Chapter 1251

Xiandao and Yingyuan were relatively silent.

As far as the experience involved is concerned, the older the age, the deeper the meritorious deeds, the richer the experience, the stronger the concentration.

But at this moment, if it is said that the careers that Xiandao and Yingyuan have managed all their lives are actually acting in the chess game set up by others, then the longer the time, the more energy they put in, the more impact they will have on the parties involved. big.

The two were distracted and remained silent for a long time.

It seems to be the experience of a lifetime, the victories and losses, the ups and downs, all the ups and downs on the road to pioneering the holy religion, all in my heart, without sadness or joy.

About an hour later, the two looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

Clean up your mood and always face the situation in front of you.

Daoist Ying Yuan said slowly: "Knowing is knowing; not knowing is not knowing. If you and I don't know, then from top to bottom, no one knows; now you and I know, then it is definitely not two people Know, but more people know."

Daoist Xiandao said silently: "That's exactly the reason."

If one of the two of them deviates from the guidance of the "Book of True Essence of Great Harmony" in the end, has a business relationship when the achievements are not yet completed, or changes the way of doing things.Once that layer of warning is triggered, it means that the person who set up the chess game gave up the best strategy of "come and go without a trace", and spread everything on the bright side.

Although this does not mean that the opponents of Ziwei Great World, Yinzong, Jiuzong, Gui Wujiu, etc., also immediately know the mystery; but the power of the same level as the person who arranged the layout is very likely to deduce the truth from the clues.At that time, he will naturally move the chess game and regard the two of himself as the target of public criticism.

At this moment, it is really a lot of thinking about where to go.

Daoist Ying Yuan said: "Today's plan, there are three strategies."

Daoist Xian Dao looked at him.

With the tacit understanding between the two, they naturally understand each other's meaning without speaking.

The so-called best strategy is also the most radical strategy, that is to go deep into the chess game and fight to the end, which must accomplish the goal mentioned in the "Book of True Essence of Great Harmony".It's just that the opponents they are facing now are too strong. Once they bite the bullet and enter the game, the chance of victory is extremely slim.

If the current situation can be maintained, in another [-] years, when the Holy Cult's "Twelve Ascension Formation" is completed, with the outstanding combat power of this formation, it may not be without the confidence to fight; The evolution of the situation is extremely drastic, not to mention five thousand years, even five hundred years, the world has been turned upside down.

If you don't believe me, just look at the situation today, how different is it from five hundred years ago?
The so-called middle policy means regardless of the situation, going their own way, and still ascending to the breaking point according to the original plan.

Just bet that the layout master will not do anything to him.

Just a drink and a peck, could it be predetermined.If the growth of Yingyuan and Xiandao's meritorious deeds and the establishment of Dao karma were indeed supported by the "Book of True Essence and Great Harmony", if they can't give back, I'm afraid there will be karma added to them in the dark.

This move is too reckless, it is a one-shot deal, and it seems that it is also not a good strategy.

As for the worst strategy, that is to stay in the Ziwei Great World for a long time.

Since the two have stayed for more than [-] years, it seems that it is not impossible to live in the world for a long time, whether it is to be the ruler of the holy religion or to live in seclusion.With the realm of the two of them, it shouldn't be a problem to resist the catastrophic power of the Ziwei Great World.

Except for the ancestors of the demon race and the demon kings of the demonic way, there seems to be no precedent for a powerful person from outside the sky to come down to the world.

Stand by for the time being and wait for the situation to change.

Xiandao and Ying Yuan naturally don't think that their longevity can survive the people who are arranged outside the sky; but judging from the current situation, the "chess game" in this world is extremely fierce, and it is very likely that it will take thousands or even hundreds of years. The winner will be determined within.Once the time has passed and the outcome has become a foregone conclusion, maybe the cause and effect that one bears will naturally cease to exist.

This policy seems relatively stable, vaguely feasible.

But firstly, this strategy is too negative, completely entrusting the fate to others; secondly, in extraordinary times, the actions of the mighty outside the sky cannot be treated with common sense.Although there was no such thing as a person who came to the world in the past, it is vaguely heard that a great power in the Nine Sects will have a competition between being born and returning to the world after hundreds of years.

If this is true, it is enough to show that this rule will be broken.

The three roads seem to be optional; but they also seem to be impossible to choose.

Xiandao and Yingyuan have already been cornered.

At this moment, a clear light flashed in front of him, and the door opened.

Immediately stepped into a person.

Daoist Ying Yuan's complexion moved slightly.

When the two of them were ginseng and detailed Taoism, even the rest of the Taoist priests would not be bothered.Could it be that the situation is like rain and wind, once the face is revealed, the situation will be difficult to stop, and what unexpected incident happened?
The figure stood still, it was Ming Jun, who had just participated in the study of the formation together.

Ming Jun's expression was a little complicated, and he said quietly: "An unexpected guest has come."

Daoist Xiandao looked slightly condensed, and said in a low voice: "Who?"

Daoist Ming Jun said slowly: "No blame."

Both Xiandao and Ying Yuan were in a daze, relatively silent.

For the problem just now, even if it takes three days and three nights to meditate, it may not be possible to find the best solution.But the "fate" and "potential" of Ziwei Great World pushed him to make a decision immediately!
Come to blame.

