Chapter 1235
Kangxin, Beiliang, Haotong, and Banshang are the four demon kings with the highest merit so far in the Dragon Clan.

One of these four people actually still has hope of being promoted to the realm of the demon ancestor; as for how likely it is, it depends on the timing of Tai Zheng's breakthrough and ascension to the realm of the demon ancestor.

Of course, if Ruixi failed to break through the realm, or fell halfway like the demon ancestor of Nanchu, the four of them would also have additional opportunities—but this possibility is extremely small.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the merits of Kang Xin and Bei Liang are actually slightly ahead of Hao Tong and Ban Shang; but if the Dragon Clan's "possession method" is used beyond a certain time limit, their bodies will suffer slight damage.After that, if he still becomes a candidate for breakthrough, he must consume three more "Holy Blood" in order to make up for the damage to his vitality.

However, given the high value of "Holy Blood" to the Dragon Clan, the possibility of using it in this way is not great.

This means that the leading advantages of Kangxin and Beiliang will be overtaken by Haotong and Banshang.

In the secret treasury, the mystery of the eight independent seals is far greater than that of the outer door seals.Even if it is broken, it is impossible for there to be no movement—so until now, even though Gui Wujiu broke out from the secret vault of the "Tianshu", Kang Xin and others only thought that he was looting the treasures on the "Giant Tower" empty, not the other way around.

With all these thoughts, even if you don't blame him, you can guess all kinds of things.

The five attacked together.

Based on the method of "Divine Transformation", the method of combining the three magic powers into one, it seems a bit monotonous to use it alone; but it has a wonderful effect when several people use it together.Through this method, impeccable thrusts and squeezes burst out one after another, and five people joined forces, as if there were ten people.The whole space became extremely stagnant.

These five people, together with Gui Wujiu who was encircled in the middle, were long and short, big and small, as if looking through an uneven mirror, giving birth to various distortions.

Gui Wujiu had a vague premonition that even if he didn't need to use the special space-forbidden secret method, it would be very difficult to use the space teleportation method at this time.

After a few breaths, he showed an appearance of struggling to support.

Dodging three or five blows, Gui Wujiu glanced over the bearded old man, and his heart couldn't help but move.

At this moment, he seemed to see something hidden on the old man's body, which seemed to be away.

I looked again, but it disappeared again.

Gui Wugui was extremely sure in his heart - this is what he was looking for!

Looking at Kangxin, Beiliang, Haotong, and Banshang in a blink of an eye, it seemed that they were also able to catch traces with their claws, but they were very reluctant to catch them.Even its specific description can't be fully seen.

The idea of ​​"blaming no blame" turned quickly, and the deduction was repeated.

Even if he used the Kongyun Nianjian to strike with all his strength to cut off his spirituality, he still seemed unsure of capturing the trance-like treasure.

With my current state and Kong Yun's brilliance of reminiscing the sword, is there anything that can hide from the past?

Gui Wugui's mind was flying, and he deduced the reason.

After a short while, a decision has been made——

Take the initiative in me, maintain the current situation, and find out later.

Judging from the battle situation at this time, although Gui Wujiu has reached the verge of danger, he has never been defeated.A boundary of thousands of miles is only a square inch for Daoist powers; but Gui Wugui incarnated a black phantom, like a giant brush that would never dry up, using the blue sky as a canvas, he dragged out the ink image. .

Get together and disperse, separate and reunite, and have never been trapped to death.

Sure enough, after holding on for more than a hundred breaths, Kang Xin and the other five saw that they still couldn't take it down, they couldn't help showing anxiety on their faces.

Kang Xin suddenly said: "It's better to let Rui Palace..."

Yi Gui Wu Jiu's impression of Kang Xin when he met twice before is that he is very conceited and powerful.But at this moment, he said this sentence with some hesitation, as if he lacked confidence.



The two spoke out at the same time.

One is the woman with half a cup of wine; the other is Bei Liang who seems to be standing aside with Kang Xin faintly.

That "Hua Tong" said in a gloomy voice: "Five numbers meet the enemy, it is already an exception."

The curly-bearded old man said with a hint of inquiry: "Arouse the strength of the formation, give it a try."

Kang Xin's complexion changed, and finally said: "Forget it, that's the only way."

The bearded old man issued an order, and the ten encircled formations of thirty-six people immediately launched.There are three large formations in the southwest, with a total of [-] people. Suddenly, their real power merged, condensed into a light yellow light beam, and stabbed towards Gui Wujiu.

This style is dignified and upright, without any fancy changes.

In the eyes of Kang Xin and others, the key to improving Gui Wugui's combat power is the huge "aura" like the corona.If this thing is there, all the attacking power will be absorbed by it, forming a "field" of weak enemies.If external force is added, even if the level of mana is not high, it may even be difficult to break through the defense; but as long as Gui Wuguina's "consumption" is accelerated, it can be considered as an indirect contribution.

Besides, five people working together is different from the three-on-one just now.

This powerful force of space blocking has been able to interfere with Gui Wugui and ensure the formation hits.

The so-called "slow and dull" is also evaluated with the eyesight of the Dao realm.

In fact, judging from his eyesight, the burst of force came very quickly, the yellow light flashed, it seemed to be able to penetrate the sky, and it was about to fall on Gui Wujiu immediately.

