Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1229 Observing its fiery nature beyond the sky

Chapter 1229 Observing its fiery nature beyond the sky
After a while of calculations in his mind, Gui Wugui shot without hesitation.

Both swords come out together.

One of the swords of Kongyun Nian was used by the original "shattering method", and the target it aimed at was the copper furnace that looked like the "little blacksmith" body - what this sword disinfected was not the copper furnace itself, but the It is the formation force, abnormal force, induction force, and devouring force that may be contained in it, which can cause abnormalities such as the annihilation, recovery, and sealing of the flame.

The other sword, however, contains the profound implication of being independent of the past and the future, "unique to all ages", like a unparalleled sealed container, pick up a little fire and seal it!

Such a meticulous shot is due to Gui Wujiu's respect for the heritage of the Dragon Clan.

Sure enough, when the first Kongyun Nianjian cage was about to seal a flame, the copper furnace reacted extremely quickly, and suddenly released three-color dazzling brilliance and an extremely strong devouring power.

Fortunately, this scene lasted only for a moment, and then there was a thin buzzing sound from the copper furnace, the spiritual power was wiped out, and it fell silent immediately.

Gui Wugui's sword intent crystallized, absorbed into the palm, and he succeeded.

Tingxiu and the other four were shocked.

But to my surprise, the four of them did not attack in the direction of Gui Wujiu's hiding phantom. Instead, they each took out their magic weapons, and very quickly set up a defensive barrier, encircling them three times, which was extremely tight.

Thinking about it carefully, this move is also reasonable.Because the meritorious deeds of these four people are far inferior to those of Bing Kui and other four people who were in charge of the survey before.Considering his expertise, it is also of great value to the Dragon Clan, and it is not appropriate to show off his courage in vain.In the face of emergencies, there must be a set of mature preparations.

Sure enough, within three breaths after he set up his defensive measures, twelve faint lights came rushing towards him.

At the same time the sky darkened.

It seems that there is an extremely powerful blocking force that freezes this space.

Gui Wugui made a decisive decision, stretched out his hand to open a space passage, and walked in.

But at this moment, a deep black glow suddenly appeared from the stone platform, and a force that was dozens of times more than the limit of the near-dao realm gathered into a beam and stabbed towards Gui Wugui.It seems that the presupposition of this method is that once there is a fluctuation that seems to open up the space, it will attack with lightning speed.

But Gui Wugui had expected this move.

While opening up the space channel, Gui Wujiu's body was slightly sunken backwards, and it seemed that he had deviated a few feet for no reason.The fierce force shot at him head-on, but it hit an empty space.

Gui Wujiu took a step forward, reappeared in figure again, already more than [-] miles away, and then fled quickly, getting farther and farther away.

In fact, if Gui Wugui used Dao-level mana, it would be easy to break through.

But he didn't show Xingzang in this trip, and the supernatural power changes of Kongyun Nianjian also made his image easier.Therefore, the level of using mana is limited to the realm of shortcuts, so as not to overwhelm the snake.

There is still a follow-up to the journey of the Dragon Clan.

After fleeing away for several days, he found a remote place, Gui Wugui took out the "flame" that was sealed by Kongyun Nianjian, and examined it carefully.

It really was a flame.

The images of "fire" in the Ziwei Great World, ranging from common fire, earth fire, to all kinds of supernatural flames refined by Taoists, generally follow a pattern - the more brilliant their nature is, the more mellow and weak their fire nature is. Invisibly, it looks like an antelope hanging horns.

It seems that the same is true for the flame that cooperates with the method of refining the Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary. Once the firepower is dispersed, its dense and invisible image is almost better than most air mechanisms.

But that is the phenomenon of scattered and diffuse heaven and earth, and now it is sealed, it is another scene.

Once the fire condenses, it is unusually slow and real, and its color is more vivid than ordinary fire; it seems that this is not a flame, but a touch of fine sand with distinct grains, a tangible entity.

Such an atmosphere, if you were someone else, even Ziwei's well-known Taoist powers in the Great World would feel a little fresh; but in Gui Wu Jiu, there is an unusual kindness.

He was all too familiar with such scenes.

Gui Wugui's long sleeves startled and he laughed three times.

All kinds of conjectures about how to realize the "image of confusion" are mostly fully implemented, which is almost the same as Gui Wugui expected.The next step is the implementation process.

After completing the Tao and returning to the heart, Gui Wugui has set up two strategies. Once it can be achieved, it will be a bold conspiracy that cannot be resisted.

One of them is aimed at people.

In the big world of Ziwei, or after sweeping away the major forces, erect one's own "self image" - just like the experiment in Yu Jing's place.Anyone who sincerely pays homage and recites my name will relieve you of the bad luck of bad luck.

The far-reaching impact of this move cannot be underestimated.Because this means that the battle between the top Dao species is no longer an either-or relationship, and the loser is no longer a stepping stone for the winner; stimulating effect.

