Chapter 1247
After waiting for half a month, the stele under the jade unicorn statue reached more than a hundred characters, Gui Wujiu was sure of it, and then Shi Shiran left.

A hundred words is a "limit". After reaching this limit, even if there are people who are close to the realm of perfection - such as Lin Yi, who has successfully broken through the realm, when he comes to comprehend this jade elephant, he will be guided by it invisibly , but not beyond.

At this moment, this career will be truly accomplished, and it will inevitably come to an end irreversibly.

Because this is the last refuge of the Qilin family, and since there is no way out, a dense magic circle has already been set up in it.Therefore, the arrangement of no blame can never be destroyed.


After leaving this small world, after three days, Gui Wujiu came to the secret world of Xuanwu Clan.

The weather here is somewhat similar to that of the Dragon Realm, both of which are water and land intersecting; it's just that the ratio between water and land is not five to five, but eight to two.However, islands can be seen from time to time, but never a continuous ocean, so in terms of perception, it is still similar to mountains, not lakes and seas.

In terms of scale, this realm is slightly larger than the Qilin Clan's secret realm by three points.

However, whether to act like the Qilin family is still uncertain.

If we imitate the old wisdom, it would be child's play to say that the ancestors of the Xuanwu clan also sent down Dharma to rescue the clansmen.

A glance at the gods without blame.

This wait and see helped him make a decision.

Because a fact emerged——the descendants of the Xuanwu clan are obviously weaker than the Qilin clan; it is also possible that the truly outstanding figures of the Xuanwu clan did not survive the genocide that day.

Roughly speaking, there are only one "talented at four steps", one "talented at six steps", and two "talented at seven steps".On such a scale, it is impossible to assume the responsibility of deducing Taoism.

So Gui Wugui made up his mind and took out a portrait.

As the air of the sword in his palm drifted, the shape of the statue gradually changed—from the preset basalt statue to the Qilin statue.

This statue is just a single "Luck Statue".People whose meritorious deeds have reached the level where they can perceive the ups and downs of luck can naturally benefit from it, and wash away the depression caused by the overthrow of their own clan.As for other effects, it is completely useless.

Because there is no in-depth immersion and detailed deduction, Gui Wugui does not have the method of "magic dyeing".

The reason is very clear - this is the move of the holy ancestor of the Qilin clan to take care of the Youmeng.

At the juncture of major decisions in the future, the Xuanwu clan will inevitably follow the lead of the Qilin clan.To be able to complete the guidance of the situation without leaving traces, it is natural that the more concise the means, the better.

The business was over, and he planned to leave without blame.

"Slow and slow."

In Gui Wugui's consciousness, a voice suddenly came to mind.

Immediately, a floating phantom appeared, it was the sword spirit of Ziwei Sword, the bald boy.

Gui Wugui asked in surprise, "What's the matter with you?"

The little boy hesitated for a while, bit his finger hard, and finally said: "There seems to be a good thing here, which is extremely valuable; I can faintly feel the aura in it. Why don't I find it for you?"

Gui Wujiu was startled, after careful consideration, he shook his head and said, "No need."

The reason is obvious, from the details of every plant, every tree, every mountain and every river, it is not difficult to see that the climate of this small world is clearly a secret world run by the Xuanwu clan.In particular, the huge secret hall in the middle of the small world, its own testimonials or the layout of the gates, could not be completed by just a few demon kings in decades or hundreds of years.

There must be a shadow of the great power of the Dao Realm.

If this is the case, it is absolutely impossible to have any "mountain and wild jewels" here. Even if there are heavy treasures, they are also arranged by the Xuanwu clan themselves, and may even be key treasures to suppress this land.If it is taken away, the noise caused is really not trivial.

The little boy turned his gaze, and suddenly said: "That treasure... is most likely not discovered by anyone."

The last time he showed up, he was obviously not very sanity; but at this moment, he seemed to have understood the intention of returning no blame.

Gui Wujiu was secretly surprised, smiled slightly and said: "Okay, then go and have a look."

The little boy clenched his fists, seemingly very happy, and said, "I will lead the way ahead."

Said it was "leading the way", but in fact, he jumped into the sea water directly below.

Gui Wugui followed suit.

Although the small realm of the Xuanwu clan is not very big, the water is not shallow, and there are many extremely deep valleys, which are often above ten thousand feet.At this time, the direction Ziwei Sword Spirit and Gui Wujiu escaped to is a deep pit that is more than a hundred feet long and thirteen thousand feet deep.

Not long into the water, in fact, the surrounding is already pitch black.But the eyesight of no blame is no different from that of the day.

After a while, the two came to the bottom of the water.

Looking around, apart from the extremely sharp black, red, and gray boulders, there seems to be nothing else worthy of praise.

There was a hint of cunning on the little boy's face, and he said with a half-showy intention: "The 'treasure' is already here. Can you find it?"

