Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1249 2 Ascension to the Great Wishing Heavenly Gate

Chapter 1249
Eight peaks form a circle.

Looking at it at a glance, there are eight "giants" walking slowly, with turbulent aura, secret and deep.

The place where he walks is not at the top of the mountain, nor at the foot of the mountain; it is the void between the mountains.

It is not surprising that cultivators have the ability to fly away; but at this time, the eight mountains seem to be connected by fine lines to form a "chessboard". Point to walk back and forth.

The appearance of the eight people is also revealed accordingly.

Show Taoism.

Daoist Ying Yuan.

Hanzhen Daozun.

There is also a thin middle-aged man wearing a bamboo hat and a yellow robe. He is the Xuanmu Taoist priest who has always lived in seclusion and mainly focused on practice.

Although this humane deed is still not as good as showing Tao and Ying Yuan, but the hope of breaking through the realm and ascending is far higher than that of other local people Jie Dao Zun, so it is also reasonable to consolidate one's chances of becoming Tao.

At this time today, he finally showed up.

These four people faintly stand in a line.

The other four people are the only one who is well-known in the Ziwei Great World and has left a picture--the first god in the Ziwei Great World, Mingjun God Venerable.

The other three people are all strangers.

Seriously speaking, it is not only a raw face, but also a strange face - because its facial features are all blurred, and even the ears, eyes, mouth and nose are sometimes big and sometimes small, and they are constantly changing.The outline of their appearance is far less clear than that of the other five.

Looking at its atmosphere, it is not a clear hanging painting in the void or the charm of the Taoist environment.

Suddenly, the fog cleared away, and it was discovered that the silhouettes of these eight people were actually half the size of ordinary people.

After careful observation, it is not difficult to find that these eight people are not straight.The real living people are indeed on the top of the mountain.

But on the top of the mountain, there are not eight people.

Xiandao, Yingyuan, Hanzhen, Xuanmu, the four Taoist priests and the Mingjun god, really occupy a peak; while on the other three peaks, there are three people on each peak; a total of nine people.

These nine people are all the best in the divine way, and the cultivation base of the emperor of the divine way is empty.

The three peaks have one thing in common—all three people are surrounded by a sapling of a eucalyptus tree that looks like a cash cow, more than two feet high, with more than ten copper coins hanging in it, like a hub, and they are connected with each other with a very high intensity. The three formed an air machine interaction.

Three eucalyptus trees are in three colors of purple, red and yellow.

Obviously, the eight phantoms between the eight mountains are the evolution of them.And those three "false Dao realms" with strange faces, because they did not exist in the world originally, but were evolved by the joint efforts of the three, so the roots cannot be distinguished.

Daoist Xiandao held the tactic in both hands, and suddenly shouted: "Four changes!"

As soon as the words fell, the objects that emerged in the formation suddenly changed.Suddenly changed from eight people to twelve people.

Daoist Revered Revealing the Dao is facing the incarnation of Ming Jun Shenzun; Daozun Yingyuan, Daoist Hanzhen, and Taoist Xuanmu are also facing the three people created by Zhusheng.Between the two, a phantom emerged from each, with faces between each other.

Twelve Taoist meteorologists.

But the nine gods of the divine way, on the arms and cheeks, could not help but slowly ooze blood, and their expressions were also in a state of instability.

Daoist Xiandao squeezed his hand, and all twelve images disappeared.

On top of the six peaks, there was an emperor of the divine way with a look of shame on his face, clasped his palms together and said, "After all, it's my disciple's lack of skill."

Ming Jun shook his head and said, "No way. Junior brother Meng Fan doesn't need to worry about it. The fourth transformation is already done. After that, it's just a matter of getting used to it."

Daoist Xiandao nodded slowly.

With the help of the Shengjiao's hundreds of thousands of years of experience, the three "Dan Fu Treasure Trees" were finally born, and finally the "Twelve Ascension Formation" was successfully evolved ahead of schedule, which is the measure taken by the Shengjiao in the face of the crisis.In fact, according to the normal progress, this array should take seven or eight thousand years to take shape.

The eight Daoist priests turned into [-] people, and this alone is not weaker than the "Ten Absolute Formation".

In fact, if the people who entered the battle didn't have any shortcomings, then the evolved twelve phantoms would be two points stronger than each person's normal body.So strictly speaking, this is not twelve combat strength, but fifteen to sixteen; it almost has the effect of doubling combat strength.

Now even if the three missing people are made up with "Dan Fu Treasure Tree", there is no such benefit.But this formation has another advantage, that is, it is not necessary to meet the enemy with oneself, but to turn into a phantom figure.

There is always a more or less difference between the real Dao Realm power and the character who obtained the Dao Realm combat power by means of the possession method.

The trials faced during the battle are by no means few.

Even a strong character like Yu Yiren seems to be slightly stronger than the weak ones among Ren Jie Dao Zun. When fighting Xi Lerong, he still became the opponent's breakthrough point.

This array uses phantom as the enemy, even if it makes up for the biggest weakness.

Daoist Ying Yuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "It's gone."

From Hanzhen Daozun and Mingjun Shenzun down, they dispersed separately.

On this mountain top, there are only Xiandao and Yingyuan left.

Daoist Ying Yuan's eyes diverged and froze, he didn't know what he was thinking, and said after a long time: "It's a pity to reveal this formation so early."

In fact, the three "Danfu Treasure Trees", which are treasures of the sacred religion and have been cultivated for a long time, were originally used for other purposes, and they were definitely not used to cooperate with the "Twelve Ascension Formation" and gather the combat power of the Dao Realm.

