Chapter 1252
"Comrade, which volume did you study?"

"Volume Four."

"I'm studying the sixth volume."

"Hmm... The number of people who start with the sixth book in the first step is extremely rare among my witchcraft practitioners. It is said that only those monks who have ascended from the lower realms start with the sixth book. This is a bottom-up approach. It seems that this fellow Taoist has a solid foundation."

"Where, Fellow Daoist can really speak, but it's just for a while. If you are really talented, why would you come here to correct it?"

On the narrow road, the two walked together.

Both of them are very tall, and their robes are also linen clothes dyed dark blue, but one is lighter in color and the other is darker in color.One person's complexion was yellow and glowing, like wax.The other was pure black.As for the cultivation bases of the two, they are both in the realm of transforming gods.

The two walked for a while, passed through a dark secret passage, and came to a maze-like boundary, and stopped at the same time.

The black-faced man looked intently at the tightly sealed stone gates, and shook his head repeatedly: "It is said that these training rooms were very rich until hundreds of years ago when this place was opened. The secret code is divided into ten parts and corrected separately, and the number of talents who use this place to practice has increased dramatically."

"Now, the supply is in short supply."

The yellow-faced monk smiled slightly, but he was very calm, and said: "It's okay to wait for a while. The road of Taoism should be relaxed."

Even the black-faced men claim it is.

Each of these two guards a portal, and they are considered to be "queuing".The yellow-faced man thought about it for a while, and said: "You and I met by chance, it's quite a coincidence. I don't know how long you have practiced this time to correct the exercises? If someone opens the door, no matter which door, you and I will take longer How about the advanced one?"

Before the black-faced man answered, the yellow-faced monk himself said: "I practice the sixth volume of exercises, and it will take three months to complete."

The black-faced monk hesitated a little.

Because asking others how long they have practiced in a secret room is actually suspected of spying on the depth of other people's morality.Although this is not a big secret, after all, it is necessary to guard against others.But after hearing this person's self-reported information, he was relieved.

Immediately smiled and said: "I am roughly similar to fellow Taoist, about a hundred days away."

While speaking, it is also very coincidental.The door guarded by the yellow-robed monk suddenly opened.A man came out of it, looking about thirty or forty years old, with a full beard.

With a joyful look on his face, the man nodded at the two of them as a greeting, and then walked straight up the secret path.

The yellow-faced monk stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "My dear brother, please."

The black-faced monk hesitated for a moment.

If the time difference between the two of them entering the secret realm is more than double, then he will not be polite; but he is only more than one-tenth older than him, and now the gate guarded by the other party is guarded, so he occupies it. It doesn't seem right.

Just as he was about to give in and go back, suddenly a faint figure slipped past the two of them, and was about to enter the door of the secret room in a blink of an eye.

The yellow-faced monk was stunned, and immediately grabbed the next person.

The man turned around and smiled at the two of them.

This person has a round face, slightly thick eyebrows, fair facial features, and a youthful face; his long hair is tied into left and right bundles.Looking at his cultivation base, he is actually only in the Golden Core realm.

The yellow-faced monk didn't take it because the other party's level was too low. After being stunned, he just said: "Which family of Taoism are you a successor? No matter how outstanding your aptitude is, you always have to speak first."

Speaking attitude, but polite three points.

It turns out that the Jindan realm needs to be corrected in this secret room, and there are only the three best "empowerment methods" in shamanism.Those who can be taught this method are all existences with outstanding aptitude.The future potential can only be higher than the two of them.

The young man suddenly smiled and said, "Sorry."

The yellow-faced monk saw that the other party didn't have a trace of arrogance, and he was even more surprised.He had already prepared his speech, but once the other party tried to quibble or show off, how he should respond was completely useless at this time.Suddenly a little dazed.

At the moment of this cold scene, the young man suddenly said: "Senior, is the sixth volume of practice?"

The yellow-faced monk was startled, and said, "Exactly."

The young man blinked and said with a smile: "I want to borrow this place for a long time, but I dare not bother senior to wait for a long time."

At the same time as speaking, the body suddenly trembled, as if the water vapor had condensed; then it turned from solid to empty, as if it turned into an ethereal line; after a moment, it returned to its original shape.

The young man smiled sincerely: "Senior, you don't need to use this secret room to correct. Please reverse the order of the exercises in the second cycle of the fourth stage and the third cycle of the seventh stage. .”

Then, while the yellow-faced monk and the black-faced monk were relatively silent, they stepped into the secret room in twos and threes.

The yellow-faced monk opened his mouth slightly, his eyes never turning, like a clay sculpture or wood carving.

The black-faced monk was stunned, clapped his hands eagerly, and said, "Hey! I was swayed by this kid's clever words... Fellow Daoist, are you okay?"

Then he said with a strange expression: "Fellow Daoist, don't you just listen to this kid's bewitching words? Rashfully modify the order of actions, at least the merits will be greatly damaged, and at worst, the whole body will be paralyzed, and the road will come to an abrupt end."

The yellow-faced monk stared.

Xuan met the eyes of the black-faced monk, and said slowly: "Fellow Taoist, have you ever read "Zhou Tian Tu Lu"?"

