Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1258, Chapter 20

Chapter 1258 Chapter Two Hundred and Two

Long Yun still didn't believe it, and hit three times in a row.

The first and second blows, Gui Wujiu continued to use the method of "Inner and Outer Minglun" to defuse; but when it came to the third blow, Gui Wujiu's method appeared to be fine-tuned.

The outer "Sword Dao Minglun" did not change at all; but the inner "Demon Dao Minglun" became flickering and erratic.

Only half of Long Yun's mana invaded the second floor, but it was immediately decomposed into thousands of tiny dots; and then it seemed that one-third of the tens of millions of dots lost control, as if possessing the wisdom of a living person, Attack each other.

Long Yun and Feng Qing were all startled - what kind of supernatural power is this?
After a sudden, nine times out of ten, the qi was wiped out in the cannibalism, and only the remaining [-] to [-]% of the mana was completely wiped out with a single scroll of the sword for returning to nothing.

Long Yun was slightly taken aback, and then realized that it was actually a "Minglun" supernatural power.

Moreover, this method may seem appalling, but in terms of effectiveness, it is not as simple as Wu Jiu's original magic wheel.

His old method was able to wipe out the remaining half of the mana; but this time, with this new method of blinding the eyes and ears, it left a remnant of [-] to [-] percent.

Could it be that he thinks that the victory is already decided, showing off his skills?

Imputing no blame is naturally not showing off the means.

There are nine methods of stargazing and nine changes of Minglun.Because of the special relationship with Huang Xiyin, and Gui Wujiu has already mastered another insidiously related magical power of "magic stain" in the magic way; so although this method is one of the two foundations of the nine methods, Gui Wujiu has learned very well Fast, with a clear heart, and subtle deduction, without a trace of embarrassment.

After using this Minglun, which emphasizes spiritual power, everyone present, from Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xian Dao, and Ying Yuan down to [-] people, their minds were all accurately grasped by Yuwu, without any difference.

Longyun and Fengqing are in a dilemma;

Xuan Mu, Han Zhen, Ming Jun are confused;

The other six Jiekong Great Emperors were at a loss and confused.

Only Xiandao and Yingyuan are still unexpectedly firm in their resolve.

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "Actually, Fellow Daoist Long Yun's 'hiding' to conceal the secret is undoubtedly a brilliant move. It's just that your timing is wrong. Even if you directly attack with Fellow Daoist Feng Qing, it will be better than the current situation .”

Long Yun was puzzled.

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, pointed to the uncertain "Minglun" on the inner ring beside him, and said: "Even if the two of you are still in the game, I will repeat the plan just now. But I fight against you, The formed 'Double Minglun' is mostly this Tao and my own; it is different from the present."

This point is attributed to the fact that there is no blame.

The strongest state of Minglun is now - Gui Wugui's own magical power of Minglun, plus the simulation of "Minglun Sword Transformation" of Kongyun Nianjian.

The reason is obvious, because the Taoism of Kongyun Nianjian is "first class", which is a great improvement for Minglun.

But Gui Wugui did not expect this method to be accomplished as soon as possible.

Because Minglun supernatural power is a great supernatural power that is not trivial in the way of magic, even if it is innocent enough to open up the real flow, it cannot be said that the simulation is just a simulation, and there are many harsh conditions in it.

First, if you don't enter the actual combat, it is difficult to advance to the deduction state of "the mind is connected through the ages". It is not impossible for fellow Taoists to give advice, but this time is bound to be extremely long, and the immediate conditions do not allow it.Second, the opponent's moves should preferably be peaceful and steady, and should not change too drastically, leaving room for the deduction of Gui Wugui's stalemate.

If it is an enemy, it must be peaceful, as if the opponent is doing charity, the possibility of encountering it is extremely small.

According to Gui Wujiu's original plan, the double Minglun is only one of the nine variants of Minglun Zhengfa and its own; its increase is equivalent to being upgraded to "first class", and it is enough.

Unexpectedly, Shengjiao really made this stepping stone.

Gui Wugui said again: "I am now at the peak since I entered the Tao. You may wish to avoid the edge for a while. Just imagine that when you meet again next time, you will not be fooled again. At that time, Gui will be surrounded by countless people. With the help of the Dao realm, it is impossible to open the two Mingluns. If you fight at that time, your chances of winning will be greatly increased."

"What do you guys think of this suggestion?"

Long Yun was upset and felt a little dazed.

Out of instinct, he believed that what Gui Wugui said was true.

The issue is--

Because of the sensitive nature of Minglun supernatural powers, these two endings...the difference is too great!
Don't look at the two bright wheels in front of you, each of which can absorb half of the incoming force; in fact, the mana power of the magic wheel inside is far inferior to that of the outer sword wheel.It should be that the outer kendo disc has the power to wipe out half of the offensive first, and the inner magic disc can show its prestige.

If the outer kendo wheel is replaced with another "magic wheel" that can only eliminate [-]% of the mana, then the inner "blade" can at most eliminate the remaining [-]% to [-]% of the mana.

Calculated, the addition of the two magic discs is not as good as the kendo disc in Time Outer Time.

What makes Long Yun even more depressed is that the various visions and side effects of Gui Wugui's "Sword Dao Minglun" at the beginning, such as not being able to use other magical powers except the original Kongyun Nianjian, are very likely to be real. of.

But his "clone" seems to be unable to perform any other magical powers except for "Minglun".

So... Gui Wugui threw the Sword Dao Minglun to this "clone", which means that there is no loss, and the body can still perform any Taoism calmly.

