Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1230 Seeing the Secret of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1230 Seeing the Secret of the Dragon Clan
Gui Wugui hides in the clouds, watching from afar.

In the past ten days, six or seven demon kings have been corrupted by the method of "magic dyeing". Gui Wujiu is already very familiar with the situation in the dragon world.Back then, Dragon Realm implemented the method of breaking through the triple nine palaces to break through the world of Ziwei, and indeed set up a picture scroll called "Dragon Realm Ascension Picture".

The time, location, and power of the practice are all recorded in this scroll.

At this time, where he stands is the so-called "Benzong" of the Dragon Clan.

Looking around, there is a pure black deep pool below, with a radius of thousands of miles.Perhaps the area is not the largest among all the "Dragon Pools" in the Dragon Realm, but the atmosphere is unparalleled.

There is another strange thing, regardless of the mountains, rivers and waters, their shapes are often in accordance with nature; while the ink pool with a diameter of thousands of miles below is a very pure and standard circle, even if it is measured and excavated with a ruler, there is no problem. No such precision.

Surrounding the north of this deep pool, there are seven round pools with a diameter of about [-] li, forming a semicircle, which seems to have the meaning of arching.

The seven pools are named Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang.It is the seven treasuries that the Dragon Clan treasures and saves. The reason why they are surrounded by this sect is to use the convenience of the big formation to cover these seven treasuries together.

In fact, these seven treasuries are far from all the treasures of the Dragon Clan, but only the most essential and heaviest treasures.

The lesser treasures are all in the three hundred and sixty-five secret houses scattered all over the Dragon Realm.

Among the seven secret vaults here, Tianshu, Tianxuan, and Tianquan are the top three vaults, which contain all the treasures of the dragon clan; among the three vaults, Tianshu vault is the first.It is said that "Dragon Realm Ascension Map" is in the Tianshu library.

Gui Wugui waits here quietly.

In fact, if he uses the power of the whole pearl, with the cultivation base of the peak of the Dao realm, to use the Kongyun Nianjian, all the restrictions will be difficult to resist.But just as he only used the magic power of the near-dao realm when he spied on the secret of "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary" and left, there is still a follow-up plan for this trip, so it is not appropriate to show his full strength at this time.

Therefore, if you can outsmart, you should not attack by force.

Fortunately, Gui Wujiu has been dealing with Peacock, Chimei, Tianma and other races for a long time, and he understands the reality of them.

From a rough look, the name of this so-called "family's fundamental treasure collection" is extremely bluffing, it seems that the secret collection is tightly sealed, and the door has never been opened for thousands of years; but in fact it is not the case—— There are many aspects of a clan, and choices related to the fundamental interests of the clan can be encountered at any time.

Even if it is the most advanced secret vault, there are no shortage of opportunities to open it.

Sure enough, after only waiting for three days, the opportunity came.

A silver dragon chariot drew a thin line in the air, and immediately there seemed to be a luster on the body of the car, and it immediately passed through the outermost formation and stopped at the edge of the thousand-mile round pool in the center.

Gui Wugui lifted his spirits.

After observing for a few days, if you go to the "Benzong", you will point directly at the center of the round pool and slowly enter; the one that stops at the outer edge is the first one.This is obviously aimed at one of the seven treasuries.And carefully identify its location, it is going to one of the upper three warehouses.

Gui Wujiu followed closely behind, hiding his body, hiding two hundred zhang away from the chariot.Although this outer formation is also considered clever, it focuses on methods such as preventing simultaneous attacks and combined attacks, so it is naturally not an obstacle to Gui Wugui.

As soon as the door of the chariot was opened, a person jumped down.

Surprised to see no blame.

The visitor turned out to be Yu Jiaolong.

It can also be seen from this that her silver dragon chariot is very amazing, the characters live in it, the breath is completely sealed, even if she is innocent, she did not realize that there is a top direct descendant hidden in it.

Yu Jiaolong's skills are so high that she can be counted among the talents of this generation of Ziwei Great World.If nothing is to blame, it is impossible to brutally infect and implant his mind with the method of "demon dyeing" or the method of entrusting the sword with empty thoughts.

After thinking about it for a while, an invisible air mechanism, like mustard dust, swam to six or seven feet behind Yujiaolong.

This trace of sword intent and spiritual power is introverted and attached to the dust. It is similar to the method of monitoring the Yin and Yang of the Three Lives, but it is more subtle.

Yu Jiaolong frowned suddenly, turned around slowly, and stopped for a long time.

He didn't sense any abnormality, so he moved forward.

This dust-like sword intent is far from enough to steal the treasures in the treasury; Gui Wugui just uses its position to facilitate the real body to escape into it.

But after more than ten breaths, Gui Wugui was secretly surprised.

It turned out that Yu Jiaolong was not going to the "Tianshu" warehouse, but to the "Tianxuan" warehouse in the middle.After stepping in, only half an hour later, he came out again, and then stepped onto the chariot.

Gui Wujiu originally asked if it was possible for her to go to the "Tianxuan" warehouse first, and then enter the "Tianshu" warehouse after she came out; now it seems impossible.

Gui Wugui secretly thought about it.

The so-called no chance to meet face to face.In this vast world of dragons, the appearance of Yujiaolong here, no one can believe it is just an innocuous encounter.

