Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1272 1 Encountering Dao Breaks the Weapon of Chengde

Chapter 1272
A rare flash of shock flashed across Huang Xiyin's face.

At the Jindan realm, one can almost hide from one's own spiritual sense.Although she was full of spirit and was observing the entire small realm of the Heart Bud Hall, rather than sticking to one place, such a scene was quite astonishing.

not only that.

After Huang Xiyin stepped into this realm, within a breath, divine intent spread throughout the entire realm.

If the Jindan girl in front of her changed her appearance after her divine will spread across the world, Huang Xiyin would definitely catch such a dynamic process.

In other words, this person discovered Huang Xiyin before Huang Xiyin discovered this cave.

Unless it's a coincidence—she didn't know about Huang Xiyin's arrival, it was just a coincidence that she turned into a green grass in the right season.But Huang Xiyin looked at his expression, but he didn't expect it to be so.The person in front of him clearly used the method of changing shape in order to avoid his own detection!

Huang Xiyin and this emaciated Jindan woman met each other's eyes.

I saw Huang Xiyin's eyes showing an erratic meaning of inconsistency, as if there were endless stars circulating far and near.

Then a deep and distant voice came out of her mouth: "Who are you?"

The girl was confused for a while, and suddenly saw a dazzling white streak emerging from her fontanel, and then spread from top to bottom all over her body.The girl's eyes also brightened, and she said in a very confident tone: "I am Huang Xiyin."

The brilliance in Huang Xiyin's eyes closed, and she was stunned alone.

Bounced her magic heart sword...

Such a skill is truly astonishing.

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Xiyin observed the girl's aura in front of her with a profound and precise method of magic; she was undoubtedly a Golden Core cultivator.

Looking at the depth of his Dao foundation, it is considered good from a secular point of view, but it is not worth mentioning when evaluated by the standards of the world's first-class descendants - there is still a gap between seven steps and eight ranks .

At this moment, the girl frowned slightly, and a trace of blood was already overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

It must be known that Huang Xiyin's Devil Dao Heart Sword is only for the purpose of finding out information, and has no intention of hurting anyone.And the fact that the girl was injured was obviously an extra price paid for "rebounding" Huang Xiyin's magic sword.

Huang Xiyin pondered for a moment.

Immediately her countenance began to change.Old, young, men and women are fat and thin, and they alternate at a very fast speed.

Every face is a sword; but every sword is tasted lightly, and it goes away as soon as it is touched.At the same time, with the shallowness of the sword, even if it had the power to counterattack, it would not hurt the girl.

After receiving the opportunity brought by the Great Demon Venerable Miaoguanzhi from the mainland, Huang Xiyin's foundation in the way of magic is not only "smart", but also "solid".No matter what kind of Taoism, she can quickly disassemble the method to deal with it.

Moreover, with the depth of Huang Xiyin's Taoism, he naturally firmly believed that the realm of true flow above his consummation was already the peak of the ancient and modern eras, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be so much higher than himself that he could not understand it; and Or the magical channel technique that is far beyond one's own level can completely restrain one's own magical powers.

Even if it is blameless, it is just one step ahead of her.

"There is a sky beyond the sky" is not applicable to Huang Xiyin.

What you see in front of you is definitely just a certain "partial corner" characteristic; even if there are bright spots, the flaws or deficiencies are bound to be greater.

After more than a hundred breaths, Huang Xiyin has changed tens of thousands of faces, and the expression is certain.

She smiled slightly, her eyes were clear, and she asked again: "Who are you?"

Anyone who has a good understanding of Huang Xiyin's Taoism and has a very high level of real body skills will be confused when seeing this scene.

Huang Xiyin's question had an ethereal voice with endless changes, and it was still a method of magic.

But the methods used at this time are mixed and varied, including her own magic sword; there is also the "magic dye" method of imputation;Such different levels of Taoism supernatural powers have become a hodgepodge, mixing up the same method.

In terms of high level, it is far inferior to the purest magic heart sword that Huang Xiyin used for the first time.

But the young girl's eyes immediately appeared blank, as if she had no resistance to this method, she immediately replied: "My name is Mu Xiang."

Huang Xiyin thought for a while, and said, "What is the name of the method you are responsible for?"

Mu Xiang replied: "I don't know either. When I entered the gate of the divine way, I had a faint thought in my heart. It seems that if the level of practice is high enough, it is best to be the first principle of 'one word and one word'. The state will be fast; if the skills are mixed and impure, it will be slow to practice and enter the state."

"When I first entered Haoxu Peak, I was ranked seventh among all the disciples in the assessment of my original aptitude; after more than ten years of practice, my ranking dropped to seventeenth due to the slow progress of my skills; after dozens of years, The ranking has dropped to thirty-three. If not for today's change, it will not take a few years before it will fall out of the first rank."

Huang Xiyin said: "In your opinion, this is because the level of the art you practice is not high?"

Mu Xiang's eyes lit up, he nodded vigorously and said, "Exactly."

Huang Xiyin thought for a while and asked, "Then you never mentioned it to the teacher?"