Unexpectedly, the realm of Taoism of returning no blame has already reached the realm where all dharmas return to flow and come at your fingertips.The huge coronal weather surrounding the body suddenly condenses into ice crystals, which are thin and slippery.The yellow light came, but it was not for the slow consumption of the "Minglun" supernatural power, but a sharp turn, hitting the bearded old man among the five.

The curly bearded old man's face turned red, he was already injured.

This method is one of the nine variants of the "Minglun" in the Xuan Realm at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Gui Wujiu only sensed the stars once, but when he used it now, it was not bad.

Although the frontal defense of this "variant" method is not as good as Minglun Zhengfa, which is blameless, it still has unexpected effects when used at the right time.

As soon as the bearded old man was injured, the situation of the battle changed subtly.

Although Gui Wugui still can't tie the match, it seems that he has enough room, and it is impossible to win in a short time.

Kang Xin and the other four had puzzled faces, feeling that it was extremely difficult.

Because they are not in the real Dao realm after all, and using the "possession method", time is not on their side.

Kang Xin's face suddenly became serious, and he said: "It's not enough to take this person down without counting out. The price of besieging for half an hour is beyond what you and I can afford."

Haotong and Banshang shook their heads slightly; but this time they did not refute.

At this moment, in the "Tianshu" warehouse below, a person drove straight up, shouting in his mouth: "Not good! The eight secret treasures are all broken, and there is nothing in it. Don't let anyone get away!"

Kang Xin and the others' complexions changed drastically.

This sentence is like the last weight to tip the balance.

Kang Xin no longer hesitated, and shouted loudly: "Rui Gong, come out! Take them down together!"

After four or five breaths, another person emerged from the pool.

This person is very tall and thin, and his age seems to be much older than that bearded old man.In terms of cultivation base, he seems to be on the same level as the bearded old man, and inferior to Kang Xin and the other four.

Up and down, left and right, surrounded by six people.

The true limit of the dragon clan's "possession method" is actually six people.

But Gui Wugui is a bright spot.

It wasn't until this person appeared that what he saw with his mind and eyes became clear——

Between the chests and abdomens of these six people, there is a small green tree more than three inches high.Like green jade, slowly swaying.And there is a dark red silk thread connecting the six trees.

Gui Wugui has a feeling that this "jade tree" will only be revealed to the world after the silk thread is rounded; if one or two people hide away from a distance, the other four or five "jade trees" will also be hidden in the void, as if there is another "jade tree" in the depths. in a space.

In fact, the realization of the Five Zangs and One is not very safe, and it may not be impossible to see through its secrets and even seize them in the hands of people with incredible merits.

It is not difficult to deduce it after thinking about the conversation of these people just now.Under normal circumstances, the number of shots taken by this "possessed jade tree" should not exceed four; five shots are already an exception under special circumstances.As for six people going out together, it should be absolutely forbidden.

If the Dragon Race always abides by the ancestral precept of no more than four people in battle, then the grasp of this treasure is far more reliable than any other race's recovery secrets.But in the face of the complicated battle situation, who can guarantee that they will not try to take risks?
Gui Wugui let out a long laugh.

At this time, his "red-faced demon cultivator" image quickly dissipated, revealing his true colors.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to use the means of hide-and-seek.

"No blame!"

Kang Xin and the others looked pale and shouted together, full of disbelief!

Looking at his expression, he has no fighting spirit.

But the moment Gui Wugui's true face appeared, he shot immediately; even if the six wanted to escape, it was too late.

Six Paths of Space Yun Nianjian.

No, it is twelve ways.

The six swords attack the two of them separately; the six swords strike at the spirituality of the six "Jade Tree" treasures.

In fact, Gui Wujiu had a faint premonition in his heart - the secret treasure connected by the six trees, the sublime ability to hide and avoid all lies in the four words "two points of light and dark", once all of them are revealed, as long as he defeats the six, even It can also be captured with bare hands.

But adhering to the idea of ​​the lion fighting the rabbit, Gui Wugui is still the safest way to choose.

The six swords fell, and there seemed to be a white mist between the sky and the earth.

The cream is like washing.

The six fell backwards.

Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand, and with a sway of his palm, a strong absorbing force was generated, and he immediately took the six jade trees into his palm.

Looking down, Gui Wugui was secretly surprised.

With the kendo power of his six swords just now, it should be enough to kill six people.But looking at this moment, only the bearded old man and the "Rui Gong" who appeared last, their bodies were washed by the sword light and turned into dust; the other four people only saw blood raining down, their bodies, mana, and spirit still remained. Just deeply hurt.

It seems that the legacy of the "divine transformation" has many benefits for consolidating the foundation and strengthening the defense.

With a flick of Gui Wujiu's fingertips, he was about to unleash four more swords to end those four people.

At this moment, four earth-yellow rays of light suddenly appeared, wrapping the four of them tightly, and then each of them took the initiative to use the method of breaking the space, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, he has already returned to the "Benzong" pool.

Turning around without blame.

A burly body, seemingly slow but fast, fell from the sky.

Long Yun has arrived.


It used to be said that it was often impossible to make up for updates; after this time, after the update, I was not confident at the beginning, how long the state could last.But the bottom line in my heart is to fill in the broken holes.In the end, it turned out to be relatively easy to do, or under the premise that work is sometimes busy.

Strive for 5 more chapters in May.

(End of this chapter)

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