Chapter 1270
"When the dragon and the tiger meet, the golden cauldron produces mysterious pearls; the golden flower blooms with mercury leaves, and the jade stems grow lead branches..."

Shi Mo's voice is loud, resounding far and near.

After he finished speaking, a young monk in a blue toga with a jade belt tied on his forehead, about the middle stage of Jindan, thanked him deeply.

Immediately, he took two steps back to avoid the past.

The location here is between two contiguous hills with a height of more than one hundred feet.It is called a "mountain depression" in name, but it is only six or seven feet shorter than the peaks on both sides.Three to five, six or seven clear springs on both sides gurgled and left, letting them pass through a semicircular field with concave and slightly convex in the mountains, embracing things and descending.

The sound of the clear spring falling on the bluestone is actually not low; but what is strange is that under the strange scenery here, it does not make people feel noisy, but is very quiet.

Different from other Xuanzongs, Qihua Xuanzong has a unique system of "parties and platforms".

In the two realms of Jindan and Yuanying, they are divided according to their aptitude and potential, and they have established a total of "Twelve Stages" that exceed the level of ordinary disciples. They rise and fall with the assessment, and they can be regarded as elites among disciples.The total number of twelve stations accounts for about a quarter of the number of disciples.

Compared with the "True Tradition Hall" and other systems that only account for one percent, one thousandth or even less of the total number of disciples, this is not without merit.Although it is a bit complicated, the pertinence of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude has indeed been strengthened.

With Shi Shi's "introduction ceremony" treatment, he is naturally the first one to enter the twelve Taizhong.

The "first station" of each small realm is naturally the true elite of Qihua Xuanzong.

Now there are twelve disciples in the "first platform" in the Golden Core Realm.

Everyone is a generation whose eyes are higher than the top. Shi Shi is new here, and some people are naturally dissatisfied; but it is easy for Shi Mo to handle the mere Xuanzong level disciples.Three days ago, there was a small gathering at Tayue Peak. Shi Mo claimed to be "Seven days after getting started, you can understand the four classics".

When we get together again today, many people who are thinking quickly have put down their stance and changed "debating" to "asking for advice".Although I can benefit myself, it can also virtually bring the relationship between the two parties closer.

Mo Shi never refuses anyone who comes to such a scene.

After the person in the green robe and jade belt left, another person stepped forward.

This person's skin is clear, his eyes are soft but his brows are sharp, and his brocade robe is loose to show his unruly style. He said with a smile, "Mr. In a single verse, the conceit is already perfect. But with this method of playing with the heart and keeping the spirit flowing, I feel that there is still a faint layer of separation. I don’t know if you can help Brother Yu break it off?"

Shi Shi's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "It's okay to talk to senior brother."

One of the eight classics of Qihua Xuanzong, "Deduction", is eclectic. There is not a single word in the whole classic, but [-] picture scrolls.There are twelve "secret" methods for each picture scroll. After you are familiar with it, it will be of great benefit to the practice of retreat and the calmness of the spirit.

The person in front of him is He Yizhen, who is ranked second among the first disciples of Qihua Xuanzong Jindan Realm.

Of course, this was before the entry of graphite, which is now relegated to third place.

The picture scroll deduced by He Yizhen is the "Cow Herding Picture" in the twelve picture scrolls.

He Yizhen said slowly: "The way I deduce, starting from giving up one's heart and entering secrets, the ultimate goal is to realize the state of 'no self-perseverance'. The obtained verse says: The white cow is always in the white cloud, and the cow is also the same as the man without the heart." The same. The moon penetrates the white clouds and the cloud shadows are white, and the white clouds and bright moon are east and west."

After Shi Mo and He Yizhen, there are three or four people who heard this gatha, and they all secretly admired it.

Shi Mo smiled and said: "The artistic conception here is good, but you are separated from yourself. In my opinion, the 'perseverance' is there, but the 'no self' is not."

He Yizhen's gaze moved, and he said, "Can Junior Brother Mo correct one or two things?"

The several people behind him also looked extremely expectant.

Mo Shi thought for a while, and said calmly: "Humans and cows are gone, and the moonlight covers everything; if you ask what it means, there are wild flowers and grasses."

He Yizhen recited it twice carefully, his eyes lit up, and he said: "Great kindness."

"Listen to the king's words, it's like seeing the sun through the clouds."

Looking at Shi Mo, his expression changed again.

Shi Mo smiled and said, "I dare not be that."

He Yizhen thought about it for a while, and said: "Brother Yu has something to say, please think it over, Junior Brother Mo."

Shi Mo's heart moved, and he said, "Brother, please speak frankly."

He Yizhen said: "I waited for the 'first stage' disciples to experience it personally, and of course we all know the roots of Taoism and wisdom of Junior Brother Mo. He is worthy of the sect's grand introduction and treats him with generous gifts. However, the rest of the disciples, teachers, and juniors may not all know it. .If everyone in the whole family can return to their hearts, the best method is the "serious scriptures". It is not necessary to pay attention to the speed of the eight scriptures; as long as the imprint is left in one scripture, no one will be able to question it."

Shi Mo smiled and said, "I see. Thank you for your kind words and advice."

He Yizhen bowed solemnly again before leaving.

What He Yizhen said is not only the "ethos" of the major Xuanzongs, but also the best standard for evaluating the talents of the disciples of the various sects.