The black monk was stunned, and said: "Recently, it has been circulated that there are wonderful stories in the great world outside of witchcraft? I have indeed seen several."

The yellow-robed monk asked with a strange expression on his face: "Before the young man spoke up, his body changed wonderfully, does he look like a person?"

The black-faced monk frowned, and immediately became a little weird.

After a few breaths, the black-faced monk showed his expression, and said: "It looks like it; but it must not be."

The yellow-faced monk said: "How can you see it?"

The black-faced monk raised his face, and said very firmly: "Two reasons. First, that person's cultivation base is one step closer to the Dao, and now he should be in the realm of destruction; while the one just now is only in the realm of Jindan. Two, that person has a ruthless heart, the most indifferent. Even if you get close to someone, it seems close but actually far away. Just now, this person is very polite and thoughtful, which is quite different from his style."

The yellow-faced monk nodded repeatedly and said, "That makes sense."

Immediately, he smiled and said, "This Changying star is the most secret place of my witchcraft. How could a legendary figure like him appear here? It's just that the images of the exercises are similar."


On a three-story jade lotus platform, a middle-aged man in a plain robe is practicing with his eyes closed.Suddenly, there was a strange twist in the space in front of the ground, and a person slowly emerged from it.

The ancestor of the dragon clan, Long Yun.

The person on the lotus platform opened his eyes, then slowly closed them, and said, "Fellow Daoist Longyun."

There seemed to be a hint of alienation in the voice.

Long Yun smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Feng Qing still has a grudge in his heart?"

Feng Qing snorted coldly.

The location here is precisely the Feng clan.

Tracing back to the previous cause, it was Long Yun who wanted to form an alliance with Shouwang of the Feng clan and set up a method of communication.

According to Feng Qing's intention, this matter should be kept secret.It is best to use a secret treasure of the Feng family to cover up the secrets and receive unexpected effects.If you can keep the secret, it will be blameless the next day. If you come to the Feng Clan or the Dragon Clan to make trouble, you will be defeated in one fell swoop.

But Long Yun was full of self-confidence, saying that the gate he established must be very secret, and there was no need to use any other means.

Feng Qing believed him.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, the Feng Clan's divination method obtained the result - the method of dragon and phoenix transmission has been calculated by Yin Yang Dao with the "naming method".This method is very likely to be known by now.

Long Yun insisted on going his own way, Feng Qing was naturally displeased.

At this moment.

Looking at Feng Qing, Long Yun suddenly laughed, and said, "Fellow Taoist Feng Qing, let's go?"

Feng Qing asked in amazement, "Where are you going?"

A bright light flashed in Long Yun's eyes, and he said: "It's really not an easy task to deal with Gui Wugui."

"I joined hands with Fellow Daoist Fengqing, and the combat strength is definitely above him; but if you really want to hurt him, I'm afraid it's not easy to do; you have to have more people to join forces to be sure."

"On the surface, the battle between him and Xi Lerong in the near future is an opportunity."

"But the problem is that the timing and location of that battle is fixed. He must also be able to think about whether it is possible for Xi Lerong to prepare a lot of helpers to ambush. Now that he is the hero of the alliance forces, the preparation he can make is not to be underestimated. Look. If the two sides fight for the background, it is very difficult to say who will win."

"So the only strategy is to form an absolute advantage of several times the joint force in an extremely sudden situation. It will make it too late for the opponent to activate all divination methods and Dao fate induction. If so, there will be a chance of victory."

Feng Qing frowned and said: "The truth is good; but I don't understand where the words of Fellow Daoist Long Yun are implemented."

Long Yun's face was fixed, and he said: "The method used by a certain person is called 'Sealing with Leaks'. Deliberately leaking some deduction reasons, but the real key will always be covered by the secret and cannot be deduced."

Feng Qing was surprised: "The secret road was built the day before yesterday... Did you do it on purpose?"

Long Yun snorted coldly, and said: "He stirred up the wind and rain in the Dragon Clan and looted all eight pieces of the highest foundation of the clan. How can this account be settled like this? Besides, I have to admit that time is on his side. If a After two years, Xi Lerong will not be able to stop him, and his reputation and fortune will definitely skyrocket. In the future, after Li Yunlong becomes enlightened, even if many people unite, the success or failure is still uncertain."

"That's why I had to attack decisively with lightning speed; the retribution in this world will be repaid immediately."

Feng Qing pondered and said: "The method you are hiding is..."

Long Yun said leisurely: "The passage between you and me can actually have three special opportunities to use it. With one end as the foundation, the other end is thrown out like a 'yin and yang hole', forming a teleportation to the world of Ziwei. method."

"It's said to be three times, but in fact, what we are asking for is only one fatal blow."

Feng Qing's eyes moved.

What Long Yun meant was to wait and see how things change—if Gui Wujiu encounters a strong enemy by chance, the two of them will immediately step up and form a many-to-one situation.

Feng Qing said slowly: "At this moment, where is Gui Wugui? What opponent did you meet?"

Long Yun said calmly: "Holy religion."

"No matter what the ultimate goal is, they will have a battle."

(End of this chapter)

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