Chapter 1228
After thinking for a while, after Bingkui took off the "bamboo tube", Gui Wujiu looked through Bingkui's vision, and felt that he was quite lucky.

Looking around, the blond-haired middle-aged scarf is full of tadpole-like figures in the picture scroll, densely packed, spreading in the scale of tens, hundreds, and thousands in a short while.And the old man Yongxia and the middle-aged woman Yingyi also immediately mobilized, fiddled with the bamboo chips and the formation plate in the palm of their hands.

Obviously, the four are working together.Bingkui is responsible for a process similar to "translation", which transmits the scene seen through the bamboo tube to the array map through some secret method, becoming a "deductive image".

It is conceivable that if Bingkui has assumed the responsibility of which of the other three, it is not to blame at this time, so ask Yu Blind.

After watching the deduction of the two people for a while, it seems that they can't see any clues.

Gui Wujiu asked: "Aside from what was refined from the slough of the pure and turbid mysterious elephant, what else did the Dragon Clan add to the process of refining 'Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary'?"

Bingkui said dumbly, "I don't know."

Immediately, he held up the "bamboo tube" and waited and watched.

This move is exactly the meaning of returning no blame.

After careful observation for a while, Gui Wugui only felt that the "silk thread" contained seemed to be some kind of invisible, flowing and ever-changing thing.It's not that my eyesight is not good enough, but that its own form is pure as Qi, and it is difficult to grasp it in detail.

Looking around, the silk threads seem to be evenly "stirred" in the foreign matter that is as airy as water, diverging and scattered in an orderly manner.Spread thousands of miles away, without end.


Gui Wugui's heart moved.

Immediately observing carefully, my eyesight is as square as a circle, and I cut it into a certain size space for comparison, and the number of "silk threads" contained in it is indeed the same.

Gui Wujiu asked: "The Nine-Aperture Boundary Bead" is broken up and refined into "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary". Is it even in size and thickness?

Bingkui immediately replied without hesitation: "It is indeed a homogeneous thing."

Gui Wugui said, "How can you see that?"

Bingkui said: "Back then, the method of breaking the boundary of the triple nine palaces was [-]% through an unprecedented large-scale magic circle, which pushed the world into the air in one fell swoop, away from the world of Ziwei. Because of the huge scale of the magic circle, Therefore, it is not easy to control it delicately. You can only grasp its strength and time. In the process of breaking through the air in this world, it is actually in the process of turning faster or slower. If it is not uniform, in that With a direct push, the direction is bound to be disordered. If one is not careful, even the Ziwei Great World and the comrades in this world may be twisted."

Gui Wugui said: "I understand."

Immediately, the curtains of his eyes drooped, his mind moved silently, as if he was deducing something.

About a quarter of an hour later, Gui Wujiu opened his eyes again, and said calmly to himself, "It really is."

From the perspective of Bingkui and others, what they see is a vast expanse; but Gui Wugui can accurately judge the degree of curvature of the "blue sky".And the thickness and density of those silk threads can be seen at a glance.

If the method of "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundaries" is indeed a uniform sphere, then it is not difficult to calculate the total number of these "Silk Threads".

Although this is an astonishing number, it is not difficult with his current cultivation level.

And through the encounters of the three battles between the clear and turbid mysterious elephants and the array map provided by the Peacock Clan, how many "silk threads" can be refined from a single "Nine-Aperture Realm Orb", Yu Yu also knows in his mind.

As a result of the calculation, the "Triple Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary" realm of the Dragon Clan was refined with sixteen "Nine-Aperture Boundary Beads" instead of twenty-seven.

It must be known that every battle between clear and turbid mystical images is a long time away.No matter which clan it is, the records in the clan cannot explore in detail what happened before the tenth century.Therefore, no one can give an accurate conclusion as to whether or not the chances of "clear and turbid mysterious image" obtained by the Dragon Clan have reached [-] times.

Calculating through this peculiar method now, the answer is——


Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the "Nine-Aperture Boundary Orbs" obtained by the Dragon Clan in the past are not in a uniform shape, just like the phenomenon of twins and four-born phenomena that have never been seen before in the world of clear and turbid mystic elephants.But I don't think this is very likely to be blamed.

The truth of the matter is that the Dragon Clan's Triple Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary Method really only used sixteen sloughs.

And the remaining eleven sloughs that are theoretically required seem to be replaced by this "invisible solution" air machine——

Because of the conception of the Peacock Clan's "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary", those silk threads are closely connected, almost connected end to end, which is due to the lack of this inexplicable aura.

Gui Wugui asked again: "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary has discovered a problem, who is responsible for the next repair? Is it still you, or someone else?"

Bingkui replied: "There is a specialization in the arts. We are only responsible for the investigation and calculation. If there is really a change, so that the secret method can be passed on, there should be eight demon kings who specialize in this method in this sect to deal with it."

Gui Wugui asked, "Do you know these eight people?"

Bingkui hesitated and said, "I'm not too familiar with it."

