Chapter 1260
Once this wonderful existence stands, the trend of evolution has not stopped.

The "chaotic stone array" laid down by Xiandao, Ying Yuan and others before suddenly gathered together and formed three high platforms, arranged in the shape of "pin".At first glance, it looks like a simple stove with a huge egg on it, standing between the eight peaks, which is very strange.

It can be seen from this that the foreshadowing of Xiandao and Ying Yuan has already been arranged.

Long Yun and Feng Qing raised their eyes to look at this thing, amazed in their hearts.Rao, with their profound eyesight of soaring power, and having seen many magic weapons of the Nine Schools, they also feel that none of the rare treasures stored in the Ziwei Great World can match this one.

But Gui Wugui's supernatural means left a deep impression on Long Yun and the two of them.

This seemingly ingenious method is so bizarre that the two of them dare not say that it will definitely be accomplished.

Long Yun simply asked directly: "The sealing realm method used by the two fellow Taoists is probably not easy to be easily penetrated, right? You must know that the Kongyun Nianjian of Gui Wugui is extremely sharp."

Daoist Ying Yuan didn't change his expression at all, he just said indifferently: "The sealing power of this world is almost equivalent to one-tenth of the world power of Ziwei Great World. Do you think it can be defeated?"

Long Yun and Feng Qing were shocked when they heard this.

Smaller realms like that can often only accommodate one Dao realm power; the so-called power of one realm is actually similar to the limit power of a Dao realm.

But the Ziwei Great World is an extremely rare big world, and it is probably more than enough to accommodate hundreds of top Daoists in the world at the same time.If there is really one-tenth of the world force of Ziwei Great World blocking it, then no one can escape.

Feng Qing thought for a while, and said: "This person has a clear mind, and his fate is unimaginable. I wonder if the inner and outer gates of the enchantment can be regarded as secrets? Is it possible to deduce the method of going out of the bounds?"

Daoist Xiandao looked up and said silently: "This world is like one, there is no 'entrance' or 'exit'. Fellow Daoist Fengqing is too worried. And within this thing, there is an independent world. Rhythm is completely independent, completely different from the world of Ziwei. In terms of internal and external strictness, it is better than the Dragon Clan's 'Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary'. All cutting through the space and retreating the secret method are useless."

Long Yun and Feng Qing felt relieved.

If it was as Xiandao and Yingyuan said, there would be no way out of blame.

Long Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "If you say so, this is not a bad situation. The methods that the two fellow Taoists have used today are truly unprecedented in the world of Ziwei."

Ying Yuan shook his head lightly, and said: "Not bad? That's not true. A certain person just said that this world cannot be crushed by brute force, but he didn't say that this world will never be destroyed. On the contrary, this world must be broken. It's going to be bad."

Long Yun's eyes flickered intentionally or unintentionally.

Xian Dao and Ying Yuan Dao Xing were not as good as him at all, but when they spoke today, there was a faint sense of superciliousness, which made me suffer several nails that were neither soft nor hard.It's just that in this fight, the key to the victory or defeat lies with the two of them, and Long Yun is not easy to get angry.

So he just said sullenly: "I would like to hear the details."

Xiandao said indifferently: "This enchantment is not to trap Gui Wugui in it, so you can sit back and relax. In fact, the contest is still going on, but we are taking the initiative in the battle. We must work hard to suppress the people in the enchantment. power; and the power within the barrier is always pushed outward, suppressing the power outside the boundary."

"If the power inside the realm wins, then the barrier will slowly expand and eventually break; if the power outside the realm wins, the barrier will gradually shrink until it disappears to a point and completely dissipates in the Ziwei Great World .”

Xiandao hesitated for a moment, and said so much.

In fact, the original purpose of this battle was not to fight, and there was a third possibility; but the probability was so small that it was almost impossible, so he simply kept silent.

Feng Qing glanced at Xiandao and Ying Yuan, and Nahan said: "In this way, no matter whether this battle is won or lost, more than [-]% of the forty-nine yin and yang caves that the two fellow Taoists have invested in will The essence of Shenyi Tianchi will disappear forever and cannot be returned."

Feng Qing just felt a little weird.

Although Shengjiao and Gui Wugui are rivals, it still seems unreasonable to pay such a high price to get rid of them.It should be noted that this is not an ordinary treasure, but the foundation of the holy religion.If these two things do not exist, the sphere of influence of the Holy Cult will immediately shrink to one-tenth of its original size, and there is no possibility of recovery.

What the hell is this?

If it were Feng Qing, he would definitely not make such a choice.

However, Long Yun didn't care about the price paid by the holy religion. After thinking for a while, he asked: "The so-called internal force and external force suppress and push each other, how do you say it?"

Daoist Xiandao pointed to the triangular foundation under the "big egg", and said calmly: "Passing through this formation, it is like a furnace, reflecting in it."

"All the methods used by the outsiders are divided into these three gates, which coincides with the order of the three talents of heaven, earth and people; they turn into supernatural powers and strangle people in the world. If the people inside kill them, or make them unable to resist, It means that the external force is greater than the internal force. If the mana power of the people inside fills a world, but there is no matching force from the outside to check and balance, then the internal force is greater than the external force."

