Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1233 1 Destroy the Formation Xu Tu Slowly Advances

Chapter 1233 Breaking through the formation with one blow, Xu Tu slowly advances
Since Gui Wugui can come quietly, it can naturally go quietly.

At this time, using violent means to break through the situation is actually part of his plan.

In fact, a blow close to the level of the Dao Realm is still not enough to break this secret realm; it's just that Gui Wugui has already left the empty Nianjian sword shape outside, the purpose of this blow is not to break the defensive barrier, but to accelerate the space Just a distorted image—

By the way, make some noise.

After rushing out of the secret realm of "Tianshu" in one fell swoop, Gui Wujiu did not leave, but just stood in the air and waited quietly.

The moment Gui Wujiu escaped, the large formation of the "Benzong" of the Dragon Realm and the small formations of the seven secret vaults simultaneously released a star-like brilliance, bright and blazing, as if he had quietly turned to the bank of the Milky Way.

After a few breaths, sixty-four figures escaped in one fell swoop, forming a large formation, surrounded by Gui Wugui.

These sixty-four people are all in the realm of demon kings, their eyes are very sharp, but none of them stepped forward to answer Gui Wugui.

Watching his aura leaping, it seems that he is about to make a move immediately.

Gui Wugui's eyes moved slightly, secretly surprised in his heart.

The visitor did not have the kind of characters he imagined.

Could it be that the prediction was wrong?
Gui Wugui believes that although the dragon clan has a strong background, there are always people at the level of demon ancestors who personally handle major events that are closely related to the lifeline of the clan.But this does not mean that the Dragon Clan does not have means such as the peacock feather coat and the spirit of the heavenly horse.

Because such means have a negative impact on the person who performs it, and may even weaken the potential of the person to achieve the Tao.Therefore, since the Dragon Clan has a demon ancestor who is responsible for major events, such means can be hung high, and they don't have to be used until the time of life and death is extremely urgent.

The purpose of imputation is to see if it is possible to use such means.

This is the reason why he has been controlling the cultivation level and not revealing his true identity.

In the judgment of the Dragon Clan, although Gui Wujiu is in the realm of shortcuts on the surface, his real combat power is very likely to be no weaker than Xi Lerong.If Gui Wugui reveals his true body, then the only strategy for the Dragon Clan cultivators is to stand firm and wait for help, waiting for Long Yun to come forward, so as to avoid unnecessary damage.

But in the present situation, the opponent that Gui Wujiu had planned did not appear, instead a large formation of sixty-four people came.

Could it be that the "inheritance" of the dragon clan is that drop of "sacred blood"?
The thought of imputation moved slightly, and felt that the possibility was unlikely.

After thinking about it for a moment, the sixty-four people in the formation had already made the first move.

Although the sixty-four people surrounded him, but at this moment, it was like a dragon crouching in a coil, reflected by phantoms.The sudden blow from the virtual image of the dragon's head is actually the mana at the level of the Taoist realm; judging from its power, it is not weaker than a full blow from the Daoist Ren Jie or the new demon ancestor.

Gui Wugui secretly applauded in his heart.

In terms of the scale of power, not to mention sixty-four, even six hundred and forty close to the Dao state are not worth one Dao state.But this formation seems to have something mysterious. When the two of them joined forces, it seemed that the scale of mana hadn't changed much, but the nature of mana had inexplicably improved, becoming pure and lofty.

Two two turns four; four four turns eight; eight eighty-six; sixteen turns thirty-two; thirty-two turns sixty-four.After five times of quality improvement, it has turned from quantitative change to qualitative change very miraculously.What appeared outside was clearly the atmosphere of the Taoist realm.

Thanks to Wugui's eyesight, the measurement is clear.

The mana is overflowing, and the atmosphere is changed with the four classics of magic and dao, especially "The Great Sacrifice of Uncovered Infinite Universal Gate", which is extremely vigorous.

Blow forward.

The measure of this blow was extremely precise, and the precision of the mana was just a line higher than that of the dragon head's breath.

Fengrui's energy was condensed into a bundle, passing through it.

Gui Wugui turned around and glanced, the mana of the dragon's breath that had been cut in half was not wasted; with a flick of the dragon's tail, it had already been fully collected.

With just this one move, one can tell that this large formation does have the combat power at the level of Dao Realm, not just the power of a single blow.

That being the case, Gui Wugui would be impolite.

He chose to take the initiative to attack.

His body seems to be hidden in a flickering flame, erratic ghosts and ghosts, but also has the spirit of martial arts.They attacked in a ring formation, followed by the formation, and attacked sixty-four people in a row.

The people in the big formation were connected with each other, and they took action to resist one by one.

It's just that the first and second ones seem to be able to withstand it, but after more than ten people, the cooperation seems to be gradually suffocating; when it comes to the fiftieth target of Gui Wugui's attack, the force really doesn't work well, and the dragon elephant The phantom also collapsed suddenly!

Gui Wugui smiled lightly.

This blow, neither showing extraordinary strength, but also breaking through the opponent's large formation in a seemingly logical manner, is actually quite a test of skill.

The strategy he adopts is the combination of "magic dyeing" supernatural power and "jinhuayudi Xuanzhu magic method", both of which are the most authentic demonic powers.

The clever thing is that the use of these two methods is not very deep.

The method of "magic dyeing" has not reached the level of being able to change people's hearts, it just makes the person's active and strong mind slightly degenerate, as if not in the best state; It is far from knowing the level of thirty-six breaths, but it is just a little bit of anticipation that the enemy will take half a breath first.

