Chapter 1266
Shi Mo saw that the body of Yinxing Great suddenly stiffened.

At that moment, Huang Xiyin's figure suddenly became thinner, and she seemed to turn into a white phantom, becoming the center of the world... More , after sweeping the brilliance in her eyes, there will be a different agility and brilliance.

The imagery of turning away from the object clearly belongs to the near-dao realm; but the wonderful feeling of the day and the earth, which is vivid and brilliant, seems to be infinitely stalwart, and it is above the near-dao realm.

In Huang Xiyin's dantian, there seemed to be something spiritually awakened, emitting inexplicable power continuously.

Although Yin Xing's body was condensed, he didn't take back the blow with all his strength.

It's just that this blow passed through Huang Xiyin's body like a breeze, and it didn't seem to have the slightest effect.

Three breaths of silence, like eternity.

Immediately, Yin Xing clasped his hands together, bowed to the bottom, bowed and said, "Greetings to the Great Demon Lord."

Huang Xiyin blinked her wonderful eyes, and wanted to say "I'm not the Great Demon Lord", but when the words came to her lips, she took them back.There was a faint movement in my heart, and after careful consideration, I seemed to think that this title was also very suitable.

Yin Xing said again: "Dare to ask the title of the Great Demon Venerable."

Guan Yinxing's face at this time is frank and frank, and the brilliance in his eyes is not scattered. It is not the appearance of being manipulated by others and losing his mind, but he is cautiously pursuing it from the bottom of his heart.This is also the effect that was born naturally after Huang Xiyin's sword reached an unprecedented height.

Huang Xiyin murmured: "The title..."

After careful consideration, it seems that this matter is also very important.

Thoughts flowed, deduced quickly, and after about a hundred breaths, he suddenly smiled and said, "My name is Baoyue Kongyin. You can call me Baoyue Great Demon Lord or Kongyin Great Demon Lord."

Yinxing bent down and bowed again, and immediately said: "I don't know what instructions the Kongyin Great Demon Venerable has?"

Huang Xiyin pondered for a moment, then stretched out her hand, and something appeared in the palm of her hand, which looked like a greenish-yellow jade slip.

Just listen to Huang Xiyin saying: "Spread this method to the Changqing Realm. As you, it is not difficult to order the gathering of the Shinto cultivators under your command."

Yin Xing did not accept the order immediately, but hesitantly said: "The former Demon Dao promulgated the edict, clearly stating the origin and development. Those who have a low cultivation level and only want to prolong their lifespan have already been diverted from the Shinto. Today's Shinto monks , His heart is very firm. If the Great Demon Venerable hadn't acted in person, I'm afraid his mind will be stubborn and it will not be easy to enlighten him."

Huang Xiyin shook her head slightly, and said with a smile: "The method I taught is a new method, and there is no word 'magic' in it. It has nothing to do with the two or three hundred years of diversion wrestling. After you comprehend and discern, you will naturally clear."

The printing bank took the jade slips, glanced at the divine will, and as expected, he bowed down.

Huang Xiyin said lightly, "You go first."

Immediately activated the compass held in the palm, and the four-way barrier immediately disintegrated.

Printing Bank bowed back and immediately drove away with a ray of light.

Huang Xiyin smiled slightly at Shi Shi.

Shi Shi's eyes were wide open, and he didn't recognize Huang Xiyin's appearance, and even took a small step back unconsciously.

Huang Xiyin didn't say much, just stood still, as if to give Mo Mo some time to clear his mind.

Shi Mo looked at it carefully, but found that Huang Xiyin's expression had quietly turned around. At this moment, she was undoubtedly a Nascent Soul cultivator; but at that moment, she was clearly a cultivation base above the Dao Realm.

If it is said that Huang Xiyin's method of Mo Dao Xinjian is too clever, it not only presents an abnormal phenomenon, but even Emperor Jiekong can solve it.However, Huang Xiyin didn't use the slightest magic weapon to withstand the blow that Yinxing didn't stop, but it couldn't be faked.

After thinking for a long time, Shi Mo couldn't figure it out, and tentatively said: "Senior Sister? Have you broken through the realm and approached the Dao realm?"

Huang Xiyin smiled lightly and said, "Could it be that you don't believe your eyes? At this moment, Senior Sister, I am of course only in the Nascent Soul Realm."

Shi Mo is suspicious.

Huang Xiyin also stopped playing riddles with him, telling the story to understand the mystery.

It turned out that just now, at the moment when Huang Xiyin uttered the ten words "Because of passing on the fruit circle, the merits and careers are transferred to the Tao industry", Huang Xiyin officially started the process of breaking the border and cutting the road.

Although there are many differences between the magic way and the Taoism, breaking through the realm and approaching the Dao realm is not achieved in one cluster.

Even with Huang Xiyin's profound Taoism, it still takes three to five hundred years.

At this moment, it is just the first step.

Hearing this, Shi Mo's thoughts suddenly became active, and he immediately said: "Senior sister, your method of breaking the realm... as long as you open the gate of breaking the realm, you can temporarily use the cultivation base of the near-dao realm, right?"

Huang Xiyin smiled and said, "Not bad."

Mo Mo blinked, resting his chin on his right hand and said: "If you want to borrow this power, it is not unlimited, otherwise it is different from the real breakthrough? I don't know what is the mystery of your method, sister?"

Huang Xiyin glanced at it, and said in surprise, "You are clever."

"It's okay to tell you. The number of journeys and the degree of enlightenment are equivalent to the time of borrowing a short-cut cultivation base."