When Mu Xiang heard the words, his expression showed a bit of grievance, and he said: "One day Emperor Hengxu inspected the Xinbud Hall, and I dared to mention it. If Yan Dao has obtained a higher level of cultivation technique, it must be the first one among the disciples of Haoxu Peak. [-]. However, Emperor Hengxu reprimanded him, saying that what the disciples of Haoxu Peak have learned is already the supreme method in the divine way; on the other hand, he said that I am too ambitious and cannot restrain myself."

Huang Xiyin said slowly: "Take out the exercises you have cultivated, and let me observe them."

Mu Xiang immediately took out a jade slip from his sleeve.

A glance at Huang Xiyin's spirit.

What Emperor Hengxu said is not bad; the method recorded in the jade slips is indeed very brilliant.If you really want to say that there is nothing wrong with it, it is that the secret method of the divine way originally originated from the way of the devil, and then it was tempered through the blending and training of the Taoist priests.

Huang Xiyin said again: "What method did you use to bounce back my Demon Heart Sword? It also has something to do with your aptitude?"

Hearing this question, Mu Xiang frowned, as if she was very uncomfortable, as if she had touched the deepest part of her heart - this is also the Taoism Huang Xiyin used at this time, mixed with the less brilliant method in the magic way. The side effect of this——After struggling for a long time, he said: "It's not just about cultivating Taoism, but also about fighting."

"Trying out fighting skills, the more clever the opponent's method is, it seems that my mind is clearer, and I can judge whether it is false or not in an instant; but if the opponent's method is mixed and chaotic, I feel that my mind is chaotic and I don't know what to do. It’s good, but it seems more clumsy than ordinary people.”

Huang Xiyin made indirect remarks again, asking to clarify the facts.

This miraculous feature of Mu Xiang is of course very effective in the specific supernatural fighting methods, but it is as good as the natural deduction of reality and reason in the spiritual consciousness when facing the Gaoming method.But because of her inexperienced skills, there are more or less incomprehensible things.

However, when encountering a purely spiritual attack method that does not harm the body, this peculiar talent can be used to the extreme, and it can be deduced almost simultaneously to counterattack the opponent's magic power.

Or as a spectator, quietly watching other people cast the most brilliant Taoism, which is also the occasion where this characteristic is most useful.Dismantling it in my heart can be described as clear and clear.

Such a special physique has never been seen in the previous records of Ziwei Great World.

Huang Xiyin thought about it, and said, "What is the reason for the illusion of turning into vegetation?"

Mu Xiang said in a low voice: "I don't know. It's also a natural thing."

Eight words suddenly appeared in Huang Xiyin's mind:

It came out at the right time, a weapon of Chengde.

Huang Xiyin's gaze suddenly became solid.

The girl's body trembled slightly, her eyes suddenly became clear, and she was already awake.

But seeing her touch his forehead vigilantly, glance at Huang Xiyin, and then pinch his cheek again, it made people smile.

She acted like this, clearly suspecting that she was still in Huang Xiyin's illusion, unable to control her thoughts.

Huang Xiyin smiled slightly and said: "Although the magic sword is powerful, it only cuts off people who have no fate. If you encounter a precious tree, how can you be more muddled than her and become a marionette? Don't worry, even if I have some thoughts about me, I will never force others to make things difficult for me." , not to mention deception."

Huang Xiyin raised her palm, and a scroll appeared, and said, "You might as well take a look."

The girl hesitated for a long time, knowing that she could not refuse, she finally took the scroll.

But when she opened the scroll, and the moment her eyes fell on it, she couldn't move it anymore; a strange brilliance glowed in her eyes.

This is exactly what she has been thinking in her heart.

And the essence of it seems to be vaguely connected with the Shinto method she practiced in the past; there is no problem in switching to the past.

About a quarter of an hour later, a layer of faint mist appeared on her body, which seemed to be real and unreal, turning and moving.

After more than a hundred breaths, Mu Xiang woke up suddenly.

Looking at Huang Xiyin's eyes, the guard was gone, and it seemed that there was a lot of admiration and kindness.

Huang Xiyin's eyes moved.

What she passed on to Mu Xiang was the first volume of "The Mysterious Method of the Golden Flower and Jade Dixuan Pearl".

When she practiced this method by herself, her speed was only similar to that of Mu Xiang.

What's even more strange is that the moment Mu Xiang obtained the Fa, Huang Xiyin suddenly felt relieved.It seems that the horse has run away from the rein, and the position of his body has also undergone a fundamental change.

Originally, she was the "True Inheritance of Dingshi" who was separated from the four major demon sects. Although she was instructed by the demon venerable to "be careful and follow", it seemed to be somewhat reversed; but at this moment, Huang Xiyin felt that she had made a decision When a "fundamental thing" is found, it is like a big ship sailing through the stormy waves, suddenly dropping a very deep anchor.

The previous magic inheritance in Ziwei Great World seems to be insignificant.

The step taken from oneself is the real foundation.

At the same time, Huang Xiyin's short-cut skills seem to have taken a big step forward.

Originally, Huang Xiyin felt in his heart that after he subdued the thirty-seven heavens, he would be able to complete about half of the short-cut path; but now it has increased by [-]% for no reason, reaching about [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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