Long Yun immediately grasped the key point——

"Three talents?"

"What Daoist Xiandao means is that no matter how many people outside use their means, if the external force enters through the three gates, it will all be an image of the complete and refined supernatural power of the three realms?"

Daoist Ying Yuan nodded and said, "Exactly."

Long Yun still refused to be completely at ease, and said: "If you send the 'Twelve Ascension Formation' to work together, it is actually equivalent to three very powerful people robbing Daoist Master?"

Daoist Ying Yuan said silently: "Not bad."

Long Yunfengqing's eyes moved, showing joy.

The "Twelve Ascension Formation" of Shengjiao seems to have the same fighting power as Long Yun and Feng Qing's joint forces, but the reason why it failed to be effective before is because of excessive strength and the restraint of Minglun.Now it is used to refine the big formation, and adding one of Long Yun or Feng Qing to this formation is equivalent to three Long Yun's shots.

Among them, the utility is greatly improved.

Not only that, the heroes of the holy religion, the dragon clan, and the phoenix clan, as well as the demon king of the shortcut can also join in.

Long Yun's eyes flashed, and he said: "As long as I don't wait too impatiently, this battle can be won steadily."

Feng Qing said: "How to say?"

Long Yun said calmly: "There is no doubt that as long as the strength of a single supernatural power reaches the peak of the Dao Realm, you can't just sit idly by and bear it with your body alone; you must resist it with Kongyun Nianjian or Minglun supernatural power. With the addition of three forces of this scale, there is no danger of being turned into the main force by him, and there is absolutely no possibility of external force overpowering internal force."

"The only thing to worry about is that Gui Wugui's 'Minglun' supernatural power seems to consume very little mana and has a strong staying power. If I wait for quick results and my mana runs out first, then I might be Gui Wugui, etc. It’s time to fight back.”

"Now here on our side, the Holy Cult's 'Twelve Twelve Ascension Formation' is equivalent to the existence of two Ascension Dao Realm; plus me and Fengqing Daoist, there are four people in total. But the four of us are not All out, only the strength of three people at the same time, and the remaining one rests and recovers. If I read correctly, the sustained combat power provided by the holy friends sitting on the eight peaks is actually quite amazing."

Xiandao and Yingyuan didn't say a word, but judging from their expressions, they acquiesced.

Long Yun rolled up his sleeves, and said again: "At the same time, I will send an urgent message to Xi Lerong, Zhan Hengzi of the Feng clan, and the elite demon kings of the dragon and phoenix clans, and the secret treasure that uses the 'possession method'. Finally, the replacement If the pressure of the three top Dao realms is constantly maintained, then there will be no flaws at all, so what's the point of being blameless?"

"No matter how little his 'Minglun' consumes mana, there will be an end. How long can he last under the endless oppression of us? Three days? Seven days? Or half a month?"

"With such a decision, there must be victory but no defeat."

Daoist Xiandao suddenly said: "That may not be the case."

Long Yun and Feng Qing were astonished.Long Yun immediately said: "Could it be that there are any unfinished hidden dangers in this method?"

Daoist Xiandao sighed and said, "That's not true."

"It's best to win. But what if you lose?"

Long Yun and Feng Qing took a closer look, revealing Dao Yingyuan and their aura slightly lowered, as if they had fallen slightly from their original realm.

Long Yun was surprised.

Originally, Xiandao and Ying Yuan were considered the pinnacle of local Taoism in the Ziwei Great World. If they hadn't yet ascended, they would not be inferior to Long Yun and Feng Qing.But in a daze, the strength of the two seems to have dropped by half; although they are still a little out of the world, but with Long Yun's extensive experience, he feels that there are more or less people who can compare with Xiandao and Yingyuan at this time.

Daoist Ying Yuan said in a low voice: "Even if you are in the Dao realm, you still fall on the chessboard of the great powers outside the sky. Just as a chess piece... It can be regarded as the utmost benevolence and righteousness, and it can be regarded as a clear heart."

Long Yun and Feng Qing frowned slightly, puzzled.

This is the response of Xian Dao and Ying Yuan to the sudden change.

With today's power of the Holy Cult, it is absolutely impossible to complete the unification of Dao; but Xiandao and Ying Yuan asked themselves, if the biggest opponent of the Holy Cult, who is most likely to complete the karma of confusion ahead of schedule, is eliminated, it will be considered They lived up to their mission and accomplished the best they could do.

So, they chose to gamble.

However, they are not afraid of losing.

If you lose—

Xiandao and Yingyuan put all their bets, including the method of Yin-Yang Dongtian and the method of Shenyi Tianchi, which are tied to the two of them.Not to mention abandoning it like a waste of money, it is also a clean break; once these two things are gone, the benefits that the two of them have obtained from "Da Yuan Tianmen" will also be stripped back.

This method, called "Reversal of Karma", is used to fill up cause and effect.

If the encirclement and suppression failed, the two would try to ascend to the top with nothing.It is expected that in such a situation, the powerful person who arranged the arrangement has no reason to embarrass the two of them.Just treat it as a "chess piece" for more than [-] years, it is a dream!
Victory is certainly joyful; defeat cannot be said to be gratifying, at least, it can be accepted calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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