Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1245 Fate meets the foundation of enlightenment

Chapter 1245 Fate meets the foundation of enlightenment
The image of the "Jade Kylin" floating on the sea surface is not just a single image; afterward, many inexplicable energy circles and floats, forming a jade seat about the same height as the Jade Kylin image, which is square and very smooth, with only the surrounding edges There is a square trace.

At first glance, it looks like a "blank paper" waiting to be written by someone.

After this image floats in the water, it does not stand still, but follows the inexplicable "fate" and power, and moves towards a specific direction to find the person who is destined.

This action seems to be ordinary, but apart from blameless, other Dao realm powers in Ziwei Great World can't do it.

As for Guiding No Blame, although it has the ability to establish a true foundation, the scale is still small after all, and only in this small world can it realize such a unique skill.If it is in the world of Ziwei, I am afraid that only the "Five Prosperous Lords" in the continent of Mo Na have this ability.

With this skill, no one below the Dao Realm can calculate any "deliberate" traces from the jade unicorn, and it can be regarded as ensuring that the promise with Shentu Longshu has been fulfilled.

The jade unicorn seemed to have been wandering in the water for sixteen or seven days, and finally met two people.

A man with a round face and thick cheeks, youthful appearance, and a jade robe with gold patterns, was exactly Lin Jinyao whom he met not long ago.

The other person, who seemed to be similar in merit and deeds to him, was about twenty years old, with a slightly darkened face; at this time, he had a very happy conversation with Lin Jinyao.

But in terms of the level of foundation, this person is quite different from Lin Jinyao.

If it wasn't for the solid and rigorous practice in the future, and new opportunities, the chances of breaking the demon king would not be high.

The two were originally interested, but their discussions were uncertain.

I only heard Lin Jinyao say: "Benchu ​​virtuous brother..."

But when they looked up, they saw the statue of Jade Qilin appearing out of nowhere, both of them suddenly stopped talking, with extremely astonished expressions on their faces.

The black-faced boy "Lin Benchu" rushed forward with a stride.

Staring at the jade unicorn statue with his eyes, he actually showed the meaning of infatuation.

Gui Wugui's divine intent sword thread, attached to the water vapor near the unicorn statue, watching everything here from afar.

The setting of this statue is different from that of Yu Jing, and there is no need to use "worship" as a ceremony to activate it at the beginning.As long as it is of the blood of the Qilin family, the perception of this god will naturally pass on a trace of luck.

But there is no need to worry that the power of luck hidden in it is not enough.Because this "free gift" is only a very weak trace; only when a devout heart of worship is born in the spirit of the visitor, the power of luck can be continued and slowly instilled in the visitor.

Lin Benchu ​​took a deep breath, as if the rain was coming after a long drought; or like a person who had been drowning for a long time, who was originally muddleheaded and suddenly surfaced on the water.

It is conceivable that the Kirin family suffered near-overturned misfortune, and their fortunes declined, but as time went on, when this negative influence became a habit, most of this generation seemed to be insensitive.But now the darkness is suddenly cleared away, and the blue sky is as clear as cleansing. This feeling of refreshing the spirit is almost indescribable.

Lin Benchu ​​said in a low voice: "Could this not be an opportunity left by the Qilin clan's holy ancestor to revive the clan..."

Even he himself didn't realize that his voice seemed to tremble slightly.

Lin Jinyao was stunned for a moment, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and then dimmed again, and said: "Sacred Patriarch Linlei, isn't it already... If it wasn't for this reason that our Qilin clan lost their trust, how could we have ended up where we are today?"

However, Lin Benchu ​​shook his head again and again, and hurriedly said: "No, no. In my Qilin clan, is there only the ancestor Linlei who ascended? According to the records in recent eras, there are not a few people in my Qilin clan who have been able to ascend. "The ancestor of Linley is just a person who is relatively close to now and temporarily takes on the responsibility of taking care of it not far from the Ziwei Great World."

"The tiny starry sky and the vast universe, don't they have the power of our Qilin family's higher-level ancestors?"

Lin Jinyao was taken aback when he heard this.

He hadn't thought about this knowledge.

Lin Jinyao's thoughts turned, and when he came to the "Jade Qilin" statue, he looked up carefully with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

At a glance, Lin Jinyao's heart suddenly moved.

Because the eyes of the jade unicorn seemed to be just a pair of light-colored pupils without any abnormality, but they were very agile and seemed real; but when his eyes matched the eyes of the jade unicorn, he seemed to sense the immeasurable mystery in it. , as if the vast universe, the stars around the sky, slowly turning in it.

The law of the "operation" of those stars seems simple.But looking at it all together, it is so wonderful that it seems to be an extremely powerful deduction tool.Walking silently along his guidance seems to be able to deduce the Qilin family's "four hues" to a deeper level.

Lin Benchu ​​looked suspicious.

Just now Lin Jinyao was obviously calmer than him, why did he sink into it all of a sudden?
But he also knew that it was inconvenient to disturb such matters of enlightenment, so he put his hands in his sleeves and stood aside quietly waiting.

This waiting is three days and three nights.

Three days later, Lin Jinyao slowly opened his eyes.

Lin Benchu ​​heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Yao today..."