This kind of match made in heaven faintly makes people feel desperate.

Is this a coincidence, or is it destiny?
"Fellow Daoist Longyun!"

Feng Qing stopped drinking with a sound.

Long Yun was startled for a moment, and then his face became ugly.

Looking back at the divine will, I don't know that I almost fell into the method of blameless.

It seems to be a small talk to blow the morale of the opponent with the winning chance in hand, but it is actually a very secret magic channel technique... It seems to be an incidental method of the "Minglun" magical power after the change.

Unexpectedly, this "paddle wheel" has such a mysterious effect despite its weak defense.

A yellow light flashed in Long Yun's eyes, and he shouted: "Although this method is strong, it is not impossible."

"The heavens and the earth are overwhelmed, the mid-hanging formation!"

When the words came out, Long Yun Feng Qing threw out a magic weapon each.

A jade ruyi, facing the sky;
A twelve-foot formation, facing the ground.

The castration of these two treasures is unbelievably fast, and they have obviously been sacrificed through special formulas.

Both of the two treasures are close to the level of the peak of the constant device. After the two are combined, they get an inexplicable buff, as if their power has more than doubled!
With a radius of thousands of miles, it was immediately fixed.

To be precise, it wasn't completely immobilized; it was just that the movement speed was reduced to one-thousandth.

The speed slowed down by one-thousandth, and for a character like Long Yunfengqing, it was not much different from being still.

good.For enemies of the same level, the upper limit of "multiplier power" is one-eighth; but if you freeze your opponent and wait to attack a foreign object, you can break through this limit and use a higher multiplier of attack power!

In fact, in Long Yunfengqing's original plan, it is best to lay the groundwork and confirm that there is no blame for the "last change" of exhausting escapism before taking out such means.But Long Yun had a feeling in his heart, if he didn't resort to drastic measures, the depression would continue to permeate, and the consequences would be disastrous.

This "gamble" of Erbao flying out was the most complicated moment in Long Yun's heart.

But after a moment, he must be——


Maybe Gui Wugui is complacent, or his self-confidence and defense are invincible; or he is overly careful, these two treasures, Gui Wugui certainly cannot avoid them.

Long Yun makes a move!

Thirty-two times.

If you use the strongest sixty-four times the power, you will lose your mana in a short time, and you will definitely not be able to recover it in a short time. Once you use it, you will be desperate, and the strategy of fighting with Fengqing in turn will also be broken.As long as Gui Wugui escapes, even if he seeks trouble from the Dragon Realm or the Phoenix Clan within a month or so, Long Yun may not have recovered to perfection.

Two to sixty-four times the preparation time is also more than twice as long as thirty-two times; Long Yun actually doesn't have much confidence in his heart, and he can control the time for too long.

Thirty-two times the force is enough to break two Minglun magical powers.

Although Gui Wugui's movement speed was slow, he deliberately used the divine channel technique.

His method is to adjust the magic wheel to the outer ring; see the sword wheel and hide it inside.

Long Yun frowned.

It is unreasonable to impute blame.The Mo Dao Minglun can only cut off [-]% of the mana at most; the Sword Dao Minglun follows closely, and it cannot completely remove the remaining energy.With the characteristics of the paddle wheel method, if there are multiple paddle wheels superimposed, it is obvious that the strongest one should be placed on the outermost circle.

Just when thirty-two times of strength was about to be added to his body, Gui Wujiu suddenly disappeared for a moment.

When Gui Wugui reappeared, Long Yun's thirty-two times of power had inexplicably become seven times consecutively - four times, six times, seven times, three times, five times, double, five times. .

These seven blows fell one by one, but they were easily resolved by Gui Wugui.

At the same time, behind Gui Wugui, there is a deep space broken shadow.

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "This Minglun supernatural power can only be ranked in the bottom three among the Minglun changes mastered by a certain person. But it is a wonderful handy method to deal with the doubled power of the lower realms. .Isn’t this God’s will? Fellow Daoist Longyun, as I said, retreat.”

What Gui Wugui uses is the change of the Minglun on the seventh star.

Once this method is used, it can inexplicably create a small world, which is divided into inside and outside.

Normally, this small circle can only last for a moment, and it is not a common defensive small circle; its effect is to temporarily avoid the opponent's edge, stagger a certain heavy hand of the opponent, and win the opportunity to divide and conquer.The disinfecting power of the paddle wheel can be doubled for a short time, and the short-term bonus of the two air mechanisms can be eliminated simultaneously.

As Gui Wugui said, this method is not considered brilliant among the nine kinds of bright wheel changes.

But coincidentally, the method of creating a small world with this "Minglun" is not a means of enlightenment, development, or "one flower, one world", but an excessive distortion of the original space, and the transmission back is closed.However, the method of "power of doubling" is the straight-forward application of the original space in a higher dimension.

Therefore, once this method is used, it is tantamount to pulling this space into a pattern that greatly deviates from the original shape. The original extremely meticulous "doubling" technique appears fragmented under the sudden and violent change of space.

With this move, it means that the "power of doubling" has been fundamentally destroyed.

But one thing has to be mentioned, if this method is used once, the storage space will be greatly destroyed, far exceeding the common space cracks; within a fairly large area, it will be difficult to use it once the second time.

This is also one of the reasons for the low evaluation of this "paddle wheel".

Therefore, if Long Yun and the others didn't sacrifice the "power of doubling" which was far more than eight times, they would definitely not use the opportunity to use this method even if they were innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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