The trace of sword intent just now has been left in the "Tianxuan" vault by Gui Wujiu.Gui Wujiu made a decisive decision, and performed a subtle sword intent, which was deeply attached to the wheels of the silver dragon chariot.

Immediately, the car disappeared into light, and it became an imperceptible dot in the blink of an eye.


No blame and waited patiently for fifteen days.

Surprisingly, during the fifteen days, from "Tianxuan" to "Yaoguang", people entered and exited the other six warehouses; only the best warehouse "Tianshu" was not visited by anyone.

The thought of imputation turned.

It is also impossible for him to wait here indefinitely. If there is no result after waiting for another three days, then he has no choice but to give up the original idea and forcefully take out the picture.

As soon as this thought came up, a faint glow suddenly appeared in the middle of the Longtan, and two figures escaped one after the other.

The "Benzong" of the Dragon Clan is a very mysterious place, which is roughly similar to the place where the Dragon Clan's powerful demon kings and even the demon ancestors are on duty.In the past half a month, if outsiders went to the "Benzong" and escaped into the Longtan, they would definitely return for at least a quarter of an hour and at most an hour or two.

And these two are not people who have gone and returned, but the faces who were originally in the "Benzong" and appeared outside for the first time at this time.

Gui Wugui lifted his spirits and looked carefully.

But seeing this, he was greatly surprised.

The two walked side by side, one was a purple-haired young man in his thirties, with good facial features, but the bridge of his nose seemed to be too strong, almost protruding; the other was half a head shorter, and seemed a little older, but The countenance is softer.

What surprised Gui Wugui was not the appearance of the two, but their meritorious deeds.

In terms of the demon kings of the demon clan that I have seen before, these two are the best among them. Compared with the characters, it seems not inferior.

No matter how rich the background of the Dragon Clan is, and now it is an extraordinary world, there will never be more than five such characters.

And it is a miracle that these two people are so cultivated, and they even walk together.

Judging from the direction these two people were walking, they were indeed heading for the treasure house of "Tianshu".

Gui Wujiu thought about it for a while, he didn't use the method to deal with Bingkui and others, but just like Yu Jiaolong's previous example, he only followed from a distance with a trace of spying sword.

In fact, although the combat power of these two people is extremely high, but in terms of pure mana, there is still a little distance from the "perfect state".Gui Wugui's Nascent Soul-level mana can affect Yu Jing with "magic dye", so it is still enough to deal with these two people with the mana of the near-dao realm.

However, due to the fact that these two people are probably qualified to control the Dragon Clan's "Treasure of the Clan" and other means, there must be the most extreme way to investigate whether the person's spiritual consciousness is sound and complete. Better than the octagonal prism on the back of the arch.

Therefore, he chose the most reliable strategy.

Following the two people's methods in turn, and using some kind of treasure to verify, the treasure house of the "Tianshu" slowly sank, forming a vortex.

The two walked in front of each other.

Gui Wugui's ray of sword intent also followed in the distance.

The surroundings were pitch black, and it was obvious that the speed of the two descending was not slow; but after dozens of breaths passed, they still hadn't reached the end.It seems that the shape of this deep pool is really not just for show.

I only heard the purple-haired young man say: "I didn't expect that with the blessing of Jiu Zong, the demon ancestor of Nanchu went, and the demon king Ruixi really came and got a chance."

Another person said lightly: "In terms of morality, prestige, and age, the Demon King Ruixi is naturally the only choice."

The purple-haired youth laughed and said: "Since [-] years ago, the Demon King of Nanchu and the Demon King of Ruixi fought for the top, and they called me the peerless twins of the Dragon Clan. It's just a matter of victory or defeat. After all, the Demon King of Nanchu has the upper hand. In the end In the competition to achieve the position of the Demon Ancestor, the Demon King Nanchu also won. Unexpectedly, the best laugh is the one who laughs at the end. Nanchu fell in the battle of attacking the Nine Sects, and in the end, the Demon King Ruixi got the benefit."

Another person said: "Fellow Daoist Kangxin, be careful with your words."

The purple-haired young man was still laughing, and said loudly: "Now the ancestor of Longyun has gone to the world of Ziwei; the demon ancestor of Taizheng cannot be born at a critical moment; and the demon king Ruixi is in the [-]th floor of the sect Sit down. And in the "self-defense and transformation" stage of the road to breaking the demon ancestor, you must close your five senses and six senses. Otherwise, why don't he give instructions at any time, instead of leaving a talisman in advance? Catalog, let me follow the rules."

"Looking at the current Dragon Realm, is there still someone who can eavesdrop on what you and I are saying? What's wrong with speaking freely? Brother Beiliang, you are too cautious."

The person named "Northern Liang" shook his head and said, "In any case, if I take the 'Holy Blood' and hand it over to the eighteenth floor of the secret realm, it will be considered as completing the task. After this thing, you must The treasures to be used have already come to an end. The rest of the treasures that can be prepared in advance are expected to come to Ruixi Demon Ancestor, so don't bother me."

The purple-haired youth "Kang Xin" said embarrassingly: "It would be quick to not change his mind. At least until now, he is only the 'Ruixi Demon King', not the 'Ruixi Demon Ancestor'."

"Until the day when the real success is achieved, who will know?"

At this moment, the sky suddenly brightened, and it was obvious that he had reached the deepest part of the "Tianshu" treasury.

(End of this chapter)

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