Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1259: A Plan to Slow Consumption, the Final Hand

Chapter 1259

Ascension can re-enter the lower bounds, and its biggest advantages are nothing more than two.

The first one is the "power of multiplier" and various related methods; the second is some secret techniques practiced in the outer world.

In addition to these two methods, even the Ascended Demon Ancestors of the first-rate big demon clans such as Dragon and Phoenix are slightly inferior to the Nine Sects in terms of their own foundation.

Therefore, the "multiplied power" style of play was completely broken, and Long Yun and Feng Qing were deeply shocked.

Long Yun was in a trance.

Is it true that there is nothing to be done, and it is the best plan to go?
In the end, Feng Qing was a bystander, and he was not disturbed by Gui Wugui's spiritual chakra. He immediately shouted: "Fellow Daoist Longyun. The situation may not be as bad as imagined. If each retreats and defeats each of them, it will be a crushing defeat!"

Long Yun was startled.

Even the power of thirty-two times the weight after the fixed body method was broken, so what is meant by "it may not be as bad as imagined"?The facts are obvious, if we continue to fight, no matter how we move, we may not be able to cause any harm to Gui Wugui.

Feng Qing squinted his eyes into a long and narrow line, and said coldly: "Consumption!"

Immediately afterwards, he added: "Attack and defense are interchangeable. We take care of each other, as long as we are careful, he may not be able to do anything to me."

Long Yun woke up like a dream.


From the perspective of direct victory, our side's hope is very slim; but there is another way to reverse offense and defense.The sharpness of Kongyun Nianjian is indeed above any Taoism in the world, but at the current level of "possession method", its power is only on par with Xi Lerong's full blow.

If it's a one-on-one fight, Long Yun may not have the confidence to hold on for a long time; but if many people take care of him, it's not easy to hurt all of us without blame.

Moreover, our side is backed by a large formation, and we can take turns to rest, occupying a favorable position.

Just bite the bullet and spend it like this... Maybe it's really a solution?
Feng Qing said lightly: "At this point, there is no need to keep anything. Everyone, use all means!"

Long Yun shook his head lightly, and then a sternness flashed in his eyes, and he took out something from his sleeve.

A pale yellow scroll with a red handle throughout.

After taking this scroll, Long Yun immediately threw it out, turning it into dots of starlight, drifting down.

This is the last secret scroll he brought down from the upper realm.

The essence of it is the principle of "the way of time".Under the action of this scroll, this space can gradually solidify.In the first half of an hour, even the near-dao realm could open up a space channel to escape at will; but after about three hours, this space was completely solidified.

Long Yun's eyes suddenly moved.

Obviously, this is not his pre-prepared method to prevent the escape from the "real illusion".In a fight where the chances of victory are so close, this method is completely useless.

There are two real preparations for Long Yun: one is the "heavy and earth-shattering suspension formation" that has already been used; the other can be activated immediately, but the maintenance time is only a fixed three-breath method.

At this time, Long Yun suddenly had a whim—with the profound Taoist thoughts of returning to no blame, he can naturally figure out the reality of this scroll and the time limit for its activation.If my side is able to persist undefeated for three hours, and Gui Wugui can't wait until the last moment to get rid of it, is this my chance of victory?

Feng Qing's method was an indigo-colored jade stake more than two feet high.

Once this thing comes out, the space is also certain.

This jade pile is an auxiliary treasure.

Because he knew very well that the Kongyun Nianjian had the magic of "hitting the void", the moment the scroll was just used, all the wonderful meanings of Taoism were still in the process of transforming from real to virtual.If Gui Wugui directly aimed at the power of the scroll, it would be hard to predict what the result would be.

With this jade pile, the scroll that can support Long Yun takes root and takes shape.

Xian Dao and Ying Yuan, two Taoist priests, also made moves afterward.

Their method is to take one irregular stone after another and slowly throw it between the eight peaks, as if they are building a strange thing and slowly adding bricks and tiles.It is not difficult to sense and understand that this is also a very clever trap.

It is very easy for Gui Wugui to leave now; but it is difficult to say that the number of strange stones has gradually increased to more than [-].

The four of them used the strategy of "anti-customer-oriented".

If Gui Wujiu clings to the stack with the idea of ​​taking down the four of them, he might be trapped after a few formations take shape.

Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xiandao, and Ying Yuan were all extremely careful at this time.

The reason is very clear, the only premise of their "scheming" of using time to put pressure on Gui Wugui is to be able to withstand Gui Wugui's frontal attack.If any one of them is in Gui Wujiu's hands, then everything will be over.


A full quarter of an hour passed, Long Yun and the others' formation had already been set up on a large scale, but they did not strike a single sword.

Long Yunfengqing and the others were also secretly surprised.

Could it be that Gui Wugui is not absolutely confident in the lethality of his Kongyun Nianjian sword, so it is a waste of mana, and the sword is not light?

But if so, why not just leave?
Is it because you are reluctant to give up the advantageous situation at this time, with great prestige?

It is expected that blameless will not be so superficial.

At this time, Gui Wugui's eyes fell on Xiandao and Ying Yuan.

