Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1250 Awakening, Remembrance, and Great Harmony

Chapter 1250 Awakening, Remembrance, and Great Harmony
Both Xiandao and Yingyuan felt that their spirits were suddenly filled, as if there were extremely strong thoughts hidden in the deeper depths of the abyss, suddenly emerged at this time, and then joined together as one!
The subtle spirit seems to be an entity, and after being merged, the scene in front of me changes accordingly.

This place is no longer the place where the eight peaks are connected, but has become a lush grove.

The forest is divided into two, separated by a path more than three feet wide in the middle.

At this time, on the path, there were two young people who seemed to be very young.One was dressed in a black robe, the other was dressed in a Taoist uniform with gold patterns on a white background, talking and laughing happily.The cultivation bases of the two of them are both outstanding among the true masters of Tianxuan.

Seeing these scenes, Xiandao and Yingyuan were startled.

The two of them made an appointment to set up a Taoist biography, and hand in hand to lay the foundation in the Ziwei Great World. It seems that it is in such a dense forest, and the scene is very consistent.

At this time, the illusion appeared, and the appearances of these two young people were Xian Dao and Ying Yuan when they were young.

But there are also two contradictions.

Firstly, Xian Dao and Ying Yuan met to open a portal after both of them reached the Dao realm; while the two in front of them were only in the Tianxuan Shangzhen realm.

Second, although the two people in this phantom are very accomplished, they can also be regarded as the top figures in the local Taoism. Outside of people, there is no one else who can catch it.However, compared with Xiandao and Ying Yuan's previous cultivation, they are still a little weaker, which does not conform to the two's understanding of "self".

The two people in the illusion are only a short distance away from the real Xiandao and Yingyuan at this time, as if they are within reach.

The words of the two fell into their ears clearly.

Listen carefully to what the two said, but it has nothing to do with opening a door and establishing a household. It is clearly just an ordinary exchange of Taoism experience.

Daoist Ying Yuan frowned slightly.

He remembered clearly that he and Daoist Xiandao had only met once in this dense forest—the time when they met to establish Daozong.

The "two people" talked for about half a quarter of an hour, and suddenly there was a change in the world.

In Lang Lang's blue sky, a star suddenly appeared.

At that time, although the sky was bright, the star was not dazzling; but the brilliant sunlight could not take away the brilliance of the tiny star.

The star drew an arc in the sky at a very fast speed, and then fell to the ground suddenly; where it landed, it was right beside Xiandao and Ying Yuan.

With the momentum of the star coming, there must be a lot of movement. After the earth shakes and the mountains shake, it should be a deep pit of more than a hundred feet; but after the light is washed, there is no shaking force, like a meteor falling to the ground, which seems unreal.

Xiandao and Ying Yuan looked up.

More than ten feet in front of the two of them, a square stone tablet suddenly appeared.

There are densely packed words engraved on the stone tablet, and the five large characters from the left hand stand out impressively - "Book of True Essence and Great Harmony".

On the isolated peak, the bodies of Xiandao and Yingyuan were shocked, and more hidden and deeper consciousness emerged continuously——

in the jungle.

When Xiandao and Yingyuan saw the stele, they were of course very surprised.After reading it carefully, I can only feel that this inscription is mysterious, thoughtful, and very rewarding.The two communicated with each other to confirm, and after about an hour, they became familiar with this "Book of True Essence and Great Harmony" by heart.

Then the stele shattered, and none of the words remained.

The strange thing is that at the moment when the stele completely dissipated, the young Xiandao and Ying Yuan were still discussing Taoism; but the content of what they said was understood from the wonderful meaning in "The Book of True Essence of Great Harmony" just now. Instead, it is a discussion of one's own Taoism before the stele came into the world.

It was as if this sudden incident had been erased for no reason; the time had been spliced ​​back to an hour ago.

On the isolated peak, Xiandao and Yingyuan's expressions changed.

Afterwards, what happened in the illusion suddenly accelerated, presenting the bits and pieces of the journey between the two of them... until the next critical link, it stopped again.

Daoist Ying Yuan stood in front of a yin and yang cave, comprehending the mystery.

After a few days, I finally got something.

This was originally a proud handwriting of Daoist Ying Yuan's path, but it is presented at this time with a completely different style.

The Yin-Yang Cave is a naturally formed passage between heaven and earth, originally invisible and formless, no different from mountains, trees, grass and rocks; but at this moment, there is a very mysterious force attached to it, dyeing it bright yellow; This slightly withered yellow color is inexplicably familiar to Daoist Ying Yuan.

Then, when "Daoist Ying Yuan" entered meditation, there seemed to be inexplicable invisible profound energy in his body, showing a very fine gray color, and gradually dissipating.

The gray air machine moved closer to the yin and yang cave, and immediately covered up the yellow color like a very quick dyeing method.

Although Daoist Yingyuan had already reached the Dao realm at this time, it was obviously not his magical means, but the inexplicable power brought by the "Book of True Essence and Great Harmony".

