Chapter 1234
When Gui Wugui made a shot, Kang Xin fought back almost at the same time.

As soon as he shot, there seemed to be ripples in the space.At the same time, his figure seems to be gradually flattening, as if showing the image of a "painting hanging in the void" by the great power of the Dao Realm, but it is not a pure portrait, but more like a relief.

The cohesion and neatness of the Qi mechanism has also reached an outstanding level.With such a cultivation level, it almost has a "fifth class" level.

Although the strength of the Dao foundation of Kangxin belongs to the top among demon cultivators, it obviously has not reached the perfect state.

As soon as Gui Wugui thought about it, Guan Kangxin's intention of this blow had already guessed that it was benefited from Li Yunlong's "Divine Transformation" method. The limit of combat power has been raised by another layer.

Gui Wugui's blow with both magic and martial arts was supposed to beat him by half a point, but in fact it was only a tie.

The aftermath of the impact fell on the protective formation of the "Benzong" of the dragon clan, and quickly disintegrated into rolling, dazzling lights.

At this moment, the formation of ten thirty-six people has finally taken shape, accumulating into a momentum that cannot be triggered, as if there are three or four fellow Taoists watching from afar, ready to help at any moment.

Kang Xin's expression was gloomy, and she was not as wild and unrestrained as when she went to fetch the holy blood with "Northern Liang".

Based on his morality, in the future, the Demon Ancestor Taizheng will break through the boundary and fly away, and the Demon Ancestor Ruixi will replace him; the vacated spot for the Demon Ancestor is very likely to be him—if Li Yunlong and Yu Jiaolong are counted as the "" Extraordinary people", if the growth path does not follow the law.

In fact, he thought to himself that the foundation of Taoism may not be under the Ruixi Demon King; it's just that the cultivation level related to his family and age is still insufficient.

If the sixty-four formation hadn't been defeated so quickly and persisted until the ten surrounding formations responded, then he wouldn't have needed to make a move.

Using this secret method slightly damaged his foundation.

Unexpectedly, that large array was useless.

Under the blow of no blame, there is a plan.

If you want to fish out all the details of the dragon family in a seemingly "reasonable" way, there is nothing better than this magical power——

The power of the punches was released with one blow, and apart from the subtle changes that possessed the true power of the devil, there was also a wonderful flavor of space distortion, which lay between Gui Wujiu and Kang Xin.It's just that this method is modified by Gui Wugui's pure magic power, which is quite different from the original appearance when it was used the first time.

The method of "struggling for balance".

Kang Xin and Gui Wu Jiu fought fiercely for more than a hundred breaths, and suddenly they were taken aback.

The strength of the opponent seems to be on par with him; but in the fight, he did not fall behind in a certain style, but the overall situation seemed to be at a disadvantage, as if he was extremely suppressed.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately moved his mind, and shouted loudly: "Come."

Less than three breaths after saying this, another figure sprang out from the pool of "Benzong", it was "Northern Liang" who took the holy blood with Kang Xin.

At this time, he also reached the level of Taoism through a certain background.

Bei Liang seemed to be a calm and thoughtful person by nature, at this time his brows were slightly frowned, and he and Gui Wujiu looked at each other, as if they were about to open their mouths to ask questions.

Judging from his attitude, he probably doesn't want to fight against an opponent who doesn't know why.

Kang Xin's eyes moved slightly, knowing his intentions, and immediately said: "Why ask more questions? It must be the handwriting of a certain great demon. Besides, even if you ask him, he will not tell the truth. Only Take it down first."

Bei Liang thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

The two attacked one after the other.

It's just that the method of "struggling for balance" without blame has reached the Dao realm level, and the speed of accumulating momentum has been greatly accelerated.After using it for a while, a considerable advantage has already been hidden.Although it seems that his mana scale has not improved much, he can still resist the enemy without hindrance.

Beiliang's fighting skills were revealed, not far from Kang Xin's.It seems that the dragon clan has a special method, which has raised the level of "possession method".

It can also be seen from this that the Dragon Clan's research on the method of "magic transformation" is really a big undertaking.This affects the beneficiaries and penetrates into all aspects.

Kang Xin and Bei Liang were two against one, and immediately regained the situation, and even had a slight advantage.

But Gui Wugui did not fall into a dangerous situation, it was just a stalemate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gui Wujiu raised his perception ability to the extreme, and the sword heart turned in his mind, slowly exploring.

Because Kang Xin and Bei Liang were not wearing any precious clothes; nor were they holding a very eye-catching secret treasure like Yu Yiren.What is the treasure that they rely on in using the "possession method" has not been revealed.

In other words, once activated, there is no clear target for what the Gui Wu Jiu Kong Yun Nian Sword will target.

But after careful inspection, Gui Wugui was secretly surprised.

Because Kang Xin and Bei Liang were obviously empty, without any treasures.

I don't know if it's very well hidden, or it's the dragon clan's "possession method" background, not the type of the peacock, Tianma, and Yuan crocodile clan, but more like the method of the Soaring Snake clan's "three-point upside-down, snake-walking nine caves" method , with a large magic circle reflecting each other from a distance.

If so, it is not easy to destroy it.

After fighting for a while, the situation gradually leveled off.

But no blame is just to bring back the tie, and it doesn't deliberately show its advantages.