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "If you can recognize the appearance of a person, it is considered as acquaintance."

Bingkui said: "If this counts, I know six of them."

Without waiting for Gui Wugui to ask further questions, Bingkui was facing the "statue" in his mind, and resurfaced the faces of the six people one by one.

Gui Wugui asked again: "How many days does each inspection last?"

Bingkui said: "Each time lasts for seven days. If there is no abnormality detected within seven days, then try again after three months, a total of three times."

Gui Wugui's true body position, got up immediately after hearing the news.

Then he turned into a streamer of light and fled far away.


After six days.

The "statue" in Bingkui's consciousness suddenly shrank by half.

The extra half of the overflowing Qi immediately condensed into a sword shape, which melted and dissipated at an extremely slow speed, as if an ice sword was thrown into warm water.

At the same time, above the blue sky, in a corner that none of the four of them noticed, the long blue sky seemed to be corroded for a while; although the space was immediately closed again, but the distribution of the "silk thread" was already a bit discordant .

At the same time, Gui Wugui's voice suddenly sounded in Bingkui's mind: "The same person, seven feet and four inches."

Bingkui was startled, and immediately moved the bamboo tube to the designated position.

After a breath, the image displayed on the picture scroll clothed by the towel suddenly changed slightly, from the shape like a tadpole to the shape of a knot.The old man Yong Xia and the middle-aged woman Ying Yi glanced at each other's counting chip, both showing incredulous expressions.

Dazed for a long time, Yong Xia's face flashed red, and suddenly shouted loudly: "I found it!"

The blond-haired middle-aged towel looked around and said with a big smile: "We have made such a remarkable achievement, and we have benefited a lot this time."

Bingkui also showed joy at the right time.

Yong Xia seemed a little impatient, and immediately urged: "Quickly activate the magic weapon of communication and inform this sect."

Jin Tong nodded again and again, and immediately took out a small golden talisman, and threw it far away.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu is hiding in the clouds and mists, unable to see his traces.In the past six days, he has moved from his original hiding place to tens of thousands of miles away from the stone platform; Within the range, firmly cover.

After about six hours, Gui Wu Jiu's eyes flashed.

The body is like smoke, and it moves like a ghost to the northwest of "Shitai", thirty thousand miles away.

After waiting for a while, he saw an old man with pale beard and hair, with a slightly stooped figure, driving a magical weapon that escaped extremely fast like a canoe, coming towards him.His cultivation level is obviously lower than that of Bingkui, Yongxia, and Jintong, but he has an aura of looking forward to himself, which is beyond the reach of Bingkui and other four.

This person's face matched one of the six portraits passed on by Bingkui.

Tingxiu, one of the eight demon kings responsible for maintaining and repairing the Nine Palaces of the Dragon Clan.

Gui Wugui did the same, and used the method against Bingkui again.

But because it is very close to the "stone platform", Gui Wujiu did it more secretly.At this time, his real body is not visible, only a "double eye" outlined by a virtual image appears in the air, facing Tingxiu's eyes.

The pair of eyes disappeared in an instant, like a phantom.But at this moment, Tingxiu has already been tricked.

The focus of the road has changed from competing with the top heirs, striving for victory, to maneuvering and controlling the overall situation.This magic method is indeed very sharp.

At the same time, a Kong Yun Nian sword was also implanted in his consciousness.

Then Gui Wugui hid in the clouds and mists, just waiting quietly.

Because the court show is about to demonstrate in person, so Gui Wugui only needs to wait quietly, and there is no need to rush to ask questions.

After entering the secret realm, after waiting for a while, three more people came.

As for Bingkui and the other four, because the task had already been completed, they only left the formation map to explain for a while, and then retreated one after another, waiting in a side hall on the edge of the "Shitai".

Tingxiu and the other four discussed for a while, and immediately set about doing something, without procrastinating at all.

But the four people each took out a formation map, one side was white, the other side was blue, about a foot wide; they were all about the size of a quarter of a circle, and they were laid out on the ground to form a circle.

The blue side of this array is facing down, and the white side is facing up.It was originally blank, but after forming a full circle, a dark yellow dragon head suddenly appeared on it—although its shape was delicate, it was not vivid, but a bit old-fashioned.

But aside from being dull, the eyes of the dragon's head blinked slowly, which was indescribably strange.

The four of Tingxiu were muttering something.

After more than ten breaths, something the size of a palm suddenly spit out from the mouth of the dragon on the circular picture scroll.

Gui Wugui took a closer look, and found that this object was somewhat similar to the little blacksmith's body, it was a small copper furnace.

Tingxiu lifted the furnace cover.

Blue and purple, suddenly surged!
It was clearly a flame, but after it dissipated, it seemed like little drops of water.Flood towards the "blue sky" quickly.After about a hundred feet, the "flame" immediately lost its form and turned into invisible water, filling the "image of silk thread".

Gui Wugui's eyes flashed.

That's something to confirm.

(End of this chapter)

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