Chapter 1237
When estimating the strategy, Gui Wujiu subconsciously took a look and looked into the "whole bead".

But this look surprised him.

It turned out that the original intention of Gui Wugui was to see how much mana was consumed in the long and fierce battle of the dragon clan: but at this moment, the mana in the whole pearl was extremely full, and it had reached the state of overflowing when it was full , which is even better than when I left from the third and fifth Daoist practice secret places.

Taking a closer look, the "holy blood" stored here has shrunk slightly in size.

Sensing the changes, Gui Wugui immediately knew the reason.

The "holy blood" and the mana left by the two Daoist priests in the whole pearl are in conflict with each other. Once in contact, they will be in a state of fierce confrontation and check and balance.In terms of its own level, perhaps the owner of the holy blood is of a higher realm than the third and fifth Daoist; but after all, it is only half a drop of incomplete blood. Although it is a valuable treasure, it is a dead thing after all. It remains to be used by people.

However, the mana within the Quanzhu is integrated with the Quanzhu, nourishing and nourishing, and the Kongyun Meditation of Swordsmanship outlines the outline, so it can clearly gain the upper hand in the confrontation.

Therefore, after a period of time, part of the "holy blood" has been melted away.

The part that was removed was roughly divided into two parts.

About [-]% of it was assimilated by the mana within the whole pearl and became the food for strengthening the aura; while the other [-]% that could not be absorbed manifested in the form of a different force, which was neither like the mana of the Taoist sect, nor separated from it. Knowing the true nature of the dragon family, it is squeezed into the whole pearl if there is nothing.

The so-called "water overflows when it is full" refers to the mana of the nature of the third and fifth Taoists; at this time, this strange power seems to be an inexplicable existence in it.If you don't notice, this strange power will eventually pass away slowly.

With a move of Gui Wugui's mind, he tried to control this "extraordinary force", and immediately found that under the restraint of Quanzhu, he seemed to be able to operate without hindrance.

Gui Wugui's eyes flashed a sharp edge.

But the ultimate move at the bottom of the box has two uses.Either use it by surprise and save it for the most critical moment; or use it from time to time, like sharpening a sword, it becomes newer the more it is sharpened; it makes people famous and fearful, and has incredible deterrent power.

At this moment, there is no need to say more about how to choose.

Blame no mana for a boost.

One punch out.

It seems to be slow or fast, it seems to be unleashed; it seems that the strength is like the beginning of a frenzy, and it seems that it has already run away, and the sharpness is condensed.

The world seems to be determined by it.

A means to multiply power!
Gui Wujiu is also thinking about one thing, Long Yun knows that he has mastered the "power of multiplier", in fact, this information is also very valuable, and it is the right way to hide it without leaking it; he even secretly prepares the means to deal with this method.To put it bluntly, why?

Just to confirm that you really have this means?
It seems unnecessary.

Blame the punch, but not just the punch.

The distance of a world seems to have turned into frost, and it has dispersed a little; but it is more erratic when it permeates the distance - it is the resurgence of Kong Yun's sword intent.

The supernatural power of Kongyun Nianjian appeared in Gui Wujiu's field of vision for the first time. It was still Xingyuemen's art and had not been tempered. It moved people with its extremely powerful lethality.But today, when Gui Wujiu faced the enemy more calmly, he became more and more aware of the supernatural power of this method; even if it is used at any time, it is also as wonderful as heaven.

When Gui Wugui sent out this blow, in fact, he upheld the attitude of "strike with all his strength" and used the Kongyun Nianjian and the means of multiplying his strength at the same time.

But once he used it, Gui Wujiu suddenly discovered that the cooperation between these two methods is simply indescribable.

This is because if you want to take over the means of superior power, you must accurately grasp the timing and trajectory of the combination of the opponent's two forces, and you must be precise; while the Kongyun Nianjian is far and near, omnipresent, and you must stand firm. , the spirit diverges.

Using the two methods together will definitely make the enemy face an extremely difficult situation.

Seeing Gui Wugui, Long Yun really resorted to the means of doubling his strength, with a strange expression on his face, I don't know if it was surprise, or it was just in the middle of his heart.

Immediately, he rolled up his sleeves, and bronze spikes flew out from the sleeves, slamming them in six directions.In the sky of lasing.

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows.

He sensed clearly that Long Yun's six bronze spikes were neither used to deal with the multiplied force, nor to resist the Kongyun Nianjian; nor were they aimed directly at Wu Blame himself, or as Long Yun's own defensive means.It seems that it is really just a "leisure chess", in the face of his full attack, he still has time to worry about other things.

Gui Wugui made a decisive decision and immediately changed his strategy.

The two fists came out one after another, layer upon layer; at the same time, the Kongyun Nian sword also rose immediately, as if the phantoms in the paintings appeared real, and it turned out that twelve killing swords came out together, connected end to end.

This is an all-out stance.

Gui Wugui respected Long Yun's level of combat power; especially because the opponent relied on the advantage of the home court, it was even more difficult to easily win him.

