Chapter 1268
Shi Mo was feeling dizzy, but he heard a faint shout in his ears: "Where did the thief come from, watching the side of the sect's mountain gate?"

As soon as the words fell, a sharp wind fell on his ears.

Shi Mo shuddered, and immediately dodged.

In his busy schedule, he glanced over, and vaguely saw two people, one on the left and one on the right, stretching out their fingers and flicking at the same time.There is a streak of frost on the fingertips, like silk and arrows.

Mo Shi didn't think too much, and swiped lightly with his right arm in the air.

Dan Li surged, and turned into two simple yellow lights that pierced straight away, each of which was as thick as a child's arm.Looking at its appearance, it seems that the iron rod has nothing to do with "Kendo".

This is not Shi Mo's intentional concealment, but an idea that he has set up since the day he entered Taoism and came into contact with the Kongyun Nianjian - although this magical power is inherited without blame, it also needs to show its own unique atmosphere.



With two screams, the two fell back and rolled on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

Shi Shi was startled, and his mind cleared up three points.

The moment those two made their moves, he had already vaguely concluded that they were probably two Golden Core cultivators.Considering the golden core monks in the world, their merits are far from their own.So once the Dan force was withdrawn, only [-]% of the force was used.

If so, the clothes on the chests of the two men were torn, blood spattered, muscles and bones were broken, and even passed out.

Shi Shi scratched his head, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

"Who is running wild here?"

The sound rumbled, shaking the valley.

Shi Mo followed the reputation.

A hundred zhang away in front of him, on a bald peak, there is already a person standing.He looked very old, with two white eyebrows curving and drooping, and wrinkles appeared on his sallow face.

Shi Mo's eyes moved, quickly weighed the pros and cons, and then replied: "Just now a senior gave me a ride. The junior fell from the sky and didn't know the truth. I accidentally bumped into the two disciples. I'm really sorry. Dare I ask? Where is the gate of Qihua Xuanzong?"

The old Taoist with white eyebrows showed surprise on his face, and muttered to himself.

Although Qihua Xuanzong is famous, but the mountain gate is very secret.How can a mere Golden Core cultivator find it?

Could it be that someone recommended it?
As soon as he thought about it, the white-browed old man didn't dare to concentrate on himself, he just said: "You follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a portal suddenly appeared inside and outside the opposite mountain gate, on the mountain wall more than thirty feet high.

Shi Mo stepped into it.

This "gateway" passage is more than three feet wide, in terms of width, it is very rich, and there is no problem for more than ten people walking side by side.It's just that he is only eight feet tall, so he feels a strange sense of oppression.A few feet apart on both sides of the portal, there is a transparent lantern like a silk sac, which seems to hide hundreds of fireflies; this lighting is quite unique.

Walking to the end, the scene in front of me suddenly cleared up.

Shi Mo took a closer look, and here is a square lobby.

On the left and right sides of the gate, there are two Jindan monks standing there.

As for the center of the main hall, there is an unusually tall rattan chair, which looks like it is surrounded by two snakes.A person sits on it, and his feet are in the air.

The man sitting on the chair looked about thirty years old, with handsome features; but his skin was slightly pale, with an unusual jerky feeling.Obviously the reason is that the actual age far exceeds its appearance.

Looking at his cultivation, it is vaguely impossible to tell whether it is the state of transforming gods or the state of stepping into the void; but Mo Mo can roughly conclude in his heart that he does not seem to be a monk of the separation and reunion state.

The white-browed old man stepped forward quickly, came to the side of the rattan chair, stretched out his hand, and there was a veil like veil between Shi Mo and the two.

The two asked and answered, and chatted.

Shi Mo was secretly weird.

It turned out that this mask, like a spun gauze, was clearly a barrier to cut off sound, light, and expression.But it's enough to block the eyesight - at this time, with the brilliance fluctuating, Shi Mo can no longer see the appearance of the two, but blocking the sound, this barrier is not as good as the most basic method of sound transmission.

Shi Mo's sword heart vibrates, and he can vaguely hear the conversation between the two as he travels through the inside and outside.

I only listened to the white-browed old man roughly explaining the origin of graphite.

It was carried to the front by a flying escape magic weapon, and fell from the sky; accidentally injured two guarding disciples in the sect's Golden Core Realm, the meritorious deeds are very extraordinary.

The person on the chair asked, "What do you think?"

The white-browed old man said: "Perhaps it is really a talent discovered by a great figure in the holy religion or Shinto, and it is temporarily entrusted to our sect."

The monk on the chair said: "How can you see it?"

The white-browed old man said: "If it's really someone who is plotting against the law, or is a kind of elaboration by other forces, he will naturally be more careful and approach him in a seemingly reasonable way; he will not throw the person under the mountain gate so rudely."

"Furthermore, if you hide your ulterior motives, you won't miss and injure the two disciples of our sect as soon as you come up. It would be too ostentatious to do so."

The person on the seat nodded slowly and said, "That makes sense."

"What do you mean... to ask someone to use that method to find out the truth, so as to seek peace of mind?"

The white-browed old man said: "Uncle Master is a lesson."

