Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1254 Dare to let 1 go ahead as he wished

Chapter 1254 Dare to give way as he wished

After establishing the orientation, Gui Wugui could vaguely feel that a faint magic circle was floating in the air, and could be supplemented by external force at any time.Obviously, the other party's party has already established their position.

Gui Wujiu glanced at the fragments of "Shouyuan Zhonghuang Hall" scattered in the air, and said thoughtfully: "It's a pity."

"It's a bit reckless for the two Taoists to make such a decision."

Daoist Ying Yuan raised his eyelids and said, "How do you say it?"

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "The achievement of the most precious treasure in the world comes from two ways. One is that the material is endowed with extraordinary talent, which is favored by the world. But this condition is often not easy to meet. The second is that Carrying extraordinary luck, carrying extraordinary tools, and combining extraordinary virtues. Fate and chance meet, as for success."

"As a great power that plays an important role in the spread of humanism in the Ziwei Great World, the Holy Cult uses the main hall of the portal as a treasure, which actually satisfies the second condition. Given time, it may not be able to become a rare treasure in the Ziwei Great World."

Daoist Xiandao sighed lightly, and said, "You are not to blame for dealing with it, and you have to do everything possible. This is also a helpless thing."

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "Let's just say it, you two are a bit of a villain."

"Actually, when Fellow Daoist Xuanmu came out to greet you, I already saw your actions. It's just that I won't do it without telling you."

Daoist Ying Yuan's eyes moved, and his complexion changed slightly.But there was no rebuttal.

Gui Wujiu glanced around and saw that on the top of the eight peaks, Xiandao and Yingyuan Daozun seemed to be dignified; while Hanzhen, Mingjun, and Xuanmu existed in the Dao realm, but they had a certain air and were in a state of embrace. Yuan Shouyi's state; the rest of the other nine people who separated the three peaks in the near-dao state were also extremely focused, without blinking - just a little cramped.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "What a certain person said just now is not a scene made up now. In fact, until this moment, what a certain Gui said is still valid-after this battle begins, I ask you to make a move first. If you make a move, I will make a move to deal with it, and I will definitely not make a move in advance."

"I don't know what you want?"

Ming Jun and the others thought about it, not knowing whether it was a fraud or not.

Daoist Xiandao was extremely mature, he waved his sleeves and said, "In that case, you are welcome."

The movement of the two fingers to the sky has already signaled the start!

With the movement of his fingers, fourteen people practiced together.

In the belly of the eight peaks, there seemed to be something booming on each of the eight peaks; immediately above the eight peaks, there was a brilliance of different colors, soaring above.

From the middle of the eight peaks, an oval-shaped "membrane" suddenly appeared, which suddenly expanded until it was near the edge of the eight peaks.

The first method used by Shengjiao Fang is the method of prohibiting formation.

The most taboo is to be defeated one by one by forming an array together and defeating the strong with the weak.Although the "Twelve Ascension Formation" does not require a person who performs the tricks to end the field himself, this risk has been greatly reduced; but the swordsmanship of Gui Wugui is extremely sharp, and he is also a character who is used to winning with violent attacks. , so this section must be guarded against.

The faint force that existed before can only withstand a few moves, preventing Gui Wugui from launching a surprise attack without saying a word.What is displayed at this time is the real defense secret.

This method has another effect, that is, to limit the huge movement of the fight between you to within ten thousand miles, so as not to affect the boundary monks of the holy religion.

Daoist Xiandao, as the backbone of Bafeng, had already paid attention to it when implementing this method-whether Gui Wugui wanted to fight fast and forcefully break the formation?

But Gui Wugui stood still in place.

It was not until the formation was fully deployed that the means were used, which seemed to fulfill the promise.

Gui Wugui closed and opened his arms, and two streams of pure Qi escaped, as if thrown into the inexplicable void without a trace; but after three breaths, when he looked intently, the "formation force" displayed by the Holy Cult just now , but it seems to have doubled in thickness; in the outer formation, an inner formation has been added.

Daoist Xiandao observed and discerned the Qi mechanism carefully, and couldn't help wondering secretly.

As the appearance shows, this is indeed a forbidden formation to defend against external forces; however, the "Twelve Ascension Formation" on the side of the holy religion is not affected by this formation.Guiding without blame should be based on such a method, but it is suspected of binding one's own hands and feet.

Gui Wugui's method is called "Following Shadows of Outer Ways", and it is one of the eighteen supernatural powers of the Yue Heng Sect.

The purpose of this method is a means of "surviving in response to the enemy".If the opponent's supernatural powers are not directly used in combat or to supplement oneself, but only appear as an independent "subsidiary state", then this "outsider shadow follower" supernatural power can copy the opponent's method.

Although Gui Wugui's eighteen supernatural powers have been achieved, most of them have never been used so far.

Today is the time to show the means.

There was a trace of subtlety in the eyes of Daoist Ying Yuan, and he said decisively: "Heaven and man."

Daoist Xiandao looked at him and clasped his hands together.

On the third of the eight peaks, the Qi machine went up and down again, and immediately there was a steady stream of Qi machines, which seemed to surge upwards from a magic circle at the bottom of the mountain; it seemed that magma was slowly rising, gradually submerging the people on the top of the mountain.

