Chapter 1267
In the rolling mountains surrounded on three sides.

Among them, there is a bluestone mountain of more than one hundred feet, which is attached to a lone peak and is not conspicuous, but it suddenly disappeared at this time.

In the belly of the mountain.

This is an extremely deep secret room with twelve passages on all sides, leading directly to a circular hollow, about twenty feet in radius.

In the middle of the secret room, three people sat around.

One of them looked about forty or fifty years old, with a black beard six or seven inches long, wearing a black-bottomed robe with gold patterns, and rubbing a jade ruyi in his hand.

The person on the left seat has well-proportioned facial features and bright red lips. He looks about thirty years old, but his stature is obviously shorter than the person in the middle.

As for the one on the right, he has a round face and white eyebrows, and is dressed in a shabby linen robe; eight of the ten fingers on his left and right hands have jade rings of different colors.

The cultivation bases of the three are all at the separation and reunion state.

Looking around the secret room, there are eight bronze braziers burning in the distance, emitting raging flames.

The person on the right looked at the center and said silently: "The edict has been passed on. It is said that the Emperor Tianyinxing of the Changqing Realm used Taoism, so he revealed extraordinary images. As for the broken barrier, it is just a phantom. Among the disciples, it seems that No suspects have been found yet.”

The person in the middle seat nodded slowly upon hearing the words.

Looking at the youngest person on the left hand side, he couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Mo, is it true that the Dao Realm existence of the Yinzong made a move, and broke the boundary barrier?"

The man in the middle glanced to the left, and said silently: "Junior Brother Ning already has the answer in his heart, why bother to ask?"

The person on the left was speechless.

The person in the middle seat is in charge of Qihua Xuanzong, Mo Shanghui; Ning Zixuan on the left and Jin Xiangfei on the right are both elders of Qihua Xuanzong.

It's self-evident what it means for the boundary and space formation to be broken by a powerful Daoist.

In the past, no matter how fierce the battles were, they were just appointments on a fixed battlefield; now it has reached the point of breaking the formation directly, it can be regarded as a desperate attempt, and there is no way out.

Jin Xiangfei, who was carrying eight jade rings, took off the jade ring on the index finger of his left hand, played with it leisurely, and said silently: "What can we do with the current situation?"

Mo Shanghui's eyes seemed to become cloudy, and after an unknown period of time, they seemed to become clear again.

Turning his head, glanced to the left and right, and said lightly: "Junior Brother Jin, if you ask sincerely, I will be open and honest. The holy religion... I am afraid it is unreliable. If the other party does not give you a way to survive, then there is really no way out. Buried The bones are here, the path has been so far, and it has finally turned into nothingness, which is the only ending."

The two people on the left and right were shocked when they heard the words.

Jin Xiangfei actually wanted to test it out to see if he wanted to run away early to avoid the limelight, lest Mo Shanghui would not allow it.But I didn't expect the brother in charge to speak so shockingly, it seemed to be more radical than him.

On the left, Ning Zixuan murmured: "Perhaps the situation is not so serious?"

"Maybe it won't be long before Daoist will return the Yin-Yang Cave to its original position and restore the situation."

Mo Shanghui said coldly: "Do you believe it?"

Ning Zixuan remained silent.

In fact, he also vaguely guessed in his heart that Daoist Ying Yuan would not take away the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven until the most important juncture of the holy religion; Will not make a move easily.

The reason is obvious, there is only one Dao Realm existence for the opponent to make a move.If Yin Yang Dongtian can return in time, then the Holy Religion Dao Realm came to rescue, wouldn't the other party be unable to eat and walk around.

If he dared to make a move, he must have the assurance that Yin Yang Dongtian will not reset easily.

On a deeper level, with the wisdom of Daoist Venerable, the shaking and confusion brought about by taking away the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven would not have been considered; but he still made this move.

Ning Zi declared: "Then brother means..."

If it is said that he abandoned his sect and ran away, and just hide his name and hide in XZ, that is really not what he wants.Moreover, it may not be possible to escape the pursuit of Yinzong.

Mo Shanghui thought for a long time, and said: "The only plan now is to take a risky move and make a golden cicada escape its shell."

"Junior brother Jin. Did you obtain an ancient Taoist inheritance classic more than a thousand years ago?"

Jin Xiangfei's complexion turned blue and then turned red, quite unnaturally.

He has been hiding that chance until now, thinking it is a unique secret, but he didn't expect that the senior brother in charge already knew about it.

Mo Shanghui didn't take it seriously, and continued: "If we encounter difficulties, I might as well change the sect. I only act in the name of Xuanzong, the holy religion, because I have no choice. In fact, the foundation of our sect is an ancient heritage, Xuanzong The name is just a body. Only the three people in charge of the sect know these secrets. Now that the holy religion has declined, we can restore it to its original state."

Jin Xiangfei was surprised and said, "I'm afraid it's impossible to deceive people with this kind of speaking skills."

Mo Shanghui's eyes flickered, and he said slowly: "Of course you won't be able to make empty teeth. It's just that your ancient Taoist classics have some extraordinary features; I've been waiting for the three of you to spend some time in the past few days to learn and disassemble the words. , lowered it to the next level, and disassembled it into eight classics. When it was taken out, it was only said that it was inherited from the old school, and it has been hidden until now. It is probably somewhat convincing."

"In addition to this, the inheritance books and the origin and history of the sect also need to be thought out in advance and recorded in a book one by one. It is best to concoct a few tokens."

Ning Zixuan asked in surprise, "So... is it too hasty? Why don't you wait and see for a few days before talking about anything else?"

"In case the holy religion reverses the situation, it would be embarrassing for me to wait for today's action."

