Chapter 1236
The corner of Long Yun's mouth suddenly raised a smile.

Everything that happened to the Dragon Clan and the eight treasures of the "Tianshu" secret storehouse were lost, so he naturally knew about it.However, Long Yun didn't show any dispirited attitude, or an attitude of rushing for the treasure.

Seeing such a scene, the demon kings of the dragon clan who formed a large formation from far and near were also inexplicably certain.

To blame is also to return a smile.

If you think that Long Yun's calm attitude is just to stabilize the morale of the army, you will underestimate this ascending demon ancestor.In fact, at this moment, Gui Wujiu and Long Yun's thoughts should be roughly the same.

In this final battle in the Ziwei Great World, who wins is the real key.

Although Gui Wugui won the past few confrontations, as the situation develops, Gui Wugui gets closer to the last step. In the world of Ziwei, and even in the heavens, the resistance will inevitably become stronger and stronger. Those who are happy to see it succeed will inevitably take action one after another!
Therefore, the outcome is still unknown.

And in front of him is a rare opportunity.

It's not a chance to win Gui Wujiu in one fell swoop - since Gui Wujiu dared to appear here alone, he must have a [-]% certainty of retreating; Long Yun is very sure of this.

This is an opportunity to confirm the level of Gui Wugui's strength; especially under the premise that Long Yun has a general grasp of Xi Lerong's strength.

The same goes for imputation.

The battle with Long Yun, how the two sides competed, has great reference value for his next strategy.

Long Yun was thinking whether to take the initiative to make a move, and Gui Wugui had already made the move first.

A gust of cold wind blows.

Thick fog billowed up.

The dense fog did not originate from one end, but appeared behind Zigui Wugui on one side, and appeared behind Long Yun on the other side, facing each other.Wherever you experience, the space is silent, and the vitality does not exist.

But this does not mean that this is a large-scale magical power of indiscriminate attacks.

Long Yun had a clear feeling in his heart, and every tiny drop of water seemed to hide a small arrow.Once it reaches the body, it will be completely poured into his body and bloom brilliantly.

At this time, the Kongyun Nianjian can evolve into various forms at any time according to Gui Wujiu's mind and state of mind.

Long Yun's magic power was shaken, and he wanted to punch to resist.

But at this moment, the space seemed to shake.

It seems that after a moment, the front and back fogs that were hundreds of miles away are about to encircle!

It seems that the "time" in the middle has been extracted for no reason.

Long Yun's body was up and down, revealing a bit of bone-chilling coolness.

He suddenly understood that the opportunity had been lost.

If there is no timely response, the vitality of this body will dissipate and disappear very quickly.

I saw Long Yun's palms forming a dragon shadow, turning extremely fast.

The magic power of the Ascending Demon Ancestor level is continuously released, sticking to a circle, pushing forward.But after a few breaths, it was clearly seen that this powerful mana, known as Long Yun's number one body protection technique, "Fixed Reality and Panlong Seal", could barely stop the incoming momentum, but could not stop the opponent's sword intent.

Long Yun already had a judgment in his mind.

In terms of attack power, although Gui Wujiu has not reached the Dao state, his means are not inferior to Xi Lerong.

If you want to break it down, in terms of pure mana and strong foundation, although the mana of the Dao realm borrowed by Gui Wugui is surprisingly high and the luck is not bad, it is still slightly inferior to Xi Lerong.

Because the so-called "first class" is only based on the inherent Taoist sages in the Ziwei Great World; but it can't frame the consummate heroes of this generation.

Take Gui Wugui himself as an example. After he truly breaks through the Dao Realm in the future, even if his mana level does not exceed the sum of the third and fifth Daoist, his control over his body will definitely far exceed that of the so-called "first class" now. Possession method.

Above first class there is super class.

After winning several battles, Xi Lerong has now reached a very high level.There is no such a number one person in the previous Dao realm in Ziwei Great World.

But on the other hand, Gui Wugui's magical power of "Kongyun Nianjian" is more lethal than Xi Lerong.

The two phases are integrated, roughly between equals.

Long Yun tried Gui Wujiu's details, and wanted to attack with all his strength to regain the advantage; but he didn't expect Gui Wujiu's Kongyun Nianjian to continue, and once he got the upper hand, he would not lose it.Its attack is omnipresent and pervasive, whether it is the ordinary escape method, the piercing method, or relying on the physical body to harden it, it seems that it cannot get rid of it.

The gangrene attached to the bone is immortal.

In desperation, Long Yun flicked his palm, and a black formation about the size of a foot emerged.

This thing seems ordinary, but looking at its shape and spirit, it is natural to know that it is not something that belongs to this world.

The picture spontaneously ignites without wind.

Then there was an inexplicable dislocation in this space.It seems that Long Yun's body, as well as the exquisite sword intent around him, all fell into another distant world and could not return.

The mist cleared.

Long Yun said inwardly that he was lucky.

It's just that my own background has been consumed.

At the same time, he knew well that next time he met Gui Wugui, he couldn't let him make the first move.

One of the secret treasures that Long Yun carried when he descended to the lower realm took the lead, so how could he not cherish the opportunity and start to fight back immediately.

A huge dragon claw that was not vivid in the air suddenly appeared and snapped down in the air.

Eight times the power of multiplying.

This is the harvest of Long Yun's immersion in the world of Ziwei for a long time-after exerting his strength, his heart is connected to the world, and he always anchors the opponent, and the limit of increasing his strength has been increased from two times to eight times.