That "yellow" line seems to be vaguely seen, it is also descended from the sky thousands of years ago, attached to the "yin and yang cave" that grows in the sky and the earth.

Daoist Ying Yuan felt a sudden movement in his heart.

In the consciousness, many wonderful thoughts emerged.

However, it is different from the awakening and excavation from the depths of my spiritual consciousness just now, this idea is truly "emerging inexplicably", created out of nothing, and I don't know where it came from; Open a cruel and cold truth——

The yellow qi mechanism that descended from the sky was the handwriting of a powerful man from beyond the sky; this one belongs to the yin and yang way.

Yin-Yang Dao, Yin-Yang Cave to Heaven, was originally named coincidentally.

That ray of essence fell on the Yin-Yang Cave in the Ziwei Great World, which was originally in line with the principle of Yin-Yang Dao's "names change with the environment", and gradually matured.When the right time came, the Yin-Yang Taoist masters of that generation would naturally realize the true meaning of a formula hidden in the "Yin-Yang Cave" at a certain pass in the world, and they could control it and collect it.

But the power in "The Book of True Essence of Great Harmony" is even more powerful and domineering. He actually stopped this growth process, changed its trajectory, and finally took it as his own in advance, and became a method mastered by Daoist Ying Yuan.

Daoist Ying Yuan looked gloomy and thoughtful.

At this time, the scenes around the two suddenly turned to show the path of Taoist priest's practice.

Daoist Xian Dao focused his eyes.

His "Shinto" method has already revealed his true face during the showdown with the Demonic Dao. Its foundation is the method of the Demonic Dao to resurrect the dead. The whole story has even been clearly announced to the world.Don't you want to say that there are illusions hidden in illusions, lies in falsehoods, and even the section of obtaining the magic way is a false experience?
Roughly speaking, this is not the case——

His method of the divine way is the same, it is indeed the "universal" method of a great demon in the way of magic.

But at this point, they only know one thing and don't know the other.

Because the opportunity of the magic way is floating in the world, the person who takes on this task does not necessarily have to be the Taoist priest.

As a matter of fact, the secret method of the magic way was tossed and turned, and before meeting the Daoist Xiandao, he had found many potential targets, even including several powerful monster clans.But after going back and forth, it seemed that he was always stopped by an inexplicable force; in the end, he went around and came to the Daoist Xiandao, and he picked it up.

And this change is very natural, it seems that everything is a coincidence.

If it hadn't been pointed out today, even Mo Dao Mozun, who considers himself a loser, might not be able to detect the mystery.

After a while.

After both Xiandao and Yingyuan had achieved success in Taoism, they met one day, and they suddenly had a feeling, and created a formula - the Great Wish Tianmen.

In fact, this "Da Yuan Tianmen" is just a passage in "The Book of True Essence of Great Harmony", which faintly emerges.

As for Xiandao and Yingyuan, they only realized the Tao by themselves.

The Great Harmony of True Essence, as the name suggests, is to set up a Taoist art, which is widely spread in the world and has boundless believers.If this success is achieved, it will be of great merit and assistance to Xiandao and Ying Yuan after their ascension.In order to help it achieve this goal, the chance interception of Yin-Yang Dao and Demon Dao is equivalent to a "tool" for gifts.

If Xiandao and Yingyuan successfully complete the predetermined goal and fly away to the upper realm, then the secret of the "Book of True Essence and Great Harmony" will be hidden forever, and no one will know, including Xiandao and Yingyuan themselves .

But if the wish back then has not been fulfilled, and Xiandao and Yingyuan have already intended to leave, just like when Xiandao Daoist said the four words "I have made up my mind" -- the essence of this method, all the past, immediately will surface and provide a layer of warning:
If you go at this time, the merits and virtues will be paid to the flowing water.

In fact, it is not a difficult task to strongly change the minds of Xiandao and Yingyuan with the means of the people who arranged outside that day, so that their ambitions are clear and they will never return.

Even if the mind is locked by an obsession, such as not spreading Taoism to Ziwei, vowing not to ascend, it is not impossible.

But in this way, if the fall is too deep, there will be no return, and the traces left in the Ziwei Great World will be heavier, and the karma will be deeper, and it is very likely that the great figures of the same level will deduce the truth from it.

So the person who arranged the layout used soft methods instead of forceful manipulation.

Although Xiandao and Yingyuan set up an "idea", that idea is always in line with their own interests, and it may change at any time according to the actual situation.

In the current situation in the world of Ziwei, such as the demon clan Longyun, Fengqing and other monster clans came to the world, the Southeast Nine Sects that have been hiding have gradually surfaced and joined the chess game; The speed is also completely beyond expectations, and the top figures have already possessed the combat power of Dao Realm in one fell swoop.

Under such a situation, especially the combat power shown by "Left One" in the repeated battles in the deserted sea realm, after Xiandao and Ying Yuan were frustrated, they naturally did not have the courage to fight again, and they were ready to close in time. , is also reasonable.

So, with a change of mind, it's time to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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