Gui Wujiu's mind moved, and he washed it again and again with Kongyun's sword intent, but he really didn't find anything special.

He was also secretly surprised, with his achievements today, there are also treasures that can make him "unrecognizable by meeting", which is indeed beyond his imagination.Of course, this is also because this small realm limits the Taoism of the people inside to the near-dao realm, and cannot use the magic power of the dao realm.

In fact, if Gui Wujiu casts spells in concentration, it is still not difficult to find out any abnormal cause and effect here if he uses the posture of comprehending the confluence of nine local Taoism or Qianqiu City in the profound realm of the Yuan Dynasty.But he naturally didn't need to compete with Ziwei Sword Spirit.

Seeing him like this, it's okay to give him a chance to perform.

So Gui Wugui smiled and said, "It's true that I can't find it. Please give me some pointers."

Complacent, the little boy stretched out his fingers unhurriedly, pointing to two pitch-black stones three to four feet ahead on the left and twelve feet away from the front.

It's nothing to blame.

These are indeed just two ordinary stones.

Could it be that there are even treasures in this world, to the extent that even if you name the answer, you can't tell it by yourself?
The little boy said happily: "You put them together."

Gui Wugui stretched out his hand and took it as he said.Gather the two black stones in front of you and connect them with each other.

A wonderful thing happened——

The moment the two stones approached each other, its appearance quietly changed, turning into a six-leaf flower, with three petals showing white and three petals showing purple, about a foot in size.The faint aura coming from it, although not strong, is meaningful and profound, as if it exists continuously, it is clearly an ancient meaning that has lasted through the ages.

Seriously speaking, it is too much to say that the shape of this thing is a "flower" or "grass", because the shape of the six petals is extremely fat, and it is actually more like a cactus.

Gui Wugui waited and watched for a long time before saying, "What kind of foot is this thing?"

The little boy showed off happily: "This thing is called the Phantom Realm Heart, but it is actually two different things; or it is the same kind, divided into two bodies of 'Yin' and 'Yang'. Good at imitating things , soaked in the aura of objects in a world, so the shape is so similar to the level that it is difficult to detect even the great power of the Dao realm."

"Unless you have seen this object once and imprinted its unique image in your mind, it will be difficult for other people to notice it."

"Whether it is a single 'Yin Body' or a 'Yang Body', they are extremely rare. It's just that although it is rare, it is of no great use. Only when Yin and Yang are united to form a complete form can it be called a treasure. Just However, the 'Yin body' and the 'Yang body' are extremely repulsive in nature, and if it is not driven by human power, they definitely cannot be brought together."

"However, if it is in a hidden form alone, it will be even more difficult for people to discover the truth. Therefore, there is no record of this thing in ancient and modern records."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

This is indeed a knot.

The little boy looked up and praised: "This world is clearly formed by the pulling and combining of the two worlds. It just so happens that in the original two spaces, there is a 'Yin Body' or a 'Yang Body' that exists alone. After the two worlds are drawn, it happens to be Two strange things are squeezed together. This is really a unique opportunity."

Gui Wugui a little thought, already understand the reason.

The body of this small world is undoubtedly the secret world of the Xuanwu clan.

But when the Demonic Dao came to rescue, it used the method of "combining the world to pull", and used another space that looked like the prototype of the small world to form a connection with the secret place of the Xuanwu clan, and used the image of "unity" to pull the Xuanwu clan's small world together. Pull over.In this way, many objects naturally fell into the small world of the Xuanwu family in the space of the prototype of the small world prepared by the magic way.

Gui Wugui put this thing into the Nawu ring and said, "What is the use of this thing?"

The little boy said: "Refining it into a pill, if the foundation of Dao realm power is damaged, as long as the realm has not fallen, taking a pill will immediately restore it to its original state. However, after taking this pill, any foreign medicines and rare treasures thereafter, regardless of No matter what the purpose is, it is useless to me."

Gui Wugui's eyes moved.The little boy said again: "This elixir is only useful for the Dao realm; if you take it near the Dao realm, not only will it have no effect, but it will turn into stones in a short time."

Gui Wugui made a move.

The value of this item is considered to be between "useful and useless".

It is said that it is useful, and the elixir that can make the existence of Dao Realm reach the level of "returning to the original" is simply a rare treasure in the world of Ziwei. I am afraid that in the eyes of many people, its value is higher than that of the top-level heavenly sacrificial vessel.

Said it was useless, Gui Wugui didn't think that there would be a day when he needed to take this pill.

Gui Wugui thought for a moment, and then asked again: "How many pills can be refined from the 'Phantom Realm Heart' just collected?"

The little boy said earnestly: "One flower and six leaves, among which three colors of white are yin and three colors of red are yang. The combination of one yin and one yang is a pill. Therefore, one flower with six petals can make three pills. "

Gui Wujiu nodded slowly, and said in a low voice: "So it's like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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