Chapter 1246
Lin Qiubai has no other distractions, and his mind is single-minded. It seems that it is because the Qilin family has an extraordinary opportunity, so they can't wait.But in terms of his human nature, it may not be because of his unique sharpness.

Seeing him like this, Lin Jinyao's heart moved, and he wanted to remind him; but after thinking about it, the idea in his mind was just a guess, and Lin Qiubai misunderstood it for no reason.

If he really succeeded, wouldn't he be inexplicably embarrassed.

So he simply kept silent and waited quietly.

It would be strange for a group of people to go out together, express their elegance, and stand empty in one place, waiting for hours or even days; at this time, everyone knows that there is a great opportunity for the revival of the Qilin clan, let alone a few days, Even if it is three to five years, it is easy.

What's more, with Lin Jinyao's experience - it took him three days and three nights to realize Taoism the first time he saw the image of the jade unicorn.

The two demon kings nodded secretly.

At this time, it is clear that the law can be summed up. If the aptitude reaches a higher level than the ordinary elite level, it will not only be able to feel the "power of luck", but also comprehend the unusual truth of Taoism from it.

One of the demon kings with white beard and beard couldn't help sighing secretly, if Lin Yi didn't rush to join "Left One" and look for opportunities to break through the border.With him here, with his perfect foundation, it may not be impossible to directly realize the mystery in this image.

Unexpectedly, the people waited for ten days and ten nights.

The two demon kings secretly wondered in their hearts.

Although Lin Qiubai's aptitude and understanding are slightly higher than Lin Jinyao's, the two are roughly at the same level.The gap between them is obviously smaller than the gap between the two and Lin Yihan.Why did it take so much longer for Lin Qiubai to close his eyes and realize the Tao?

Turning his eyes, he looked at Lin Jinyao, and there was no joy on his face——

Based on the experience of the two demon kings, it is natural to see that Lin Jinyao's expression is not jealous, but rather worried.

After another half hour, Lin Qiubai suddenly opened his eyes.

The two demon kings, together with more than a dozen Nascent Soul monks, all stared at Lin Qiubai.

When Lin Jinyao left the book, he was in a state of anxiety, piousness, agitation, and excitement all at the same time, and he didn't even care about taking pictures or other actions.So the dozen or so people in front of them all wanted to see what it was like to "leave a book with blood".

There were even two quick-witted people who had already taken out the Shadow Stone.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiubai's complexion changed from pale to pale, and he stood still for a long time, when suddenly he let out a big mouthful of blood with a "wow".

The two demon kings were shocked when they saw this.

The Qilin clan can't afford to lose someone of Lin Qiubai's level.

Among them, the one with white beard and hair immediately said loudly: "But what's so strange about this stone statue?"

Lin Qiubai waved his hands slowly, shook his head slowly and said, "It's okay."

"This unicorn image must have been left by the great power of the heavens of our clan. In fact, Qiubai has not yet been able to prove its subtlety."

In fact, Lin Qiubai's heart was far less calm than he seemed on the surface, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that there was a storm.

He and the jade unicorn looked at each other, only felt the subtle changes in it, vast and disordered to the extreme; if he could grasp it, he might be able to disassemble and deduce any divine channel technique in the world.

However, it is precisely because of its huge scale and complicated structure, and the rotation of any star image will affect the whole body, so if he waited in a maze for several days and nights, he could not find it in the end. to the bottom.

Could it be that Lin Jinyao... is so much better than himself?

Lin Jinyao and Lin Qiubai met each other's eyes, suddenly smiled apologetically, and said, "There is a saying that Jinyao doesn't know whether it should be said or not."

Lin Qiubai's eyes flickered slightly, then he immediately avoided Lin Jinyao's gaze, and said indifferently: "Brother Jinyao, it's okay to be blunt."

Lin Jinyao thought about it for a while, and said, "Brother Qiubai thinks... the profound method that can revive the Qilin clan is something that you and I can deduce and reproduce by ourselves?"

Lin Qiubai was startled when he heard this.

Lin Jinyao suddenly smiled, and said, "Brother Qiubai, don't be discouraged. This critical misguided path, since the first and second people who have the ability to see the true meaning of this image, proved it in time, it may not be a great achievement. If everyone goes their own way , It took a lot of time to finally look back, that is not worth it."

Lin Qiubai seemed to realize something.

He approached the statue again.

But this time, instead of looking at the unicorn's eyes, he carefully pondered the dozen or so words left by Lin Jinyao.

Half an hour later, Lin Qiubai laughed heartily, and said happily, "What brother Yao said today is very true; but Lin Qiubai's ten days of hard work are not wasted."

Immediately, the essence that I will realize will be introduced one by one.

It turned out that Lin Jinyao's guess was right.To comprehend this unicorn statue, we must not go their own way; after one person starts this method, wait for someone to give it a new "variable"; the later ones can only gradually advance on the basis of the predecessors.

Embodied in reality, if Lin Qiubai wants to understand the meaning of "stars" in Qilin's eyes, he must completely digest the more than ten characters left by Lin Jinyao first.