Mo Shanghui shook his head repeatedly and said, "Junior Brother Ning, you still don't understand."

"It is obvious that after the Yin-Yang Cave is taken in, it cannot be easily reset, and it may even lead to attacks from the Yinzong Dao Realm. What does this mean? It shows that the two Daoist Masters have reached the point where they have put all their eggs in one basket. It's a 'turnaround'. As for us, it's just a sacrifice."

Ning Zixuan frowned slightly.

On the one hand, he felt that what Mo Shanghui said was deeply rooted and reasonable; but on the other hand, he seemed to feel that the conclusion he drew was too radical.The upper realm is mysterious, every move is unpredictable and profound, how can it be easy to know?
But at the next moment, Ning Zixuan's heart moved, and he said firmly, "Just follow what Senior Brother Mo said."

Jin Xiangfei was slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "Exactly."

The two of them are human spirits, and after a moment of confusion, they thought of a possibility at the same time—maybe this brother Mo has a news channel that the two of them don't know, and has a more thorough understanding of the current situation in the Ziwei world.


above the blue sky.

As the giant blue bird flew across, Huang Xiyin and Shi Mo could see far away, and as the disc in Huang Xiyin's palm slowly turned, they could discover this world, which was subtly collected into a picture scroll, in which appeared big and small. bubbles.

It seems to be backtracking to the scene before the restoration of the boundary and the barrier; it seems to be a little different.

Later, with Huang Xiyin giving pointers at any time, Shi Mo realized that the size of the barrier actually meant the strength of the various Xuanzongs, Xiazongs, dynasties, and meritorious nobles.Huang Xiyin talked about them one by one, and seemed to know the forces in the sky of the Evergreen Realm like the back of his hand.

Shi Mo secretly wondered.

I don't know whether Huang Xiyin got this knowledge from the formation plate of Daoist Wuhu, or from using the Demon Dao Heart Sword on Yinxing Demon King.

Flying for a while, he came to a dot with slightly larger rice grains and smaller fish eyes. Mo Mo cheered up and said, "Senior Sister, which family is this?"

Huang Xiyin's eyes moved, and said: "This is the Wrath of the Wrath. Now there is only one old Nascent Soul cultivator in charge of the sect, and the eight classics of the sect seem to have some disadvantages. With this family's sect, the younger brother will go to manage it. , I really gave in."

Shi Mo's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands and said, "It's okay. Junior brother, I don't have much experience in this matter. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Smaller size is easier to control."

"That's it."

Huang Xiyin no longer objected.

Shi Mo thought for a while, and said again: "Re-establishing the Dao Chuan of the Eight Meridians, changing this Nulang Liuzong to Xintian, and becoming my place of Taoism inheritance, is to establish the foundation of breaking the realm Nascent Soul "Senior Sister Huang, is that right?"

Huang Xiyin nodded in agreement.

It's just that although she nodded, the flying speed of the blue bird magic weapon did not slow down because of this.Only one galloped, already flying above the tiny "bubble".

Shi Mo said in astonishment: "Senior Sister..."

Huang Xiyin smiled slightly, and said: "It's okay. Go around for a while, and it won't be too late to go down when you turn around. I will teach you to increase your knowledge, the Changqing Realm, the Tianxi South Region, and the inheritance of larger forces. I will explain it to you, and I know it well , it will be of great benefit to your actions in the future."

Mo Shi was startled, could it be that he had to stay in this realm for a long time because he had broken the Nascent Soul?

Accompanied by the giant bird flying away, Huang Xiyin really chose the route where the larger "bubbles" were located, explaining the true and false for Shi Shi one by one.Even who is in charge of the sect, how high the merits are, and whether the classics are complete or not, they are all well-known.

I don't know how long it took to come to the top of the largest "bubble" displayed in the phantom of the formation, and look at its gate, which is a valley surrounded by three mountain ranges, but there is no stele outside the formation.

Huang Xiyin suddenly turned her head and said seriously: "Junior Brother, look carefully. The family in front of me is named Qihua Xuanzong. In terms of power background, it can be regarded as one of the best in the southwestern region of Evergreen Realm."

"The three elders in the sect, Mo Shanghui, Ning Zixuan, and Jin Xiangfei, are all cultivators of Lihe, and their Taoism is much better than ordinary monks in the Lihe realm."

"The treasury in this family's addition to the eight classics derived from the canon of the holy religion, there are also many quite important inheritances."

The narration at this time seems to be more detailed than before.

Shi Mo was not surprised either, after all, this is the most powerful sect in this area, and its influence is bound to be considerable.With the sphere of influence of Qihua Xuanzong, it should be dealt with personally by someone at the level of Tianxuan Shangzhen or Yaowang in the Yinzong or Yaozu.

Immediately, I wondered in my heart, since Huang Xiyin came here, why didn't he take care of her?

Turning his head around, he saw a sudden brilliance flashing on Huang Xiyin's jade face, and a deep and deep feeling appeared in his eyes.It seems that there is an endless void, and it is about to swallow itself into it.

Shi Mo was shocked, but before he could resist, he felt dizzy and groggy. It was even more impossible to use the eight swords of sword heart and affection to restore his mind.His own spirit seemed to be trapped in a deep sea.

At this time, I realized that although Huang Xiyin often used him to test the sword, after all, he still tolerated him.

When his own body was numb, Shi Shi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his buttocks, and then his body flew upside down. He was kicked off the blue bird by Huang Xiyin, fell straight down, and then disappeared.

Huang Xiyin glanced down, and said indifferently: "Junior brother is too presumptuous to belittle oneself... This great cause that opened up the world, who else is better than you?"

(End of this chapter)

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