Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1255 Three Unchanging Sword Intent Wheels

Chapter 1255
Such a battle lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

In the case of battle, it is divided into two styles-or split, or combined.

Either twelve strands of true power hit around the body, or the magic power of all "people" gathered in one place to form a huge vortex-like pushing force.In all the Taoist contests throughout the ages, this one seems to be the most monotonous in terms of moves.

With such a direct air bombardment, it is impossible to hit even if you are innocent and wandering in the sky.

Unless one side is exhausted, it seems impossible to end early.

But in fact, there is another subtle possibility—that is, the current situation is a kind of battle after all; since it is a battle, it is a kind of intense evolution and transformation.If any side uses this battle as a reward and forms new gains or variables, it will be able to win additional chances of victory.

Obviously, the style of play of the Holy Cult's "Twelve Ascension Formation" is fixed; the only thing that can accomplish this is blamelessness.

This is also an additional pressure on the saints.

After fighting for more than a hundred breaths, Hanzhen Shangzhen finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "It seems difficult to make achievements in such a way of fighting. Do you want to use new methods?"

Daoist Xiandao looked calm and said quietly: "No change."

After a while, the "Twelve Ascension Formation" finally reached the real Dacheng state.

Those twelve phantoms could faintly see a yellow light flashing from their dantians, which seemed to be tiny flames; after that, it was not difficult to find that the stature of each "phantom" increased by several inches.

The outlines of the six strange-looking human figures evolved directly or indirectly from the three Jiekong Great Emperors became slightly clearer; while the images evolved independently by the five people including Xiandao and Ying Yuan became more and more realistic, not only the breath of the Taoist realm , Even the appearance of the human phantom in the "painting hanging in the void" of Ren Jie Dao Zun is accurately described.

The "simulation" of the great power of the Dao Realm can reach such a level, it is really terrifying.

As for the style of play, it is further simplified——

From the two methods of "dividing" and "combining", it has become only one method of "combining attack".That mana vortex, which has been rare in the history of the Ziwei Great World since ancient times and today, and a deep place that seems to be able to swallow everything, trap Gui Wugui in the middle, compressing step by step, approaching!

The way to deal with blame is the same as before.

On the outside is a corona like a wheel, using a "bright wheel" magical power to digest [-]% of the incoming force; while a emptiness containing the sword spirit, but condensed into beads, forming the second line of defense, digesting the remaining [-]% of the incoming force.

Two circles of light, one black and one white, constituted his own protective barrier.

God Mingjun watched carefully for a while, then frowned and said: "Not good. His supernatural power is too high-level. In his judgment, we are still "partial force" rather than "combined force". Why?"

The announcement of a big battle between Gui Wujiu and the Dragon Realm certainly revived our prestige and curbed the momentum of Xi Lerong's Huanghai; but the price was that the divine channel technique he had used would inevitably be carefully studied and dismantled by other powerful forces.

At this moment, the Holy Cult already knows three or four things about the characteristics of the "Minglun" supernatural power.

Minglun supernatural power is a method that is extremely sensitive to the strength of the opponent.If the opponent's basic magic power does not exceed mine, then the defensive power of this technique is very strong; if the enemy is above me, then the defensive effectiveness of this technique will be greatly attenuated.

Now the combat power of the "Twelve Ascension Formation" has reached an astonishing level, almost twice as strong as the "Ten Absolute Formation" back then.A simple and crude comparison is almost equivalent to the combat power of two "Left One" or Long Yun.

Especially after the Qi Qi has increased by [-]% just now, the close and thorough connection between each other has been greatly improved, and it has almost reached the state of seamlessness.

It's a pity that in the induction of the "Minglun" supernatural power, the power is still equivalent to twelve people joining forces, not a real "one body".

The difference is far and wide!
Twelve people teamed up, the highest level is only the level of the Taoist priest, and the movement of the "Minglun" is enough to disinfect [-]% of the force.

If the two "Longyun" join forces, the Minglun magical power can only eliminate [-]-[-]% of the force.

If the formation of twelve people really achieves the effect of being like one person, then Minglun magical powers can only dissipate more than [-]% of the power at most, and the remaining [-]% of the offensive needs to be borne without blame.

Maybe this formation can really fight against the two dragons and clouds for a while; but in the face of the huge division created by Minglun's magical power, there is nothing they can do.

Divine Master Ming Jun frowned slightly, and said, "Do you want to change your tactics?"

Daoist Ying Yuan glanced into the distance, and suddenly stretched out his hand to lead.

To the north of the main hall of the Holy Church, a huge bamboo chip-shaped object suddenly rose from the ground and stood in front of him suddenly; Wide, a large bamboo slip composed of forty-nine pieces connected together.

This bamboo slip is quite strange, the outside looks like yellow-green bamboo slices; but there seems to be a light red phantom in the middle,
Daozun Hanzhen and the others' eyelids twitched.

This thing is another secret "blood calculation book" of the holy religion, which is close to the peak level of the heavenly sacrificial vessel, and can be called the pinnacle of the holy religion's deduction; but the cost of using it is very high, at least one piece must be sacrificed Only a treasure at the level of a pseudo-celestial sacrificial vessel can be activated.

Daoist Ying Yuan muttered something in his mouth.

The huge bamboo slip shone brightly, and immediately a three-foot-tall skeleton appeared, with its mouth wide open, as if it was starving for food.

Daoist Ying Yuan blinked, and immediately threw a sapphire gourd and a golden seal the size of a finger into the skull's mouth.

Ming Jun, Han Zhen, and Xuan Mu all trembled in their hearts.