Because he knew well—Kang Xin and Bei Liang were not in the real Dao state after all. The longer they used the possession method, the heavier the burden would be on the two of them, and it might even cause irreversible damage.

Sure enough, Kang Xin was unable to attack Beiliang for a long time, and his complexion changed.

After more than ten breaths, Kang Xin seemed to have finally made up his mind, and shouted loudly again: "Come on!"

In the pool, another person jumped up immediately.

The person who came was a burly, silver-haired old man with a bushy beard. He gave Gui Wujiu a hostile look, and immediately joined the battle group.Looking at the performance of his first move, one can know that the foundation of this humane technique is slightly inferior to those of Kang Xin and Bei Liang, and is probably only in the "sixth class" realm.

The two of Kangxin and Beiliang clearly looked carefully.

Seeing that it was this person who came, the eyes of the two were a little subtle, and they seemed dissatisfied.

Gui Wugui shook his arms and shouted loudly.

His body seems to have become inexplicably burly; a series of auspicious, beautiful, and solid air bursts, and at the same time, a huge red sun rises in the east, reflecting behind it; the light is bright, shining on all living beings.

"Minglun" supernatural powers.

In fact, even if you don't continue to increase your mana level by using the method of "struggling for balance" to increase your savings, you can use one against five or six with this method alone.

However, if one-on-one and one-on-one are tied with the opponent without revealing any new methods; one-on-two can also overcome;That idiot also knew there was something wrong.

Gui Wugui has an excellent grasp of the rhythm, as if he has really reached his limit, and "just in time" used his means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

This is the first time the method of "Minglun" has been used in the world of Ziwei.

Moreover, this method itself is the purest magical power, and there is no need to modify it in any way.

With the mighty power of Kang Xin, Bei Liang and the bearded old man attacking together, the three phantoms with dragon patterns came close to them, as if ice had been thrown into the fire and melted at an extremely fast speed; It has been melted to more than one-third.

Gui Wugui "raised up his magic power" and defeated the rest of the forces in one fell swoop.

The power of the broken and turbulent Dao realm fell on the big formation, arousing the light and shadow to float violently, which was even better than before.

Because the old man's Taoism is slightly inferior to the two of Kang Xin, Gui Wugui tried to see the reality.

But under the glance of divine will, it is still not found that this person is carrying treasures.

As soon as the "Minglun" came out, the complexions of Kang Xin, Bei Liang, and the bearded elders all changed slightly.

With the way of the three of them, using the "possession method" under normal circumstances is about the sixth, sixth, and seventh levels.Now that he has been promoted to one level, it is already entrusted to the legacy of the "Divine Transformation" method that the Dragon Clan has painstakingly managed for Li Yunlong.

But everything has a price, the foundation is improved by one level, and the number of fighting methods is also limited to the "magic transformation" within the framework of the three forces in one.The human being in front of him is obviously not top-notch in the Taoist realm, but his supernatural powers are indeed sublime.

Kang Xin took a deep breath and seemed about to speak out again.

But the bearded old man said: "Wait a minute."

"At the moment, the large formation is only for the effect of siege, and has not yet been launched. It is better to launch the formation and join forces with us."

Kang Xin shook his head and said: "The speed of the formation is slow and dull, but it can only be used to block and trap the enemy. It will waste mana in vain to make them attack and kill."

The curly bearded old man pondered again: "The psychic talisman was sent out immediately. The three of us persisted for another half an hour, and then Sacred Ancestor Longyun would have to return."

Kang Xin's complexion immediately became unfriendly: "You let me hold on for another half hour?"

Bei Liang also frowned slightly.

Gui Wujiu was surprised, the three of them seemed to be fighting among themselves.

The curly-bearded old man looked gloomy, and said: "I don't have any selfish intentions. It's just that five people go out together, and there are risks, and it's not a rule to meet the enemy in this way."

Bei Liang, who had been silent all this time, said quietly at this time: "It's better than being in a stalemate here."

The curly bearded old man would continue to talk.Kang Xin shouted loudly: "This family has encountered a strong enemy. How can you two sit and watch? Hurry up!"

A full five or six breaths of effort.

Under the pool, two figures suddenly emerged.

One has a touch of vermilion between her eyebrows, and her facial features are soft and beautiful. Although she is a man, she looks like a woman; the other is a woman in a green robe with a graceful figure.There is a gold hairpin on the head, which is more than three inches wider than the head, and it looks very impressive.

The man looked at Kang Xin with an unkind expression, and said coldly, "Your wish is always fulfilled."

But the woman said coldly: "Get rid of this person first, and then talk about other things."

No blame for a slight reaction.This man and woman named Tong and Banshang, their merits are obviously higher than that of the bearded old man; they are roughly similar to Kang Xin and Bei Liang, and the difference is only a few centimeters.

The dragon clan's "possession" method can support five people at the same time, which is really extraordinary.

But at this moment, it seems to be its limit.

next moment.

Five people teamed up to strike!
The momentum of this blow is certainly shocking; but beyond Gui Wugui's expectation, the combat power of Kang Xin and Bei Liang has obviously increased by a line compared to just now - and this increase is definitely not due to the strength of the formation fit, but they really have reservations.

If there is no blame, if you realize something.

(End of this chapter)

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