Chapter 1269 Solemn Courtesy of Wanfa Frontline

Qihua Xuanzong, on the Sun-watching Platform of Yanfa Mountain.

The eight Nascent Soul monks stood on the left and right sides, holding a piece of jade with each hand.Among them, the second person on the left is the white-browed old man who introduced Shi Shi to the door.

In the middle, there are two monks in the Void Realm.

One of them has a very young face and vicissitudes of complexion, it is the one who received Shi Mo in the secret hall in the deep mountain.And the face of the other person showed a rare purple-black color, and his eyebrows were raised upside down, showing a majesty.

And about twenty feet away from more than ten people, Shi Shi sat cross-legged, looking at his nose and heart, as if he was concentrating on it.

The other Nascent Soul cultivators looked at the white-browed old man, and then at Shi Mo, with indescribable expressions in their expressions.

Especially the not-so-tall black-robed monk on the left side of the white-browed old man made no effort to hide the envy in his eyes.After a few breaths, he finally couldn't help saying in a low voice: "Senior Brother Luo, I'm really envious of this marriage. It is said that you replaced Senior Brother Fu's duty seven days ago...Senior Brother Fu at this time, only I'm afraid I'm going to sigh in secret in the cave."

The white-browed old man's expression was flat, and he said: "What about a 'good match'? Besides, my life expectancy is only two hundred years. Even if he can grow up, I don't know when it will be."

Qihua Xuanzong did have a "Apprentice Acceptance Ceremony", but it was an introductory ceremony that gathered the disciples who were regularly visited by the elders of the sect.The number of people each time ranges from ten to thirty people.The host is nothing more than a rotating elder in the Nascent Soul Realm.

As for the disciples who got started halfway due to various accidental reasons, or those who brought art as a teacher, they would randomly insert themselves into a certain station after the qualification assessment, and there was absolutely no talk of holding a special ceremony.

But today, Qihua Xuanzong did not make an exception to start the initiation ceremony with a newly found Jindan monk "Moshi".

Even the hosts are the two Buxu Realm Palace Masters.

At this time, the eight Nascent Soul cultivators secretly watched.

The two elders, Yu and Bai, seem to be distracted, looking up to the north from time to time.

The person who met Shi Mo the day before yesterday was named Yu Buchun; the person with a purple-black face was named Bai Wanjian.One of these two people is in charge of Zihua Hall, and the other is in charge of Judging Time Hall. They are the two of the nine Buxu Realm Hall Masters of Qihua Xuanzong.

Yu Buchun calculated with his fingers, sensed the time, and whispered: "It seems that we won't come. Brother Bai, let's start."

Bai Wanjian nodded slightly.

The two looked at each other with a hint of confusion in their eyes.

Because in the eyes of the two of them, this scene is not big; it's small.

Three days ago, Shi Mo handed over his "Certificate of Enlightenment", and the two of them were shocked to see it.It was determined in my heart that this son must be a hopeful person with a shortcut.The characters recommended by the printing emperor are really extraordinary.The original train of thought of being loose on the outside and tight on the inside, keeping one's face quiet to prevent one's arrogance, was immediately thrown into the clouds.

It must be done with great fanfare to show solemnity!
The reason is very simple, if Moshi succeeds in the future, it can also demonstrate Qihua Xuanzong's knowledge of people.At the same time, it also made the continuity between Qihua Xuanzong and Moshi more solid and inseparable.

Together, the two of them made a charter—an impromptu holding of a simple but grand apprenticeship ceremony.

Not only the two of them were dispatched, but Yu Buchun even sent a letter to the sect master and the two guardian elders who were in retreat.

Yu Buchun expected that at least one of the three Liaison Realms would definitely come to participate in today's disciple acceptance ceremony.It is unknown even if the three of them came together.

A Xuanzong family has produced a person who is expected to approach the Taoist realm. There are many precedents for the future influence and legacy, which can be used for reference.

But the strange thing is that no one came in the end.

Although the third elder had made a decree to retreat for a period of time, it was still weird.

When one's meritorious deeds have reached the three realms of heaven and man, there are very few "dead gates" in which time is limited or the number of goals must be sufficient to pass the level.Even if it is an extremely important retreat practice, it is often not okay to temporarily suspend it for a day or two when encountering important matters.I don't know what important tasks the head and the two elders have, but they didn't come.

Or, can't you trust your own judgment on Moshi's qualifications?
Putting away these thoughts, Bai Wanjian took a step forward and said loudly: "Moshi, come here."

Hearing this, Shi Mo hurried forward.

On the side, Yu Buchun immediately took out from his sleeve a precious tree more than two feet high with nine branches hanging down.Among the nine branches, there is a goose-egg-sized treasure master of lightening color, which suddenly shines brightly, dyeing the faces of Bai Wanjian and Shi Mo into a faint golden color.

The so-called solemn scene naturally does not only refer to the presence of the two Buxu Realm Hallmasters and the eight Nascent Soul Realm elders.

Through the "Nine Trees Split Shadow Book" in Yu Buchun's palm, the door is below the virtual realm, and when everyone's cave is opened, there will be water vapor condensing, showing the situation of accepting disciples at this time.Therefore, although there is no audience at this time, I don't know how many people are envious and overwhelmed.

