Chapter 1271
Huang Xiyin galloped through the sky on a blue bird mount, and the stars could be faintly seen in his eyes.His whole body, like a mass of "yin fire", looming.Such a weather is very different from ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, and it is obvious that the progress of meritorious deeds is rapid.

She has already crossed seventeen realms in a row and subdued seventeen realm emperors.

The income of each subjugated realm is not a fixed one-thousandth, but gradually accelerated.According to Huang Xiyin's deduction in her mind, if the thirty-seven realms changed their colors together, then half of her short-cut path would be completed.

The remaining half lies in the maintenance and operation of achievements.

While she was planning and planning, suddenly there was something in her sleeve, and there was a soft humming sound.

With a thought, Huang Xiyin's mind flashed.

It turned out that it was Mi Daozun of Yinzong who sent the message.

Daoist venerables and the demon kings who carry the means of possessing the body, although several routes are launched simultaneously, after all, there are far and near.Although the five major land veins of Yinzong cover a wide area, they cannot completely cover the thirty-seven worlds. There are always remote small worlds that need to escape for a while.

After Mi Daozun broke through the three realms in a row, when he came to the realm named Xingchuan Xuanjie, he finally encountered an accident-the Emperor Hengxu, the emperor of the sky in this realm, got the news in advance from nowhere, and had already escaped. up.

Moreover, his method of escaping and hiding is very good. Mi Daozun swept far and near with divine intent, but he really didn't find any trace of him.

That being the case, Mi Daozun also changed his strategy——

He did not use the method of violently breaking the formation prepared in advance, but secretly used his power to quietly dissolve the internal and external connections of the Xingchuan Xuanjie enchantment circle.

In order to prevent the cause and effect from falling, the Emperor Hengxu naturally escaped alone, and it was impossible to leave any clues to anyone.Therefore, everyone in Xingchuan Xuanjie is kept in the dark at this time.

Mi Daozun thought that it might be in Huang Xiyin's best interest not to break the calm.

Huang Xiyin pondered slightly.

The realm she was going to at this time was Xingchuan Mysterious Realm.

Because the secret method of communication that Huang Xiyin was hiding in his sleeve at this time seemed to be activated at any time, but in fact it was delayed for a long time.If Mi Daozun had sent the message two days earlier, Huang Xiyin would have resolved the other thirty or so realms first, and then came to the Xingchuan Mysterious Realm last.

But now that he was in front of the door, it was of course inconvenient to retreat, so he had to solve it.

Huang Xiyin had a thought, and he had already made up his mind.After identifying the location, he fled to the boundary palace where Xingchuan Xuanjie belonged.

Three hours later, I could see the reality in the distance.

This square palace is divided into five in the front, back, left, and middle, each connected by twelve stone bridges, with a height of one hundred and twenty feet and a width of one thousand feet.Resplendent and resplendent in five colors.

In fact, it is rare for monks' residences to be so lavish and beautiful.

There are also cranes and blue birds, which fly around the five main halls with special rhythms, flapping their wings lightly and gently, but neutralize and dilute the worldly atmosphere of gold and purple, and confuse them with the style of three-point cultivators.

Huang Xiyin put away his mount and strode into it.

There was a flash of light in front of him, and he came close in an instant.Seeing it as a blur, it was just a ball of orange-yellow brilliance; but Huang Xiyin could distinguish it clearly. In the twilight, she was wearing a yellow-green robe, wearing a crown of grass leaves on her head, middle-aged, and with four faces; she was clearly a god. A cultivating Shinto monk is similar to the Buxu Realm among the three realms of Humanity, Heaven and Man.

The man seemed to have noticed Huang Xiyin's presence, and was about to stop to ask questions.

But he only met Huang Xiyin's gaze, and his figure immediately froze slightly, and then returned to normal.

Cupping his hands vigorously, he said happily: "I've been waiting for a long time for the god of suffering. Now that the Demon Venerable comes, it's time to clarify the Yuyu and clear the source. Someone is willing to be a pioneer and serve under the Demon Venerable's command."

Looking at the weather, the mind is clear and the spirit is high.

It is also the method of controlling the mind of the devil, this is why Huang Xiyin's heart sword of the devil is more brilliant than the "magic dye" and other methods.

With today's Huang Xiyin's cultivation level, below the near-dao realm, there are only those who have the most profound achievements in the separation and reunion realm or the Shinto kingdom. Her meritorious deeds are higher than hers, but Huang Xiyin's Yuanying cultivation is more than enough to handle her.

Huang Xiyin said calmly, "Report your name."

The middle-aged Shinto monk replied respectfully: "Lelang County, Marquis of Wei Yang, pay homage to Demon Lord."

Huang Xiyin pondered slightly, and asked, "Where is Emperor Hengxu, do you know?"

Wei Yang Shenhou immediately said: "This subordinate just returned from the Lord of Dongyi yesterday, but I heard some news. According to the Lord of Dongyi, Emperor Hengxu issued an edict a few days ago, saying that he would travel far away. One trip, not returning for a long time. And..."

Huang Xiyin frowned and said, "And what?"

Wei Yang Shenhou hesitated and said: "According to the Lord of Dongyi, Emperor Hengxu acted erratically and secretly this time. It is said that the way of seeking fate is closely related to his path. The master handed over all the secret methods of communication held by the general."

Huang Xiyin was secretly amazed.

This is exactly the method she intends to use to find out Emperor Hengxu.If Emperor Hengxu is just a means of destroying himself, it will be of no use; because cause and effect are connected in the dark, and there is a very clever way to push one or the other.