Lin Jinyao waved his hand abruptly, stopping Lin Benchu's words.At the same time, it is not difficult to see that there is a strange flash in his eyes.

Because what fell in the middle of Lin Jinyao's line of sight was nothing but the "base" of the jade unicorn.

At first, Lin Jinyao only thought that it was a square "base".But at this moment, guided by the "star image" in the eyes of the jade unicorn, he wandered for three days and three nights, and the comprehension of those more than ten characters is exactly the state of extreme satisfaction of the mind.

Looking at the "base" of this square whiteboard, the mood is completely different.

This is clearly...

Lin Jinyao straightened his clothes, went forward and bowed three times to the jade unicorn statue, and silently wished in his heart: "If this junior has not misunderstood the meaning of the sage—this is indeed the stepping ladder left by the sage." The first stage, let me sit and contemplate enlightenment, compose a magnificent chapter, and then teach Lin Jinyao to pass on the book. If it is not the intention, please forgive the crime of blasphemy."

After silently wishing, Lin Jinyao stretched out his right index finger and forced a little blood from the fingertip.

Then he used his finger as a pen to write straight in the blank space of the "pedestal", leaving thirteen characters in a row.

Strange to say, when the blood fell on the white jade base, it was originally blood red; but after being soaked for a few breaths, it turned into an eye-catching golden color, and there was no trace of new work at all, as if the handwriting followed this From the base, it is integrated into one body, which is as old as ever.

Lin Jinyao clapped his hands suddenly and shouted, "Good!"

With the sound of drinking, there was a faint trace of teardrops sliding down the cheeks.

His excitement was three points better than when Lin Benchu ​​saw the statue.

Lin Benchu ​​looked at the ten or so characters carefully, and felt that he knew every single one.But they are connected together, but they don't know what it means, and they can't help scratching their heads secretly.

Lin Jinyao said: "Ben Chu virtuous brother. Please pass on the news. Please come here with Brother Yihan, Brother Qiubai, the descendants of each branch, and several demon kings from our clan. The sooner the better, the better." .If you don’t have a talisman to pass the news, I’ll trouble you to go there yourself.”

Lin Benchu ​​was startled, and immediately agreed.

Although Lin Jinyao has no airs, he has always been commensurate with his brothers.But Lin Benchu ​​knew it well, in terms of aptitude and status in the Qilin clan, the other party was far above him.At this time, Lin Jinyao instructed him very seriously, and he must complete it without compromise.

Raising his hand and saluting, Lin Benchu ​​got up from Dunguang and hurried away.

Lin Jinyao watched the jade unicorn statue for a long time, and secretly sighed in his heart.

He faintly felt that these ten or so words were his peak—even if he continued to pay homage to the epiphany and gained something in the future, it would definitely not be more than today.If you want to deduce the image of the stars to the end in one breath, you must at least have a perfect cultivation base.

Ever since Lin Yi went out of the realm and hid in the Yinyang cave in the barren sea to retreat and break through the near-dao realm, the remaining descendants of the Qilin clan now have no one in this realm.

But he, Lin Jinyao, was the first person to understand Chinese characters, and it was also a chance and a result of merit.


About seven days later, people arrived one after another.

Among them were two demon kings of the Qilin family, and more than a dozen Nascent Soul Realm existences; there was even a Jindan Realm, relying on the power of the flying escape magic weapon, rushed over extremely quickly.

After watching and pondering one after another, more laws were discovered.

The dozen or so Nascent Soul cultivators are divided into two classes.

Among them, the ones with relatively ordinary meritorious deeds just seem to be admiring miracles. Although they can confirm in their hearts that this "Jade Qilin" looks like an extraordinary thing at a glance, they can't tell what it is useful for.It seems that these people are all people with immature skills and no clear concept of luck.

However, there are two or three people with more advanced cultivation bases, who are about the same brother as Lin Benchu, but they can feel the blessing of the "power of luck" very clearly.But like Lin Jinyao, he was unable to comprehend the unique rhythm in the statue's eyes.

As for the two demon kings, although their skills are deeper, their intuitive understanding of the jade unicorn is even deeper.But the luck gained is not as good as those two or three better Nascent Soul monks, let alone deduce the essence.After the two discussed it, they thought it was because their own Taoism had already taken shape after breaking through the realm, and they couldn't help but feel sorry for themselves.

Three days later, a person escaped from afar.

Twenty-five or six years old, wearing a green shirt, long hair, and eyes narrowed into a line.

Lin Jinyao immediately cupped his hands when he saw that person arrived, and said, "Brother Qiubai."

This "Brother Qiubai" only slightly agreed with Lin Jinyao, and immediately came to the unicorn statue as if he had no time to care about him.The people around seemed to be very winking, and immediately made room for him.

Immediately, the person's eyes flashed, matching the eyes of the jade unicorn.

Then he closed his eyes, as if they were alike.

Obviously, he already knew all the secrets on the way to this place.

This Lin Qiubai is the one with the strongest foundation after Lin Yihan among the remnants of the Qilin clan.

Gui Wugui watched it from afar, and Jianxin sensed it.

Everything that has happened so far is within his preset trajectory.

(End of this chapter)

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