Is this an opportunity, or a trap?
Ming Jun was secretly surprised.Although there was no blame for coming, it didn't seem to be so hesitant.In his opinion, unless the opponent comes directly to the door, the strategy is nothing more than the eight words of loosening outside and tightening inside, courtesy first and then soldiers.Observe the other party's intentions before making a decision; why are you relatively silent?

At least--

The other party came to visit from the main entrance instead of sneaking in secretly; this probably shows that the situation may not be so bad that it cannot be dealt with.

Taoist Ying Yuan suddenly said: "Send Han Zhen or Xuan Mu to receive him first. Let me think about the specific strategy."

Divine Venerable Ming Jun's aura moved slightly, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he said: "Yes."


The ancestral court of the holy religion, the main hall of the ancestral land, and the main hall of the Yellow Emperor in the Yuan Dynasty.

Gui Wugui stands with his hands behind his back.

After waiting for tens of breaths, he turned around from the deep door at the back of the hall, and a person came out.He is skinny and wears a bamboo hat.

Although there was a smile on his face, he maintained a slight alienation, raised his hand slightly and said: "Return to fellow Taoist."

Gui Wujiu's gaze moved, and he said, "Daoist Xuanmu. It's really a rare visitor."

Xuan Mu chuckled, and said: "Guidan Daoist came to our Holy Cult as a guest, but he said that he is a rare visitor, isn't it strange?"

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "There is no north and south in the world of Youyou, and all people come and go as guests. Now in the big world of Ziwei, Gui does not dare to be humble, and is probably a 'familiar guest'; Xuanmu Daozun is outside the chessboard, Be a rare guest."

Xuanmu's eyes moved, and he said: "Return to the discussion of fellow Taoists, it is novel."

The two chatted here and there, and neither of them got to the point first.

After a while, two handsome attendants came up and offered tea, melons and fruits.These diets are also considered first-class wonders in the world of Ziwei, and they do not fall into the ostentation of the holy religion.

In Gui Wugui's gaze, a trace of sharpness suddenly flashed across.

After refining the pill, he rushed here non-stop.

The final outcome of this trip to the holy religion is nothing more than the three words "do all the work", which is certain for no blame; the key to the problem is, what kind of process is used to realize this "destined" result".

On the way here, Gui Wugui thought over and over again, but he didn't make a final decision.In the end, it was nothing more than the words "adaptive".

Now it seems that the other party wants to help him make a choice.

The situation in front of him seemed to be normal, but in fact it was extremely abnormal.

If Gui Wugui came to visit the Holy Cult immediately after breaking the border and taking a shortcut, then the current situation is still reasonable.But at this moment, Guiwucui destroyed the Yuan crocodile clan, stirring up wind and rain in the Dragon Realm, and fought hard against Longyun without losing the wind. The first-class forces have already known the news.

To put it bluntly, within a few dozen breaths of coming to the door of the Holy Cult, one of Xiandao and Yingyuan will definitely come to greet him in person.Even if two people come together, it is very reasonable.

Even if the two of them happened to be absent, the Daoist who came to greet him would definitely explain the situation as quickly as possible.

What does the current situation show?

The land of eight peaks.

Daoist Ying Yuan let out a sigh of relief.

Daoist Xiandao said silently: "Have you made a decision?"

Daoist Ying Yuan said quietly: "Always give it a try."

Daoist Xiandao nodded, and then applauded lightly.

Daoist Ming Jun was not far away at this time, when he heard the news, his figure flickered immediately and floated closer.

Daoist Xiandao said: "Meng Fan, Dongping and the other nine are still here, have they not left?"

Ming Jun's heart sank slightly, but his face was as calm as ever, and he said, "Exactly."

Daoist Xian Dao said: "Nine of them... Each of them was given a 'Four Elephant Xiangyun Pill', ordered to take it immediately, and returned to this place to wait for orders. In addition, nine people including Zhang Jian and Yan Shao were urgently recruited to pass through the Yin Yang Cave. The channel came and gave a 'Four Elephant Xiangyun Pill' as well, and they will naturally know when it will be rotated to the next position."

"Xi Zhenzi and Master Li are retreating and practicing, and immediately temporarily close the 'Three Ring Formation Gate'."

"In addition, the formation map of the three basic formations of the holy religion was immediately taken out and suppressed to a suitable position."

"You... do you understand?"

Among the cultivators of the divine way, the concentration and perseverance of the god Ming Jun has always been regarded as the first.But at this moment, even if it was him, the brilliance in his eyes was flickering, as if a stormy sea had been set off.After a long silence, he said, "Understood."

After a pause of three or four breaths, Divine Venerable Ming Jun said: "If you really want to come to this point... Long Yun showed his favor a few months ago; although Taoist Venerable refused, he still left a method of communication Yes. If he is motivated, he will be there in at least one or two hours. If he gets his help, the cost will be greatly increased. Do you want to..."

Daoist Ying Yuan's expression changed, and he said immediately: "No need."

Divine Venerable Ming Jun frowned slightly, and retreated under orders.

With his mind and thoughts, he always felt that the two Daoist priests had made a very strange decision, either advancing or retreating, neither up nor down, which made him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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