If it is only double the level of multiplied power, even the Nine Sects of the Heavenly Venerable can handle one or two, and it is really not enough to face a person who has attained enlightenment above perfection in this life and is unprecedented in ancient times.And after raising it to eight times, the effect of the method of "Yin and Yang complement each other" used by Jiang Chenglu back then will be very small.

Gui Wugui clapped his palms together.

The image of the corona, shining brightly, has increased to the extreme!

This is the Minglun supernatural power, the first time to fully bloom.

But after a sudden, Gui Wugui's eyes moved.

Because the "Dragon Claw" with eight powers united in one, when it broke through the Minglun Fa phase and attacked and killed him, it was only reduced by [-]%.

This is far below the expectations of imputation.

According to Gui Wugui's deduction, as the first line of defense, the "Minglun" method should be able to eliminate [-]% of Long Yun's mana.

As soon as the mind moves, it traverses the inside and outside, and it is immediately clear when there is no blame.

It turned out that the ultimate power of my "Minglun" supernatural power was indeed inferior to that of the Kongyun Nianjian, and it was only at the "second-class" level.

It is not difficult to imagine that the third and fifth Daoist priests are the pioneers of Kongyun Nianjian, not the pioneers of magic skills.The "first-class" effect that there is no gap between the inside and the outside, just like the main body, can only be fully exerted when the Kongyun Nianjian is used.

Although he also used Minglun supernatural powers before, Gui Wugui didn't even use [-]% of his strength, so he didn't realize the limit of this method.

In fact, in terms of reasoning, Gui Wujiu's use of Minglun supernatural powers can only be the third level; being able to reach the second level is already due to the harmony between Gui Wujiu and "Kongyun Nianjian" and other methods.

Another very unfavorable thing--

Although the Minglun supernatural power is only lowered by one level, this method is extremely sensitive to the comparison between the strength of oneself and the opponent.

A difference of [-]% is reflected in the actual fighting method, which is almost double the effect.

Although this method is not as expected, there are still sufficient preparations for imputation.

His body seemed to be in a trance.

Gui Wugui implicitly has the image of two persons.

It seems that there are two sword shapes and two human bodies, one bright and one dark, splitting and reuniting all the time.

Gui Wugui's level of mana, which can resist the enemy's sword intent, suddenly doubled.

This is Jiang Chenglu's yin and yang method to resist the double power.It's just that now Gui Wugui uses his two avatars to use it, but it doesn't need to consume twice and a half or four times the mana, but uses one body for two purposes, doubling the strength of the sword move for no reason!
It's a pity that such a method itself is in a "fixed state", which is only good for defense, and it is difficult to take the initiative to attack.

The Kongyun Nianjian, which is twice as powerful, is continuously produced, quickly annihilating Longyun's giant golden dragon claws.

It seemed that the sword was received very easily, but Long Yun was clear in his heart.

This move counterattacked, and he gained the upper hand.

If the "Minglun" can cut off half of the original force, Gui Wugui's method of yin and yang ebb and flow increases one's own strength by one time, it is equal to Gui Wugui only facing twice the doubled force.Yigui Wugui's current Taoism and Kongyun Nianjian's superb realm are enough to deal with it.

But Minglun was not as expected, and his offensive still had more than three times the advantage.

Long Yun also has a deep understanding of the Kongyun Nianjian, knowing that this method is also a method that is sensitive to the strength of the enemy and ourselves.If the target aimed at is too much stronger than oneself, the advantage of this sword will not be so obvious.

To deal with his own eight times power attack, his consumption is obviously more than his own.

In terms of defense, Gui Wugui seems to be inferior to Xi Lerong.

They each fought a move, but neither of them made any more moves.

Long Yun looked at Gui Wujiu carefully, and said, "Someone told me that during the battle between you and Xuanyuanhuai, you entered the realm of Taoism, and your mind wandered beyond the first realm. It seems that both of you have jumped out of the three realms in advance and mastered it." The reality of 'multiplied power'. Why don't you use such means?"

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows.

This was his ultimate hole card, but it was broken by Long Yundao unexpectedly.

Relying on the comprehension of the power of doubling in the battle of the five realms of identity, Gui Wugui will be invincible if he really reaches the Dao realm.It's just that at the current stage of using the "possession method", he will not use this method until the really critical situation.

Because of the density and mellowness of Yikongyun Nianjian, it is omnipresent, capable of sending out and receiving, and every trace of true power is precisely controlled by him.

Once a sword is released, the aftertaste still exists, and more than [-]% of it can be recovered.

The major difference between the "Minglun" supernatural power and other defense methods that consolidate the foundation and control energy is that this method is not so much a "supernatural power", but a "state", like an additional blessing bestowed by heaven.Except for the moment of use, almost no mana is needed to maintain this method, and the consumption is even smaller than that of Kongyun Nianjian.

Gui Wugui used these two methods to run rampant in the world. Although the magic power hidden in the whole pearl is limited, it is almost inexhaustible.

This kind of effect is beyond the comprehension of other Taoist figures.

However, the "multiplied power" style of play is a one-shot deal, and the real power is not reaped.Therefore, Gui Wugui would not use this method unless he encountered a perfect opportunity.

ps: This chapter was completed in one hour and three minutes, the fastest time ever.I must have hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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