Because the gourd and seal are clearly real heavenly sacrificial vessels; although their practical value is not extremely high among heavenly sacrificial vessels, they are heavenly sacrificial vessels after all.

The skeleton shook for a while, as if it was about to fall apart in an instant.

A while later, I saw a few wisps of yellow smoke emitting from the eyes of the skeleton, projecting onto the bamboo slip, forming more than ten large characters.

Daoist Xiandao took a look and said forcefully, "No change."

The result of the deduction is very clear—the Holy Cult has the upper hand in such a war of attrition to the end.

Even if the siege of Huitong is counted as a "partial force" rather than a "combined force", even if blameless can resolve [-]% of the offensive at a very small cost, but the "possession method" he relies on, the total amount of mana reserves The amount is also bound to be limited, which is not as good as relying on a large formation with your own back, and the support is endless.

The dull battle is still going on.

Ten breaths later, Xuanmu said to Zun Nahan, "His order has changed."

The rest of the Taoist priests nodded slowly.

On the battlefield, it can be clearly seen that the method of defending against the enemy remains unchanged; but he adjusted the order.The method of "Minglun" that was originally resisted on the outside was taken inside, and used as the second line of defense to eliminate the last remaining three qi mechanisms.However, Kong Yun Nianjian's sword energy, which was originally on the inside line, suddenly turned around and moved to the outside.

There are twelve sword qi, it is very coincidental to cut the integrated and complete qi mechanism that Gui Wujiu is facing into twelve parts, and then divide and conquer; about [-]% of them are eliminated, and the rest is handed over to the "Minglun".

The Taoist priests were puzzled in their hearts, and secretly pondered the meaning of this move of no blame.

At this moment, strange changes happened suddenly.

In front of Gui Wugui, there are twelve more "suns".

The brilliance is so magnificent that it almost overwhelms him personally.

The sword intent rolled and turned into an air mechanism that seemed to be able to swallow everything, rippling densely, between the tangible and the invisible.

Xuanmu Taoist and Ming Jun's expressions changed slightly.

These are clearly twelve "paddle wheels".

Divine Venerable Mingjun said solemnly: "He wants to disassemble and simulate his own 'Minglun' supernatural power with the true power of swordsmanship, so as to create a sword-style version of 'Minglun'. I don't know what is the meaning of his actions like this ?”

If one wants to completely disassemble and reproduce a supernatural power that is as brilliant as the "Minglun", it must be used in actual combat for a long time, so that it can be easily observed and comprehended.The shape of the battle situation in front of him seems to be exactly what Gui Wujiu expected.

Xuanmu Taoist muttered: "What if the simulation is successful? After all, it is not the original form of the supernatural power."

Daoist Hanzhen frowned and said: "The rumored magical 'opening up the true flow' realm, although it is shocking to draw inferences from one instance, and the merits of being able to accommodate hundreds of rivers; but it is said that it can only open up half of the world's Taoism. This 'Minglun' is a magical skill, It is also rooted in the magical method, and it may not be in the half that the Kongyun Nianjian can evolve."

Difficult to choose.

Fighting against an opponent like Gui Wujiu, the most fearful thing is that the opponent will regard the battle in front of him as a step forward in evolution and transmutation.Even if you think that you are exhausted, but he brings forth the new at an unimaginable speed.

But if you change your tactics rashly, it seems that you are in the opponent's arms again.Maybe you may not have no chance to win with clumsiness, but you are forced to change under pressure, but you will ruin your chance of victory.

Which path is correct?
A rare vicissitudes flashed in the eyes of Daoist Xian Dao, and he said firmly and forcefully: "No change."

He had just uttered the two words, but there was a slight change in Gui Wugui——

The twelve suns, four in one, immediately became three, but the size was a little bigger.

The "paddle wheel" magic power of the three kendo modes.

Divine Venerable Ming Jun was also a little confused.

Experience and instinct told him that it is absolutely impossible for Xiang to rely on the simplest method of mana consumption to die without blame.

However, the three "unchanged" sounds of Daoist Xiandao vividly reflected his deep Taoism, firm intentions, never-ending thoughts, and the aura of no regrets.Mingjun Shenzun really couldn't convince himself that Xiandao Daozun made a wrong choice.

He had a faint premonition in his heart, showing that Daoist Venerable had done his best in the choice of fighting strategy.

There is no blame for dealing with it, it is better to be clumsy than to be clever.

Dozens of breaths passed in a trance.

Taoist Xuanmu suddenly lifted his spirits, and said, "The mana vortex that encloses seems to have shrunk a bit."

Daoist Hanzhen and Mingjun took a closer look, and it was true.

The three of them really admired each other in their hearts - if the three of them were in charge of the situation, they would definitely not have the strength to use such a stupid way of fighting to deal with no blame.

Taoist Xuanmu let out a long breath, and said, "This battle has already occupied the master—"

Before he could utter the next word "moving", the situation suddenly changed!
Those three "Mingluns" suddenly merged into one, turning into a "Sword Dao Minglun" which was about the same size as the Demon Dao Minglun.

In this life, like a huge flame bursting out, the encirclement of the saints and all the truths immediately retreated steadily!

Ming Jun Shenzun couldn't believe his eyes.

The encirclement net of [-] of them together, even the real "Minglun" supernatural power can only wear out [-]%; but the newly simulated "Minglun" supernatural power in front of him can eliminate [-]%!

The remaining [-]%, even if it is not resisted with magical powers, it is already insignificant.

Just when he felt a little dazed in his heart, two figures vaguely appeared far away in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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