So far in this battle, even methods such as thirty-two times the power have been used, but in Gui Wujiu's eyes, the real finale method of this battle has not yet been revealed.

In terms of meritorious deeds, although Xiandao and Yingyuan are the pinnacles of the local Jie Dao Zun, they seem to be far away from Feisheng Yaozu; but at this moment, Gui Wujiu is absolutely convinced that in this battle, The most amazing divine channel technique comes from Xiandao and Yingyuan; not Longyun and Fengqing.

In fact, in this unreasonable battle with the Holy Cult, from the very beginning, both sides had a vague vision of the future; it was a competition to see who had a deeper calculation and who could win in the end.

Daoist Xiandao looked at Gui Wujiu, as if he had sensed Gui Wujiu's expectation.

Although after one breath, the eyes of Taoist Xian Dao missed it; but this breath was unusually deep and long.

At this time, Long Yun and Feng Qing felt relieved.Gui Wugui was happy to stand where he was, and let their trapping method be strengthened, and they were naturally happy to do the same.

I don't know how long has passed.

No blame, suddenly the sword.

The sword light swept across, and there was no dust in thousands of miles.

The power of the "seal" in this world immediately dissipated like Tang Woxue.Whether it was the giant stone forbidden formation on the side of the Holy Cult, or the formation diagram that Long Yun was looking forward to and was about to be completed, all of them were completely melted away, leaving nothing behind!
Long Yun's face became very ugly.

My last foreshadowing and hope, just like a game, was destroyed without any blame!Looking at this appearance, even if it is enough for three hours, the difficulties of this method cannot be blamed.Could it be that even the "time" beyond the sky has no effect on him?

If his Kongyun Nianjian Bandit is as good as this, he may not be able to resist if he makes a few swords at random.

This is absolutely impossible!

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

The "time" that has been formed is indeed extremely powerful.Thinking back to when the ancestor of the Red Charm Sage took a step down to the realm and used this method to protect all the vital points of the Youmeng. Although Long Yun and the others were numerous, it was unimaginable that they lost the sky.

Although Gui Wugui's current combat power is extraordinary, it is indeed impossible to easily eliminate such secret techniques.

But the problem is that there is a difference.

Gui Wugui's move was actually not "after three hours", but "before three hours".The second form of confrontation with the Holy Cult, the "struggle for balance" set up by Gui Wujiu, is not actually a "struggle for balance";It's just that this method is not as intuitive as the paddle wheel, it can only sense the smell of the weather, so it is not easy to distinguish.

The source of the momentum accumulated in the swordsmanship struggle was before the formation formed by Long Yun.

Therefore, it is easy to go back to the past and the present, use the sword of the past to break the past, and chase the "way of time" to gain momentum!
Long Yun's face was ashen, and he said: "Since this is the case, it seems that we have to retreat temporarily."

Gui Wugui laughed and said, "Don't worry. The two fellow Taoists Long Yun and Feng Qing are certainly poor in skills, but the two Taoists Xian Dao and Ying Yuan are not necessarily—come on. Let's see who finally fulfills their wish. Who!"

Long Yun and Feng Qing looked at each other, puzzled.

Xiandao and Ying Yuan also met their eyes, full of indescribable taste.

Daoist Ying Yuan took a deep breath, and said quietly: "Three hundred thousand years of achievements, thirty-seven realms of heaven, half of Ziwei mountains and rivers, all floating in the flowing water."

Then, the two shot at the same time!
Daoist Ying Yuan shook his arms towards the sky.

Dozens of huge silver dragons are swimming among the stars; they seem to absorb them from an extremely distant position, and then quickly connect and integrate, gain and strengthen, like a huge cicada chrysalis; then quickly molt and shrink, like an egg, It is also like the embryonic form of a world, inexplicably appearing in front of my eyes.

The atmosphere of this object seems to be that none of the treasures in the world of Ziwei can exceed this limit.

There is no so-called process of enveloping and passing through. When you look at it again, Gui Wujiu is already bound in the embryonic form of a "big egg".

Long Yun said in astonishment: "This is..."

Feng Qing also stared at Daoist Xian Dao for a long time with an expression of disbelief and what seemed to be "admiration", and said in a low voice, "That's right, it's exactly this thing."

Where are dozens of swimming dragons——

This is clearly the forty-nine yin and yang caves connecting the ancestral court of the holy religion and the eight great dao sects, and thirty-seven realms!It is also the fundamental basis for the rapid expansion of the Holy Cult and the establishment of an immortal foundation in the world of Ziwei.

At this time, all of them were taken back by Daoist Ying Yuan and became a supreme magic weapon to trap the enemy.

This is not finished.

Daoist Xiandao also raised his hand!

Above the blue sky, a huge "Aquarius Seal" appeared inexplicably.Then the vase toppled over slowly.

The infinite stream of stars, containing incredible spiritual power and vitality, fell from the vase, like a huge waterfall falling from the nine heavens, pouring into the forty-nine "giant eggs" manifested in the yin and yang caves, Make it nourish and absorb, quickly and truly condense into one, without any flaws.

Long Yun glanced up.

The "bottle" was almost empty.

The foundation of Shinto, nine out of ten.

(End of this chapter)

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