Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1243 Taking advantage of the road, regardless of host and guest

Chapter 1243 Taking advantage of the road, regardless of host and guest
After the sound resounded seven times, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The vegetation, trees and mountains seemed to be just a sway, and when they reappeared, they still stayed in their original positions; but looking carefully, there was an extra crack for no reason in the valley to the southeast.An altar-shaped building is in the center, with a deep and solemn bearing.

Step into without blame.

Under the round altar, there are six people standing.Except for the one on the far right who is a middle-aged man with clean beard and beard, the other five are all with long beards reaching to the chest, dressed in black cassocks, with ancient tree totems painted on their chests, and a mass of aura that annihilates reality and emptiness forms into pieces, Stand tall.

The six celestial masters of Treasure Tree Sect actually arrived together.

The one standing in the middle has slightly protruding cheekbones and drooping eyebrows. He looks about fifty or sixty years old. He wears a high gray crown on his head. He clearly ranks first among the six people.

This person took a step forward and said calmly: "Old Li Yun."

Gui Wujiu nodded and said, "It turns out to be Tianshi Li Yun."

In all fairness, the realm of Taoism of the celestial masters of the Demonic Dao is much better than that of the Tianxuan masters of the local Taoist civilization, and almost every one of them can match the top-level Tianxuan such as Yao Chun, Guyi, and Lujian. Shangzhen; and the leader, Li Yun Tianshi, is two or three steps away from the Nine Sects.

But with this kind of fighting power, even if you don't use all the magic power of the pearl, it is more than enough to fight one against six with real cultivation alone.

Celestial Master Li Yun's eyes flickered.

If Gui Wujiu went to the mountain gate two or three hundred years ago, even if the opponent discovered the secret of the formation, he would not open the gate.

If you don't go all the time, then plan to deal with the battle, and you will never have any thoughts on the opponent's discussion.

But at this moment, although the festivities between the two parties have not been resolved, they are slightly different from the past.

Celestial Master Li Yun's eyes were dim, he looked at it carefully for a while, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Gui, what advice do you have? Your presence here is really rare."

Gui Wujiu shook his head and said, "A rare visitor? That's not necessarily the case."

"Actually, Gui has a long history with the Demon Dao, so it's not a shocking strange thing for him to be a guest.

A celestial master on Li Yun's left raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "Yuan Yuan?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "In terms of the succession of teachers, Guimou is the teacher of your generation of demons who have established the world and passed down the karma."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the six celestial masters including Li Yun were all different; but no one answered.

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, there is no need to cling to the relationship between master and successor—in essence, the relationship between myself and the way of magic is already very close."

After speaking, one finger of the right hand stretches forward lightly.

Among the six celestial masters, three or four of them almost thought that Gui Wugui was going to make a move for a moment; their eyelids twitched, and only after looking again did they know it was wrong.

But I saw a cloud of misty qi emerge from the palm of Gui Wujiu, and in an instant it was condensed from the atomized form to an extremely solid and precise physical form; then the form changed and turned into a flying bird, circling three times above the head , the trajectory is extremely mysterious and seems to be unpredictable.

After more than ten breaths, the flying bird suddenly dispersed and turned into thousands of star points, which were scattered one after another; after falling to the ground like raindrops, they condensed for no reason and returned to Wu Jiu's palm.

Celestial Master Li Yun was shocked in his heart.

The mist is like frost, as real as it is illusory and vigorous, it is the Dharma image of "The Great Sacrifice of Uncovered and Unlimited Universal Gate";

Immediately turning to reality, it is better than fine steel, which is the meaning of "The Wonderful Truth, Six Ruxues, and One Qixuan";

Turning into a flying bird, the appearance is meaningful and unpredictable, which is the pre-knowledge purpose in "The Wonderful Method of Jinhua Yudi Xuanzhu";
All dharmas return to flow, and all mysterious and imaginary phenomena are collected into one wonder, which is the true meaning of "Shenzang Suoyuan Tongtong Ten Fang Accomplishment Method".

This light and ingenious demonstration of the imagery of one move fully demonstrates the changes of the four methods of magic.

Demon practitioners are very good at debating.If there is a sentence without a sentence, one or two hours may not be able to tell the result.However, Gui Wujiu's display of supernatural powers meant that "facts speak louder than words". No one who saw Gui Wujiu would be able to deny that Gui Wujiu had a close relationship with Mozong.

After thinking for a long time, Li Yun Tianshi said: "What's the purpose of Gui Daoyou, just tell me."

But in his heart he was secretly worried, that if he wanted to challenge or argue with the devil, it would be really difficult to deal with such a meritorious deed.Because what he thinks in his heart is higher than the others——

If Gui Wujiu is just a simple challenge, Baoshu Sect has many ways to deal with it; but if Gui Wujiu insists on "using the other way, and giving it back to the other body", and declares that he only learns from the magic way, then Can be extremely tricky.Because of this, Baoshuzong has no reason to refuse.

But if they really wanted to fight, the chances of winning were equally slim.

Unexpectedly, Gui Wujiu said: "Although Gui has a deep connection with the Demonic Dao, but today's visit is really just an excuse—not to pay a visit to the Demonic Dao."

What he said before and after is actually suspected of being a joke.

But when the six celestial masters heard it, they faintly felt relieved.

