniently to avoid future troubles.

Of course, I have to admit that the value of this "holy blood" is indeed very high.

Gui Wugui moved his sword intent.

The two Kongyun Nianjian condensed and melted away.

It doesn't seem to have caused any harm to anything in the secret vault, but the eight "pools of pools" seem to have inexplicably changed from dead objects to living objects, and the water waves are also gently rippling.

But this change is not complete.

Gui Wujiu frowned, and condensed into a sword, piercing it.

With this sword strike, the deep affection above the eight water pools no longer dissipated, and turned completely vivid.

Only then did he smile slightly.

This is the strength of Kongyun Nianjian.

In fact, the sealing forces of these eight little Tans are all extraordinary.Even if Gui Wujiu's Taoism remains the same, and his main practice of divine channel technique is replaced by Yueheng sect or martial arts, at this time, to break the eight seals in front of him, he needs to bombard more than a hundred times with all his strength.

The movement at that time must be known to everyone in the Dragon Realm.

And the advantage of Kongyun Nianjian is not in killing people, nor in breaking shields, but in "strike the void".But all the things that exist in the world, even if they are invisible magic power, energy, formation power, and ominous omens, can be cut down with a single sword like a paoding and an ox, disappearing and disinfecting them invisible.

Lightly and delicately, these eight secret treasures stored separately have a smooth path before Gui Wugui, without any obstacles at all.

Gui Wugui Quanzhu turned around, and the first target was the "blood drop".

At the level of this object, it cannot be captured unless the magic power of the Taoist level is used.

Not only that, ordinary storage rings, no matter how high the level is, they can't stand this thing.After Gui Wugui picked it up slowly, he could only place it in Quanzhu.

But judging from what I saw, the huge red star just came out of the water, and disappeared after only a trance.

It seems that blameless can be handled easily, and the weight is lifted lightly.

But I don't know that the vast mana in Gui Wu Jiu's whole bead has been circulating rapidly for tens of thousands of reincarnations, and Fang Zai firmly controls this drop of "blood bead".Gui Wugui even had a premonition that if this drop of blood was in a complete form that had never been used, I am afraid that there is nothing I can do today.

If you want to be free, at least you have to wait until you really break through the Dao Realm.

In Gui Wujiu's mind, this "drop of blood" is even more important than the thing he wanted to plan with all his heart - because he calculated clearly that if the amount absorbed by Kang Xin and Bei Liang was taken as "one share" , then this blood drop can be used at least eleven times.

When it comes to a critical moment, the Dragon Clan naturally doesn't need to pay attention to the long flow of water; those who have reached the level of Kangxin and Beiliang in the clan can rely on a piece of "holy blood" to supplement their foundation and hit the Dao realm!
Such characters, if you don't blame yourself, you are naturally not afraid.

But if it is scattered in the Ziwei world, invading and harassing, the weight cannot be underestimated.Therefore, Gui Wugui had to draw from the bottom of the pot to weaken the fighting potential of the Dragon Clan.

After finishing this matter, Gui Wujiu breathed a sigh of relief, and began to examine the remaining seven treasures one by one.

With a light pull of the arm.

What was taken out of the first pool was also a colossal object.Although it is not as close to the limit size of the pool as the "Blood Drop", it is thick and long, and its total volume is far greater than that of the "Blood Drop".

With a flick of his fingers, Gui Wugui washed off the dust on the dark and filthy giant, revealing its true colors, but it was an extremely huge keel.

Gui Wujiu's eyes moved, and he immediately recognized that it was the keel of the Dao realm.

And it's not an ordinary dao realm.

Once the calamity is washed away, the fetishes will be obscured.

This is clearly the remains of the demon ancestor of the dragon clan who failed to ascend.

It can be said that it is very rare for a relic of the Dao Realm to be preserved so completely after failing to ascend.Although the value is not as high as "holy blood", it is indeed qualified to be stored separately.

(End of this chapter)

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