Chapter 1227
Gui Wujiu escaped all the way, and suddenly appeared in front of "Bingkui".

Bingkui's complexion straightened, and just now he showed a trace of surprise and vigilance, and immediately felt strange rays of light in the eyes of the visitor, and he fell into it unconsciously as if he was in a hot spring.

After a breath, he had recovered his amiable expression.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly, and sat opposite him.

The "Bingkui" in front of him seems to be just a demon king who bumped into at random among the dragon clan, but in fact, his performance is outstanding, and he can be ranked among the top ten elites among the Peacock, Tianma and other clans.

Like these characters, Gui Wugui used to rely on the "Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven" to win, but it is not as easy as today after breaking through the realm.

When meeting Yu Jing first, and then meeting this "Bing Kui", they solved each other by relying on the rather marginal magical power "Ma Ran" back then.

Gui Wujiu asked: "I just heard you say that you have reviewed the method of breaking the boundary of the triple nine palaces twenty-seven times, what's the matter?"

Bingkui replied blankly: "This matter has to start from more than two hundred years ago. My Dragon Clan's method of breaking the boundary of the three layers and nine palaces is [-]%, that is, we should cut off all contact with the world of Ziwei. One should respond to the weather of the characters, and the Tao will rise and fall. Since Ziwei In the big world, it should be impossible to prove it."

"However, about three times before the battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, Li Yunlong and Yu Jiaolong, the two heirs of the clan, appeared in the title of "Thirty-six Sons" successively, which is quite different from the old scene. At that time, the demon ancestor of the clan was It is suspected that there is something wrong with the method of breaking the boundary of the triple nine palaces."

"Or it may be a certain big force in the Ziwei Great World—either the Nine Sects or one of the Yin-Yang Dao and Wu Dao. A certain method that was cast happened to find the direction of my Dragon Realm. Through that passage, you can pass Similar to the form of 'flying up', it came to the dragon world quietly."

"Since then, the repeated cleaning and screening has not stopped."

Gui Wugui's heart moved, it turned out to be the case.This is exactly what he did.

He originally wanted to ask, "The so-called clearing and screening, how to check the law"?
But after thinking about it, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, and seeing it in person is enough.

So Gui Wugui stood up.

The first strategy that came to mind was naturally to try to absorb some key memories of Bingkui, knock him down, and then seal him somewhere; make up himself to look like this person to find out.

But after a little weighing, Gui Wugui did not do so.

With a backhand lift, the mana of the whole bead suddenly rippled and dispersed, and a Dao realm-level Kongyun Nianjian appeared on the fingertips.

The sword was shaped like a lifetime, about the length of a foot, and slowly pierced into Bingkui's brain.

Bingkui was agitated, only to feel that in the sea of ​​consciousness, a very vague statue suddenly appeared.

Gui Wugui said: "If you feel the sound transmission of this person's spiritual consciousness, hold on to this image with your mind, and have a clear thought in your heart, it will be a reply. Do you understand?"

Bingkui nodded repeatedly, and said repeatedly: "Understood."

As soon as Gui Wugui's figure retreated, he gradually faded away, and immediately hid himself on an uninhabited deserted island, controlling everything here from afar.


Bingkui drove the chariot for about two or three hours, and came to a huge bluestone statue of a dragon's head, and suddenly slipped in from the statue's huge mouth.

This escape, Gui Wugui was on the deserted island, and immediately felt the telepathy between himself and Bingkui, which was obviously weaker by three points.

This should be the use of some kind of teleportation array to go to an extremely distant place.

But this work is already within the expectations of Gui Wugui——

So he deliberately used the Kongyun Nianjian at the level of the Dao Realm.

At this time, Gui Wujiu changed his mind, and the three-point weakened connection feeling seemed to take root, and it immediately and extremely quickly returned to its original strength.

After Bingkui left the customs, he fled for a while and came to a gate.

The gate stands on a pumice stone in the air with a size of twenty or thirty li, and there are four small stone platforms with a size of about a li around the huge stone, and there are palace forbidden gates in the middle, and it is clear that each has a demon king sitting in charge.When Bingkui arrived, divine intent swept over the four small stone platforms immediately.

In the middle of Dashitai is the Baishi Avenue, which is more than ten miles long and hundreds of feet wide.Walking to the end, Bingkui jumped out of the chariot and raised his head slightly, facing a six or seven high arched portal.

Immediately, a little bit of blood was forced out from the fingertips, and it jumped straight to the top of the arched stone door, and was absorbed by it in an instant——

This is a waxy white, fist-sized round bead.

The color of blood is also hidden, and the vitality is suddenly smooth.

It turned out that the portal seemed to be unblocked, but in fact it seemed to be unblocked.It wasn't until the "bloodline verification" was passed at this moment that the door was truly opened.

Gui Wugui nodded slightly.

As expected.

This bloodline verification method must be done by me.Even if you snatch a trace of Bingkui's blood, you will be dead after leaving the owner, and you must not pass the level.He expected that the Dragon Clan would attach great importance to the method of "Triple Nine Palaces Breaking Boundaries", so he didn't try it in person. This is the reason.

When Bingkui passed through the gate, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt a chill in his heart!
It turned out that Gui Wujiu could clearly feel that the statue of Kong Yun Nianjian, who was hidden in Bingkui's spiritual consciousness, was suddenly surrounded by extremely fine brilliance like a stream, which penetrated everywhere, squeezing and flowing Bingkui's spirit Every space in consciousness.