In the past few days, Shi Mo has also learned something. Over the past [-] years, dozens of Xuanzongs from far and near, anyone who was able to change the three classics of "Zhengjing", "Dazang", and "Guide" in the Golden Core Realm has at least cultivated to the end. One-third of the Lihe Realm is included in the Eight Great Dao Sects, breaking the realm of Tianxuan Shangzhen.

Qihua Xuanzong was counting on him to take this step, and there were quite a few.

In fact, Shi Mo is already doing this.

If he is willing, within a few days, he can completely subvert several classics in his family.But Shi Mo's purpose is not to enlighten Xuanzong to bring forth the new, but to establish his own Taoism.Therefore, he will only take out the classics deduced with the Kongyun Nianjian only at critical moments.

Not long after, another tall Gold Core cultivator in a black toga came up to him, and said indifferently, "Junior Brother Mo, Brother Yu has another question to ask."

This person's eyes seem to be open or closed, his nose is aquiline, and his voice is hoarse. At first glance, he is not a good person to get along with.

The name of this person is Bai Qinghan, and he was ranked third among the first stage disciples; but he was ranked first in terms of accumulation of merit and deeds. Thirty years ago, he had the conditions to break through the Nascent Soul.

Shi Mo said: "I don't dare to ask for advice. Brother Bai, please tell me."

Bai Qinghan said slowly: "During the time when I was preparing for the breakthrough, I only felt the change of mind, spirit, and body, and it was chaotic and unclear. In terms of its artistic conception - it has no heart for the environment, and it returns to the root at once; the ancestors are chasing the gods, and they are confused. And The spirit is one, the body does not change and perish; the form and the Tao are connected, there is no death and no birth. I wonder if Junior Brother Mo has something to say?"

Shi Mo's eyes moved.

After this month's study, he already has a rough idea of ​​the Taoist classics at the level of Xuanzong.Bai Qinghan's question seems simple, but it is a big part of "Shen Dao Bian", with no less than [-] specific branches, it is really difficult and unusual.

This question does not seem to be a sincere question, but rather a fault finding.If Shi Mo can't give a concise answer, in the eyes of those who don't understand it, it seems that his reputation will be damaged.

After pondering for a while, Shi Shi simply said: "The change of the Tao body and mind is changeable and invisible. It all lies in the true vacuum, true density and true silence; entering and exiting existence and non-existence, the root of all transformations. Falling into words, it is nothing more than praise; the ultimate mystery, Hard to find right now."

"The next time Brother Bai is practicing, let me watch quietly and give pointers at any time. Only then will it be a good practice."

Bai Qinghan focused his eyes, waited for a long time, and said: "That's fine."

After Bai Qinghan, there were three or four people who asked questions one by one.After about half an hour, this "Moon Stepping Peak Gathering" is over.

This was originally the first exchange gathering of the twelve disciples in their free time, but since the last time, it has become Shi Mo's "pointing meeting".

All the disciples dispersed, only Mo Mo was left alone——

In fact, there is another person, a boy of about eight or nine years old who has no self-cultivation.

The boy has red lips and white teeth, and four braids tied in a knot at the top of his head, which looks quite funny.

The boy's name is Mu Xin, he obviously has no cultivation, and he has not yet reached the age of Taoism.Shi Shi originally thought that he was a blood descendant of a certain elder, but later he found out that it was not.

It turned out that Mu Xin was found from outside the mountains three years ago for the head of Qihua Xuanzong.

This son is extremely intelligent, and he talks about the Tao and the Dharma almost as if he was born with Su Hui, no less than the Jindan Yuanying monk; it is a pity that he has a rare "clear, muddy, branched and separated image" physique. The longevity of a monk, but it cannot be practiced in Taoism.

Mo Shanghui, the head of Qihua Xuanzong, left it here, which was also an "inspiration" as the first disciple of Zhu Jindan.Such an arrangement can be regarded as making the best use of their talents.

The boy blinked and said, "Moshi. There is a secret, do you want to know?"

This little Tong Mu Xin has a self-sufficient temperament, fearless of nothing.He and Mo Shi only met three or four times, but it was as if they had known each other for many years.

Shi Mo looked at Mu Xin carefully, and said, "Tell me about it."

Mu Xin smiled triumphantly, and said: "The day you entered the mountain gate, the two Jindan disciples who were wounded, one of them was named Bai Qingshuang, who was Bai Qinghan's younger brother. That's why he took the problem just now to make it difficult. .”

Mu Xin blinked and said, "But your answer is not bad."

This sentence is a bit old-fashioned.

Shi Shi nodded slightly in his heart, secretly thinking that this is the case.At the same time, he secretly wondered that such a gossip could be known by this helpless little boy.I don't know where he came from.

The brilliance in Mu Xin's eyes flashed, and he said mysteriously: "There is another secret... Do you want to hear it?"

Shi Mo was really interested in this little boy, and said, "Tell me about it."

Mu Xin straightened his small chest, and said: "Actually, the so-called 'clear and branched body' cannot be cultivated. This is not accurate. Strictly speaking, if there is no cultivation method to reach the extremely high level, those with this physique will not be able to cultivate." Can't practice."

After speaking, his eyes rolled, and he looked at Shi Mo carefully, with a hint of anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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