"For example, the moment I started this step, the short-cut road has already been taken out by one ten-thousandth; then the daily time to temporarily reach the close-to-dao realm is one ten-thousandth. The ratio is calibrated, not too much, not too little .”

Shi Mo had an idea.One ten-thousandth of a day...that is, the time of eight breaths.

For other people, no matter how high their cultivation is, they may not dare to say that the eight breaths of time will definitely be able to deal with a person of the same cultivation level; but Huang Xiyin's Demon Dao Heart Sword is confident that he can do so.

Even so, Huang Xiyin did not master the "Martial Reincarnation Heaven" like Master Gui Wugui, and had a lot of experience in mastering the near-dao realm in advance.It is still very risky to face the previous Emperor of Space alone.

Shi Mo shook his head again and again, and sighed, "Senior Sister, you are an expert and courageous person."

Huang Xiyin said leisurely: "With a thought of the Heart Sword, it took only one breath to finish him; but because of lack of experience, he has already made that blow. In order to resist that blow, it took another breath time. So, it was a waste of two breaths." interest."

Shi Mo looked at her eyes carefully, and said: "That is to say... Senior Sister still has six breaths of time today, can she enter the near-dao realm?"

Huang Xiyin shook her head repeatedly and said, "Wrong."

Mo Mo asked in astonishment, "What's wrong?"

Huang Xiyin said: "It's not six breaths, it's seventy-eight breaths."

Before Shi Mo could continue to ask questions, Huang Xiyin said with a smile: "The so-called three to five hundred years of breakthrough is calculated based on the speed of self-cultivation and self-cultivation alone. After subduing Yinxing, my short-cut path of practice is no longer one in ten thousand , but one-thousandth completed."

A trace of envy flashed in Shi Mo's eyes, and he murmured: "With your special fighting style, Senior Sister, you can take eighty breaths a day... It's almost the same as the real Dao Realm."

Huang Xiyin seemed to be very pleased when he heard this, his eyes narrowed into a line.

With Huang Xiyin's method, unless she meets Yingjie who has at least completed the realm and achieved the shortcut, and who is also on guard against her Demon Heart Sword.Otherwise, it is indeed a matter of one breath to solve one person.

Shi Shi thought about it, but felt a little disappointed.

He is still in the Golden Core realm now, and his cultivation base is too far away from Senior Sister Xiyin's.

Huang Xiyin took Shi Mo's look into his eyes, and suddenly smiled and said: "This trip is not only my chance; it is also your chance."

"Senior Sister, I broke through the realm and approached the Dao realm, starting from subduing the original divine power; the other half should be handed over to you, junior brother. If my prediction is correct, it should contain the seeds of your breakthrough Nascent Soul. "

Shi Mo's thoughts moved slightly, and said, "The other half?"

Huang Xiyin laughed and said, "Brother, have you forgotten the composition of the holy religion? Now its focus has certainly shifted to Shinto, mainly to manage the thirty-seven heavens of Shinto; but the practice of traditional Taoism has not been given up. Roughly speaking, the world of Shinto is the 'face'; but there are 'dots' in the 'face', and there may be Taoist inheritance in the middle, and it is mixed and spread."

Shi Mo's eyes moved, half-understanding.

He naturally understands the inheritance of the holy religion. The divine way and the gods are divided into thirty-seven realms. There are Xuanzong, Xiazong and Liuzong.

Huang Xiyin's Taoism presumably brought all the great emperors of the thirty-seven worlds into the command of the Demonic Dao one by one to complete their cultivation.

His graphite will be the other half...

With his cultivation in the Golden Core Realm, it would be almost impossible to say that he could subdue the other eight Dao sects.

Huang Xiyin saw Shi Mo's puzzled expression, smiled very understandingly, and said, "Junior Brother, you are too worried. You and I have different ways of practicing magic, and we don't care about the number of accumulated numbers. You must know that the Xuanzong, Xiazong, and Liuzong are all It is to open up the gate alone, and it is not won by the number of spread areas. In fact, except for the Eight Great Dao Sects which are independent of the Thirty-seven Realm Heavens, more than half of the following Xuanzongs set up their gates in the Realm Heavens, and each other Harmony, also get the blessing of Emperor Jiekong."

"Such as the Changqing Jietian in front of you, there are not a few of Xuanzong, Xiazong, and Liuzong under his command."

"Junior brother, you find a family that is destined to complete a career of reforming the past, which is a chance to break through."

Shi Mo hesitated slightly.

For example, Xuanzong is first-class, and there are many Buxu and Lihejing monks in charge of the sect.The high level of merit is still insurmountable for him.

In the ranks of the following sects, the stronger ones have the monks of Huashen sitting in the command; the weaker ones have only the monks of Nascent Soul.

But he is not blameless, almost every realm has a rare treasure that can launch cross-border combat power.The golden elixir state of his graphite is the real golden elixir state.

Perhaps with his cultivation base, he can also accomplish the feat of Jindan defeating Nascent Soul, but one or two is fine, and there are too many.

Thinking firmly, Shi Mo said: "Sure enough, as Senior Sister said, Junior Brother, I will choose one of the Floating Sects to attack."

Among the stream sects, the ones with the highest skills in the sect are no more than the Nascent Soul Realm, and even the number is not very large, which he can roughly handle.

Huang Xiyin smiled and said, "Very good."

"Forget it, I'm going to go to the next world to do business, and drop you off, Junior Brother."

As soon as the words fell, the giant blue bird was summoned out again, and then he stretched out his hand and gently pulled Shi Mo closer.

Spreading its wings, the giant bird soared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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