The name "Moshi" must have been known to everyone in Qihua Xuanzong!
Although there was no audience, it seemed insignificant, but the sincerity and solemnity displayed in it were far better than gathering more than ten thousand disciples to watch the ceremony.

Because no matter how high Moshi's aptitude is, the matter in front of him is just a young disciple of Jindan Realm; he is still a half-way monk.In any case, one cannot force Hezong to attend the ceremony, as it is against the law and reason.

Even if there is life, most of the low-level disciples who come here are out of curiosity or having nothing to do.

What's more, those monks who are in the Void, Transformation, and Nascent Soul realms may not all be evasive, perhaps they are indeed on important tasks and cannot arrive.

However, using the "Nine Trees Split Shadow Book" is different. Since there are less than three leaders in the door, as long as you open your own door, you will be able to watch the apprenticeship ceremony; even if you are in retreat, or go out behind closed doors, when you return At this time, this scene will also be presented in a delayed manner.

This is the method that Qihua Xuanzong will only adopt when he passes on important laws and decrees.

When Bai Wanjian recited official articles such as the sect system, precepts, imperial edicts, etc., Shi Shi secretly rejoiced in his heart.

A few days ago, when he dismantled Qihua Xuanzong's serious "Elephant Tianluo Qualitative Book", once he crossed his sword, he could see the essence of it at a glance.Naturally, it is impossible for him to present all of them, and he immediately hides [-]% of them, and only writes a book with [-]% of his experience.

But when this scroll was about to be handed in, Shi Mo thought of the situation where he would fight two Jindan disciples with [-]% strength when he was about to land here.After thinking about it for a while, I concealed half of the remaining [-]%; at the same time, I blurred some profound sentences to make it seem plausible, a mixture of good and bad.

If this is the case, Yu Buchun is already shocked as a heavenly man, and he can't sit still anymore.

Shi Mo reckoned in his heart that if there were no subsequent revisions, he would have been sent to the Taoist sect by Qihua Xuanzong.

But in the eyes of the eight Nascent Soul cultivators, his solemn and contemplative appearance couldn't help but sigh in admiration, secretly thinking that the talent of the sky is so amazing, even the power of concentration is so amazing.

After Bai Wanjian finished reading some sentences, he gave a set of dharma clothes, three dharma treasures, a book of genealogy, and a dharma implement for opening the door ban.

This apprenticeship ceremony is considered complete.

After the ceremony was completed, Shi Mo couldn't help asking: "Master Bai, I don't know the eight classics in the sect, which step can I refer to right now?"

Bai Wanjian was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "The first class in the sect, the eight classics can be read without any hindrance, regardless of their skill."

"I intend to teach you to get acquainted with the sect inside and outside the sect and the fellow sects of the same station for a while, and then talk about the way of practice; since you are so impatient, I will send them to your cave."


Inside the cave.

Shi Mo looked at the hundreds of volumes of classics in front of him, closed his eyes and meditated.

His new Dongfu is not bad in terms of Feng Shui layout and even application speed.In addition to the spacious main room, there are thirty-six outer ring complex rooms, ninety-six Dan rooms, quiet rooms, and warehouses.The hidden layout is vaguely modeled on the mansion of the cultivator who transformed the gods, but the scale is slightly smaller.

It is so easy to obtain the eight classics, but it is beyond Shi Mo's expectation.

Because of the "Eight Classics" of Xuanzong, a subordinate of the Holy Cult, in order to preserve its own vitality, each classic is not a dead thing.Later generations want to modify the text, as long as the whole is connected, the level of Taoism is advancing or not retreating. In fact, it is not difficult to do it, and there is also a complete and strict evaluation standard.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is renewed every day.

Even the lower realms such as Jindan and Yuanying can modify as many words and sentences as there are in the eight classics, which is a good story for the Zhujia sect to spread its reputation.

In terms of ability, this is not difficult for graphite.

Is it really that easy?

But why didn't the sign of my mind that I was about to succeed emerge?

If it's as simple as I imagined, just to complete the rebirth of a local sect, then I don't even need to do this, I can find a family's classics in the hidden sect, and I can complete it.

Senior Sister Huang Xiyin's achievement, conquering many realms, is a process of accumulating merit; but this is obviously not the case for me, as long as I succeed in one sect, it is enough.Mo Mo's understanding at the beginning was that there was a difference in realm between himself and his senior sister; but at this moment, he vaguely realized that it was not only the superiority of merit, but also the so-called nature of the two, which was fundamentally different.

Otherwise, even if there is a small difference in the merits of the two, it will not be so disparate that the mission of one person is to mop up and subdue the thirty-six realms of heaven, and clarify half of the inheritance of humanity; .


What is so special about this inheritor.

Shi Mo's heart suddenly brightened.

What I have to do is not only to reform the past and establish a legacy; it is not just to gather people's hearts and bring this sect under my command.Instead, take this as a starting point to open an unprecedented new door.

The lower the starting point, the heavier the weight, which is also a natural reason.

The weight of this weight may even be the origin of the era change and new transformation of the Ziwei Great World.

When this thought was penetrated, there was a thunder in Shi Mo's heart, and his mind became clear.

Immediately, he smiled slightly, and said to himself: "There is a thin line of ten thousand dharmas, and the branch sect is still in front of this sect. The spring breeze crosses things without being aware of it. First there is mud and then there is sky."

(End of this chapter)

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