There is still a powerful characteristic of this "Twelve Ascension Formation" that has not yet been brought into play-that is, the manifestation of phantoms, which is by no means a small boundary between the eight mountains in front of us, but can be compared with the Yin and Yang Caves of the Holy Religion. Combination, God's will and distance.

When this formation is completed, the eight Daoists of the Sacred Religion, as long as there is one human robbery Taoist and one Shinto deity, the two work together to be in any position in the big world.Even if the remaining six people retreat in the sect, they can maintain the induction and manifest the "twelve spirits" that the eight people work together to land.

This is simply a big killer capable of attacking and defending.

After the "Left One" moved the Yin and Yang Caves, the reason why the Holy Cult reacted in this way may not be without this important factor.

Of course, the effectiveness of such an ultimate form must be achieved by the eight real Taoists.As in front of him, the three positions were replaced by Jiekong Great Emperor, and it was already extremely reluctant to stick to one place.If the divine will crosses over, the essence and blood will explode and die.

If you wait for thousands of years, [-] to [-] years, the Holy Cult will come up with eight true Dao realms, and it will be a matter of course.

The four people who robbed Taoist priests are now ready-made.Although Xi Zhenzi and Master Li are not as fast as the successors of the Nine Schools, they can always achieve success after five thousand to ten thousand years of effort.

In terms of the scale of the Shinto business, after hundreds of thousands of years, it may only be able to reach the level of continuous Dao realm in the past dynasties; but now the Shinto is established and its momentum is booming, it is the moment when new things are bursting into life. Coupled with the help of Xiandao Yingyuan and others, it is definitely not uncommon for three or four gods to emerge within ten thousand to twenty thousand years.

Taking a step back, even if one or two gods of the divine way are missing, and the holy religion maintains five or six people to rob the gods, there is great hope.Mr. Li and Xi Zhenzi have absorbed the opportunities of Shinto. In fact, they can "adjust" the past when there are many Daoist gods but few Shinto gods.

Now this formation is presented in a patchy form, but it is an opportunity for others to deliberate and prevent, which is really not what Xiandao Yingyuan wanted; but the situation is restrictive, and he has to do it.

Daoist Xiandao said leisurely: "Now that the scale has been set, it has to be like this."

Daoist Ying Yuan moved his eyes slightly, and said: "Recalling the method you and I established back then, I don't know what's going on today, is it a success?"

Daoist Xiandao pondered: "Although it is not perfect, it cannot be said to be a failure anyway. After all, a Taoism that can last forever has taken root in the world of Ziwei. Among the disciples of the younger generation, He is also a person who has reached the realm of consummation."

Although Yinzong Xunshen also achieved this level, he systematically absorbed one part of the Nine Schools of Taoism.

Daoist Ying Yuan murmured: "Great Wish Heaven Gate...Great Wish Heaven Gate..."

Then he sighed.

In the world of Ziwei, the Taoist Taoist of the Holy Religion and Daoist Yingyuan are famous for the method of yin and yang piercing the sky and the method of divine enlightenment.Established the holy religion, its momentum expanded rapidly, and its reputation was extremely famous.

However, there are also people of insight who think that Xiandao and Yingyuan are addicted to their strengths and have gone astray.

Because although these two meritorious deeds are high, it cannot be said that they must be unprecedented and supreme existences in the local Taoism; such as the third Taoist, the fifth Taoist, or Luan Yongren who is a strong opponent of the fifth Taoist. It is just under Xiandao and Yingyuan; the reason why it has not left such a large-scale force is not because it cannot do it, but because after establishing the Taoist realm, its energy is all on the accumulation of merit, and when the heat comes, it will fly away.

As for the ability to stay in the world for a long time and be able to ascend at any time, it may not be impossible to do it.

But the truth is that Xiandao and Yingyuan didn't pursue secular achievements.Not long after the two reached the Taoist realm, they studied Taoism together. One day, they discussed Taoism with each other, sensed the laws of heaven, time, and destiny, and realized a formula "Da Yuan Tianmen".

This method can be said to be the same secret method as the method of Yin-Yang Dongtian and the method of Shendao inheritance; but it has never been revealed to the public.

In the big world of Ziwei, if you get the right way to pass on to believers, you will leave behind a vast and profound method, which will last for a long time.

This is the real reason for its long-term operation.

Daoist Xiandao said indifferently: "In the end, you and I still failed to realize our wish of 'going together'. I'd better go first."

The reason why the "Twelve Ascension Formation" was erected so quickly is to protect the sacred gate.There are five people in the real Taoist realm in this formation, which is enough to be established.As long as the Holy Cult emerges from another Dao realm, the Daoist Revered Dao already intends to fly away.

Because the depth of the Taoism established today is sufficient; although the breadth is slightly less than expected, things in the world are not perfect after all.

More importantly, if you want to make progress again, there is little hope.

Daoist Ying Yuan, on the other hand, took longer to repair the Dao Foundation and make up for the previous damage.This process will most likely take tens of thousands of years.

Daoist Ying Yuan said silently: "Have you finally decided?"

Daoist Xiandao narrowed his eyes, and said firmly: "I have made up my mind."

At this moment, when the voice fell, there was a loud bang from the sky.

Thunder started.

It seems that the four words Xiandao Daozun touched some inexplicable mystery.

Xiandao and Yingyuan's eyes were fixed at the same time; their aura seemed to be in disorder!
(End of this chapter)

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