Tianshi Li Yun said: "This sect is located in an independent mountain. It is not a thoroughfare for all forces to gather like the half-prime sect where Guidao friends live, or the passage of Yin and Yang caves and heavens in the barren sea. The so-called borrowing of the Taoist Don't know where to go?"

Gui Wujiu said with a smile: "Back then when the four great demon clans attacked the southeast, the ancestors of the Qilin and Xuanwu demon clans all fell before and after that battle. Because there was no blessing from the upper realm, the relationship between the two clans The overthrow was a matter of course. It was only later that Gui heard that the bloodlines of the two clans were still alive, and each had millions of blood descendants, hidden in a small realm, and received the care of the demonic way. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

The expressions of the six celestial masters changed upon hearing this.

The middle-aged man with a clean beard and hair on the far right said loudly: "Did Gui Daoist friends come to inquire about crimes?"

Gui Wugui shook his head and said, "It's not asking for guilt; it's just an excuse."

Celestial Master Li Yun pondered for a long time, and then said: "One wither and one prosper, one rise and one decline, are all logical. The fate of the Qilin and Xuanwu clans is also revealed. It's just that God has the virtue of good life. Although its power is exhausted, Its luck is not out. It is also their chance to survive a catastrophe by chance. Gui Daoyou does not necessarily have to kill them all."

Among the four sects of magic, the Baoshu and Luoquan sects are all sects that can sacrifice the blood of thousands of souls for one method, one fate, and one gain without blinking an eye. The so-called "God has the virtue of good life", from their It's ridiculous to say it out of your mouth.

But I don't know that all the celestial masters have already practiced Taoism without good or evil.If you argue with him and use this as a basis to refute, you will fall into his trap instead.There have long been prepared one after another sophistry rhetoric behind, almost inexhaustible.

Unexpectedly, Gui Wujiu nodded seriously, and said: "What Fellow Daoist Li Yun said is very true. Gui also holds the same opinion."

The six people below Li Yun were all startled.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Gui is just going to the small world where the blood of these two races live, to see its scenery. It is definitely not going to go on a killing spree. You can rest assured."

The six people exchanged glances, clearly not believing it.

At this time, a voice suddenly came: "I believe that Gui Daoyou did not come here to wipe out the two clans."

As soon as the light fell, a human figure appeared.

Although it is only in the Nascent Soul realm, the subtle victory in the Qi mechanism surpasses the scale.

Astonishingly, Shen Tu Longshu had arrived.

Shentu Longshu raised his hand in a salute, and said, "Return to fellow Taoist, it's been a long time."

Gui Wugui glanced over, feeling very surprised in his heart.

Although the world of Ziwei is vast, the confrontation between the top direct descendants is a relatively closed competition-this is also the basis and reason for Gui Wugui's "Luck Statue".But looking at it now, Shentu Longshu's previous defeat at the hands of Huang Xiyin did not seem to have the slightest negative impact on him.

This is commendable.

Even a person with a special temperament and strong resilience can hardly avoid it completely.It seems that Shentu Longshu really has an important mission in the Demon Sect; the "luck of gaining momentum" for the next era of the Demon Sect more or less falls on him.

Tianshi Li Yun turned around and said in a low voice, "Nephew Shentu..."

Now not only the Baoshu Sect, but the entire four major demon sects all admire Shentu Longshu on the surface.It's just that it doesn't seem appropriate to tell the two gates of the secret world that there is no blame.

Shentu Longshu and Gui Wujiu met each other's eyes, and said quietly: "Fellow Gui said that this trip was not for killing, I believe it. As long as you can do four words, someone can make the decision and let you know that Qilin , the current method of the secret place where the Xuanwu clan lives."

Gui Wujiu straightened his face, and said, "Fellow Daoist Shentu speaks up, it doesn't matter."

Shentu Longshu said very seriously: "These four words are called 'regardless of subject and guest'."

Gui Wugui said, "Why?"

Shen Tu Longshu said indifferently: "As for the grievances between the Yaozu and Gui Daoyou, my Demon Sect is considered a 'guest'. From my perspective, Gui Daoyou has fulfilled his promise and did not hurt the two demons. People of the blood of the Daoist clan, this is half; and the remnants of the Qilin and Xuanwu clans are naturally the 'lords'. From their perspective, there is no trace of the existence of Daoist Gui from the beginning to the end. This is the other half."

"If this is achieved, it will be 'regardless of host and guest'. I don't know how to return to friendship?"

Gui Wugui thought about it.

It seems that Shentu Longshu already guessed what he was going to do, but he just cleared the magic way in advance.If a consensus can be reached, it can be regarded as a favor for oneself.

The propriety of acting with no blame is originally just a step to "do nothing", and to achieve the ultimate goal without thinking about more radical strategies.

Gui Wugui nodded and said, "I promise you."

Shentu Longshu nodded and said, "Very good."

Immediately turned around slightly, facing Celestial Master Li Yun.

Celestial Master Li Yun thought for a while, and finally chose to trust Shentu Longshu, and took out a honeycomb-shaped strange stone interlaced with black and gray from his sleeve.

After Shentu Longshu took it, he flicked it with his fingers, and the object fell into Gui Wujiu's hands.

At a glance of Wugui's divine will, one can tell that this is an extremely brilliant formation, and it has the effect of guiding and opening a secret passage at the same time.Immediately smiled slightly and said, "Farewell."

Before he finished speaking, he had already turned into a blue rainbow and disappeared into the valley.

The seven celestial masters including Shentu Longshu and Li Yun disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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