The three mountain peaks that launched this method are exactly the peaks erected by the nine Jiekong emperors.

The speed of the movement of the Qi machine was not fast; it only permeated far up, until after thirteen or four breaths, it finally jumped to the top of the peak, dyeing the skin color of the nine Jiekong Great Emperors into pure gold.

Daoist Ying Yuan frowned slightly, and then let it go; he couldn't believe it was just like that.

In fact, there is a method in the "Twelve Ascension Arrays", which can use the buried array diagram to improve the skills of the people who cast the spell together, making them look like one person.If this is the case, this formation has reached the form equivalent to a "complete body" ahead of time.

not only that.At the critical moment, the continuous mana provided by the underground formation map greatly strengthened the endurance of the "Twelve Ascension Formation", so that they would no longer be exhausted from fighting for a long time.Even Xiandao, Yingyuan and other five real Taoists can borrow mana from the three formations when necessary.

But this method was just an extravagant hope—because the "opening" process, which lasted for tens of breaths, was too fragile, and this formation could not function at all.

If the opponent makes a random move, it can interrupt the process of me mobilizing the formation.

Just now Daoist Ying Yuan had a faint thought in his heart, feeling that returning to blame seems to really make us use our methods to our heart's content.

Therefore, it was tentatively tried to launch.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a success!
As the people on the eight peaks folded their hands together, within the barrier, twelve figures emerged at the same time.Because the shortcomings of the three people were made up for, the change of "eight to twelve" was unexpectedly omitted.

Gui Wugui was still calm and composed, with a wave of his palm, he responded with a magical power.

This small world was immediately filled with a kind of balance.

Ming Jun God Venerable Nahan said: "It is the method of 'struggling for balance'."

This method is now well known by all the saints. This wonderful method has a strange meaning.Even though he had the upper hand, he was intentionally invincible. Instead, he maintained a tie, as if blocking the river and casting a dam to save the general trend.

We have laid the foundations of long wars; He has also laid the foundations of long wars.

Daoist Ying Yuan shouted: "Shoot!"

Among the eight peaks, within the two-ring enchantment, the twelve figures immediately scattered around the corners, forming a half circle, and then shot at the same time!
Although the incident happened suddenly today, the Holy Cult had clearly rehearsed carefully how to fight against such an opponent.

Under common sense, if we have at most ten or twelve Daoist Shadows on our side, then close combat is the most beneficial.But there is no blame for it, this way of playing is to give it room to leverage.However, these twelve people looked after each other in a very simple way, striking each other from a distance, and keeping the same pace of attack——

Twelve gray and black shadows that seemed to be able to tear through the blue sky shot out from his palm together!

Upright and upright, divide the troops and attack together, and win with the hero of mana.

Suddenly, Daoist Ying Yuan glanced at Seventh Peak.

One of the three Jiekong Great Emperors on that peak, he looked like a burly middle-aged man, his face turned pale suddenly.I don't know if it's embarrassment or fear.

It turned out that at the moment of the shot, he started it a little faster because of his nervousness.And he is the leader of the three people on this peak, he is almost there, the other two have to cooperate.Therefore, the supernatural powers of the twelve phantoms affected both "people".

Gui Wugui originally had no choice but to face the enemy head-on, but because of this slight dissonance, there was room for him to criticize and make false claims, and to wander back and forth.

Under the premise that Gui Wugui has already given up two firsts, it is really unacceptable to give away the advantage for his own sake.

Unexpectedly, Gui Wugui shook his arms.

The light clusters condensed by the twelve sword intents, one against the other, resisted all the attacking twelve auras.

With his eyesight, it is impossible not to notice the flaws in the coordination of the twelve true powers.However, he still chose to meet the enemy with his soldiers, just like the wishes of all the truths of the holy religion.

The twelve sword intent lights seemed to have an inexplicable effect, and immediately eliminated most of the magical powers emitted by the twelve statues of the "Twelve Ascension Formation".

The principle of this method of transforming energy is similar to the supernatural power of the "Minglun" that was used once in the dragon world; but the method in front of it is obviously not true.

Daoist Ying Yuan said: "Together."

As soon as the voice fell, the technique of its display changed immediately.

This time, the [-] people cooperated perfectly.The twelve qi organs are integrated together, like a big vortex, shrinking more and more; its momentum is strong, its strength is strict, and it has indeed reached an astonishing height.

Xiandao and Yingyuan cheered up.

Faced with such a joint offensive, the hard top will inevitably suffer.Both of them had expected in their minds that this return to Wu Jiu would inevitably bring out their own sharp swordsmanship to the extreme, creating loopholes from flawless loopholes, and breaking through the encirclement of their own [-] strengths.

Both of them hold on to three or four remedial methods in their hearts, and they compete with each other with intention and blame.

Unexpectedly, Gui Wugui did not dodge or evade, and put his palms together.A majestic and unrestrained vitality emerged together with a corona, gradually dissolving the incoming force!
Xiandao and Yingyuan look at each other.

Although the "paddle wheel" is strong, it is not used in this way.

Each of Gui Wugui's moves was indeed late, completely different from his previous sharp and changeable style; even his fighting strategy was the one they most expected to see.

(End of this chapter)

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