Chapter 1256
Long Yun and Feng Qing arrived.

It came like a ghost, silently; I just saw a column of light falling from the sky from a distance, half like the rainbow in the sky, half like the holy religion's yin and yang cave, and the dragon cloud and Fengqing had already landed on the side of the eight peaks.

Gui Wugui's eyes moved slightly.

He did not sense the arrival of these two people—but it was not surprising.

Because of the special intentions of Xiandao and Yingyuan, this battle will inevitably become an extremely important battle in the world of Ziwei.Although its karma is rising, it is not surprising what kind of waves it causes.

Long Yun's eyes moved, and he smiled slightly at Xiandao and Ying Yuan.

The meaning of his smile is obvious - he left behind a means of communication, but Xian Dao and Ying Yuan didn't activate it; but even though you didn't activate it, I still rushed over.

Instead, Feng Qing said hello, "Don't come here without any problems."

Daoist Xiandao said silently: "Since the two of you are here, please rest assured. If you want to enter the game, please feel free to do so."

Long Yun's eyes moved with sharpness.Now he thinks that he has the chance to win, and he wanted to express his feelings.But after thinking about it, after all, the outcome is still uncertain, so he simply didn't speak.He just looked at Fengqing and waved his sleeve at the same time.

The two rays of light with a lot of "impurities", like the universe after the galaxy has been shrunk thousands of times, burst out!
When the shot fell, it seemed to hit the iron plate.

Between the eight peaks, in a land of thousands of miles, the earth shakes and the mountains shake.

Especially the nine Jiekong Great Emperors above the sixth, seventh, and eighth peaks, everyone's complexion turned green.

Long Yun looked at Xiandao and Ying Yuan strangely, with a somewhat strange look on his face.

With their eyesight, it is natural to see that the formation is divided into inner and outer, the inner side is set up by Gui Wu Jiu, and the outer side is set up by the Holy Cult.When they made a move, Xiandao and Ying Yuan would naturally open up the outer formation, allowing Long Yun and others to bombard the inner formation.

Now that the two of them have arrived, do they still need to be so cautious?
Xiandao and Ying Yuan's eyes met, and they also showed three points of surprise.

They certainly did.

However, Long Yun and Feng Qing's extremely powerful shots were still endured by the two forces together.

Daoist Xian Dao sensed it with his heart again, and said with a slight surprise on his face: "The power of the formation has lost control. It seems that it has merged with the formation of Gui Wugui."

Gui Wugui's gaze swept across Long Yunfengqing and the others.

The supernatural power he used is also one of Yueheng's eighteen methods, called "Integration of Mutual Sensibility".

The use of its supernatural powers is two supernatural powers with similar properties and usages. If they are accompanied for a certain period of time, they may fuse together and become an independent foreign object, and their power will also increase accordingly.This method is used in conjunction with the "following shadows of outsiders".

Long Yun and the others fixed their eyes on the battle between Gui Wujiu and the "Twelve Ascension Formation" inside the barrier.

In all fairness, the battle strength of this formation is extremely impressive, and even made Long Yun look at the background of the holy religion with admiration.Those twelve people joined forces to bombard, Long Yun thought to himself that it would be difficult for him to fight against the enemy, he had to join hands with Feng Qing to fight.But helplessly, under the characteristics of the "Minglun", its power is twelve, and more than [-]% of it is blameless and harmless.

Being completely restrained by this method, the outcome is self-evident.

Seeing clearly, Gui Wugui even ignored the remaining [-]% of the offensive, and fought back forcefully.

And he didn't use any kind of new magical channeling technique, he just lied in front of him, wanting to fight with martial arts to destroy the twelve phantom clones.

But Xiandao, Ying Yuan and the others seemed to be extremely afraid of Gui Wugui's approaching, they embraced each other in a circle, and tried their best to maintain the momentum of all efforts and defense.

Long Yun snorted softly.

If the opponent is someone else, Shengjiao's style of play cannot be wrong.

But the opponent is not to blame.

Gui Wugui originally possessed supernatural powers such as the "Moluo Power Realm", and was assisted by the supreme treasure "Little Blacksmith" at the peak level of the True Treasure of Hunyuan.

With Long Yun's eyesight, he clearly saw that Gui Wujiu had one or two chances to use similar magical powers or treasures to destroy one or two clones.

But blameless didn't do that.

Obviously, he did it on purpose.

Gui Wu's "struggle for balance" supernatural power has been used for a long time.The outside is blocked by two large formations, and the inside is accumulating momentum with the passage of time with overwhelming advantages.This is his wishful thinking.The later he joins the battle, the stronger the "blameless" he faces.

But what is the origin of his Long Yun?
In terms of attacking "foreign objects", who else is stronger than him and Fengqing?
Long Yun turned around and looked around.

Feng Qing understood, and said lightly: "I'll come."

But seeing Feng Qing's feet pointing irregularly, he punched out very slowly.But the power of the punch disappeared without a trace, and I don't know where it fell.

It wasn't until after thirty-two blows that this fist power suddenly took shape, turning into a great silence that swallowed the world, falling like a dome!
If the method of doubling the power is to deal with Taoist figures, it is usually only doubled, and even if it is carefully cultivated, its upper limit is difficult to exceed eight times.But that's not the case with bombardment formations and the like, whose power can be activated up to sixty-four times the upper limit in one breath.

The great formation of the holy religion was originally quite powerful, but after assimilating it with the "shadow of heretics", the power has doubled.But in any case, it is far from being able to compare with the Nine Sect Protectors.Thirty-two times the power is more than enough.