Since the power of multiplication is no secret, Gui Wugui simply used all the mana that would inevitably be "wasted", and used the method of multiplication in a dignified way to exert psychological pressure on the enemy.

Unexpectedly, Long Yun really had other goals, and he was distracted when he was about to fight.

That being the case, Gui Wujiu calculated the scale of mana after the "holy blood" was completely melted in an instant, and after estimating and deploying it, he knew the bottom line of his mana being able to use it, and immediately shot with all his strength.

If he could take advantage of Long Yun's distraction, the situation in Ziwei Great World would be different immediately.

After Long Yun used the six bronze spikes, he freed his hands to defend.

"Panlong Dingzhen Seal" was used immediately.

At the same time, his body shrank secretly, as if forming a phantom clone, hiding in the main body.

Standing still, it seemed to be anchoring the inspiration to resist the attack of Kongyun Nianjian; while the three-inch phantom seemed to move without hindrance, frequently punching with fists, condensing into huge dragon claws, resisting nothing. The power of guilt.

The limit of the multiplied power exerted by his "phantom" is far from that of the body, it seems to be only four times; but fortunately, the multiplied power of the blameless seems to be exactly four times.In addition, when Gui Wujiu used this method, the mana was the part of the "holy blood" that had not been assimilated by Quanzhu, and in terms of efficiency, it was only in the "third-class" realm.

So this link can be resisted.

But what is really uncomfortable is the twelve Kongyun Nianjian swords, which are omnipresent, covering the world, and it is really difficult to guard against.

A moment ago, Long Yun had come to a conclusion that when fighting Gui Wujiu, he should not fall behind and wait for the opponent to make a move.But only a moment later, he made the same mistake again.

Long Yun was also helpless.

He revealed the secret of Gui Wugui's possibility of mastering the multiplier power, just to induce Gui Wugui to use this method.

Because various signs and facts show that Gui Wujiu seems to have mastered the passage to and from the Dragon Realm.Moreover, this kind of "passage" is definitely not because of any flaws in Dragon Realm's own "triple nine palaces breaking the boundary" method. A posture similar to the soaring power of the Dao Realm, he traveled out of the void and landed here forcibly.

Although it sounds unbelievable, it is very likely to be true.

If this is the case, the concealment and closure that the dragon clan is most proud of is not as good as the small realm secret realm of other monster clans in the face of Gui Wugui.

Fortunately, the "Dragon Realm" itself is a new realm. If someone uses the method of "multiplied power" in the Dragon Realm, it will leave a deep mark on the Dragon Realm. This is a very profound cause and effect.If he recorded this process with the "Six Heavenly Gate Talismans", he would have obtained sufficient deduction resources.

Using this to form a large formation, Gui Wujiu will know immediately when he visits the Dragon Realm next time.

For the safety of the Dragon Realm, he had no choice but to give up an opportunity to "predict the enemy's opportunity first".

What's even more troublesome is that the "Six Heavenly Gate Talismans" can't be used sooner or later. It is necessary to detect the trajectory of its power and track it accurately at the moment when the light is blameless and the power is doubled.

In fact, this move is quite risky.

He also knew that Gui Wugui would not dare to intimidate him too much, that's why he made such a decision.

But unexpectedly, Gui Wujiu's timing was extremely accurate, and he didn't leave any room for his shots.

Just when he was still in doubt, Long Yun's body shook!
The dragon claw manifested by the fist power of his "phantom shadow" almost collapsed when it met Gui Wugui's four times the power.

Long Yun suddenly looked up.

Gui Wugui's eyes are dark and full of murderous intent.

It turned out that after the "extraordinary power" was used up, Gui Wugui spared no effort to use his magic power to meet the enemy with the positive power within the whole pearl.

After changing the real power, although it is not as good as when using the Kongyun Nianjian to reach the "first class" state, it is still improved by one level, as if when using the "Minglun", it has reached the "second class".The power suddenly increased by one tenth.

If one ignores the advantage of mastering the "power of multiplier" as a soaring power, Long Yun's real power, whether pure or strong, does not have an advantage compared with the combined power of the third and fifth Daoist—even with a [-]% discount, the same.

As a result, Long Yun is at a disadvantage in resisting Kongyun Nianjian and Doubling Power.

In desperation, Long Yun shook his head slightly, and took out a golden scroll from his sleeve again.Even with his concentration, he could see that this was an extremely difficult choice.

The scroll burned instantly.

The effect of this scroll does not seem obvious at first glance, as if Long Yun just swayed his body slightly and walked a few steps in place.

But after careful consideration, this few steps seems to have brought Long Yun to the "past" inexplicably, before the Kongyun Nianjian was surging; it gave him a chance to gather momentum in advance and a precious "first move".

The murderous look on Gui Wugui's face suddenly dissipated, and he said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Longyun, see you next time."

A ripple in space suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's just that it is completely different from the thousands of times it was used in the past. At this time, the Wuyu Samsara Heaven is actually a little dazed, as if it is not very stable.

Gui Wugui stepped into it one step at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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