Even with the brilliance of reciting the sword with Kong Yun, there is still a gap between the air and the wind.

During the whole process, Bingkui himself was unaware.

Through Bingkui's eyes, one can clearly see that it is an octagonal prism-shaped sunglasses on the back of the portal, revealing a faint light, and took a photo of Bingkui.

Gui Wujiu secretly praised in his heart, the fact that the Dragon Clan is firmly ranked first in the Monster Clan should not be underestimated.

The method on the back of the door obviously corresponds to the method on the front of the door. One checks that the blood is in good condition, that it is the person who came and not an impostor;

In particular, the method of testing the spirit is so clever that it is beyond the expectation of no blame.Even if it is the Kongyun Nianjian at the level of the Dao Realm, it is just a narrow pass.

To reach this level, unless there are mysterious and mysterious methods from the supernatural powers, or the invisible magical powers in the magic way, all other magical channeling techniques that leave the reality of mana will be blocked in front of this inspection method.

After passing through this gate, there is a long corridor, which seems to be in the mysterious realm of the "Nine Turns Lingguang Hall" of the Yueheng Sect.

After a quarter of an hour, the sky cleared.

Only a very loud voice said: "Fellow Daoist Bingkui, you are too late. I waited for the 'Ding Si' formation to be at the end and didn't activate it. In this way, the sixteen people in the four formations have nothing to do."

The one who made the statement was tall and tall, with a nose augmentation, blond hair, and an eye-catching golden suit.

There are two other people beside him, one is a short old man; the other is a woman in her forties, her hair is tied up in a bunch, her facial features are not different, but her face is square, and there is this You who speaks louder. There is more than that.

Bingkui raised his hand and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I've been delayed a little bit on some trivial matters. Fellow Daoist Jintong, Fellow Daoist Yongxia, and Fellow Daoist Yingyi, please."

The three nodded one after another.

Immediately, the four of them walked one after another along a long and narrow stone path—it was said to be a stone path, but it was actually pumice in the air, connected in a line—to a seven-star platform more than ten feet high.

As far as Bingkui could see, the sky was blue and the color was extremely pure and lively.Even a person without the slightest bit of mana can still develop intuition, and this world seems to be tangible.

Gui Wujiu immediately understood that this place is very close to the edge of the Dragon Realm.

The Dragon Realm formed by the method of breaking the boundary of the triple nine palaces is not like a glass cover, covering the entire Dragon Realm in it; if you have enough mana and fly towards the sky, sooner or later you will be able to touch the edge of the "boundary"——

In fact, this is a big fallacy.

The outline of a world originally has form but has no form, and there is nothing in it.For example, when Gui Wujiu escaped into the Dragon Realm, he didn't feel any separation.

This real manifestation can only be achieved in a special place and with a special technique.

The four of them moved extremely neatly, and immediately divided up the work and cooperated.

The tall, blond middle-aged man named "Towel Tong" opened a picture scroll.

And the short old man "Yong Xia" had already held a handful of bamboo chips in his hand, about forty or fifty.

As for the middle-aged woman, she held a very small array with her palm.

As for the last action is Binggui.

But he reached out his hand from the stone platform and grabbed a half-green and half-yellow bamboo tube two feet long and as thick as an arm.The inside of the bamboo tube seems to be hollow, but nothing strange can be seen.Then Bingkui held up the bamboo tube, closed his right eye, and looked through the bamboo tube with his left eye only, looking at the clear and vivid blue sky, which seems far and near.

Gui Wugui was surprised.

Because through the "bamboo tube", what Bingkui saw in his eyes was no longer the azure blue sky, but extremely fine silk threads—to be precise, line segments of different lengths, like silver Needle hair.The silk thread is so thin that it cannot be detected below the shortcut, and it is vibrating slightly.

Such scenes are actually not unfamiliar to Gui Wugui.

As early as three or four hundred years ago, I saw it once in the picture scroll sent by the Peacock Clan. It was a road that was deduced and constructed by dozens of demon kings who were proficient in the formation of the Peacock Clan. The schematic diagram of the "Nine-Aperture Boundary Bead" sloughed off by the Zhuoxuan Xiang into the Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary.

It can also be said to be a "sample picture".

Contrary to imagination, the so-called "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary" method is not to swallow nine pieces of Nine-Aperture Realm Beads wholeheartedly and smelt them into a ball; "form.

This original form is the shape of the "silk thread" in front of you.

However, unlike the formation diagram Gui Wujiu saw, the "silk thread" in the composition of the "Nine Palaces Breaking Boundaries" method of the Dragon Clan is much thinner; it seems to be significantly different from the conception of the Peacock Clan.

Gui Wujiu immediately asked: "The shape of this silk thread is the origin of the Nine Palaces Breaking the Boundary, refined and refined by the slough of the turbid and mysterious image?"

Sensing the sound transmission of the sword intent in his consciousness, Bingkui immediately replied: "Exactly."

Gui Wugui asked again: "This method is quite different from the composition methods I have seen before. I don't know why?"

Bingkui replied: "I don't know about this either. It's just that the refining method of the Triple Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary Dharma Gate of our family seems to have a mysterious way, and many rare treasures have been invested in it."

Gui Wugui groaned silently.

(End of this chapter)

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