So at first glance, it seems that Gui Wugui's mana is fully unleashed, attacking continuously with vigor and vigor, which is just a little bit higher than the limit of the sixty-four-man formation.

Even if someone on another level who is similar to imputation is watching here, he will only come to such a conclusion.

Among them, the one who received Gui Wugui's blow from the front, his energy was disintegrated, his muscles and bones were broken, and he fell down suddenly, his life or death was unknown.

Even though the remaining power of the big formation has reduced the impact force by [-] to [-] percent for him, the remaining mighty strength after breaking through the formation is still not something he can resist.

The formation is broken.

The other sixty-three demon kings turned around without hesitation and fled to the "Benzong" pool.

Obviously, such an extremely brilliant method must be practiced repeatedly by sixty-four people who have cooperated for a long time, and it cannot be restored by just adding one person in at random.

No blame and no pursuit.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

In fact, the luster in the realm is not dimmed, and it is even stronger by three points.But Lang Lang's blue sky suddenly turned into dark purple and dark blue interlaced colors, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

It seems that this is not just a scene near the "Benzong" of the dragon clan; this blue and purple meaning stretches endlessly, and Gui Wugui vaguely guessed that this is the highest level magic circle that permeates the entire dragon world.

Under the blessing of this magic circle, people near and far seem to escape extremely fast, and the blessing is more than dozens of times.

Thousands of miles away from our sect, one after another, the escaping light repeatedly appeared and stopped, and it reached more than three hundred in a short while, and it continued to increase.Every ray of light is clearly a figure at the level of a demon king.

Gui Wujiu was secretly surprised, could it be that the Dragon Clan transferred all their strength to the sect for rescue?

It doesn't seem to be the case with the combat power I have shown; and if there is no magic circle of a certain level, such characters are useless to the existence of the upper Dao realm, no matter how many there are.

As soon as this thought came into being, the more than three hundred people formed a circle of ten thirty-six people.Although the power of a single magic circle and the level of cooperation between them are far inferior to the previous sixty-four formations, it is worse than the ten magic circles, and there is also a linkage.

Without using the fundamental treasure or mobilizing the power of the Dao realm, one can have the strength to fight back against the Dao realm, and non-dragons do not have this background.

In any case, his reaction was beyond his expectations, and he seemed less "lightweight".

At this moment, under the "Benzong" pool, a figure suddenly jumped out.

Gui Wugui's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, there are!
This person is not a face, but a heart that went to get the "holy blood" earlier.

But at this time, his purple hair was almost black, and his whole body was covered with a layer of inexplicable whiteness; his cultivation had already climbed to the Dao realm.

Kang Xin said coldly: "Which one of the demons are you... Is this what the Great Demon Venerable meant?"

Gui Wugui thought flashed, thought of something, and immediately shook his head secretly.

It turns out that the root is here.

Gui Wugui first incarnated as a monk of the demonic way, first of all, the other identities are not easy to be trusted by others; it is more because of the full attention to the heritage of the dragon clan - if you pretend to be a demon cultivator of a certain demon clan, it is purely empty. Yun Nian's sword qi machine alienation simulation; if it is pierced through by clever calculation techniques, then this move will be considered a failure.

This is not the case for pretending to be a monk of the magic way. Gui Wujiu is proficient in the secret methods of the way of magic.

But blameless ignores one thing -

The "Dao Realm" in the magic way is really special.

From the point of view of the vast majority of people in the big world, one can become a "Great Demon Venerable" if one attains the Dao realm in the demonic way, breaks through the realm and soars upwards, which is nothing more than a "Great Demon Venerable" with relatively inexperienced meritorious deeds.This statement cannot be wrong. In terms of realm, the "Great Demon Venerable" who has just entered the doorway has not transcended the barriers of the Dao realm.

But there are also differences between the two.

After achieving the Dao Realm in the Demon Dao, one has to go through the "not bad" level.Only after going through the long test of this level can one truly achieve the Great Demon Venerable and be able to enjoy the incense and offerings of the demonic ways of the heavens.

Since the level of the Demon Sect Dao Realm is more respected than other Taos, it is more demanding and difficult to achieve this realm, and the number of people is rare.

Under normal circumstances, there are only second-class characters in the Demon Sect Dao Realm:

One is the holy son of the Demon Sect, who is expected to break through the Dao realm and experience the test of "not bad".

The second is that the Great Demon Venerable personally enlightens and blesses someone, so that someone can be temporarily promoted to such a state.

In addition, even the celestial masters in the top ranks of the Demon Sect, at most, they have only cultivated to the peak of the short path, and it is difficult to go further.

That's why the reaction of the dragon world at this time is so great.

Because they suspect that the "blameless" in front of them is not an individual action, but acting in accordance with the decree of a certain great demon.

Gui Wugui was naturally not interested in answering Kang Xin's question, so he shot without hesitation.

It is still the means of the evolution of the "uncovered and boundless general gate sacrificial ceremony" in the magic way, mainly based on the condensation of magic energy and fierce power.

But the "strength" of this blow still did not exceed the necessary limit.

Obviously, the Peacock Clan has three feathers, and the Teng Snake Clan's "Three Shadows" method also strengthens three people; but he doesn't believe in the background of the Dragon Clan, so he can only elevate one person to this level.

It is nothing more than using a method of boiling a frog in warm water to fish out its details bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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