At this time, Lin Jinyao was very confident that if he tried again after recharging his energy, he would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

But the reason why he felt relieved was because if he didn't try it himself, just comprehending the "words" left by Lin Jinyao would be inexplicable and hard to understand.

The most correct sequence is a process of "positive-negative-combination".

First try to comprehend the image of the stars in the unicorn's eyes, just don't drill into the horns, just observe its outline and understand its image; then go to digest and absorb all the words left by the predecessors; The subtle meaning of "Zhong Xing Chen" forms one's own new income.

Lin Jinyao felt ashamed secretly when he heard the words.

According to what he thought in his heart, timely reminding Lin Qiubai to directly comprehend his thirteen characters is also not a correct solution.

About two days later, Lin Qiubai fully comprehended what Lin Jinyao had learned, and his spirit recovered to perfection, and he once again devoted himself to the comprehension of the unicorn statue.This time it really went smoothly, and after four days, he finally opened his eyes contentedly, pricked his fingers, and left fifteen large characters on the stone tablet.

The day before Lin Qiubai woke up, another unruly young man in single clothes, long hair and shawl had already been waiting here for more than two days.

Apparently, he has already completed the process of "warming up". After Lin Qiubai left the book, he immediately comprehended the twenty-eight characters together.

A day later, Lin Yihan arrived and completed the next step of the relay.


Gui Wugui Jianxin affectionately watched everything here.

After breaking through, Gui Wugui's biggest advantage is actually not even "combat power", but "supernatural power".

The so-called "supernatural powers" here is not the so-called magical powers, but the meaning of "supernatural powers".

Being able to stably maintain the Taoist state of mind of "independence and eternity", and mixing all kinds of gains since entering the Tao, what can be done without blame has actually reached a rather amazing level.

This unicorn statue, in fact, Gui Wugui has used the savings of five methods.

One of them is naturally the method of carrying the power of "Xuan Dao Fruit" luck with the Kongyun Nianjian. This method is just an introduction here.

The second of them is the method of "contradicting evidence through Taoism" that Gui Wugui cultivated Huang Xiyin and himself since he became Taoist. He has special experience in sorting out Taoism in the world.

The third of them is the process of achieving the Kongyun Nianjian in the "Nianjian Evolution Chart".

Although Kongyun Nianjian has achieved great success now, but after going through this process, and the Dacheng Kongyun Nian itself's dichotomous method, it can be said that it is almost equivalent to a "full pearl" to dismantle the Taoism below the true flow. ".

The three methods go hand in hand, jointly confirming the "four colors" secret method of the Qilin family who have had in-depth combat experience and have long been familiar with it. It is not as difficult as imagined to advance the Taoism of the Qilin family.

In addition, Gui Wugui also has a fourth level of assistance - a deduction secret from the newly obtained "Divine Transformation" from the Dragon Clan.

This method is originally equivalent to a higher level method of "convergence of all forces". It can be said that it is the strengthening and deepening of the "four hues" of the Qilin family, and it has a very high reference value for Gui Wugui.In addition, this method has the effect of outlining the similarities and differences between the human way and the monster clan's methods.

If the method in the "Kirin Eye" is deduced, those who succeed will have a great opportunity.It is not difficult for a character between one or two steps to leap to perfection in one fell swoop.

But these four methods are only "half", and they are for the last method.

The combination of the four methods, condensed into the extremely brilliant method of deduction, only completed the word "full", not the word "take".

Giving no blame is not about doing charity.

This last resort is the magical power of "magic staining", which is hidden in the eyes of the Qilin.This method is easier to adjust slightly, and its power and effectiveness are greatly increased.

It stands to reason that the Dharma door passed down by the Great Demon Venerable is easier to repair than it is not easy; but there are two reliances on blameless.

One of them is Huitong of the Four Great Classics of Demonic Dao; the second of them is that Gui Wujiu has a deep understanding of the method of the Demonic Dao Heart Sword by his first disciple Huang Xiyin.

The method of "magic dyeing" after this change is not directly activated, but hidden in the entire deduction process.Anyone who has profound skills and can reach the level of leaving a name on a stone tablet, after a few days of comprehension, will be planted with an idea in his heart, and with the growth of his cultivation base, he will firmly believe in it——

"Only by adapting to the sky and responding to people, being able to be strong and soft, being able to bend and stretch, being clear and conforming to the general trend of the Ziwei world, can the Qilin family have a chance to rise."

This principle seems so natural, without a trace of dissonance.

After this idea is planted, Gui Wugui will be successful the next day, and it is almost a breeze to subdue these two tribes, and they will definitely not have any thoughts of "rather the jade is broken than the whole".

In fact, this is also the improvement of the initial strategy of blameless——

You have to worship your own statue to get the blessing of luck. You may be able to use it in this way after your general situation has been established, but in the development stage, this move is too deliberate; you might as well make some adjustments in a more silent way.

ps Added before posting: This chapter does not seem to have been corrected, if there are typos, please read it later.

(End of this chapter)

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