Unexpectedly, this person has some knowledge.

After thinking for a while, Huang Xiyin said: "You go back to your own mansion and listen to my message."

Wei Yang Shenhou accepted the order, said yes, turned around and retreated.

Huang Xiyin's eyes moved, and she jumped into the hall.

Just like the scene just now, it is very easy for Huang Xiyin to manipulate a Shinto monk; but there are two hundred god kingdoms in one world, and the number of gods under his command is even more numerous.If you do it one by one, it would be too cumbersome.

It turns out that every Emperor Jiekong of Jietian is an excellent agent, and he can have the effect of outline and control.Now that these characters are lost and there is no one to replace them, Huang Xiyin has no choice but to find a workaround.

This Emperor Hengxu destroyed the communication method of himself and his subordinate kings and gods, which not only eliminated the reason for Huang Xiyin's deduction, but also imperceptibly blocked one of Huang Xiyin's methods-that is, with the seal of Emperor Hengxu Waiting for things, summon all the gods, gods and other people from the heaven of this world, and concentrate on casting spells.

The current plan is to hope that there is still a public method of communication in the palace.

Huang Xiyin stepped into the hall, and everyone he saw, no matter if they were high-level gods or gods, or low-level like golden cores or spirit-shaped realms, all used magic sword methods to collect information.

But Huang Xiyin was very disappointed with what she got in the end.

It turns out that there is indeed a method of communication in this hall that belongs to Jietian and not Emperor Hengxu's personal; but this thing has been taken away by Emperor Hengxu before his departure, and its whereabouts are unknown.

It seems that although this person escaped, he can be regarded as "doing his best" for the Holy Cult.

Huang Xiyin thought for a while, then searched the five temples one by one from east to west.

The East Hall is the private hiding place of Emperor Hengxu. It is a huge palace. In fact, it is operated as an inner warehouse with [-] floors. Except for the guards on the inner and outer floors, there are very few people.

The west hall is the guard of the attendants, and it is also the law enforcement summoning place of the heaven of this world.There are no fewer than a thousand elite Shinto practitioners, who are above the realm of transforming gods.

The middle hall is the main hall where Emperor Hengxu lived; the south hall is used for pilgrimage and preaching, meeting with the gods under his command, etc., except for the season, the population is less than that of the east hall.

On the contrary, the North Hall is fairly densely populated, and the cultivation of the characters in it is not considered high.

From two to three hundred years ago to the present, Shinto has undergone many changes.

Nowadays, the scale of those who switch to Shinto after Yuanying in order to live a long life has been greatly reduced.In fact, with the scale of Xingchuan Xuanjie, five hundred years ago, there were four hundred in the Kingdom of God; in recent hundreds of years, it has been deleted and merged, and it has been simplified to two hundred.

But instead, since Emperor Ming Jun attained the Dao state of God Venerable, the number of people who were not bad in aptitude but had directly cultivated the Dao since childhood increased sharply.

This north hall is called "Heart Bud Hall", and it is the outstanding ones among these people who gradually make offerings in the world and gather here.

Huang Xiyin had a plan in mind.

If those gods and lords can't deal with them all at once, if the juniors in the Xinbud Palace in front of them get something, they won't make this trip in vain.

Huang Xiyin escaped into the palace, only to realize that the scene here is very different.

This "heart bud hall" is called a hall, but it is actually a huge small world.The hidden mountains and rivers in the interior actually imitated the pattern of the Immortal Dao Sect.The scenery fell into the eyes, washing away the mundane taste of the outside.

But if you look carefully, the characters in it disappointed Huang Xiyin.

The so-called direct disciples who "directly cultivated the divine way", when it comes to the quality of their characters, are only slightly better than Xuanzong's first-level disciples, and are not as good as today's direct descendants of Yinzong.I'm afraid it's not as good as the direct succession of the Eight Great Dao Sects of Shengjiao itself.

Among the eight peaks, the "Haoxu Peak" with the best quality of disciples stretches for dozens of caves, and the best one is only ranked seven steps away from the "Seven Steps and Eight Grades".

With such a level, Huang Xiyin's interest in even using the Heart Sword was greatly lacking.

Huang Xiyin circled Haoxu Peak and was about to leave.

With a flash of his figure, he was only ten steps away from the gate of "Heart Bud Hall".

But at this moment, Huang Xiyin suddenly stopped.

Meditate and observe, I always feel a faint disharmony in my heart.

Standing still, deliberating over and over for a long time, finally came up with a clear idea.

Huang Xiyin suddenly turned back and came to a cave at the end of Haoxu Peak.

It was just a sway of her figure, which did not disturb the restriction of the cave, and Huang Xiyin was already inside the cave.

When she was outside, she had a very clear sense of sword intent - the "Hao Xu Peak", which accommodates the topmost layer of Jindan realm divine Taoist disciples, has a total of thirty-six caves.At this time, there were thirty-three people not far away inside and outside the mansion; there were still three mansions vacant.

The mansion in front of him is one of the three vacant mansions.

Looking around here, Huang Xiyin felt that there was no difference.Except for a clear pond, two pots of green grass, a copper stove, and a round couch, there seems to be nothing else.

Huang Xiyin's eyes moved, and he stared at the pot of green grass on the left for a long time, then smiled and said, "It's a good method. Still not visible?"

The green grass shook slightly, and immediately turned into a human form.

This is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman, her skin is slightly yellowish and a little thin.Its realm of cultivation is undoubtedly the realm of Jindan.

(End of this chapter)

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