Sure enough, with one strike, the two formations that had already merged into one immediately burst into seventeen or eighteen pieces with a flash of purple light.

Long Yun said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Fengqing, follow the plan."

He said again: "Xiandao Yingyuan, two fellow Taoists. Use formations to restrain him. It's best to limit his walking route."

After speaking, he jumped and was already in the standing circle between the eight peaks.

Feng Qing's body also moved, hovering not far behind Long Yun.

This is the strategy agreed upon by Long Yun and Feng Qing long ago.

After careful study of the battle with Gui Wugui, Long Yun discovered that the "Minglun" supernatural power has its own wonderful characteristics, as if its own consumption is extremely small, and regardless of the strength of the opponent's moves and the combination of strength and strength, the supernatural power of this supernatural power cannot Consumption is fixed.

Then it is very likely that the consumption of this supernatural power will remain the same for multiple people attacking together and fighting alone.

If this is the case, if the two attack together, they will suffer a bit.If you can't take it in a short time, it will be a waste of mana.

And the best way to deal with it is for one person to attack with all his strength and the other to defend with all his strength.

Those who advocate defense ensure that the other partner will never be taken first by the opponent, and take care to make up for possible flaws; while those who advocate offense, the most important key is to use sufficient strength, and there is no need to use any tentative moves. The blow will be eight times the "power of multiplier".

This is a style of play completely aimed at the characteristics of the "paddle wheel".

If Gui Wugui is pinned down by another opponent and temporarily loses his flexibility—even if it is only for a short moment—Long Yun may not be unable to use the multiplied power that can only attack foreign objects sixteen times or even higher. .

After entering the battle, Long Yun remained silent.

Looking at Gui Wujiu's eyes, the grievances in the past and the fighting spirit in the present are all in silence.

A secluded dragon claw suddenly protruded.

This is also the experience gained from the last round of confrontation. It is good for others but not for others. Take the initiative at the beginning of the game.

Gui Wujiu's expression remained unchanged, he still used "Minglun" to deal with it.

At this time, the image of the huge corona presented by the supernatural power of the "Minglun" is pure silver.The sea of ​​energy and the scale of the gang fight seem to be even stronger than the original "Minglun" supernatural power.

The two forces interact with one another.

Long Yun's heart sank.

It turned out that the eight times the power of his blow was cut off by about [-]% by the "Sword Dao Minglun".Compared with the [-]% more transformation power of the previous round, it has almost doubled.In this way, Gui Wujiu's offense and defense are no less than that of Xi Lerong, who has truly achieved the Dao Realm—this is without considering the premise that Gui Wujiu also masters the ultimate move of "Multiple Power".

The moment he and Feng Qing confronted each other after confirming the Holy Cult and Gui Wujiu, and there was no way out, they immediately rushed over.

But in this short period of time, Gui Wujiu has completed the breakthrough of the "Minglun" supernatural power, and his combat power has been greatly improved compared to the last round.

Long Yun bowed left and right, and two golden dragon claws protruded out again, crushing down with the force of overturning the world.

Gui Wugui seems to want to carry out the strategy of remaining unchanged and responding to all changes to the end, first using the "Minglun" to resist, and then using the Kongyun Nianjian to eliminate the force.

Just one thing is very strange -

After Gui Wugui neutralized half of the attack with the "Minglun", the remaining half was resisted with the Kongyun Nianjian.But he didn't use the method of "two-power confrontation" similar to Jiang Chenglu's like last time.

This is also a method that makes Long Yun extremely headache.

The avatar of Gui Wugui has a very high level.It stands to reason that only the real body of Gui Wujiu can enter the Dao realm through the "possession method", and the clone is just a short-cut realm; The sensory ventilator is like a photo, but it is no different from the Dao realm clone.

It is precisely this type of supernatural power that the method of "two-force cross-conquest" is.

Using this method is equivalent to resolving twice the method of "power of doubling" without damage.

However, Gui Wujiu didn't use this method, and directly used the "Kongyun Nianjian" to eliminate half of his own attacks, which is really unwise.In this way, the benefits obtained by the "Sword Heart Minglun" are doubled and returned in the second line of defense, and even slightly less.

What's even more surprising is that Gui Wujiu has always been good at counterattacking strong attacks.Just after he took the next move, there was actually a possibility of a counterattack, and Feng Qing was already ready to help.But Gui Wugui did not make a move.

Long Yun's heart turned, and he made up his mind to only use eight times the power to wear it down continuously. The advantage is always with me.

Feng Qing was a bystander, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist Longyun. His combat strength has not increased compared to the last time he fought against you."

"Whatever you gain, you will lose."

Long Yun was taken aback.

Thoughts were spinning rapidly, many details were connected in series, and the mind immediately became clear.

Yup.Although the realm of the independent true stream is high, how can the foundation of the magic way be ignored?Gui Wujiu imitated the "Minglun" by means of kendo. Although he was successful, his supernatural powers and possession background have been improved by a level; wheel".

Apart from the basic form of Kongyun Nianjian, he can't use any other supernatural powers!
It was the same when Cai Gui Wujiu dealt with the "Twelve Ascension Formation", he ignored the remaining [-]% of his mana, and used close-body martial arts to meet the enemy. It was not ingenious, but had to do so!
Long Yun let out a long laugh and said loudly: "Fellow Taoist, it seems that I have won today's game."

(End of this chapter)

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