As soon as the voice fell, the light curtain suddenly dispersed.

Shi Mo's body leaned back slightly, his eyes quickly scrutinized the person sitting on the seat, and then closed his eyes, showing caution.

Although he has always been harmless to humans and animals, showing off his informal appearance, sometimes in the eyes of his fellow disciples of the Misty Sect, he is quite lacking in responsiveness, and even a little dull.In fact, this is quite different from Shi Mo's true nature.

This can't be called a pretense; it's just that he is surprisingly intelligent and unexpected.

In other words, it is square on the outside and round on the inside, thick on the outside and fine on the inside.

For example, at this moment, he immediately showed a movement posture that fit his "identity", as if smooth, without a trace of penetration or deliberation.

The person on the seat smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to be nervous."

Shi Shi took a deep breath and said, "Yes."

The man pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "I have a few questions for you."

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the small room of the palace suddenly changed. It seemed that a very thin layer of mist emanated from the man's eyes, wrapping Shi Mo in a three-foot radius.

But this invisible air mechanism is not a bondage to Shi Mo's body.

As long as you move your eyes and pay attention to the trajectory of the movement and changes of the air mechanism, it seems that your mind will be drawn by it and enter an inexplicable realm.Fluttering involuntarily.Compared with the ordinary method of mind and illusion, it is indeed more brilliant.

But Shi Mo's sword heart foundation is no small matter, even Huang Xiyin's magic heart sword can detect it, so this mere method is naturally not a problem.

But Shi Mo looked confused immediately, and said, "Senior, please ask."

The man on the seat asked: "Where do you come from?"

Mo Mo thought about it carefully, and said: "The junior came from a very remote place, and practiced Taoism alone in the mountains. For more than a hundred years, he went to many places. It is hard to say where he is from."

The person on the seat asked again: "Why did you enter the Tao? Which inheritance did the exercises you practice come from?"

Shi Mo frowned, and said: "The exercises of the younger generation were not taught by others, but one day when I was young, I went out to play, and a bluestone under my seat suddenly shattered.

"It's just that this technique can only be cultivated up to the Golden Core level. Now that the legacy is exhausted, I have to find another method; so I have traveled for more than [-] years, until today."

The person on the seat thought for a while and asked, "How did you find me, Qihua Xuanzong?"

Shi Mo said: "Two or three days ago, I suddenly met a senior. His skills were unfathomable. He first took out a kung fu method for the junior to watch, but the junior thought that his Taoism seemed to be inconsistent with the previous practice, so he boldly Rejected. The senior recommended the disciple to visit Qihua Xuanzong, and said to take me along the way."

The man on the seat frowned slightly, and thoughtfully said: "How about this man's appearance?"

Mo Shi seemed to reveal the color of memory, and immediately said: "This senior looks like a middle-aged person...wearing a gold suit, his eyes are purple, and his eyebrows are slender... that's about it."

Shi Shihe's words were half-truths and half-false, and they were splicing together the experiences of the two days.

The person on the seat changed his expression, and quickly exchanged a glance with the white-browed old man, showing a look of extreme horror.

Immediately, Shi Mo felt that the "white mist" seemed to be extremely aggressive, or tried to stroke his own spirit, making him recall the appearance of the person he was talking about.

Mo Mo is a good follower, and he fully presents the appearance of Emperor Yinxing in his mind.

The people in the seat and the white-browed old man took a deep breath.

The "white mist" gradually receded.

Shi Mo seems to wake up like a dream, but also ignorant.

The person on the seat said loudly: "I see. On the ordinary level of Xuanzong, except for the elders of this sect who go out to look for disciples who are suitable in age and have good bones, they usually don't accept people with art teachers. But I enlighten Huaxuanzong is an exception; but even if exceptions are made occasionally, there is still an assessment process."

Shi Mo secretly cursed in his heart.

It turned out that the moment the "white mist" dissipated, the two people immediately put away their shocked faces, revealing a sanctimonious look.

Obviously, this is a way of caring about the other's respect and I am arrogant, and relying on favor to be coquettish-it can be regarded as a common way of maneuvering by superiors.

Shi Mo knew that he would not treat him slowly; the so-called "assessment" was just a formality.

But Mo Shi looked joyful and excited, and said, "I don't know what kind of regulations are the so-called assessment in this sect?"

The person on the seat waved his hand, and three scrolls of bamboo slips appeared in his palm, and the white-browed old man immediately took them to him.

I just heard this person say: "This is the first to third volumes of the "Daxiang Tianluo Qualitative Book". You just read it. If you have any insights, you can write it in the book. After seven days, submit it for me to read." At that time, according to the root of talent and wisdom revealed in your words of enlightenment, you will be given Taoism, lessons, and caves according to your talents."

He added: "You don't have to be too cautious. After reading the scriptures, you can write what you understand. There are no boundaries, and you don't have to consider whether the truth is smooth or not. This is just a measure of talent, not really for you to create. A classic. Do you understand?"

The latter sentence is an exception to mention, and the influence of the "origin" of graphite can be vaguely seen.

Shi Mo is naturally grateful, full of joy.

This joy was not fake.

(End of this chapter)

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