As for the limited number of Profound Dao Fruits in Mana Island, there is no need to worry.Because only when one's morality reaches a certain level, one can feel the influence of the "upgrade of luck" on oneself.For the vast majority of people, this is not needed.

The second of them is aimed at power.

Such as holy religion, shamanism, martial arts, magic way, etc., there is no blame.Only Yaozu is a bit special.

This group is the largest in the Ziwei Great World, and the major races are restricted by blood, so it is not easy to make major changes to the Taoism they practice.Gui Wugui pondered for a long time, combined with his enlightenment experience in Taoism, he came up with an amazing idea.

Once the Dragon Clan's Triple Nine Palaces Boundary Breaking Method is established, it will be of great benefit to the luck of the clan.For this point, even the demon ancestor and demon king of the dragon itself don't know why.But Gui Wugui knows that this is because the Dragon Realm seems to be far away from the world of Ziwei, but in fact it is "detached from the outside world, returning to the ring", and inexplicably returned to the very center of the Ziwei world, which is the closest to the end of the world. continent.

This is the highest point of the crape myrtle world's rotation and elevation, the center of the jade ring, and the natural luck is wonderful, which is beyond comparison with other worlds.

What Gui Wugui thought was——

The space in this ring center is actually extremely vast.A secret realm as large as the Dragon Realm can accommodate at least thirty-six seats.

If thirty-six of these small realms are created, all our allies can obtain one realm.The resistance to robbery and era change has more than doubled!Even if it is a fixed rank promotion, I am afraid that it will be difficult to pose a threat of injury to the family.

No family of monsters can resist the attraction of this thing.

Once successful, it is to look at the scenery and return to the world.

At first glance, the idea seems downright crazy.

Because so far, the only monster clan in the Ziwei Great World that has done this is the Dragon family, and even the Phoenix family is a little worse.In order to become a triple-layered nine-gong boundary, twenty-seven clear and turbid mysterious elephant relics must be transformed into the foundation.If it is to become thirty-six realms, it will be nearly a thousand clear and turbid mysterious elephants.

Even if the Ziwei Great World collapses, it will be difficult to collect these many remains.

But after Gui Wugui broke through the realm, he was able to hold on to the mind of the Taoist realm stably, and his understanding of the Ziwei Great World and Mana Continent has improved to another level.

The essence of the clear and turbid mysterious image should be some kind of entity produced by the condensation of luck in Mana Island and the uneven density, which is scattered outside.Considering its physical properties, it is very likely that the inside and outside are connected.

Before the three clear and turbid mysterious elephants, the Yinzong side also faintly got the news that there was still a certain gap in the remains of the mysterious elephants needed by the Feng Clan, and it seemed that the dispute between the clear and turbid mysterious elephants could not be resolved.But he is still devoting himself to this, and seems to be very concerned about this matter.

At that time, people with keen knowledge and vision guessed that maybe the method of "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundaries" could be replaced by other objects.

The descendants of the ancestors of the Chimei family also agree with this statement, and believe that in the world of Ziwei, there must be special objects with special physical properties, which can complement and complement each other with the remains of the clear and turbid mysterious elephant.It's just that the Chimei Clan has very little experience with clear and turbid mystic images, so the Red Mei ancestors are not very clear about what this "real thing" is.

Today, I finally succeeded in seeing it.

And to blame, think that if there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three.

Because of the special knowledge of Mana Continent, this layer of confusion was broken through. It was not due to his knowledge of this way, but he leaped above the Dragon Race.

With the profound background of the dragon clan, only one substitute for this strange flame was found.However, Gui Wugui implicitly has a guess—there are not one kind of such "objects", but five kinds.

How to find or manufacture these real objects, Gui Wujiu already has a direction in his mind, and he will naturally try it soon.

Once successful, it is possible to create more than one "Triple Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary" secret realm with the existing "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary" raw material of the Peacock Clan.

In the short hundred years that Gui Wujiu has achieved Dao Realm, Gui Wujiu does not need to build up dozens of small realms in one go; as long as there are one or two models, and he confirms his ability to the whole world of Ziwei, the situation will naturally move towards Develop in a direction that is extremely beneficial to you.

And standing on the opposite side of this strategy, I am afraid that it is the only dragon clan that has achieved the triple boundary by relying on its original accumulation.

It is difficult to reconcile the situation of the enemy and ourselves.

There is still one thing to be done for the trip of the Dragon Clan.

Because of the image in the outer ring that "ascended" from the world of Ziwei, it is illusory and elusive.If you act rashly, it is very likely that you will deviate from the direction, and even the small world that was lifted into the air and the dragon world will collide with each other.Therefore, it is very necessary to find the control diagram that activates the great formation when the dragon world soars, and to find the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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